[Quotes] More intruders have entered the complex, Master.

"They act sooner than we had anticipated! No matter, they will only prove a slight delay."
I felt there had to be a thread with this! Its very likely my favorite quote (title).
Please, do share your favorite dialogues and why you like them so much!
I felt there had to be a thread with this! Its very likely my favorite quote (title).
Please, do share your favorite dialogues and why you like them so much!
Post edited by Razor on
While on the topic of voiced lines, I have to say the french localization team did a great job overall, except with BG1 Imoen but I guess that one is true for all languages.
So we would load up the game, start a new game, and a golem would moonwalk at 40mph into the prison cells, say his line, and then moonwalk out of the room.
Back to game quotes: "Come on let's kill something NOW!" "You really need to clean me. I like to shine!"
Please tell me you recorded a video of that scene. If not, you should replicate the bug and make a video before you fix it again. Post it on YouTube or, even better, put it on a bonus contents DVD in the Limited Edition Boxed Set. Seriously, this stuff is PRICELESS
I smell a gameplay demo.
Ooh! Can we make this an Advanced Option?
Before this, I pretty much hated Irenicus for stealing my soul and messing with Imoen. After this, it felt more like a pity kill than a revenge kill. I mean, the elves pretty much farked him over. It also explained the pretty room in his dungeon, the clone, his personality, everything.
And yes, I know he was a megolomaniac with a god complex who almost destroyed the city but still, this speech is just so sad. And brilliantly delivered.
[when taking the leading position] Yer all buffleheaded.
Evil, meet my sword. Sword, meet EVIIIIIIIIIIL
followed by: "don't...forget...to raise...me..."
Angkhegs, it's feeding time!
Mystery Quote #1: "Your thieving skills are NO match for MY MAGIC!!"
Mystery quote #2: "Drop yer weapons and mayhap ye outlive the day, I noe be saying it twice!"