@smeagolheart: Yes sometimes its nice like Diablo random drops but here it's actually interesting that the character drops the same things. @sarevok57: You can't delete but you can edit pressing the "gear" near quote.
@Winthal hahaha, i would have never guessed Dabron, give me another one and lets see if i can remember the name this time since i know every npc in the game no doubt
@Razor yeah i tried that and just deleting everything and putting save but it said: neigh jam cant do that fox must put something in the body or some rot
@Winthal, i know that guy, cant remember his name to save my life, even though i saw him 3 days ago? ( buddy from ulgoth's beard that gives you the tour for durlags tower) @Zymran86, i know that line im thinking its the sirine silke? im hearing a female say it in my mind, unless i can think of someone else im going with silke for now
ah sil, i thought her name was silke for some reason, i knew there was an "s" in her name somewhere, she has 2 other sirines with her that are at the entrance of the flesh golem cave ( 3 flesh golems, and I-tams, lets see, tome of constitution, wand of paralyzation, 10 darts of stunning, potion of absorbtion, cloak of the wolf, x amount of GP potion of infrasion as well i believe?)
@sarevok57 no, no I meant *I* was too slow in answering Zymran's quote and as for the one I posted, I'm pretty sure the guy doesn't actually have a real name, it should be something generic like "tourist guide"
ah yes, Ike, now i can see it, man i wish i could remember these npcs names, i know maybe 20 of them out of what? 1700 or so, ah good stuff, but i sure know what item they be carrying actually lets go with 50 or so instead
ah, so that is why i thought the copper coronet, because that is where you get liarcor, @Winthal you beat me on that one but i proballly played through bg 1 at least 300-500 times i would say, proverbially i use to make mad sweet love to that game everyday ever since 1999, SoA on the other hand probally only played through it a couple hundred times, and throne of bhaal, 90% of the time i would just get to the last fight get bored and start over,( I think i only beat throne of bhaal like 10 times or so)
@sarevok57: You can't delete but you can edit pressing the "gear" near quote.
"So I kicked him the the head till he was dead har har"
tip: "You deal, I'll cut!"