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[Quotes] More intruders have entered the complex, Master.



  • SaberstormSaberstorm Member Posts: 60
    the most epic of all imo is this line:
    "Heh, I do not fear death... do you?"
    do you know who said it?
  • WinthalWinthal Member Posts: 366
    @Saberstorm Our dear friend Koveras
  • sarevok57sarevok57 Member Posts: 6,018
    hahahhahahahhaha, it was me who said it *evil grin*
  • SaberstormSaberstorm Member Posts: 60
    i found out there's a baldurs gate quote wiki (surprised look)
    hey no emoticons?
  • maverickmaverick Member Posts: 27
    I would say

    "Nestled atop the cliffs that rise from the Sword Coast, the citadel of Candlekeep houses the finest and most comprehensive collection of writings on the face of Faerun. It is an imposing fortress, kept in strict isolation from the intrigues that occasionally plague the rest of the Forgotten Realms. It is secluded, highly regimented, and it is home.

    Within these hallowed halls of knowledge your story begins. You have spent most of your 20 years of life within this keep’s austere walls, under the tutelage of the sage Gorion. Acting as your father, he has raised you on a thousand tales of heroes and monsters, lovers and infidels, battles and tragedies. However, one story was always left untold: your own. You have been told that you are an orphan, but your past is largely unknown.

    Lately, Gorion has been growing distant from you, as if some grave matter weighs heavily on his heart. You have asked about his concerns as gently as possible, but your queries have been in vain. Your sole comfort is the knowledge that he is a wise man, and you know he will tell you when the time is right. Nonetheless, his silence is troubling and you cannot help but feel that something is terribly wrong…

    Today, Gorion has appeared more agitated than ever, and now he has uncharacteristically interrupted your chores in the middle of the day. Imparting hurried instructions for you to equip yourself for travel, he has handed you what gold he can spare, but given no clue as to why. Nevertheless, you now stand before the Candlekeep Inn, ready to purchase what you need for an unexplained and unexpected journey."

    This text really made me feel that I was the character and had to figure out what was going on on this unexpected journey ^^
  • RazorRazor Member Posts: 436
    edited June 2012
    @Saberstorm ah! that's cheating! only quotes you remember yourself... copy paste a wiki would make the thread pointless
    @maverick totally agree, the story makes the difference between a great game and a legendary game.
  • lansounetlansounet Member Posts: 1,182
    Me will crush. Crush you to goo!

    Forward, march!
  • ShrimpShrimp Member Posts: 142
    I AM the Law !
  • SaberstormSaberstorm Member Posts: 60
    i remeber a end credits song wich had a lot of those cool qoutes in it. been a long time since i heard that
  • CadrosCadros Member Posts: 253
    "Hand over all your money... or else" Not from any specific encounter, but for all the muggers and bandits with their tin pot helmets and rusty short swords who have the bravery/stupidity to take on a group of adventurers practically glowing with magic equipment, and dragon plate.
  • DrugarDrugar Member Posts: 1,566
    Me will crush. Crush you to goo!

    Forward, march!
    You mess with me, you mess!

  • CadrosCadros Member Posts: 253
    @Drugar all they wanted to do was mess around a little, no one understands the love of an Orgrillon :(
  • lansounetlansounet Member Posts: 1,182
    Me will crush. Crush you to goo!

    Forward, march!
    You mess with me, you mess!

    Haha yeh love that one

  • RazorRazor Member Posts: 436
    edited June 2012
    I always thought the same about the bandits, that made me laugh. Oh silly muggers* are you really messing with THIS party?...
    *"who have the bravery/stupidity to take on a group of adventurers practically glowing with magic equipment, and dragon plate."
    Post edited by Razor on
  • AliyaAliya Member Posts: 9
    I remember some, lol:
    That mad assassin-woman in the Undercellar... " You're all going to die. I'm going to slit your throats, open up your guts and spoon out your brains.", " Blood makes me giddy. I love to see it in great big spurts.", and " You bastards, you hurt me; they hurt me honey. DIIIEEE, die, die, AAARGGHH."

    These lines made me creep out. True story.
  • sarevok57sarevok57 Member Posts: 6,018
    "All the guys pick on me, 'cause I'm only 6'8"
  • WinthalWinthal Member Posts: 366
    "Seems to me like these men want a little trouble... I'LL GIVE EM' TROUBLE!!"
  • lansounetlansounet Member Posts: 1,182
    Loved that video @Shrimp posted (BOOM Tiax rules) so I watched all the similar ones from the same author, good fun!
  • WinthalWinthal Member Posts: 366
    @lansounet Did you watch Soldier Trance? (my favorite)
  • lansounetlansounet Member Posts: 1,182
    I serve the Flaming Fist! Yup, all of them, but Minsc stays my all time favourite :p
  • WinthalWinthal Member Posts: 366
    "are you lookin' at me..? ARE YOU LOOKIN' AT ME!?"
  • LeviathanLeviathan Member Posts: 30
    One that seemed to come up almost never among myself and my friends, but was hilarious when I found it. "None shall see me.. though my battle cry may give me away"
  • RazorRazor Member Posts: 436
    @Leviathan nice one! and welcome to the forum :)
  • LeviathanLeviathan Member Posts: 30
    @Razor Thanks :). I really should post more with my lurking...
  • WinthalWinthal Member Posts: 366
    @Leviathan Minsc succeeding in hiding in shadows, right? So awesome... can't imagine a sneaky Minsc :D
  • SaberstormSaberstorm Member Posts: 60
  • LeviathanLeviathan Member Posts: 30
    @Leviathan Minsc succeeding in hiding in shadows, right? So awesome... can't imagine a sneaky Minsc :D
    Yep, that's the one :)
    The stealth button that's almost always greyed out since who puts Minsc in light armour?..
  • RazorRazor Member Posts: 436
    you little monkey spanker!
  • Space_hamsterSpace_hamster Member Posts: 950
    Sweet, this thread has a soundtrack! ;)
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