I say the miners' lines and the Candlekeep guards' lines to myself often during long, long days at work. It actually makes me feel better so I can keep working more hours:
"Oooooh, I'm soooooo tired!" " I ... think ... I'm ... coughing up blood!" "Get me out of this hellhole!" "Yawwwwwn." "Eh, I should have joined the army."
So I was working, making some graphs of some data and around 3PM I was supposed to meet some med students to teach them our data systems. So around 2:45pm my boss walks in and says the students are ready for me. Naturally, I stood up and stated "They act sooner than I had anticipated. No matter, they will only prove a slight delay!" and strode out of my office.
Only in the hallway did my brain go "Dude, wtf was that?"
So, thank you Baldur's Gate and community. My boss thinks I'm a nutjob.
@Drugar that really happened? :P did you continue in front of the med students with "the pain will only be passing, you *should* survive the process...." ?
@Winthal Aye, this afternoon, was reading this forum and had my mind on D&D and Baldur's Gate in general, it just came to me. Didn't carry on to threaten the med students with torture and stuff though. (No divine soul to be had anyway)
Sidenote; I do actually work at work as well, before anyone gets the wrong idea. Lots of work. Looooots.
Edwin: "What? That is it? No mention of how I could squash the pathetic Elminster with a wave of my little finger? Bah! Writers! (Although striking fear with my name is good, yes, yes, very good...)"
The majesty of the forest makes me feel insignificant. The bustling of the city makes me feel insignificant. Life is so hollow. Our quest is vain. We delude ourselves to think our pitiable band will stand up to our enemies.
"Go suck your blade!" "What need ye dead?" "If'n I don't get'tae rest, our next assailants might just live..." "And the mad wizard falls! Saves me the trouble"
Emissary Tar: At last, someone who looks like they could be of some assistance! The assorted boobs and dimwits around here have been of very little help. Protagonist: I'm afraid you have mistaken us for someone else. I'm Dimwit, this is my good friend Boob, and behind me you'll find Brainless and Moron. How do you do?
"A river of tainted blood doth not cleanse" and all other lines from stone heads (even some great ones that were left out in ToB release and restored by mods)
My question;
"He-hey sexy, do ye want to take a look at me diddies?"
And the answer to your quote is one of the courtesans ofc :P
*chanting* "Get-me-out-of-this-hellhole!"
Here's another one: "*whistles*"
"Oooooh, I'm soooooo tired!"
" I ... think ... I'm ... coughing up blood!"
"Get me out of this hellhole!"
"Eh, I should have joined the army."
Naturally, I stood up and stated "They act sooner than I had anticipated. No matter, they will only prove a slight delay!" and strode out of my office.
Only in the hallway did my brain go "Dude, wtf was that?"
So, thank you Baldur's Gate and community. My boss thinks I'm a nutjob.
Aye, this afternoon, was reading this forum and had my mind on D&D and Baldur's Gate in general, it just came to me. Didn't carry on to threaten the med students with torture and stuff though. (No divine soul to be had anyway)
Sidenote; I do actually work at work as well, before anyone gets the wrong idea. Lots of work. Looooots.
The bustling of the city makes me feel insignificant.
Life is so hollow.
Our quest is vain.
We delude ourselves to think our pitiable band will stand up to our enemies.
Every line Xan says is a delight
"Go suck your blade!"
"What need ye dead?"
"If'n I don't get'tae rest, our next assailants might just live..."
"And the mad wizard falls! Saves me the trouble"
Protagonist: I'm afraid you have mistaken us for someone else. I'm Dimwit, this is my good friend Boob, and behind me you'll find Brainless and Moron. How do you do?