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[Quotes] More intruders have entered the complex, Master.



  • WinthalWinthal Member Posts: 366
    haha, looking back on all the awesome dialogues, the child of bhaal really does love to troll doesn't he/she? :P
  • kamuizinkamuizin Member Posts: 3,704
    "You dare to face me? Do you even know who i am? You will suffer!! You will all suffer!!!"

    "We are a group of rapaging tarrasques!! Krie Krie!!" (edited, sorry for the mistake here XD)

    All the edwin wisper talks are fun too.

  • sarevok57sarevok57 Member Posts: 6,018
    @kamuizin you are forgiven :)
  • WinthalWinthal Member Posts: 366

    I scrounged up some more quotes when PROTAGONIST is trolling:

    "I am Dinkamus Littlelog and I come in search of the holy groundhog."

    "Sorry, Aldeth, but we're siding with the druids. They have this great Aloe-Vera balm they are giving away samples of, and my armor has been chafing a bit, ya know?"

    "No, we're not mercenaries. We just carry weapons and kill things for the joy of the experience."

    Said to Maple Willow Aspen: "So, your parents were very fond of trees?"

    "I am Foolio Displasius, Destroyer of the Seven Suns! Raagh!"
  • ShrimpShrimp Member Posts: 142
    @Winthal You forgot that one :

    Guard: The entrance tax is 6 gold pieces for each party of travellers. Please announce your point of origin.
    Protagonist: The mystical land of frolicking naked nymphs, where your every desire is granted by bald blubbering bugbears. Hee! Hee!
  • TROUBLEMickyTROUBLEMicky Member Posts: 4
    You must gather you party before venturing forth. Me and my friend even made a song out of it. Quite catchy
  • TROUBLEMickyTROUBLEMicky Member Posts: 4
    "It is, as they say, your funeral"
  • PrimatePrimate Member Posts: 1
    "I love the smell of daisies in the morning."
  • sarevok57sarevok57 Member Posts: 6,018
    "There be safety in numbers, and I am 2 or 3 at least"
  • lansounetlansounet Member Posts: 1,182
    Fool me one, shame on you. Fool me twice, watch it, I'm HUGE!
  • ShrimpShrimp Member Posts: 142
    Is it just me, or is the world filled with wackos? Okay, Mr. Psycho gnome, I hope you don't take this the wrong way, but we're really not interested in your rock garden.
  • StradlinStradlin Member Posts: 142
    ...And there was I thinking this were some sort of " Hi! I'm new here:3" thread!

    I find it pretty creepy just how..well and vividly I can still " hear " quotes like " Jump on my sword while you can evil, I won't be as gentle!" upon reading them here. Get away from my head Minsc Aieeeeeeee!!

  • lansounetlansounet Member Posts: 1,182
    I secretly love Minsc, he needs a gay romance.
  • GeldridgeGeldridge Member Posts: 21
    I really liked a lot of the cutscene dialogues - like the chapter beginings (although the overt plotline clues were occassionally a bit obvious -- "perhaps you should try and seek help from the friends Gorion mentioned. The ones at the Friendly Arm"). My favourite was one of the dream dialogues - - "There is a cry of rage from the depths and the bone rises up and slams into your chest, filling a dagger-shaped hole you didn't know was empty"
  • sarevok57sarevok57 Member Posts: 6,018
    hahahahhahahhha, @Iansounet that was great, and he even has a hamster as well , i've heard strange things about hamsters and things when it comes to couples........... (bad times those)
  • WinthalWinthal Member Posts: 366
    edited June 2012
    I really liked a lot of the cutscene dialogues - like the chapter beginings (although the overt plotline clues were occassionally a bit obvious -- "perhaps you should try and seek help from the friends Gorion mentioned. The ones at the Friendly Arm"). My favourite was one of the dream dialogues - - "There is a cry of rage from the depths and the bone rises up and slams into your chest, filling a dagger-shaped hole you didn't know was empty"
    @Geldridge haha yeah the dreams, they really set the mood don't they? I love the mystical feel you get from them... and they are some of the more well written things in the game imo, it's also cool that they vary depending on your actions at the time (good/neutral/evil)

    @TROUBLEMicky You wouldn't happen to be speaking of THIS particular song would you? -->

    "You must... you must.. party... party... gather your party..."
  • DougPiranhaDougPiranha Member Posts: 50
  • Grimo88Grimo88 Member Posts: 191
    "This Thayvian male is as red-blooded as his cloak, Viconia, and has left many a concubine *gasping* under his erotic onslaught".
  • RazorRazor Member Posts: 436
    Must have aid soon. Boo is... too young to have to avenge me!
  • WinthalWinthal Member Posts: 366
    "No effect!? ...I need bigger sword..."
  • ShrimpShrimp Member Posts: 142
    Ah, yes. Stoke that infernal wrath of yours. I can feel the anger within you, boiling like a pit of sulphur in the crevices of your heart. You feel it, do you not? The taint that surrounds your soul like a serpent, squeezing it, spreading its venom... that taint, that wrath exists in all of the children of Bhaal, but few know how to use it.

    I can teach you how to use your wrath. You can control the taint, direct it, summon it at will. You can become the Slayer at will and become the weapon of murder that you were meant to be! So think of me. Think of how I destroyed your precious Gorion, how I plundered the lives of your Candlekeep. Summon your rage, stir the depths of your black heart! Summon wrath. Summon wrath and become it, for if you cannot, then you are not worthy of Bhaal's blood. It should have been I. It should have been I! ATTACK ME, WORM, IF YOU DARE!!!
  • gesellegeselle Member Posts: 325
    I can teach you how to use your wrath. You can control the taint, direct it, summon it at will. You can become the Slayer at will and become the weapon of murder that you were meant to be! So think of me. Think of how I destroyed your precious Gorion, how I plundered the lives of your Candlekeep. Summon your rage, stir the depths of your black heart! Summon wrath. Summon wrath and become it, for if you cannot, then you are not worthy of Bhaal's blood. It should have been I. It should have been I! Attack me, worm, if you dare!

    You remind me of myself...before I was slaughtered and cast into the Abyss
  • AzL0nAzL0n Member Posts: 126
    ''More intruders have entered the complex, Master.''

    LOL. I don't think there's any line in the world that I've ever heard more times than that one. Except maybe.... ''You're perceptive for an old man''. Speaking of which can we have skippable intros? The Bg1 one doesn't bother me since it's shorter + you can skip the dialogues but the SoA one can be a bit long when you've heard it 4 million times. It was fricking epic the first time though...
  • AvengingExileAvengingExile Member Posts: 33
    A co-worker and I use to quote BG all the time back and forth at work. "So hard to find decent folk nowadays." "My hotel's as clean as elven arse!" Our favorite however was, "It may be a touch unladylike, but I'm going to slit your throat, I am!" We got a lot of weird/concerned looks over that one.
  • Montresor_SPMontresor_SP Member Posts: 2,208
    Gotta love Jan Jansen's tale of Ano(men) the Dung Orc. :D

    Jan Jansen: Twas once a heavily brain damaged orc named Ano. Ano was trudging through the forest one day, looking for bull droppings with which he could stuff his mattress, when he happened across a remarkable scene. A brave and noble knight, Jen the Brilliant by name, fought with an evil giant. Ano watched as Jen slew the giant.
    Then the knight had ridden off to save several small children from a wicked witch, also known as a noblewoman, who was attempting to poison the poor dears. Regardless, Ano promptly cut off the head of the fallen giant and ran home to the Dung Orc village and claimed that he had killed the monster.

    Anomen: I warn you, gnome. Cease your prattling immediately!
  • CommunardCommunard Member Posts: 556
    edited June 2012
    Montaron! I...I never loved you!
  • WinthalWinthal Member Posts: 366
    "And the mad wizard falls! Saves me the trouble..."
  • ZeckulZeckul Member Posts: 1,036
    "Let us save our effort and just lie down and die!" - Xan

    "You are the most uninteresting person I've had the honor of knowing." - Eldoth, to Xan

    "No! no! there are others, I can show you! Please! ... urgarglghhhh [throat collaspes]" - unidentified dude in opening cinematic
  • smeagolheartsmeagolheart Member Posts: 7,964
    "The cabin boy, the cabin boy, that dirty little nipper"

    I have to laugh when I wonder what he did to upset the captain so much
  • sarevok57sarevok57 Member Posts: 6,018
    @Communard, hahaha thats awesome because i just heard that one yesterday while playing bg1 :)
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