Avenger Druids can't use Hide armor anymore?!

I noticed that the recent patches have made all hide armors in both BG1:EE and BG2:EE unusable by avengers. I am guessing that this was an intentional change, but I don't really like it. Avengers were about the only class that really had any use for hide armor, and now hide is mostly useless unless it is enchanted. Avengers are also much more vulnerable now that their already limited armor choices are even more limited. They are now especially vulnerable until they get their shapeshift abilities. Thoughts anyone?
I mean I love the concept of adding new features and stuff, and then those getting patched, but changing old content feels like it would if suddenly they removed "invisibility" from Staff of the Magi or something. It also makes old guides and posts about certain classes inaccurate and/or confusing to new players. (Like if you decided to google "Best armor for Avengers +"Baldur's Gate") Actually, it would be confusing to old players as well who have specific memory of what does and does not work, and then they get several hours in, and find their "build" is no longer quite as applicable as it once was.
Usually, I feel that if people wanted that changed to be more "realistic" they could mod that out. Though, as a counter, i suppose they could also mod it back in... Though mods are meant to be for when you want things changed, more than you want them to stay the same, if that makes sense.
I'd like to point out though that "heavy" doesn't have to mean "Exact weight", it could also include thickness and rigidity as well. I have a "heavy" coat that is a lot lighter than another one of my coats, but it has more insulation and get way warmer than the other. So hide might weigh more, but it would have significantly more flexibility than your standard leather, and allow for more freedom of movement, which I feel is the true reasoning behind most armor restrictions: range of motion.
As a rule of thumb: Put on the armor, stand up straight, then lean over and try to touch your toes. The closer you get, the lighter the armor is.
Edited to add: Of course, the munchkin/power-gamer in me would rather see Avengers using all 'natural' hide armors made out of dragons and ankhegs
Second edit: I think this usage of 'heavy' as a relative adjective for armor may have more common at the time 2nd edition was written and played, putting the terminology into context.
That said I'll admit that weight is not a good choice for deciding whether or not some armors should be accessible. Mostly because on top of druids there are other classes/kits that this creates problems for. For instance, Stalkers and Beastmaster's are restricted from using armor heavier than studded leather (25lb) but also can't wear Ankheg Plate Mail or any other armor that weighs equal to or less than that (like the Jester's Chain). So basically I'll say that its just one of those things where no one can win
While I can understand the nature of this fix, PLEASE do something for this class and its kits, like adding some items or, better, some of the IWD druidic spells. Thanks.