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Wizard Slayer underrated?

Wizard Slayers are commonly regarded as a bad class. This seems to arise from the misconception that they cause 10% spell failure chance per melee hit, whereas they actually cause 25% spell failure chance per hit, melee or ranged. A level 1 Wizard Slayer with two pips in darts gets 3.5 high-speed attacks per round, and then 4 APR with the third pip. This seems like it would trivialize fights against mages. Two rounds of fighting, and that poor mage you interrupted with your darts can't cast any more spells. That would make the Wizard Slayer one of the best classes, certainly far from one of the worst. Am I missing something?


  • smeagolheartsmeagolheart Member Posts: 7,964
    edited April 2016
    benefits don't outweigh the drawbacks.

    A very specialized focus and an all the time drawback. Consider the Inquisitor kit if you really want to slay wizards. Dispel Magic once per day for every four levels as a special ability at twice the inquisitor's level and True Sight once per day for every four levels as a special ability, Immune to Hold and Charm as well and a few priest spells later on and minimal drawbacks.

    Going back to wizard slayer, by the time you actually get through a wizard's defenses and are physically hitting the wizard, they are likely to die in a couple hits anyway. The cumulative spell failure has a real small window of being an effective tool.
  • vladpenvladpen Member Posts: 88

    by the time you actually get through a wizard's defenses and are physically hitting the wizard, they are likely to die in a couple hits anyway.

    What sorts of defenses? I don't think a hit on a mirror image should count as a hit for this purpose, but some people say that it does, but even if it doesn't, with 4 APR those mirror images should come down fast. Stone Skin supposedly doesn't thwart it, but I assume protection from missiles does. I guess there's no real way to answer this question without examining the specific protections available to (and actually used by) mages. I don't know enough to tackle that question.
  • smeagolheartsmeagolheart Member Posts: 7,964
    vladpen said:

    by the time you actually get through a wizard's defenses and are physically hitting the wizard, they are likely to die in a couple hits anyway.

    What sorts of defenses? I don't think a hit on a mirror image should count as a hit for this purpose, but some people say that it does, but even if it doesn't, with 4 APR those mirror images should come down fast. Stone Skin supposedly doesn't thwart it, but I assume protection from missiles does. I guess there's no real way to answer this question without examining the specific protections available to (and actually used by) mages. I don't know enough to tackle that question.
    Any kind of defense. Stoneskin, mirror image or advanced bg2 spells such as project image and simulcrum or whatever...

    By the time you get your 4 APR in on a wizard (past those types of protections) the wizard is going to die fast regardless of if you are attacking as a Wizard Slayer, Berserker, or any class or kit. Do you want to be a little bit gimped against things besides wizards the rest of the time for this minimal advantage (that is less than the advantage of a Inquisitor when fighting wizards).

    The problem with fighting wizards is mostly getting through their defenses before they kill you, not killing them after you are landing hits on them which is the only way the wizard slayer skill is useful.
  • vladpenvladpen Member Posts: 88

    Any kind of defense. Stoneskin, mirror image or advanced bg2 spells such as project image and simulcrum or whatever...

    Are you saying that any of those spells would prevent the Wizard Slayer's ability from working? That contradicts what others have said, but I don't know who's right.
  • smeagolheartsmeagolheart Member Posts: 7,964
    edited April 2016
    vladpen said:

    Any kind of defense. Stoneskin, mirror image or advanced bg2 spells such as project image and simulcrum or whatever...

    Are you saying that any of those spells would prevent the Wizard Slayer's ability from working? That contradicts what others have said, but I don't know who's right.
    From what I recall the last time I used the wizard slayer, the only time it works is if you hit the wizard, not if you hit the image like on a mirror imaged wizard.
  • JarrakulJarrakul Member Posts: 2,029
    To my mind, the main point is that any ability that can strip the mage of their defensive spells will neutralize them (by allowing them to be quickly killed) just as easily as the wizard slayer's abilities. Like, you could spend a round or two making a mage useless with a wizard slayer, or you could throw down an inquisitor dispel and kill the mage in the same amount of time. Or, at higher levels, fire off a Breach spell. The wizard slayer's bonuses are solid, but too many other classes can substitute for them. The wizard slayer ends up not adding that much, even against spellcasters, and their lack of magic items makes them weaker against anything else.
  • vladpenvladpen Member Posts: 88
    Jarrakul said:

    Like, you could spend a round or two making a mage useless with a wizard slayer, or you could throw down an inquisitor dispel and kill the mage in the same amount of time. Or, at higher levels, fire off a Breach spell.

    Wow, I never looked at the Breach spell before (wikia says it's in BG2:EE but not in BG:EE). How does *any* mage *anywhere* survive more than a couple rounds, if you can cast Breach? Practically every party has someone who can cast mage spells, which means that eventually practically every mage you meet dies in the second round. So why would mages have a reputation for being tough opponents? Just because the one or two spells they get to cast before they die could be a Fireball or such? If that's the real danger to avoid, then a dart-throwing Wizard Slayer is God against mages, because neither Dispel nor Breach will prevent that Fireball from going off, whereas Miscast Magic has a good chance to do it.
  • JarrakulJarrakul Member Posts: 2,029
    edited April 2016
    Artemius_I is of course correct, but it's worth noting that the vast majority of mages in the vanilla game don't use any of those protections other than Improved Invisibility, which means True Sight + Breach is a one-two combo that'll take down almost any mage. The trick is that sometimes it's hard to get both those spells off before they cast some big powerful spell that wrecks your party.

    Liches are also immune to Breach, because they are jerks. They're also probably the best argument in favor of the wizard slayer, in my opinion.

    EDIT: I wanted to add that while Stoneskin and Mirror Image don't stop the wizard slayer's miscast, several other defensive spells that become common in BG2 (Mantle, Improved Mantle, Protection from Magic Weapons, and Absolute Immunity) can block the wizard slayer depending on what weapon the wizard slayer is wielding. So neither method is entirely infallible.
  • JarrakulJarrakul Member Posts: 2,029
    That is, of course, a more difficult question to answer. I'd still say it's not generally worth it, because there are usually relatively few characters who stand to benefit from the best magic items. As an example, melee fighters with low strength scores benefit strongly from Gauntlets of Ogre Power, and many parties may only have one or two low-strength melee fighters. Even if the wizard slayer isn't a low-strength melee fighter, they may "free up" an item that's not as useful for other characters. As another example, Gauntlets of Weapon Expertise are very good for high-strength melee fighters, but a low-strength melee fighter would rather use the Gauntlets of Ogre Power, so freeing up the Gauntlets of Weapon Expertise may not help if the other fighters in the party have low strength scores.

    You are correct, however, in seeing that the problem is more complex than it's often portrayed.
  • smeagolheartsmeagolheart Member Posts: 7,964
    bengoshi said:

    But their Miscast Magic on hit applies even if their weapons do no damage - it goes through Mirror Images and Stoneskins.

    Interesting, this must be a bug fix of the EE iirc back on vanilla this wasn't the case and wizard slayers were more useless than they are now.
  • SouthpawSouthpaw Member Posts: 2,026
    @vladpen - while the magic resistance and the miscast magic chance is nice, the fact you can't use magical items except for weapons is a very hard drawback. Basically the character is missing out on most very nice items and potions that would make him much more durable and deadly (eg - no other AC lowering equipment except for the armour, no other bonuses, no bracers no spells you can cast...)
    A Paladin or Berserker can be a much more versatile and stronger fighter.
  • GoturalGotural Member Posts: 1,229
    I apologize for my bluntness and my honesty

    But I think Wizard Slayers are OP as fu**
  • WowoWowo Member Posts: 2,064
    Wizard Slayer -> Thief would seem to fix most issues
  • smeagolheartsmeagolheart Member Posts: 7,964

    Of course, there is the other problem with the Wizard Slayer, at last I knew (unless it was changed in the big 2.0 series of patches,) the Miscast Magic ONLY works against Wizard spells, so Bards, Mages of all stripes and Sorcerers. It's completely worthless against Clerics, Druids, Paladins and Rangers.

    More like Miscast Arcane Magic then.
  •  TheArtisan TheArtisan Member Posts: 3,277

    Of course, there is the other problem with the Wizard Slayer, at last I knew (unless it was changed in the big 2.0 series of patches,) the Miscast Magic ONLY works against Wizard spells, so Bards, Mages of all stripes and Sorcerers. It's completely worthless against Clerics, Druids, Paladins and Rangers.

    The aforementioned classes don't have buffs that prevent you from simply interrupting them with a smack in the face.
  • smeagolheartsmeagolheart Member Posts: 7,964
  • lnstructor_lnstructor_ Member Posts: 76

    vladpen said:

    by the time you actually get through a wizard's defenses and are physically hitting the wizard, they are likely to die in a couple hits anyway.

    Any kind of defense. Stoneskin, mirror image or advanced bg2 spells such as project image and simulcrum or whatever...
    So a bow WS should be better than melee wouldn't it? Great THAC0 and Attacks per round, and if the target is immune to missiles the miscast would still be effect.
  • vladpenvladpen Member Posts: 88
    The main reason I can see not to play a Wizard Slayer is that effortlessly neutering mages makes for a boring game. The Inquisitor's Dispel ability is different, it makes fights easier without making them boring.
  • magisenseimagisensei Member Posts: 316
    Well yes sort of.

    Did they fix the ws problem with ranged weapons - meaning does miscast magic work now with ranged weapons as it should? If so then the ws is a bit more useful then it was previously.

    On the other hand if you can hit a mage then its basically dead anyways. tactics 101 says see an enemy caster attack him first ignore everything else until he is toast. So if you can hit it then does a ws really matter? Maybe in extended battles or if the ranged miscast magic works then if the ws has 4 attacks with a bow/darts then total disruption in the first round then it would be nice even if half of it hit -- it would be good.

    The inability to use magic items is not great because there is so many items that give saving throws bonuses and before you mention the ws magic resistance which is slow in getting (1% each level is almost totally useless then you have to wait until level 20 to get another 5% and then only every other level starting at 20 - what a horribly long wait) and is capped at some number unlike say the monk who can gain 80% MR a whole lot faster + add equipment this can be improved.

    Plus if the ws stats are not great -e.g. lets say 18/01 (or less even) STR then there is no way to boast it - since potions and bracers or belts are not allowed. So you are royally screwed if your stats suck.

    If the ws had something like dispel or his version of it naming it something like "shatter magic" that was party friendly (like an individual dispel magic) then bringing along a ws would be very useful but sadly nothing like this exists for it. Imagine an anti-magic ability that nullifies on contact but can only be used once/day /5 levels and only on 1 person.

    While not useless even if parts of the kit is fixed - an Inquisitors dispel is more powerful and makes for a great anti-mage debuffer; need a anti-mage killer bring along a monk (with its stun and greater MR) or even an archer, with the right arrows an archer will slay any mage around.

    If you use the ws you might want to download the mod that rebalances it.

  • Grond0Grond0 Member Posts: 7,461
    edited June 2016
    Wowo said:

    Wizard Slayer -> Thief would seem to fix most issues

    Potentially, but it's a long wait to get the use any item HLA. You may not want to suffer the drawbacks of the class for the bulk of the game before finally getting your hands on those juicy magic items.

    One thing that doesn't seem to have been mentioned in this thread is that mages can still make use of magic items (wands etc) and use special abilities (sequencers etc) even after being 'shut down' by miscast magic. That doesn't make that much difference in vanilla as that type of use is rare, but if you're playing with SCS then virtually every arcane caster will still be able to spring nasty surprises on you after taking hits from your wizard slayer.

    If you want a real challenge then try playing the WS solo. If you can get them to level 40 you'll have an extremely powerful character (by that stage 100%+ MR is more useful than their miscast magic ability). However, surviving to that point is not easy :).
  • MelchiordMelchiord Member Posts: 4
    vladpen wrote: »
    Wizard Slayers are commonly regarded as a bad class. This seems to arise from the misconception that they cause 10% spell failure chance per melee hit, whereas they actually cause 25% spell failure chance per hit, melee or ranged. A level 1 Wizard Slayer with two pips in darts gets 3.5 high-speed attacks per round, and then 4 APR with the third pip. This seems like it would trivialize fights against mages. Two rounds of fighting, and that poor mage you interrupted with your darts can't cast any more spells. That would make the Wizard Slayer one of the best classes, certainly far from one of the worst. Am I missing something?

    I’ve been playing a solo, dart-throwing Wizard Slayer and it’s awesome. It’s not just Mages it cancels out. Clerics, Druids, Ogre Mages... anything that casts magic. I went for an elf with the sleep/charm immunity, but a short race with the saving throw bonus would be good too.
  • ChroniclerChronicler Member Posts: 1,391
    Melchiord wrote: »
    vladpen wrote: »
    Wizard Slayers are commonly regarded as a bad class. This seems to arise from the misconception that they cause 10% spell failure chance per melee hit, whereas they actually cause 25% spell failure chance per hit, melee or ranged. A level 1 Wizard Slayer with two pips in darts gets 3.5 high-speed attacks per round, and then 4 APR with the third pip. This seems like it would trivialize fights against mages. Two rounds of fighting, and that poor mage you interrupted with your darts can't cast any more spells. That would make the Wizard Slayer one of the best classes, certainly far from one of the worst. Am I missing something?

    I’ve been playing a solo, dart-throwing Wizard Slayer and it’s awesome. It’s not just Mages it cancels out. Clerics, Druids, Ogre Mages... anything that casts magic. I went for an elf with the sleep/charm immunity, but a short race with the saving throw bonus would be good too.

    Can anybody weigh in on if this is true? Last time I checked the Wizard Slayer's magic disruption ability didn't work against divine magic. Would be a pretty nifty power boost if that had changed.
  • InKalInKal Member Posts: 196
    Rebalanced Wizard Slayer will own everyone and anything not protected by Improved Mantle or Absolute Immunity or outright immune to weapons. Shatter Magic = dead caster.
  • McGollumMcGollum Member Posts: 22
    If I remember it properly, then Wizard Slayer was a Fighter subclass. And, while often seen as wanna-be monk (monks in later editions get magic resistance and pack more punch than a wizard slayer), the free alignment of fighters may be considered ONE of their strong points.

    I also remember the old game (SSI made?) within which we played a mage hunted by those wizard slayers. The story potential is phenomenal, especially, if sneaking and skulking ain't your kinda fun (not all enjoy playing a thief or assassin).

    So, IF I had loads of money, THEN i would contact @Gusinda & ask him to dish me the files allowing to remix the Wizard Slayer subclass (oldschool KIT). Why Gus? I worked with him before, on BG mods and combining several mods, and he was always dedicated, open-minded, and also eager to playtest!

    What I always disliked about the Wizard Slayer is the limitations on armor & weapons, because they ARE still trained fighters. Like with the Kensai subclass, it did not seem perfectly playtested.

    Last: I remember failing on allowing (rewriting) specialist classes to be combined. SO fighter-thief would work, but wizard slayer-assassin would crash due to tables not able to handle both.

    Beamdog did listen a lot more to the players, and their concerns. So, hopes high, the modders here DID achieve a lot of good stuff & many did not even pester anyone of us for monetary recompense. THANK YOU ALL.
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