@Quartz hahaha Shenanigan Flanagan is awesome, kudos to you.
Sadly i tend to have forgotten most of mine, but the ones i tended to use most have been:
Rufus Hobart (quelle surprise) - male human Monk - also pops up in every other bit of writing i've done in various guises
Laisha - essentially good-hearted but chaotic female wild mage
Meat - stupid name from a stupid joke that made a friend and I laugh for far too long. Still, he's been a regular appearance in every RPG i've played for the last 20 years.
Zaharra (originally codenamed Gemma Greenglow ) Gnome Female, Cleric/Thief, Chaotic Good Neleothesze - played in many games, in Baldur's Gate she was an Elf Female, Sorceress, Neutral/Lawful Good - These two loosely follow the canon background and both have short stories written for them. Amaranthe Human Female, Conjurer, Neutral Evil ------------------ Luatha Naan Half-Elf Female Bard (sister of Jareth) Chaotic Neutral Jareth Naan Half-Elf Fighter/Mage (inspired by and named after Jareth from the Labyrinth movie with David Bowie) Chaotic Neutral - These two were written for and played in Icewind Dale; I also played them in BG2 when I wanted to make a multiplayer game; neither of them was Charname, just party members who had met Charname while wandering around the Sword Coast. ------------------ Xiv - played in several games, usually a demonic-looking and/or an undead-summoning fighter; in Icewind Dale 2 she was a Tiefling Female, Fighter, Neutral Evil ------------------ Liath Mara - played in many games, usually a Monk-type character. Elyssia -also played in several games, usually a Healer ( Priest / Cleric / Favored Sould etc ) Elekthe - also played in a number of games, usually a Ranger ( Ranger / Archer / Hunter etc )
I can't remember what name i used when i was younger lol, i think it was Astaroth for any necromancer i made, and i played almost always necromancers back then.
After a point i started making fighters mostly, and named them either Yulor or Mornmagor always.
This time Yulor or Pain(Blackguard) will have some work to do in BG:EE
I gave him my real first name the first few playthroughs.
My current cleric/mage is called Sun and has 10 false dawn and sunray spells as special abilities Al the undead and drow turn to dust as he walks in. B-)
No i'm joking his name is just sun and has a hard time against many foes and likes to summon undead.
Playing IWD I just used friend's names that best suited the character. Dwarf Fighter -> mate with a short man syndrome, elf ranger -> lanky eco warrior mate, mage -> clever friend. Then its a bit like the cartoon 'dungeons and dragons' when that rollercoaster goes into fantasy land and they turn into d&d type people.
I almost always use "Utreizh Gutek" for a sorcerer, though in my current replay of SoA I'm using "Ludark Babark". Another one I have used at least once or twice is "Kakenstein".
Laropmet (undead mInotaur demon king), Haymanot (a reverse engineered monkish babalonian beast wrassler), Dr. Mantic Sopphic (mystery solver), Sage-Maru (pronounced saw-gehy) of the sage-fu clan of scholars, and The Figrut (stereotypical druidish gardener breeder) are some of the many names I rotate through of favored Rp'ed Pnp characters I use in computer games. Oh, and Badassius McCool in honor of a buddies Rp'ed PnP roman camel.
@HaHaCharade He was responsible for the lost evil impetuses of temporary intelligent undead, and the "souls" of rare incarnate intelligences of evil sentient constructs. I had started to muscle into comitters of pratricide in "spirit", but not actual patricide. I had my own little niche, and finally beginning to be lucretive "luxury" cruise buisness. The name is "Temporal" spelled backwards.
i almost always name pc "alexander". i like that name very much and it shortens the creation process. i tried "wolf" once but it seemed too pretentious. :P
I always just make up some variation of my own name. I've used "Toddicus", "Toddrick", and "Brother Todd".
For a female character, I've used Toddica and Toddeia. I think my favorite feminization for "Todd" is "Toddeia" (pronounced Tah-DAY-ah). I especially like that "Toddeia" winds up having that "deia" root word in it, implying "goddess".
Some times I just use an "of" or an "al" plus a deity's name, taking a cue from Robert Jordan. So I might use "Todd al Thor", "Todd of Oghma", "Todd de la Musique", or something like that.
Other times, when I'm not feeling very creative, I just make up an abbreviation that says what the character is, like "ToddMage 102012". I'm especially likely to do that with a single-character hack-n-slash game like Torchlight.
Obviously I didn't come up with it, but I named a character Veldrin once. Had to be careful what I said in the bg2 underdark, but still, I like the name.
Brunhilda, the Horny Dwarven Barmaid. Created as a joke character. Got way into roleplaying her. I liked to pretend that she hit on everyone in my party and made them uncomfortable. That was totally one of my most hilarious playthroughs to date.
My most recent playthrough is with a Paladin named Viktor Leonte. I came up with the name when I was playing on a Neverwinter Nights Ravenloft server and needed a Barovian/Romanian name that sounded like something from the Castlevania series.
I have a set of names i use in various games. Need to have several options in case some of "my" names was already taken.
Aron Crowell Ilisar Crowell
Aron Windspear Ilisar Windspear
Corlon Crowell Shawford Crale
Elarandil Ciryatan Mythradin
Tantos of Selune Tanthos
Sathuros Tazurk
Ethanduil Aronduil
Varon Jema
Sar Vorlon
Hmm i think thats the names i used the most
During Baldur's Gate EE, i intent to use the name Aron Crowell for my Paladin character with my apprentice who will with no doubt call his wizard Celuvian
I used to use a Half-Orc named Uktar, which I actually found in the Manual in a table with the "Colloquial Description" as "The rotting" and the "Gregorian Month" as "November".
names from the past have been... Fighter-my mistress Cleric/MU-Pyro Maximus current Paladin-Honorius Gontabulus female Cleric (twice)-Medic & slut (sry) rex (king) has been used several times for male characters & Mist (after a 2nd ed. AD&D char) has been used for several female characters
My 5 tips for charnames: 1. Keep them short, No more than 3 syllables, preferably 1 or 2 2. Don't use vowel/consonant combination which don't happen very often in the English language. (unless you are basing the name off another language) 3. Names are not a competition to score high in scrabble 4. X's, Z's, V's, K's are not autopilot for cool. 5. Don't be the person who gives your character a nickname and the asks people to call them that. Nicknames are given by other people.
I guaruntee to a lot of people posting some of thier names in this thread that they don't sound as good or memorable to other people than you think they do. Some I've seen are very good. Others less so.
Sadly i tend to have forgotten most of mine, but the ones i tended to use most have been:
Rufus Hobart (quelle surprise) - male human Monk - also pops up in every other bit of writing i've done in various guises
Laisha - essentially good-hearted but chaotic female wild mage
Meat - stupid name from a stupid joke that made a friend and I laugh for far too long. Still, he's been a regular appearance in every RPG i've played for the last 20 years.
Collax - halfling thief
Jesenia Joysword - female elven ranger.
Hadley Grima - male cleric.
Neleothesze - played in many games, in Baldur's Gate she was an Elf Female, Sorceress, Neutral/Lawful Good
- These two loosely follow the canon background and both have short stories written for them.
Amaranthe Human Female, Conjurer, Neutral Evil
Luatha Naan Half-Elf Female Bard (sister of Jareth) Chaotic Neutral
Jareth Naan Half-Elf Fighter/Mage (inspired by and named after Jareth from the Labyrinth movie with David Bowie) Chaotic Neutral
- These two were written for and played in Icewind Dale; I also played them in BG2 when I wanted to make a multiplayer game; neither of them was Charname, just party members who had met Charname while wandering around the Sword Coast.
Xiv - played in several games, usually a demonic-looking and/or an undead-summoning fighter; in Icewind Dale 2 she was a Tiefling Female, Fighter, Neutral Evil
Liath Mara - played in many games, usually a Monk-type character.
Elyssia -also played in several games, usually a Healer ( Priest / Cleric / Favored Sould etc )
Elekthe - also played in a number of games, usually a Ranger ( Ranger / Archer / Hunter etc )
I can't remember what name i used when i was younger lol, i think it was Astaroth for any necromancer i made, and i played almost always necromancers back then.
After a point i started making fighters mostly, and named them either Yulor or Mornmagor always.
This time Yulor or Pain(Blackguard) will have some work to do in BG:EE
My current cleric/mage is called Sun and has 10 false dawn and sunray spells as special abilities
No i'm joking his name is just sun and has a hard time against many foes and likes to summon undead.
Dana Thornwind
Ranger or fighter specializing in bows
Nalagas Steelhand
Leader-type fighter
Zhaar van Krelzoot
Human necromancer
Rebecca de Sanzelon
Elven or half-elven cleric
Léon Khieu Sisowath
Calimshite Thief
Crimson 'Mephistopheles' Mandragon
Mage primarily utilizing fire spells
If memory serves, these guys were either neutral or evil. For BGEE, I'll probably use the name Dana Thornwind.
Also worthy of mentioning is my friends paladin from our brief BG2 co op-session, Lucifer Antichrist! He had sick stats.
In IWD I once created a party of Gangsta rappers, 5 black and 1 white. I called them Proof, Bizzare, Swift, Con Artist, Kuniva and Eminem....
And has Gorion have a last name, I searched but could not find it
Drow necromancer- Lolillethon Bal'Taurez
Rajick hellfire- tiefling if possible human if not assassin sometimes kensai/Mage
Bai'il- necromancer ether human or elf
Groth'mal- half-Orc or Orc depending on game barbarian or berserker
Malorn sunstrider- paladin human elf In games that allow it.
Varin'fel- drow ranger evil if possible or with mods.
Bor'ragar - dwarf fighter or cleric
For a female character, I've used Toddica and Toddeia. I think my favorite feminization for "Todd" is "Toddeia" (pronounced Tah-DAY-ah). I especially like that "Toddeia" winds up having that "deia" root word in it, implying "goddess".
Some times I just use an "of" or an "al" plus a deity's name, taking a cue from Robert Jordan. So I might use
"Todd al Thor", "Todd of Oghma", "Todd de la Musique", or something like that.
Other times, when I'm not feeling very creative, I just make up an abbreviation that says what the character is, like "ToddMage 102012". I'm especially likely to do that with a single-character hack-n-slash game like Torchlight.
was already taken.
Aron Crowell
Ilisar Crowell
Aron Windspear
Ilisar Windspear
Corlon Crowell
Shawford Crale
Elarandil Ciryatan
Tantos of Selune
Hmm i think thats the names i used the most
During Baldur's Gate EE, i intent to use the name Aron Crowell for my Paladin character with my
apprentice who will with no doubt call his wizard Celuvian
May the light guide you all.
Tom Fjellheim
which I actually found in the Manual in a table with the "Colloquial Description" as "The rotting" and the "Gregorian Month" as "November".
Not a bad name though.
Fighter-my mistress
Cleric/MU-Pyro Maximus
current Paladin-Honorius Gontabulus
female Cleric (twice)-Medic & slut (sry)
rex (king) has been used several times for male characters & Mist (after a 2nd ed. AD&D char) has been used for several female characters
1. Keep them short, No more than 3 syllables, preferably 1 or 2
2. Don't use vowel/consonant combination which don't happen very often in the English language. (unless you are basing the name off another language)
3. Names are not a competition to score high in scrabble
4. X's, Z's, V's, K's are not autopilot for cool.
5. Don't be the person who gives your character a nickname and the asks people to call them that. Nicknames are given by other people.
I guaruntee to a lot of people posting some of thier names in this thread that they don't sound as good or memorable to other people than you think they do.
Some I've seen are very good. Others less so.