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Favorite Charnames You've Come Up With

HaHaCharadeHaHaCharade Member Posts: 1,648
What are some of your favorite Charnames you've come up with your for your BG Protagonist?

Here's a few I've used in BG and IWD, among other things:

Rylan - Human or Elf

Edana Volare - Human Female Mage

Vasha Setaro - Human Female Whatever

Koriath - Half-Elf or Elf

Epson - Gnome

Ombert Dardragon - Halfling Whatever

Durant Ironwood - Human Ranger

Jarida - Female Dwarf
Post edited by HaHaCharade on


  • MoomintrollMoomintroll Member Posts: 1,498
    Baich- female human bard
    Grundle- male dwarf fighter
    Reynard- male human bard

    With BG I normally just make up throw-away names, I re-use the above names with IWD all the time however, they've become staple characters for me in lieu of any joinable NPCs.
  • LadyRhianLadyRhian Member Posts: 14,694
    Rhiannon- Human Female Cleric and/or Mage

    Lorianne Areen- Female Human Fighter

    Duriandal- Female Dwarf Fighter

    Traith Selgard- Human Female Mage

    Arielle Greengrass- Elf Female Fighter/Mage
  • O_BruceO_Bruce Member Posts: 2,790
    edited October 2012
    Areina of Candlekeep - Human, female, mage/specialist mage/sorceress, neutral good. My favourite CHARNAME so far for two reasons. First, because using her (*) I managed to beat BG1 for the first time. Second, because I've played with her (*) so many times with different variations. As a result, her character concept keept changing. Once she was mage, once sorceress, once invoker, once diviner, and once generalist mage etc. She's definelly memorable to me, and I intent to play her throught BG:EE and BG2:EE surely.

    *If you know what I mean. Sorry, couldn't resist.

    The following character description contains spoiler.

    Kira the Slayer - Human, male, swashbucker, neutral evil. Only evil character I ever played for entire BG1 ToTSC, BG2 and ToB. I really liked roleplaying him: he was the only character I've played so far who was seeing other as a tools to be used (NPCs included, so no Viconia romance finished and I never felt bad about it). Besides, turning Slayer pretty often (bonus +hit, damage and ac from swashbucker still stacked wit it) for roleplaying purposes (finishing tough enemies (Irenicus, Sendai, Mellisan). In short, memorable evil guy.
  • FredjoFredjo Member Posts: 477
    I always use Fredjo for male and Pimiko for female, both of them being Doppelgangers, I can change their class and alignment at will.
  • DJKajuruDJKajuru Member Posts: 3,300
    edited October 2012
    -Thallen (sounds kinda elvish)

    -Harsha ( indian name, sounds exotic )

    -Askell (viking name, if I'm in the mood)

    These three names have been given to several classes and races ...
  • ShinShin Member Posts: 2,344
    Admittedly all my characters have had the same name (Shin) and, with very few exceptions, the same personality.
  • mjsmjs Member Posts: 742
    Harak'Dar: Male Half-Orc Assassin
    Berker Hammerslammer: Male Dwarven Barbarian
    Thalanx Hawksguard: Male Human Archer
  • GilgalahadGilgalahad Member Posts: 237
    Gilgalahad which is a mix of Galahad from king Arthur and Gilgalad from lord of the rings. Since i often play as human or elf that name fits for both.
    If the game doesn't allow for a long name like that then i shorten and use Galahad.
  • sandmanCCLsandmanCCL Member Posts: 1,389
    edited October 2012

    It's my default name for Fighter/Mage/Thief characters.


    Literally every Gnome character I have ever, ever rolled.


    Just about every last dwarf I ever, ever rolled.
  • CheesebellyCheesebelly Member Posts: 1,727
    Falcor for a Half-Orc seems appropriate XD
  • deltagodeltago Member Posts: 7,811
    My favourite name is Blumph. Usually gnome or low int dwarf.
  • LosgornLosgorn Member Posts: 5
    Losgorn Godeater, evil fighter/cleric.
  • CheesebellyCheesebelly Member Posts: 1,727
    @sandmanCCL : if you are, then there's a serious crime to humankind going around these forums. Never Ending Story = best thing ever!
  • _N8__N8_ Member Posts: 77
    Here are some that my friend came up with:

    Kunta Kinte (Human Ranger)
    Huge Wench (Orc Fighter)
    Cracka Stenchbeard (Dwarf Fighter)
  • AnduinAnduin Member Posts: 5,745
    Oooooh names! I love making names...

    Anduin Shade Mantle = Thievery

    Ragnar Belly Rumble = Dumb Fighter

    Magnus Magnusson = My first run through mage's name

    Elidor of the five paths = Monk / Mage

    Red Iskell = assasin

    Nad Gammer Gammerson = Gnome

    Gelint of Candlekeep = Paladin

    Roger Mirtis = Necromancer

    Eric Bhaalaxe = Dwarf... and some one already new... sinister...

    Bloodied Snow = Ranger

    Wolf Friend = Druid

    Itheldor = Conjurer

    Runt Punt = Halfling

    Fig of the Nyne = Illusionist (accidently heard fog of the tyne by gazza before playing this character... if you ain't british, it is going to need a lot of explaining...)

    Brent Yew Bender = Archer

    Gnaag Greylock = Evil dude

    Kraalk Head Splitter = Orcish evil dude

    Jorgrund of the Bonetooth = Barbarian

    I have many more... You should ask me to give you a name... if your stuck...
  • Permidion_StarkPermidion_Stark Member Posts: 4,861
    When I play IWD I use a book on wild flowers, mixing the Latin and common names, to provide inspiration for my all-female party.

    Ballotta Nigra is an evil illusionist
    Betony is a cleric
    Celandine is a druid
    Teasel is a halfling thief
    Vervain is a paladin
    Circaea Lutetiana is an enchanter

    (Ballotta Nigra is the Latin name for a flower called Black Horehound, which sounds kind of evil but probably isn't; Circaea Lutetiana is the Latin name for a flower called Enchanter's Nightshade so it seems particularly appropriate)
  • sandmanCCLsandmanCCL Member Posts: 1,389
    Anduin said:

    Magnus Magnusson = My first run through mage's name

    Mage? WAT.

    If a guy named like that isn't a giant hulking massive enormous man, something is wrong.
  • HaHaCharadeHaHaCharade Member Posts: 1,648

    Anduin said:

    Magnus Magnusson = My first run through mage's name

    Mage? WAT.

    If a guy named like that isn't a giant hulking massive enormous man, something is wrong.
    LOL. This reminds me of a time we played AD&D and a new player played a fighter with a *huge* percentile strength and we were like, well what's your name, and he shouts --

    "MAXIMUS GORSTAG!!!!" Lol. I still laugh thinking about it. Manliest name ever.
  • ARKdeEREHARKdeEREH Member Posts: 531
    edited October 2012
    I usually borrow names from a science-fiction novel that I'm working on, so most of my PCs have names derived from someone in my story.

    1.) Evice de Sulvos (SoA, ToB, Tutu) - male - half/elf - Fighter/Mage (changed to Evice DeVir in respect to drow custom after he married Viconia) I named him after a general in a novel that I'm writing.

    2.) Varec Bhaalson (BG1) -male - half/elf - Fighter/Mage/Thief - His first name is that of the general's uncle.

    3.) Skiven (BG1) - male - halfling - Fighter - My first BG character I made circa him circa 1998-99, and forget the significance of his name.

    4.) Spiedgroedt (ToB) - male -half/orc - Fighter - the immortal husband of Varec and Evice's ancestor in my novel.

    5.) Syravac Syravacsson (ToB) - male - half/orc - Fighter - Name derived from that of a historical Scandinavian king, which while playing BG I also mixed with Sarevok's name to make it sound more Baldur's Gateish - a king in my novel who was also Spiedgroedt's husband and ancestor of Varec and Evice

    6.) Valasa DeVir (BG1, SoA) - female - half/elf - Cleric/Thief - Intended to be Evice and Viconia's granddaughter and will be if I can ever figure out how to make a mod

    7.) Merlin (SoA) - male - elf - Mage - Named after the mythological wizard

    8.) Merlin Varec Skiven (ToB) - male- elf - Fighter/Mage - Named after my three earlier PCs

    9.) Varis Inglehell (IWD) - male - human - Cleric - Named after another character in my novel

    10.) Kierdjava Lichen (IWD) - female - Ranger - Named after a princess in my novel who is from an empire that rivals that of the other characters I've mentioned

    I can't remember any more, but there might have been a couple. Varec Bhaalson and Evice DeVir are my two main games in BG1 and BG2 respectively. I played as Varec for about five years before my computer crashed in 2005 and then didn't start another BG1 game until 2011 because I didn't want to create a new character. In 2011 I was finally able to recover some of my old saves off my old hard drive, so I then continued with that game. Evice DeVir (nee de Sulvos) is from my main game in BG2. I have played him for 5 playthroughs and designed Valasa with the intent of eventually importing her into his game to fulfill the uncovered role of thief, but since I lost interest in her midway through Watcher's Keep, right now my only active game is Evice.
    Post edited by ARKdeEREH on
  • salierisalieri Member Posts: 245

    Anduin said:

    Magnus Magnusson = My first run through mage's name

    Mage? WAT.

    If a guy named like that isn't a giant hulking massive enormous man, something is wrong.
    I think the legendary mastermind quizmaster and popular historian predates your powerlifter
  • QuartzQuartz Member Posts: 3,853
    edited October 2012
    I have some really stupid ones ... actually most of them are very stupid.

    These are fine:
    Quartz the Fighter/Cleric.
    Melody the Cleric.
    Zach the Conjurer.
    Dash the Archer.
    Wanera the Mage/Thief
    Teheiria the Druid
    Riordan the Cavalier (Riordan is my name IRL)
    Zane the Sorcerer

    Now here's where it gets stupid ...

    Knux the Mage (charisma 3)
    Shenanigan Flanagan the Thief
    Badass Mothaf***a the Dwarven Fighter/Thief (I solo'd the game with him)
    Diana Scuttlefuttles the Paladin
    El Natural the Druid
    Hot Dice the Bard
    BubbleGumPinkSoldier the Fighter
    kill_zombies.exe the Fighter
    Tiki Man the Fighter/Illusionist
    Lolcakes the Archer
    Cures Light Wounds the Cleric (you can guess his favorite spell. FYI he was my first char to beat the game.)
    Hair of the Dog the Mage/Thief
    TASP the Mage (he was my save that I just abused cheat commands on for lulz. I called him "Tasp the Chicken Summoner, yes Cheats:TheGreatGonzo() is a personal favorite)
    Miss Akimbo the Swashbuckler (she dual-wielded, obviously)
    Destroyer of Worlds the Barbarian
    Boosh Kaboosh Toosh! the Berserker
    Shish-Kabob the Wild Mage
    Uber Swordsman the Fighter
    Tiki Man #69 the Fighter (he was evil, obviously)
    Fuzzy Wuzzy the Bard

    Here are my mom's:
    Scamper Bout the Bard (she did whatever she wanted in BG1, she "scampered about" so it was fitting.)
    Twix the Mage
    Katt the Mage

    And I'll post my sister's, too:
    Ralensi Nirquis the Mage
    Andrew Syhe-Gen the Fighter/Mage/Thief
    Sheath the Mage (who she used all the tombs and a multiplayer save to give all 25s, ROFL)
  • sandmanCCLsandmanCCL Member Posts: 1,389
    This conversation is reminding me of an old article.

    I think I need to name my next guy "Staff SGT. Maxwell Fightmaster."
  • CaptRoryCaptRory Member Posts: 1,660
    Bear the Halfling Bounty Hunter.
  • LadyRhianLadyRhian Member Posts: 14,694
    @CaptRory Bear Grylls? ;)
  • CaptRoryCaptRory Member Posts: 1,660
    @LadyRhian I prefer Les Stroud on Survivorman. Also, I really like your avatar.
  • LadyRhianLadyRhian Member Posts: 14,694
    @CaptRory So do I. Bear is more than a little full of himself. I like Les Stroud's more laid-back attitude. And thanks! This is Rhiannon Sian Emyr, a vampire character of mine who happens to be a Welsh Healer.
  • CaptRoryCaptRory Member Posts: 1,660
    @LadyRhian Oh I agree! And I like that Les doesn't have a bunch of people with him working the cameras and such.

    Hehe~ Cool ^_^
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