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Favorite Charnames You've Come Up With



  • NecroscopeNecroscope Member Posts: 38
    edited November 2012
    For the love of robot raptor jesus, PLEASE less Y when an I would do. and No double S or Z or V...Makes my brain hurt.

    That said a good evil name, Malacol. Three sylables, a good sharp end and Mala sounds like malicious.

    Kubriel for a good guy's name. Slightly angelic, slightly bad ass.

    A lot of the magic the gathering card game planeswalkers are good names too off the top of my head. Jace, Gideon, Chandra, Koth, Ajani, Liliana, Elspeth, Urza and so on.

    Generally find a book you like or a game you like and get a name from that.

    Or have one like "Is a disguised beholder".
  • neleotheszeneleothesze Member Posts: 231
    Xiv (Berserker or Fighter/Necromancer type; if Tieflings were playable in BG she'd be one)
    Xazzie (Assassin)
    Neleothesze (elven sorceress; dragon-sounding name to keep with the draconic heritage)
    Liath Mara (Monk)
    Zaharra Ahnassi (Cleric/Thief in the past; currently Swashbuckler)
    Luatha Danaan (Bard)
    Jareth Danaan (Fighter/Illusionist; twinbrother of Luatha)
    I wish we could dual into a mage specialization like in BG1 :<
  • AbelAbel Member Posts: 785
    From IWD:
    - Risvel Iceglare (F/M/C)
    - Hildor Fairbeard (F/M)
    - Malon Greenwood (C/R)
    - Garael Lonewulf (C/F)
    - Erza Shadylock (T>M)
    - Laewyn Elvensong (B)
  • PantalionPantalion Member Posts: 2,137
    Whilst the name Kholai tends to get attached to many of my characters across various settings, I believe my favourite Charname-name was Aleph Amaia, Half-Elf Ranger/Cleric. As was fitting for the child of a god, he tapped into every divine spell there was and ascended like a Sir.

    The main reason I like the name (asides from, of course, that it lacks X's, Z's, V's, K's) is that both names mean something. I'm a big fan of names with a hidden meaning, even if I'm usually the only one that sees the name.

    Plus who doesn't love alliteration?
  • AviiAvii Member Posts: 34
    Avii of the South (Wild Mage Human)
    Grimnor Ironbrew (Fighter)
    Gronk (Half Orc Barbarian)
    Zook Goldspring (Gnome Bard)
    Jalyse Swiftfoot (Halfing Rogue)
    Sarii Leafdancer (Elf Druid)

    All of these guys started off as D&D characters and eventually made their way into my Baldur's Gate/Icewind Dale games over the years. Sarii is the latest and I cannot wait to play her in D&D Next.
  • sepottersepotter Member Posts: 367
    edited November 2012
    Well, there's Gandalf, Legolas, Gimli, Frodo, Sam, Mary, Pippin, Aragorn....

    Oh, wait. I didn't come up with those.

    I have used them in an Ice Wind Dale game though.
    Post edited by sepotter on
  • NecroscopeNecroscope Member Posts: 38
    With Surnames, where are all the Smiths and Jones and such? Everyone has swift or light feet, is from somewhere else and has to tell everyone so, or dances with leaves because they're an elf and a druid, so it covers both bases.
  • LadyEibhilinRhettLadyEibhilinRhett Member Posts: 1,078
    Luatha Danaan is a great name.
  • Oxford_GuyOxford_Guy Member Posts: 3,729
    I had an elven archer called Guillaume, which was sort of a in-joke, as its the French version of William, and then there's the legend of William Tell etc.
  • Oxford_GuyOxford_Guy Member Posts: 3,729
    Abel said:

    From IWD:
    - Risvel Iceglare (F/M/C)
    - Hildor Fairbeard (F/M)
    - Malon Greenwood (C/R)
    - Garael Lonewulf (C/F)
    - Erza Shadylock (T>M)
    - Laewyn Elvensong (B)

    What races/sex? Some are more obvious than others...
  • Oxford_GuyOxford_Guy Member Posts: 3,729
    Avii said:

    Avii of the South (Wild Mage Human)
    Grimnor Ironbrew (Fighter)

    I like that one, "made from girders" :-)

    Although should really be Gromnor IrnBru

    "Scotland's other national drink"
  • Oxford_GuyOxford_Guy Member Posts: 3,729

    Luatha Naan Half-Elf Female Bard (sister of Jareth) Chaotic Neutral
    Jareth Naan Half-Elf Fighter/Mage (inspired by and named after Jareth from the Labyrinth movie with David Bowie) Chaotic Neutral

    You'll be wanting a Chicken Tikka Masala and some poppadoms with those two...
  • ankhegankheg Member Posts: 546
    For me it's always Snowman.
  • HaHaCharadeHaHaCharade Member Posts: 1,648
    edited March 2013
    I'm bringing this one back! LOL :P -- Any other ones you love out there?
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  • bgplayabgplaya Member Posts: 129
    I can't take credit for the name I used for my first and current BG I character. I suppose all the anticipation of waiting for the ever-delayed mac release drained my creative juices. But anyway, I named him (a human swashbuckler) Waymar. Took the name from the minor character who dies within the first few pages of the first book of ASOIAF.
  • NonnahswriterNonnahswriter Member Posts: 2,520
    edited March 2013
    Glad to know I'm not the only one who borrows names from her written stories. Or creates both a first AND last name for her character (even though every single NPC you speak to throughout the game will address your character with BOTH NAMES and it drives you ABSOLUTELY INSANE I DON'T EVEN FDAHI;FJDIA;JFEIO;AJFIO;E).

    I love getting a kick out of putting certain characters of mine in the shoes of the protagonist, probably more than I should. But I've created a couple female characters that remain stand-alone heroes specifically for Baldur's Gate: Decane Alucard the human bard, and Elona Wolfmane the fighter/cleric dwarf.
  • EudaemoniumEudaemonium Member Posts: 3,199
    edited March 2013
    I play around with Shadkeeper and NI to make certain characters, so two of these are edited.

    Belindis Naasseni (F>Assassin)
    Magena Stormheart (T/Cleric of Talos)

    And my legal chars:

    Rhiannon Dorchaidhe (Blackguard)
    Tanith (Jester)
    Jenae (Kensai>Druid)
  • StickanStickan Member Posts: 136
    I've used many names but by far my favorites are:

    Riorik or Berengar - my many, many paladins


    Tengil (the villain from the Brothers Lionheart) -for my evil doers. Although I sometimes mix it up and play Tengil as a goody-two-shoes just for the fun of it ;)

    Apart from that I will always have my first char, a hobbit thief named Saxe, (derived from the swedish word of scissors which lay on the desk when I was trying to come up with a name)
  • Girth_WargearGirth_Wargear Member Posts: 10
    Jeremy Sneaksfoot - Halfling Theif
  • ReadingRamboReadingRambo Member Posts: 598
    Kharic of Candlekeep was my paladin I played thru the trilogy with. It's a twist on the name Caric, which was the name of the protagonist of a "choose your own adventure"book I read as a child.

    Aldan is currently my go-to name in fantasy games. I like it because its a loose combination of my brother, dad and my names (Alexander, David, and Anthony). It's also short which I prefer. It's the name of my current playthrough half elf f/m/t

    Carthac is a derivation of my last name, and was also the name of my Nord Skyrim character. Has a knight-y feel to it, while still feeling fantasy

    Justander was a name I used for a while when I was young that I made up ( combined Justinian with Alexander), but when I got older I disliked its length and it seemed to "try to hard"

    Veluthil is my go to elven female name, I can't remember where I got it.

    Cahena or Kahina are names I use for warrior maiden characters.

    But the best two names for Charname are Charn and Charna for male and female respectively, be ause they are short for Charname :)
  • SniiiimonSniiiimon Member Posts: 153
    edited May 2013
    Oh boy... Well, let's see:

    Ladrian of Candlekeep, LG human male paladin of Milil (my current charname)

    Valorne, CE half-elf male fighter/mage (a charname I'm planning to play... someday)

    Ashalia, TN half-orc female sorceress (via EEKeeper, yet another charname I'm planning to play... someday)

    Nymerei du Ignathos, LG human female cavalier of Tyr (the leader of my Black Pits party)

    Old One Eye, CE half-orc male barbarian, worships Garagos (Black Pits party member)

    Harodrim Murkwood, NG elf male archer of Mielikki (Black Pits party member, but also my canon protagonist for NWN: SoU and HotU)

    Gerar Grimforge, LN dwarf male fighter/cleric of Berronar Truesilver (Black Pits party member)

    Mizora, CN human female thief/mage, worships the Mad Monkey of Kara-Tur (if that's even possible... if not, uh, Tymora and/or Mystra maybe?) (Black Pits party member)

    Valarian the Despoiled, NE half-elf male sorcerer, worships Kossuth (Black Pits party member)

    Edit: Because MEH! :3
    Post edited by Sniiiimon on
  • OneAngryMushroomOneAngryMushroom Member Posts: 564
    Male Paladin :Theirum
    Any Other Male: General Fuzzypants
    Any Female: Lady Queefy
  • KidCarnivalKidCarnival Member Posts: 3,747
    edited March 2013
    The charnames that have a backstory (either from PnP or short stories):

    Treske Aijnissarim - BG2 charname who got his scrabble last name for Edwin's introduction - "...and if that is too syllable heavy, you may refer to me as 'sir'." - "Yeah, yeah, my name is (longer, more complicated to spell/pronounce) and *I* wish to be adressed by full name at all times, thank you very much... 'sir'."

    Later, Treske (human, male, assassin) discovered he had a twin sister, Satal Aijnissarim (human, female, assassin, might become a Shadowdancer in the next run), who I play as female charname since the backstory doesn't quite fit with BG1.

    My BG1 "canon" charname is a human male Priest of Talos, Kono The Red, named for his red hair and beard and using no last name.

    My human male jester's name is Cathigheri, from his PnP background. He usually goes by this last name only, but he has a first name - in German, it's "Nicht" and in English, translated "Not" - so he can confuse people when introducing himself: "I am Not Cathigheri."
  • phoenixclphoenixcl Member Posts: 31
    Adrian Heldeiron- Lawful Good Male Human Cavalier

    Sapphira Shadowblade- Chaotic Good Female Human Swashbuckler

    Curtana Greycastle- Lawful Neutral Female Human Priestess of Helm

    Bran Hornraven- True Neutral Male Human Berserker/Druid

    Valda Arabrahel- Neutral Evil Female Half-Elf (Half-Drow actually) Jester, goes by 'Dolly Buttercup'

    Ambrose Drakestaff- Chaotic Evil Male Human Dragon Disciple
  • theperm222theperm222 Member Posts: 84
    Douchey McDoucherson... a chaotic evil douche
  • KamigoroshiKamigoroshi Member Posts: 5,870
    The Bob - Chaotic Good male Halfling Fighter

    Bobess - Chaotic Evil female Gnome Priestress of Urdlen

    Crunchy Bob - Lawful Evil male Human Necromancer

    Bob DeBob - Neutral Evil Elven Sorceress
  • MemmMemm Member Posts: 26
    edited March 2013
    Mixture of PnP, IWD names. The name inside ( ) is their lastname, or extra name earned after...something
    Most of the Calimport names are names for NPCs (some minor, some greater) in my PnP campaign.

    IWD 2:
    Donovan (Whitebeard) - old wizard, human
    Nimdorn - fighter / dreadmaster of bane, human, male
    Lleilah - Fighter / Paladin of Helm, human, female
    Helgroth Bloodbasher - Berserker, dwarf, male

    Calimport PnP:
    Baercrest (the Crescent) - Tiefling, rogue, male ((founded a thieves guild called The Crescent Moon, members were wererats))
    El-Amin - local noble (Calimport), human, male
    Hezmana Ibn-Al'Qharim - Illusionist, human, male (Calimport)
    Asad Al'Habim - Fighter, human, male (Lieutenant in one Thieves Guild in Calimport)
    Paddlepoof - Gnome wizard, male
    Fergrim - Cleric, dwarven, male
    Mazzy - rogue, half-elf, female
    Di'ervel - Evoker, human, male
    Ismael Hhralram - rogue, human, male
    Caer (Dovan) - figther, dwarf, male

    (Lord) Belfire - noble efreet

    ---bunch of random names I would throw for random npcs the PCs encounter in random stuff---
    Pomab Ak'Azmhir (from IWD1 since he is from Calimport)

    I suppose thats enough names for now... Though I didn't list the one I almost always use for my main character when it comes to RP.....
  • Oxford_GuyOxford_Guy Member Posts: 3,729
    edited March 2013
    I like this chap, I see him as a bit of a rogue-ish dandy. He uses the posh British voice set (Male5) and has the Cat as his familiar. I've used the French spelling of Sebastien to give a hint that he's an impoverished exile from a noble house over seas, with pretensions to grandeur :-)


    BTW this is him after the Con and Cha tomes and Algernon's Cloak.
  • TheMoatMonsterTheMoatMonster Member Posts: 6
    Depends how serious I'm feeling. If I'm trying to role-play a little, I'll go with:

    Sorek (Male thief)
    Adrilimos (Male wizard)
    Haer'auna Half-Elven (Female ranger, second name pinched from Tanis Half-Elven)

    If I'm feeling more comical, I'll use names like:

    Evil Harry Dread (Borrowed from Discworld, normally used for a wizard)
    Shortarse Shinkicker (Dwarf warrior)
    Joe the Barbarian (He's going to make it big in barbarianing one of these days!)
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