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Favorite Charnames You've Come Up With



  • rexregrexreg Member Posts: 292
    edited November 2012
    deleted because i am tired & grumpy
  • AronAron Member Posts: 94
    edited November 2012
    ajwz said:

    My 5 tips for charnames:
    1. Keep them short, No more than 3 syllables, preferably 1 or 2
    2. Don't use vowel/consonant combination which don't happen very often in the English language. (unless you are basing the name off another language)
    3. Names are not a competition to score high in scrabble
    4. X's, Z's, V's, K's are not autopilot for cool.
    5. Don't be the person who gives your character a nickname and the asks people to call them that. Nicknames are given by other people.

    I guaruntee to a lot of people posting some of thier names in this thread that they don't sound as good or memorable to other people than you think they do.
    Some I've seen are very good. Others less so.

    Excellent post. I agree 100% with you. I love the
    character names to be "good" and "serious" for roleplaying games. So i could never use
    the name Xx KewLdeWd xX for example.

  • AronAron Member Posts: 94
    ajwz said:

    My 5 tips for charnames:
    1. Keep them short, No more than 3 syllables, preferably 1 or 2
    2. Don't use vowel/consonant combination which don't happen very often in the English language. (unless you are basing the name off another language)
    3. Names are not a competition to score high in scrabble
    4. X's, Z's, V's, K's are not autopilot for cool.
    5. Don't be the person who gives your character a nickname and the asks people to call them that. Nicknames are given by other people.

    I guaruntee to a lot of people posting some of thier names in this thread that they don't sound as good or memorable to other people than you think they do.
    Some I've seen are very good. Others less so.

    Excellent post. I agree 100% with you. I love the
    character names to be "good" and "serious" for roleplaying games. So i could never use
    the name Xx KewLdeWd xX for example.

  • KurumiKurumi Member Posts: 520
    I usually go with one (or more if it's a party) of these..

    Jeanne Landrea (Druid)
    Elowen/Elowyn (Druid)
    Mialee (Druid)
    Kurumi (Sorceress)
    Nienna Winterdale (Ranger)
    Celia Aers (Sorceress)
    Piwien Holitain (Fighter)
    Renar Silvermoon (Sorceress)
    Andur Shadowmoon (Druid)
    Looma Swift (Thief)
    Loravyre Tanglewood (Druid)
    Una Shadowbreeze (Thief)
    Elvcice'ylene Torett (Sorceress)
    Azumi (Thief)
    Yvalee Sszarra (Thief)
    Lin (Cleric)
  • AronAron Member Posts: 94
    Sorry i seem to have double posted :( Please delete one.
  • CactusCactus Member Posts: 152
    Itzal (hebrew, meaning shadow) - Male thief build or ranger (someone stealthy)
    Shamira - (hebrew, meaning guardian/protector) - female paladin or good aligned fighter/mage build
    Kaya - Female halfling fighter/thief
  • trinittrinit Member Posts: 705

    reading your post made me realize that thad-deus also has god hidden in the name. no matter the gender, you can't go wrong. besides, was there not a thaddeus in bg1 or 2 game anyway?
  • DreyyDreyy Member Posts: 118
    I've had so many over the years its enough to hurt the brain, some faded away into a forgotten part of my brain which they still still fight evil dragons but their names have vanished into the tablet of time, however there are a few i still hold near and dear. Mostly since i did (or got others to do) private voice overs for them all and had custom portraits made for some. Though many required alot of Shadowkeeper interventions to get just right.

    Ebnar Bluemace - Chaotic Neutral Male Dwarf Berserker

    Vincent Sweet-Song - Neutral Good Male Half-Elf Sorcerer

    Vance Ulthred - Lawful Good (Neutral Evil) Male Human Paladin (Anti-Paladin)

    Valarie Dalimor - Neutral Good Female Elf Fighter/Invoker

    Jaiden Locke - Lawful Evil Male Human Assassin/ Mage

    Horus Battle-Born - Lawful Good Male Half-Orc Fighter/ Cleric

    Calver Murdrake - Lawful Neutral Male Human Cleric/ Necromancer

    Gisha Garshbuckle - Lawful Neutral Female Gnome Fighter/ Cleric/ Illusionist

    Bromil Havenclaw - Chaotic Good Male Halfling Barbarian (/Mage)

    Helena Ashveil - Lawful Neutral Female Human Monk

    Brelianka Silvershield - Lawful Neutral Female Dwarf Swashbuckler/ Cleric

    Ulliyses Darinthel - Chaotic Good Male Half-Elf Fighter/ Mage/ Assassin

    Uillithin Greenedel - True Neutral Male Elf Fighter/ Totemic Druid

  • LadyRhianLadyRhian Member Posts: 14,694
    A very immature male friend of mine downloaded the game and named his character Myke Hokk, just so he could say, "Myke Hokk defeated Sarevok" and "Now, Myke Hokk is a God." :P
  • QuartzQuartz Member Posts: 3,853
    LadyRhian said:

    A very immature male friend of mine downloaded the game and named his character Myke Hokk, just so he could say, "Myke Hokk defeated Sarevok" and "Now, Myke Hokk is a God." :P

    I know people are going to shoot me for saying this, but honestly I think idiotic, fun, immature names like that are still better than the stereotypical "this is a fantasy RPG game and I'm trying too hard" names. That's just my opinion though, people are totally allowed to enjoy the game how they want ... I'll never be a fan though.
  • LadyRhianLadyRhian Member Posts: 14,694
    @Quartz He wants to play a game with me in Multiplayer and have my character named Myka Hunt. "They'd go together perfectly!" I rolled my eyes so hard, I think I broke something.
  • colonel_burgercolonel_burger Member Posts: 279
    I enjoy bastardising latin when coming up with charnames.
  • MungriMungri Member Posts: 1,645
    Logan - Human shapeshifter (named after the Xmen character with claws).
    Eloy - Elf assassin
    Anton - Human Assassin.

    Im not very creative with names :(
  • kansasbarbariankansasbarbarian Member Posts: 206
    Lexxor Bloodsteel - Human Paladin
    Gorgar - Halforc Barbarian
    Jarl Shadowspawn - Human Thief
    Gorm Skullsplitter - Dwarf Fighter
    Aurang Bloodaxe - Dwarf Fighter
  • GloktaGlokta Member Posts: 97
    Logen - Fighter/Barbarian
    Giwen - Cleric/Paladin
    Zap - Mage/Sorceror

    Possibly using Giwen as well for my evil/female/thief first playthrough of EE, havent done a evil BG1 playthrough for like.. 10 years or something :(
  • LemernisLemernis Member, Moderator Posts: 4,318
    ajwz said:

    My 5 tips for charnames:
    1. Keep them short, No more than 3 syllables, preferably 1 or 2
    2. Don't use vowel/consonant combination which don't happen very often in the English language. (unless you are basing the name off another language)
    3. Names are not a competition to score high in scrabble
    4. X's, Z's, V's, K's are not autopilot for cool.
    5. Don't be the person who gives your character a nickname and the asks people to call them that. Nicknames are given by other people.

    I guaruntee to a lot of people posting some of thier names in this thread that they don't sound as good or memorable to other people than you think they do.
    Some I've seen are very good. Others less so.

    In other words don't play a drow, lol.
  • NWN_babaYagaNWN_babaYaga Member Posts: 732
    Taknese Tittyknit
  • LadyRhianLadyRhian Member Posts: 14,694
    @ NWN_babaYaga For some reason, that reminds me of a video game review done by Yahtzee Croshaw where he named his character Gareth Gobblecocque.
  • NWN_babaYagaNWN_babaYaga Member Posts: 732
    edited November 2012
    hehe i like those random names that sound silly and gives you a smile whenever a NPC talks to you:D
    @LadyRhian is it the guy who wanted to name his player in Diablo3 .... and couldnt because of the vulgar language check ROFL.
  • MikkelMikkel Member Posts: 86
    Doublechins Wobblegut the Halfling
  • HaHaCharadeHaHaCharade Member Posts: 1,648
    Mikkel said:

    Doublechins Wobblegut the Halfling

    Bloke sounds like he needs a Potion of Fast Slimming.
  • MikkelMikkel Member Posts: 86
    D.W. was a devil with the ladies I tell you! Almost caused Jaheira and Khalid to divorce!
  • HaHaCharadeHaHaCharade Member Posts: 1,648
    Mikkel said:

    D.W. was a devil with the ladies I tell you! Almost caused Jaheira and Khalid to divorce!

    Would you like some chicken I got more? Frisky are we?!

  • HaHaCharadeHaHaCharade Member Posts: 1,648

    Taknese Tittyknit

    Say that five times fast... lol
  • LadyRhianLadyRhian Member Posts: 14,694

    hehe i like those random names that sound silly and gives you a smile whenever a NPC talks to you:D
    @LadyRhian is it the guy who wanted to name his player in Diablo3 .... and couldnt because of the vulgar language check ROFL.

    Tabula Rasa.
  • SapphireIce101SapphireIce101 Member Posts: 866
    My favorite Charnames that I've created for Baldur's Gate/Baldur's Gate II are:

    Ayaka Sykora - Elf, Mage/Thief (Was a Fighter/Mage/Thief.)
    Soren Syriana - Elf, Berserker (With ToBEx installed he would dual into a Cleric.)
    Kalyinara Syriana - Elf, Enchanter (She was a cleric.)
    Akiel Blackheart - Elf (Drow), Fighter/Thief
    Amara-Lee (Used to be Analethene) - Half-Elf, Mage/Cleric
    Anara - Human, Kensai
    Kara - Half-Elf, Bard (In vanilla, but with ToBEx installed she would have been a Skald.)
    Akail - Human, Thief dualed into an Abjurer.
  • MedullaOblongataMedullaOblongata Member Posts: 434
    Humans: Jai, Riothamus, Brynne, Chance, Xia Ming, Rysc, Araaj, Brimlow, Gris, Sai, Raj
    Elves: Illari, Faelin, Nilaruna, Rwn, Granas, Eliran, Aesa
    Gnomes: Wispi, Gidgett, Mitzi, Sham
    Halflings: Yamba, Trillo, Roan, Pace, Oswyn, Marzia, Magalie, Kiidrii, Gwyn, Gavin, Enzo
  • SwordsNotWordsSwordsNotWords Member Posts: 147
  • ajwzajwz Member Posts: 4,122
    Quartz said:

    LadyRhian said:

    A very immature male friend of mine downloaded the game and named his character Myke Hokk, just so he could say, "Myke Hokk defeated Sarevok" and "Now, Myke Hokk is a God." :P

    I know people are going to shoot me for saying this, but honestly I think idiotic, fun, immature names like that are still better than the stereotypical "this is a fantasy RPG game and I'm trying too hard" names. That's just my opinion though, people are totally allowed to enjoy the game how they want ... I'll never be a fan though.
    Agree 100%
  • LadyEibhilinRhettLadyEibhilinRhett Member Posts: 1,078
    @Mikkel has the best character, everyone else go home.
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