Baldur's Gate App

On the Google Play Store, there is an app you can downlaod that's a refernece sheet for all things Baldur's Gate. It states what having X on given stat does, the class kits and a small descripition of each, requirements for specialist mages, XP charts for leveling for the classes, spell books for both divine and arcane, level progression for spells, and recently added: stats for basic arms & armor.
It is free, and I remember just typing "Baldur's Gate" and it being either the first or second result. It's good for either BGI or BGII so I'd highly recommend it to maximize your PC.
Note: My friend has an IPhone and couldn't find it. Not sure if Apple doesn't allow it, or it's still going through processing. Thanks @Anton for giving me the link to post it to the top.
It is free, and I remember just typing "Baldur's Gate" and it being either the first or second result. It's good for either BGI or BGII so I'd highly recommend it to maximize your PC.
Note: My friend has an IPhone and couldn't find it. Not sure if Apple doesn't allow it, or it's still going through processing. Thanks @Anton for giving me the link to post it to the top.
Post edited by Jalily on
There are many tables and I think all spells.
In the future they will add more tables.
I do not know if it is also available for Apple.
Try it!
From Play Store:
Ho trovato questa app, sembra molto utile.
Ci sono molte tabelle e credo tutti gli incantesimi.
In futuro aggiungeranno altre tabelle...
Non so se è disponibile anche per la Apple.
Just downloaded and it is great! Could do with a bit more meat though.
I'll admit that it does, but it is handy to have all that info right next to you inside of minimizing BG and opening the internet. It does update quite regularly (about every 2 weeks) and it does get fixed really soon if it does need it. Hope it helps.
another great one (on android at least) baldur's gate nostalgia soundboard, with some (could do with more) soundbites from across the trilogy
a great support when you're determined not to play BG until the BGEE comes out
He makes it very clear that it is not finished yet. So meat, as it were, is being added all the time. It is regularly updated. By the time BG:EE comes out. There may be new updated tables. I am pretty sure CS will update again!
If you have an Android, download it now!
Baldur's Gate Reference
by CSalmon
A few notes on what's been mentioned already:
- an iOS version won't be happening any time in the foreseeable future. I need a MacBook to develop for Apple, and I won't be spending thousands of dollars on a machine that allows to continue a hobby that I barely have time for. Sorry!
- the app should work on Android tablets without any issues, but the layout will be stretched. I'm starting work on landscape layouts already, and proper tabletsupport will come in time.
- regarding errors: if something is wrong, PLEASE EMAIL ME! I want this app to be as accurate as possible and any suggestions are good suggestions.
- @ginger_hammer when you say the app needs "more meat", what do you mean specifically?
Anyway, I'll bookmark this page and come back to it from time to time, but the best way to contact me directly is via email (can do this through the Google Play listing). Thanks for reading, and thanks for using the app!
-Multiclass options
-Alignment restrictions
-Additional info on attributes, such as 20+ consitution regenerates, hit points per class, etc
-I can't seen to scroll horizontally on the existing tables?
-Expanded weapons/items
-Weapon proficiencies and who gets them at what level, what they do, etc
Obviously there is a lot to cover in BG but you deserve respect for getting the app together (I'm a developer too). Nice job and keep up the good work!
I like the somewhat barebones approach. It's an information tool which is all I would want. I'm sure as time goes on more info will be updated into it.
Perhaps you may use your android dev skills in porting Shadowkeeper to android devices? If author of the mighty tool - Aaron - wouldn't mind of course. A lot of us would love this to happen.
In a way ya. It lists all the spells and basic, non-magical/non-artifact, weapons & armor, what the bonuses are when you have ## for a stat, basic descriptions of kits, etc.
Read first post to learn more.
I'll address the questions which have come up since I last posted: Yeah, that's definitely an option. Once it's more fleshed out and I'm happy with a "final" list of features included, I'm open to working with an iOS developer to get something equivalent going. Thanks for those - most of those I've already got in my current list of intended features, but I've added the ones that I hadn't thought of yet. Stats which come from the game manuals get first priority, then I'll add the other stuff later. Unfortunately I don't think I'm anywhere near that level to be able to port something like that into Android. At the moment I'm going to say no.
Anyway, I've just updated the app to 1.5.3 which includes some reputation/alignment and thief skill data. As usual, I prefer feedback via email or reviews through the Play Store (as I check those quite frequently). Thanks for the support and advice!
- IMHO Monk should be moved from Priests (classes & kits) to Warriors.
- In STR (character attributes) column with Bash is outside of the visible screen range, I see only "B" letter (Samsung Galaxy Gio S5660, Android v2.3)
- In CON info about regeneration is missing. (Update: already reported by @ginger_hammer)
- In upper menu Stats, Spells/Items, Other buttons should also be clickable I think.
During your next update please take into account information available in these new manuals: