OOC I'm sure I'm going to regret this but Detect Evil on Irina and her brother. As far as I know this entire sad story may be a trap from the vampire...
Edwin grins ruefully at Branwen." I'm afraid I'm not dead yet my dear (though amongst companions as incompetent as these...). "
He watches the exchange between Aerie and Keldorn in amusement.
"Do not berate the paladin overly much for putting gruff uneducated words to the fears we all have. It is a truth that this gentle girl may turn at any time. Or do you wish to ignore the marks on her neck in hopes they will go away? I for one would not have someone at my back that might turn into a snarling monster out for blood. That being said, amongst this group I'm certain we will invite her to a tea party with us, rather than the more intelligent alternative."
Cernd watched the coversation between Keldorn and Aerie unfold, wordlessly. He paused for a moment and then spoke. "If we did find a wolf in sheep's hide, wouldn't it be wiser to lead it away from the flock? And even if, she is not one, she is still the target of our predator, and it might be better to set a trap, no? Fight it on our terms, and not theirs."
OOC: Sorry bout the slow posting, work has been a little hectic, and i'll try to keep up.
I truly did mean to offend, I want to test your emotions and see if something truly evil was there before the bite. For now I will assume you can still be saved, but only by a hair. If I find any proof that you brought on this evil yourself, for good or evil, then I will personally end your suffering. Ajantis, I apologize for not warning you, everything here is evil, even if the people do not glow with it, it permeates the land, the air and all of this reality. I believe where we are now, there is no good but what we brought.
We do not have time for pleasantries, or even tea. We must move fast before darkness comes, Ireena, please, would you join us outside and find what your neighbor may know.
DM: Just a note guys, but I'm now Mod of the Roleplaying section. Woohoo! Awesome, Cosmic Powers! Itty bitty living space... just joking. But, if you have a problem, please notify me. And congrats to everyone who got the new "Tomb of Horrors" badge. I helped with that, but I wanted to keep it a secret for you all.
Indeed, there is a definite evil presence in the area- but it isn't from Irina or Ismark. It's sort of everywhere, as omnipresent as the fog outside. (And you're right, the letter does have the two e's. It should be Ireena, but my mind insists on substituting Irina, so I am going with that spelling for now.)
Irina takes deep breath. "I understand, Sir Keldorn. And in this place, you have a right to be cautious. We are used to living this way, and you are not. Living all our lives under the shadow of that monster... it is no wonder that we are how we are."
She takes a piece of the garlic toast and bites into it. It's cold and stale, because it's been in Skie's pack for gods alone know how long, but she eats it without a glimmer of protest or distaste. "It's good," she tells Skie, then cocks an eyebrow, "Did I pass your test?"
She nods at Keldorn. "Certainly, I will accompany you. Just let me get my things..." She moves to the back of the house and you hear the jingle of Chainmail armor. When she reappears, she wears chainmail beneath her tunic of blue, and a longsword on a belt at her side. Her face is calm, but determined. "Shall we go?" she asks.
She nods at Keldorn. "Certainly, I will accompany you. Just let me get my things..." She moves to the back of the house and you hear the jingle of Chainmail armor. When she reappears, she wears chainmail beneath her tunic of blue, and a longsword on a belt at her side. Her face is calm, but determined. "Shall we go?" she asks.
Impressive, you look more prepared than I could have expected, maybe there is more to you than I feared. If the light allows you to pass outside, I will work to saving you.
Edwin, I seem to have two projects here, and for some reason I feel hers is the most likely to succeed. Alas, for Skie, she needs not my help, she deals with her own troubles in her own peculiar fashion, even if it's doomed to fail it is her right to die trying.
Alora feels that a tea party that just consists of stale garlic bread (and she wasn't even offered any of that) is a pretty poor show. However, she hides her disappointment, takes Edwin by the hand and leads him off to the house where the crying woman lives.
"Come on Edwin. I'm sure someone as clever as you will be able to think of a way to cheer her up."
Okay, you walk back through the town to the house of the crying woman. Mad Marya, if that is who it is, ignores your knocking on the door and calls. No one seems to be home in the houses around, or if they are, they are ignoring you, too.
The lock is a sturdy one, but not well-maintained. A little lock oil, some work with your picks, and you are in. The house inside is just as well-maintained as that of Irina and Ismark, but a layer of dust is starting to gather on things. Apparently, something has happened recently, though you have no idea what it is.
Once again, the evil is everywhere, as omnipresent as the fog. In fact, you aren't sure that the fog isn't the source of that evil. This place is no more evil than anywhere else, though.
Something serious may be happening inside. I'll go around the house trying to see inside through a window. I have to disagree with this time, Lord. Maybe the lady can't manifes her will because she is too weak to do so.
Lady Alora, if you'd be so kind to acompany me, I may need your skills.
A crying women is no sign that something horrible has happened, assumptions like this will only lead to tragedy. We had no right to break in, I will not partake of this impart on her personal space. Though if I didn't go in and keep you in line it would be even worse, you may fall to temptation of theft.
It is people like you Alora that give the term adventurer such a foul meaning, soon the entire village will be boarding their windows, praying to their Gods that you don't rob them blind, all so you can take care of some minor fixation, to improve your purse.
This evil fog makes me wonder, if it is a fog, if it is the source of evil. Edwin would you happen to know of a spell, or able to research one that can give us a zone of clean air? I could try just doing a general dispel of magic in this area, but I doubt that would have much effect.
Up the stairs, you find several bedrooms. One of them has old toys in it, while a second is decorated as befits a young woman's room. Irina stares. "I did not know that Marya had children... and these toys are too new to be hers..."
and now, a bunch of thugs have broken in and scared them away.
*shouting* Marya, I am sorry for intruding. We come here meaning good, and no harm will be done to you or the children. Please, let us help you and we will make this village a safer place for all.
A small, dark-haired woman, her hair liberally streaked with gray, comes running out of one of the bedrooms. "YOU! You took her! Bring her back! She's all I have! Bring her back!" she starts pounding on Keldorn's armor with her bare fists.... and doing absolutely nothing. (i.e. no damage)
Aerie follows right behind Alora and shakes her head at Keldorn's racket. She's starting to understand that this is simply his way, but she wishes his way was quieter and perhaps less judge-y.
Skie was a little surprised by the sudden appearance of the crazy lady, but is relieved that her attention is solely focused on Keldorn, allowing Skie to slip around behind her and subdue her if necessary.
OOC @mlnevese How is that different from just having a DM?
IC Aerie turns to the woman, "Marya, Marya, please calm down. We just arrived here today. This is Keldorn. He hasn't taken anyone. We heard you weeping and came to see if there was some way we could aid you. Who are you speaking of? A daughter?"
He watches the exchange between Aerie and Keldorn in amusement.
"Do not berate the paladin overly much for putting gruff uneducated words to the fears we all have. It is a truth that this gentle girl may turn at any time. Or do you wish to ignore the marks on her neck in hopes they will go away? I for one would not have someone at my back that might turn into a snarling monster out for blood. That being said, amongst this group I'm certain we will invite her to a tea party with us, rather than the more intelligent alternative."
He nods to Keldorn.
OOC: Sorry bout the slow posting, work has been a little hectic, and i'll try to keep up.
We do not have time for pleasantries, or even tea. We must move fast before darkness comes, Ireena, please, would you join us outside and find what your neighbor may know.
Indeed, there is a definite evil presence in the area- but it isn't from Irina or Ismark. It's sort of everywhere, as omnipresent as the fog outside. (And you're right, the letter does have the two e's. It should be Ireena, but my mind insists on substituting Irina, so I am going with that spelling for now.)
Irina takes deep breath. "I understand, Sir Keldorn. And in this place, you have a right to be cautious. We are used to living this way, and you are not. Living all our lives under the shadow of that monster... it is no wonder that we are how we are."
She takes a piece of the garlic toast and bites into it. It's cold and stale, because it's been in Skie's pack for gods alone know how long, but she eats it without a glimmer of protest or distaste. "It's good," she tells Skie, then cocks an eyebrow, "Did I pass your test?"
She nods at Keldorn. "Certainly, I will accompany you. Just let me get my things..." She moves to the back of the house and you hear the jingle of Chainmail armor. When she reappears, she wears chainmail beneath her tunic of blue, and a longsword on a belt at her side. Her face is calm, but determined. "Shall we go?" she asks.
"I'm glad you're not a vampire. You seemed to like the bread, I have more if you want."
Skie takes more out and starts munching on it.
"I just love garlic. But it tends to give me bad breath."
Edwin, I seem to have two projects here, and for some reason I feel hers is the most likely to succeed. Alas, for Skie, she needs not my help, she deals with her own troubles in her own peculiar fashion, even if it's doomed to fail it is her right to die trying.
"Come on Edwin. I'm sure someone as clever as you will be able to think of a way to cheer her up."
She will check for traps on the front door and then try to pick the lock.
Breaking into someone elses house, that is not right. If she does not want visitors, then we are not welcome.
*prepares for the nausea from the overwhelming evil and casts detect evil, concentrating on the house itself*
Lady Alora, if you'd be so kind to acompany me, I may need your skills.
"Fear not good knight, for we break in with the best intentions."
Smiles down at Alora.
"I doubt it will tax my vast intellect to help this woman, and it may gather us much needed information."
It is people like you Alora that give the term adventurer such a foul meaning, soon the entire village will be boarding their windows, praying to their Gods that you don't rob them blind, all so you can take care of some minor fixation, to improve your purse.
This evil fog makes me wonder, if it is a fog, if it is the source of evil. Edwin would you happen to know of a spell, or able to research one that can give us a zone of clean air? I could try just doing a general dispel of magic in this area, but I doubt that would have much effect.
*shouting* Marya, I am sorry for intruding. We come here meaning good, and no harm will be done to you or the children. Please, let us help you and we will make this village a safer place for all.
OOC: and time for me to take the choo choo home..
*Goes into stealth mode and searches for traps.*
IC Aerie turns to the woman, "Marya, Marya, please calm down. We just arrived here today. This is Keldorn. He hasn't taken anyone. We heard you weeping and came to see if there was some way we could aid you. Who are you speaking of? A daughter?"