Alora doesn't want to disturb Edwin while he is reading his books so she goes and talks to Keldorn (even though he is quite scary) and Aerie (who isn't scary at all).
I heard someone crying in the house we passed on our way here. It is all barricaded up but I head someone upstairs sobbing. I think we should go and see if they are all right.
(Even if Aerie and Keldorn won't come with her, Alora is going back. She will rap on the shutters and ask what is the matter. If she doesn't get an answer she will break in and go upstairs to see)
Although Valygar is the loner in this group, he does want any of his companions to get into harm's way. He follows Alora from a distant and prepares to help her if she is in troubles.
Forget the bath, Skie. What can our new friends tell us about this Strahd and the attacks on this house and town. We may be in for a long night,so we should prepare.
Skie plops down in a soft chair crossing her arms and pouting her lips, "fine, I'll just sit here and smell bad then. I'll just sit here until something interesting happens."
Aerie is willing to accompany Alora to check on the person who was weeping. She gently asks Alora if she's willing to wait until after Irina tells us about Strahd so that she won't have to tell the same story twice. "We'll help as many as we can, but let's hear all of this tale before moving on to the next, okay?"
Irina nods. "You are right. Strahd... has ruled this land for hundreds of years. Some say, as long as the village has been here. Others say longer. No one seems to know which is the truth, but the older folk say he has been here since before they were born. It is true in my case. I cannot remember a time before he was here. He lives in his castle, on the side of the mountain. He claims to be our 'protector'." Her voice went flat. "If he is, it is only as a shepherd protects a valuable flock of sheep- for our blood and lives. Oh yes, he takes those as well."
"Every year we die a slow death- people die and disappear, and the village gets smaller. We have both lost friends as well as loved ones..." her voice breaks a bit, but she takes a deep breath and continues. "and until a night ago, we had a special protection, a holy relic said to be from the founding of our village. But there was an attack- wolves broke through and attacked our home, and me. When I came to... the relic was gone, and I had a second pair of holes in my neck." She raises her hand and rubs angrily at the holes. "Now! Now... I endanger the people by staying here, but I don't know where else to go. No one but Ismark is willing to escort me and I am not going to put my brother in danger simply to leave this place. But if you are willing to go against this monster, I am willing to defend myself. I am trained in combat, and just as good as my brother in the lists."
"Better, even, if you will believe it," Ismark says with a fond smile. "And do not take my words for those of a mere fond older brother. They are only the truth."
Aerie listens with tears in her eyes. "This Strahd must not be allowed to continue feeding off this land and these people. It''s like slavery! It's awful! He's taken peoples' lives and homes and turned them into a cage. It's the worst kind of wrong, and I will NOT stand for it." She practically vibrates with rage at what's been done here.
Before running off after the curious Alora, Valygar asks, "Irina, you said that you have a second pair of bite marks on your neck. Have you been feeling something strange inside you or a subtle change within your body ever since the attack?" Valygar is worried that Irina may transform into a vampire and takes precaution against a potential lethal enemy.
Branwen scowls as she listens to the tragic tale of Irina, seeing Aerie suffer through the same indignation and rage as herself. "We are not only willing, we are duty driven to smite this monster from your lands, goodfolk. He may be ancient, but his days now are numbered, I swear on Tempus to you. Such blasphemy to steal this relic of yours! This beast has a foolish daring that will be his undoing!"
*realising her voice has progressed far beyond "indoor politeness level" she clears her throat and calms herself, looking a little sheepish. * your brother escorted us to your house...we heard weeping along the way... surely we cannot in good faith leave someone in such distress alone. We must investigate and provide aid!
*Nodding in approval at Alora, Aerie and Valygar's wanting to help the wailer, as she scowls at the insolent Thayvian wizard and spoilt aristocratic brat, swanning around like they own the place*
"No," Irina says with honesty to Valygar. "Sometimes, I feel a craving for... blood. But that is unnatural, and so I do not dwell on it."
She looks questioningly at Ismark as you talk about the weeping.
"That is the house of Marya Ivankova. When we were children, they called her "Mad Marya", for she was most suspicious and seemed angry at all of us. She has been crying like that for weeks, but she will speak to none of us about it. She will not even let us in the door of her home. Perhaps you, being strangers, will have better luck."
He ducks his head a little. "As you know, children can be... thoughtlessly cruel. Perhaps she remembers this of us."
Aerie lays a comforting hand on his shoulder. "We all do foolish things as children. I'm sure she knows this and will not hold it against you. Perhaps she doesn't want to add to your burdens with her own. Either way, we shall investigate." She smiles warmly at Alora. "Let's go talk to Marya and see if we can cheer her up."
OOC I never found or used Skie in BG. I used her portrait in BG2 for a sorceress I named Alakazamkazoo. Skie and my sorceress have vastly different personalities.
"It seems to me this relic was rather useless if stolen so easily."
Noticing the others preparing to head off to investigate the crying he chuckles softly.
"Need we now stop to whipe the tears and snot of every babe that cries over a bit of lost sweets as well? I had thought us to have more important matters to attend."
"I could think of better things to do than visit some crazy old woman, but I know you'd all be hopeless without me. I suppose I'll have to come along."
In truth Skie just doesn't want to be left alone with Irina, who could turn into a vampire at any moment.
OOC I never found or used Skie in BG. I used her portrait in BG2 for a sorceress I named Alakazamkazoo. Skie and my sorceress have vastly different personalities.
I've never used Skie either. I'm just guessing this is what she'd be like.
Edwin stands slowly and begins to pack up his things.
"I suppose I shall accompany you as well. Perhaps my vast intelect can be put to the task of drying some elderly old woman's tears. I do hope I'm up to the challenge."
I heard someone crying in the house we passed on our way here. It is all barricaded up but I head someone upstairs sobbing. I think we should go and see if they are all right.
OOC: Sorry for being away so long... and sorry for about the a-hole turn I'm about to take...
IC: Sorry, I was deep in thought here. As much as I'd like to go investigate the poor old women, I fear we must deal with the main issue here in front of us.
Irina, I must know... What temptations have you been using on this Strahd? To me it looks like you've tried to gain his favor to spare your brother. If you can admit this, I can work on saving you before your transformation is complete. If you don't tell me about your evils, I will have to cleanse you much sooner and your brother would not appreciate that, more so if he finds out HOW MUCH you were involved in your own fathers death.
I have dealt with plenty petty vampires in my day, and their lust for blood is only marginally stronger than their lust for lust itself. As "sick" as you are, it's obvious that you have been practicing in the art of seduction for such a time as must have presented itself recently.
Repent now, tell me what you did to save your brother, tell me what ransom or some such they held over your brother. Tell me everything, your tears will not work on me, I am here only for the truth.
OOC Wow spoken as a true Undead Hunter of the Order.
Knowing Lord Keldorn is probably right, Ajantis awaits to see the reaction of the other members of the group. He hopes they realize the potential Vampire in front of them is a threat.
Irina stares at Keldorn. "I have done nothing to invite this plague to target me," she says, her voice cold, but with a lot of anger beneath. "I have not asked for this plague, nor tempted the monster. Evils? Perhaps I was not always the dutiful daughter I should have been, nor the loving sister when faced with my brother's own misdeeds, but what EVILS do you accuse me of besides lust and perhaps loving my family and my people too much?"
Ismark butts in, "I drink too much, too often, but that is not an unusual failing, around here. Who can live under such a monster without wishing to forget sometimes?"
We have probably already heard the cause of Marya's problem, but perhaps showing her some compassion in this desert of sorrow will aid us in our hunt for this Strahd.
But first thing first, Ismark and Irina, we retrieved this letter from a corpse just outside the town gates. It is signed by your father. Do you know anything of this? (shows them the bloody letter)
Aerie marches over to Keldorn and slaps him hard, open-handed across the face. "Shame on you, Sir Keldorn! This young woman has done nothing to threaten us, nothing to harm us, and has sought to travel with us to face the source of all this evil! Have you no compassion? Have you no mercy? How dare you attack her honor when she and her family and her friends and neighbors are clearly the victims here? You have neither proof nor even evidence to support your accusations. Come to think of it, she did not ask for our presence. We sought her out, and you dare to treat her this way in her own home, with slander and baseless judgments. I am ashamed for you, Keldorn. I am ashamed of you. You are not a fit holder of the title Paladin." She spits the last like it's a curse.
She very deliberately turns her back on Keldorn and takes a deep breath, visibly trying to calm herself. "Yes, Kivan, good idea about Marya and about the letter. This letter was actually the second one about this situation we received. The first we received at a tavern on the other side of the wood. A dark-skinned man with a thick accent and green cloak gave us a different letter that started us down this path. On our way, we found a poor unfortunate soul bearing a second letter. He'd fallen afoul of some wolves, I'm afraid." If it's about, she shows Irina and Ismark the other letter as well.
Branwen glares at the arrogant Red wizard scoffing in the corner. "Turn undead!" she says firmly, holding out her holy item of power into Edwin's face. "Hmph. No response? I am surprised, i must admit. For a soul such as yourself whose heart is obviously missing to be still up and walking around, I was quite convinced you must be of the walking dead yourself!"
Hearing the Paladins' berating of Irina, she mutters under her breath. "Typical males, always wanting to subject their power over women."
"Keldorn. Ajantis. You are men of Gods. Can you see any spite or wickedness within Irina's heart. or Ismark's for that matter? if you truly do not trust her, perhaps she should be taken along under your watchful eyes? But I will not have her abritrarily accused of misdeeds simply because she is female!"
"You poor girl. No father is one thing, but no servants either. Such a tragic life you live..."
"In any case, can I still get a hot bath?"
"You heard her, help her get water from the well, and the cauldron in the kitchen. My bath isn't going to draw itself."
I heard someone crying in the house we passed on our way here. It is all barricaded up but I head someone upstairs sobbing. I think we should go and see if they are all right.
(Even if Aerie and Keldorn won't come with her, Alora is going back. She will rap on the shutters and ask what is the matter. If she doesn't get an answer she will break in and go upstairs to see)
"Every year we die a slow death- people die and disappear, and the village gets smaller. We have both lost friends as well as loved ones..." her voice breaks a bit, but she takes a deep breath and continues. "and until a night ago, we had a special protection, a holy relic said to be from the founding of our village. But there was an attack- wolves broke through and attacked our home, and me. When I came to... the relic was gone, and I had a second pair of holes in my neck." She raises her hand and rubs angrily at the holes. "Now! Now... I endanger the people by staying here, but I don't know where else to go. No one but Ismark is willing to escort me and I am not going to put my brother in danger simply to leave this place. But if you are willing to go against this monster, I am willing to defend myself. I am trained in combat, and just as good as my brother in the lists."
"Better, even, if you will believe it," Ismark says with a fond smile. "And do not take my words for those of a mere fond older brother. They are only the truth."
"We are not only willing, we are duty driven to smite this monster from your lands, goodfolk. He may be ancient, but his days now are numbered, I swear on Tempus to you. Such blasphemy to steal this relic of yours! This beast has a foolish daring that will be his undoing!"
*realising her voice has progressed far beyond "indoor politeness level" she clears her throat and calms herself, looking a little sheepish. * your brother escorted us to your house...we heard weeping along the way... surely we cannot in good faith leave someone in such distress alone. We must investigate and provide aid!
*Nodding in approval at Alora, Aerie and Valygar's wanting to help the wailer, as she scowls at the insolent Thayvian wizard and spoilt aristocratic brat, swanning around like they own the place*
She looks questioningly at Ismark as you talk about the weeping.
"That is the house of Marya Ivankova. When we were children, they called her "Mad Marya", for she was most suspicious and seemed angry at all of us. She has been crying like that for weeks, but she will speak to none of us about it. She will not even let us in the door of her home. Perhaps you, being strangers, will have better luck."
He ducks his head a little. "As you know, children can be... thoughtlessly cruel. Perhaps she remembers this of us."
"It seems to me this relic was rather useless if stolen so easily."
Noticing the others preparing to head off to investigate the crying he chuckles softly.
"Need we now stop to whipe the tears and snot of every babe that cries over a bit of lost sweets as well? I had thought us to have more important matters to attend."
In truth Skie just doesn't want to be left alone with Irina, who could turn into a vampire at any moment.
I've never used Skie either. I'm just guessing this is what she'd be like.
"I suppose I shall accompany you as well. Perhaps my vast intelect can be put to the task of drying some elderly old woman's tears. I do hope I'm up to the challenge."
IC: Sorry, I was deep in thought here. As much as I'd like to go investigate the poor old women, I fear we must deal with the main issue here in front of us.
Irina, I must know... What temptations have you been using on this Strahd? To me it looks like you've tried to gain his favor to spare your brother. If you can admit this, I can work on saving you before your transformation is complete. If you don't tell me about your evils, I will have to cleanse you much sooner and your brother would not appreciate that, more so if he finds out HOW MUCH you were involved in your own fathers death.
I have dealt with plenty petty vampires in my day, and their lust for blood is only marginally stronger than their lust for lust itself. As "sick" as you are, it's obvious that you have been practicing in the art of seduction for such a time as must have presented itself recently.
Repent now, tell me what you did to save your brother, tell me what ransom or some such they held over your brother. Tell me everything, your tears will not work on me, I am here only for the truth.
Knowing Lord Keldorn is probably right, Ajantis awaits to see the reaction of the other members of the group. He hopes they realize the potential Vampire in front of them is a threat.
Ismark butts in, "I drink too much, too often, but that is not an unusual failing, around here. Who can live under such a monster without wishing to forget sometimes?"
"Methinks though dost protest too much."
But first thing first, Ismark and Irina, we retrieved this letter from a corpse just outside the town gates. It is signed by your father. Do you know anything of this? (shows them the bloody letter)
"Oh where are my manners. You care for some Irina? It's only polite to accept."
*Offers the toast to Irina.*
"Turn undead!" she says firmly, holding out her holy item of power into Edwin's face.
"Hmph. No response? I am surprised, i must admit. For a soul such as yourself whose heart is obviously missing to be still up and walking around, I was quite convinced you must be of the walking dead yourself!"
Hearing the Paladins' berating of Irina, she mutters under her breath. "Typical males, always wanting to subject their power over women."
"Keldorn. Ajantis. You are men of Gods. Can you see any spite or wickedness within Irina's heart. or Ismark's for that matter? if you truly do not trust her, perhaps she should be taken along under your watchful eyes? But I will not have her abritrarily accused of misdeeds simply because she is female!"