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Roleplaying Challenge: Ravenloft



  • katastrophekatastrophe Member Posts: 404
    edited January 2013
    OOC: @bbear I believe the party left the room to escape Cernd's snack time. Shar-teel emerged only when Cernd returned to his former shape and began regurgitating upon Kivan.
    @Lockmund / @rufus_hobart I'm amiable to the loot distribution

    "Exactly how does one desecrate half eaten human remains exactly? Stupid man, away with you before I plant this axe in your face and make you pretty"
  • IchigoRXCIchigoRXC Member Posts: 1,001
    @ladyRhian what level am I. Also Platemail means no sneaking for me hehe
  • LadyRhianLadyRhian Member Posts: 14,694
    @IchigoRXC You are level 8/8. You get teleported in as a punishment/test by Cyric.
  • IchigoRXCIchigoRXC Member Posts: 1,001
    Level 1: Doom, Bless, Cure Light Wounds x2
    Level 2: Chant, Find Traps, Draw Upon (un)holy Might
    Level 3: Dispel Magic, Cure Disease, Cure Medium Wounds
    Level 4: Mental Domination, Negative Plane Protection

    All of my Thief points can go into hide in shadows and move silently. (I can't work out what I would have...)

    *Tiax looks around at the rag tag bunch of adventurers*

    Some of you seem mighty familiar to Tiax, not that it matters. Master has sent Tiax to rule over you, a test of Tiax's patience I am sure, but rule Tiax must. Now who was in charge before Tiax's arrival, Tiax must have words.
  • LadyRhianLadyRhian Member Posts: 14,694
    @IchigoRXC Sorry about that. You get 270 points to distribute. You start out with: Pick Pockets 15%, Open Locks 20%, Find/Remove Traps 15%, Move Silently 15%, Hide in Shadows 10%, Detect Noise 25%, Climb Walls 45% and Read Languages 0%.
  • rufus_hobartrufus_hobart Member Posts: 490
    edited January 2013
    Branwen casts cure light wounds on herself to heal some of her more pressing wounds and dons her new armor. Arching a brow at the funny little apparition that struts around boastfully she mutters to herself about malevolent midgets.
    "Your master? Are you one of the vampire's puppets, perchance? Should we behead you where you stand for what his other minions have done to our companions?"
    *Gesturing to the remains of Keldorn and smiling sardonically* "Our previous leader is that pile of innards on the floor. The druid regurgitating upon him seems, by default, to have contested his leadership. By all means, step up and have your words with our druidwolf. I'm sure Cernd will be most eager to hear them as he changes again and tears out your throat."
  • LadyRhianLadyRhian Member Posts: 14,694
    DM: Tiax will surely lead... tomorrow, in this case. ;)
  • IchigoRXCIchigoRXC Member Posts: 1,001
    *Tiax frowns at the tall built warriorwoman as she rips blood stained chainmail off and laughs at him*
    Tiax is not impressed woman, your sense of humour in the light of such events is not satisfactory when in the presence of one who shall rule.
    The Prince of Lies himself has sent Tiax to aid you in your "quest" or whatever it is you seem to be doing. Tiax must say, Tiax did not have all the details filled in by Cyric, but you know, never question a god's intentions, or you will never rule. That's what Tiax says.

    So now Tiax is here, the druid has been fed, the warrior woman is changing her arms, Tiax would say it's a good time to rest. Tiax is tired. Tiax had a long journey here, via magical portal.

    OOC: Am I allowed to use swords like before because I am a follower of Cyric? :D Just for backstabby goodness.

    Pick Pockets 15%
    Open Locks 20%
    Find/Remove Traps 15%
    Move Silently 100%
    Hide in Shadows 100%
    Detect Noise 25%
    Climb Walls 45%
    Read Languages 95%.

    I have assigned my points in a very onesided manner, based on Tiax himself. Being a follower of Cyric I find backstabbing would be crucial, so stealth is first. Also, I need the ability to read languages, so I can then lie about it. :D
  • lockmundlockmund Member Posts: 354
    Garrick turns to Valygar who is still floating around close to the surface. "I can tell you are a man that appriciate magic. This should help you get a better view of our foes." Garrick cast infravision and then dons his new armor. Would you still like a robe Valygar? It's a robe of blending and I can't use Xzar's cloak with the armor, so you can have that as well (as long as Xzar doesn't mind).

    Facing the new heroes he smiles and shake their hands. "Welcome! I know it's a bit disorienting at first, but you'll get the hang of it. If you would just be so good as to to line up for a quick inspection of your pearly whites. We had a bit of a tumble with some vampires so I'm sure you'll understand."

    ooc It's not life or death I guess, but can Tiax technically be a lvl 8/8 thief/cleric as he turns from a 8/7 to a 9/8 at 220kxp? Further, won't his lack of strength prevent plate? I'd offer a spell to help out, but I've used both my Strength spells for now. If we decide to rest (again) I could redistribute them.
  • Fighting_FerretFighting_Ferret Member Posts: 229
    Resting inside Strahd's castle is a bad idea... if that last encounter is any indication, but by all means...
  • IchigoRXCIchigoRXC Member Posts: 1,001
    OOC: I would be happy to shed my plate for something I can move in more freely to utilise my stealth heh. Anyone dead happen to be carry a half decent short sword? Also the resting idea from Tiax should not be taken seriously, he is just lazy and happy to leave any heavy lifting to everyone else. He is also insane, and a thief haha.
  • lockmundlockmund Member Posts: 354
    @IchigoRXC Shar-Teel has a studded leather +1 that I'm sure she'd trade for the plate (and then I can have the chain). As for weapons, a cleric with strength 9 is limited. I think warhammer, club, staff and sling is it really. With more strength mace (we have plenty of those, including a mace +2 in Xzar's inventory) and spiked weapons come into play.
  • IchigoRXCIchigoRXC Member Posts: 1,001
    @Lockmund as a priest of Cyric I believe it can be said (and has been in previous playthroughs with LadyRhian) that Tiax can use a short sword (long swords are like two handers for the little gnomes I believe)
    Studded leather sounds very appealing and ofcourse coersion would be needed to get Tiax out of his protective shell I am sure. (he would prefer leather, but I doubt he would admit it)
  • lockmundlockmund Member Posts: 354
    Well I haven't used it much anyway and I have a mace +1 as a backup, so you can have Alora's +2 short sword as part of the deal (as long as I get the chain from Shar-Teel).
  • LadyRhianLadyRhian Member Posts: 14,694
    DM: The sound of Tiax *trying* to move silently in Plate Mail... CLANK! WHUNK! CLANK, WHUNK THUNK!!!
  • LadyRhianLadyRhian Member Posts: 14,694
    If you wear no armor, as a thief, you get a bonus to your thief skills. If you wear any armor other than straight leather, you get penalties.
  • katastrophekatastrophe Member Posts: 404
    OOC: Would platemail small enough to fit a gnome even fit a human? Even then, with her 17 dex I'd rather her wear something lighter like the scale or chain mail to get her ac bonus (both amount to the same ac so I'll go with the chain).

    Having donned Branwen's chain mail, Shar-Teel turns with a groan to the haughty gnome. Eyeing him balefully before tossing her studded armor at his feet, she somehow resists the urge to spit on it.

    "Tiny men. As if the normal sized variety were not bad enough; here is one half the size with twice the ego. Have a care over what you say, or you'll find yourself without a tongue to speak your lunacy"
  • lockmundlockmund Member Posts: 354
    OOC This is d&d 2,5. You can use any armor and still use your dexterity.
  • LadyRhianLadyRhian Member Posts: 14,694
    @Katastrophe Yeah, 2e AD&D armor doesn't impede your Dexterity. And as I said when I started it, all of the magic items your characters are carrying is/was loot, so you may have stuff you can't use. We can rule that Tiax was probably going to sell that armor- and magical armor does adjust to fit, so what can fit a human can generally fit an elf, unless the human was unusually tall and brawny.
  • katastrophekatastrophe Member Posts: 404
    Excuses---that's just Garrick wanting another eye full of Shar-Teel.
  • IchigoRXCIchigoRXC Member Posts: 1,001
    Mind your mouth in the presence of Tiax... w-w-w-wench... *Tiax begins to shuffle away stuttering his insult, nervous he turns to the other adventurers*
    Tiax is in need of some suitable protection and a sword. In exchange Tiax is willing to part with this wonderful set of magical platemail.

    OOC: Does wielding a shield impede my thieving skills or can I sling it on my back and it not bother me :D
  • LadyRhianLadyRhian Member Posts: 14,694
    @IchigoRXC- You cannot carry a shield and use your thief abilities (except backstab in combat). It does get in the way. You'd have to drop it.
  • lockmundlockmund Member Posts: 354
    edited January 2013

    Kivan's (corpse)Magic Items:
    Scimitar +2, Periapt of Proof Against Poison, 13 +2 Arrows, Scalemail +2, P. Water Breathing, P. Super Heroism, Scroll Protection from Undead, Pearl of Wisdom (cleric use only), Robe of Useful Items, Rope of Climbing, Dagger +1, Dagger +2 /+3 vs creatures larger than human.

    Since I stripped Kivan before I will now distribute his things. I'll give the +2 arrows and the rope of climbing to Skie. Shar-Teel gets the periapt o.P.A.P. but NOT the P. Super heroism which instead goes to Ajantis. Irina gets the scimitar. I kept the scale. Cernd gets prot. from undead (once he feel better). Aerie receives the pearl of wisdom. Xzar gets the useful items robe (sorry Valygar). Valygar gets (from me) the robe of blending and Xzar's +1 cloak. Tiax gets Alora's +2 short sword and the p of water breathing, but I take his plate +1 in return to trade with. Branwen gets three knifes to trade with, the two mentioned above and the one I gave Kivan before: Dagger+1, +2 vs. Creatures Smaller than Man-Sized.

    Those that feel they got the short stick can grab something from Keldorn's remains. He should still have:
    Sword +2 (black dragon slayer)
    Ring of turning (unless he gave it to Branwen)
    Gertrudes Doll

    If you wanted something else, like for example the ring of regeration, I suggest you take it up with Shar-Teel.
    Post edited by lockmund on
  • LadyRhianLadyRhian Member Posts: 14,694
    @Lockmund- Pearl of Wisdom went to Aerie, I thought.
  • lockmundlockmund Member Posts: 354
    edited January 2013
    Mayhaps so. Wasn't that the tome of clear thought?
  • LadyRhianLadyRhian Member Posts: 14,694
    That, too. :) I have the original lists of what people got, because I wrote them down. :)
  • katastrophekatastrophe Member Posts: 404
    @ladyrhian Are there still weapon proficiencies? If so I'm not sure of Shar-Teel's...
  • bbearbbear Member Posts: 1,180
    OOC: All hail Sir Garrick for his organization skills.

    @LadyRhian: How long until I shed my wings? I imagine I get fatigue faster since the wings are like extra body parts that use up more energy.

    "We should rest to get our levels restore. We dont want to meet the same ends as our fellow friends Kivan and Keldorn. Brawen and Aerie, please memorize some restoration spells so we can continue to protect the people in this land and extinguish all evils. As for you newcomers, you need to prove yourselves. I will watch closely and judge your actions. If they are harmful to the group, I will not hesitate to impale you with my spear."
  • katastrophekatastrophe Member Posts: 404
    Kivan died but moments ago and here is Valygar to honor him with his spear. Very Kivan-esque. Perhaps Kivan's understudy in the ways of debauchery?
  • LadyRhianLadyRhian Member Posts: 14,694
    @bbear No wings. The potion just gives you the power to fly.
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