Gear: Splint +3 Shield +3 Sword +2 (black dragon slayer) Ring of Regeneration Ring of turning (unless I gave it to Branwen) +3 axe (from Branwen) crossbow of speed and some regular bolts (from Valygar) Gertrudes Doll Fear of this land made flesh in form of an upset stomach (for Cernd) Abandoned Children and Wife
Cloak of Elvenkind given to Alora and then to Skie. Original Tome of Clear Thought and Wand of Heavens given to Aerie and Protection of petrification scroll given to Branwen.
Kivan's (corpse)Magic Items: Scimitar +2, Periapt of Proof Against Poison, 13 +2 Arrows, Scalemail +2, P. Water Breathing, P. Super Heroism, Scroll Protection from Undead, Pearl of Wisdom (cleric use only), Robe of Useful Items, Rope of Climbing, Dagger +1, Dagger +2 /+3 vs creatures larger than human.
Ouch. Branwen wakes up from her stupor at the base of a pew rubbing her sore head. She gazes around blearily and sees the were-Cernd chewing savagely on corpses. "Ach! I'm never using those herbs for a healing potion again!"
In reply to Garrick's questions she agrees that the corpses should be burned if we are to negate the risk of them rising again as future foes...if someone can distract the hungry puppy long enough...
First thing Shar-Teel will be doing is lopping off a certain portion of Kivan's Anatomy and making of it a necklace to place about her neck. His tongue, of course. :O
If no one objects, Valygar takes the first loots...or items of our dear dead friends. He'll take the Robe of Useful Item and the Potion of Water Breathing.
Garrick grabs the crossbow of speed, the normal bolts and the splint mail +3. Looking it over he realize that it would impede his breathing and thus his singing. He turn to Branwen, "Would you mind swapping armor with me? I'd be more comfortable in chain mail and I'll sweeten the deal with another strength spell." He tries to brush away Keldorn's blood from the armor and then hold it up in front of her in a tempting manner.
As she take it to have a look, Garrick answer Valygar. "You wan't to use a robe instead of armor? Well, I believe that my robe of blending will be available real soon." He looks back at Branwen, who is still concidering the offer before he continues. "If you just want something different, then maybe the unused armor in Xzar's backpack will do." OOC I think that a ring mail is more or less studded leather and that stalkers would be able to use it. It's certainly very different from chain mail.
"Irine, you should also try to get something. I noticed how that weapon of yours just bounced."
Aerie will take the nice puppy's advice and look for a more tactically advantageous spot to plan our next move. She will encourage the others to do the same. Cernd will overcome the beast or he won't, and he may have an easier time of it if he's alone.
You slowly back out of the room and back into the corridor. The darkness here seems oppressive, pushing down on you and making you feel spent and tired.
Splint +3
Shield +3
Sword +2 (black dragon slayer)
Ring of Regeneration
Ring of turning (unless I gave it to Branwen)
+3 axe (from Branwen)
crossbow of speed and some regular bolts (from Valygar)
Gertrudes Doll
Fear of this land made flesh in form of an upset stomach (for Cernd)
Abandoned Children and Wife
Cloak of Elvenkind given to Alora and then to Skie. Original Tome of Clear Thought and Wand of Heavens given to Aerie and Protection of petrification scroll given to Branwen.
Scimitar +2, Periapt of Proof Against Poison, 13 +2 Arrows, Scalemail +2, P. Water Breathing, P. Super Heroism, Scroll Protection from Undead, Pearl of Wisdom (cleric use only), Robe of Useful Items, Rope of Climbing, Dagger +1, Dagger +2 /+3 vs creatures larger than human.
"Ach! I'm never using those herbs for a healing potion again!"
In reply to Garrick's questions she agrees that the corpses should be burned if we are to negate the risk of them rising again as future foes...if someone can distract the hungry puppy long enough...
OOC This should be in the famous last words list
As she take it to have a look, Garrick answer Valygar. "You wan't to use a robe instead of armor? Well, I believe that my robe of blending will be available real soon." He looks back at Branwen, who is still concidering the offer before he continues. "If you just want something different, then maybe the unused armor in Xzar's backpack will do." OOC I think that a ring mail is more or less studded leather and that stalkers would be able to use it. It's certainly very different from chain mail.
"Irine, you should also try to get something. I noticed how that weapon of yours just bounced."