Keldorn attacks and hits one of the male vampires for 13. It seems to shrug off the blow. Kivan misses with both strikes, falling to one knee as the Vampiress evades his strikes. Valygar, flying back across the battle, manages to score on the other male Vampire for 8. (if you really want to grab the bow and arrows, it is going to take you at least two rounds... Cernd pulls out the Onyx dog and summons it. It will attack next round. Ajantis misses. Branwen hits the closest male Vampire for 13. It, too, is unfazed by the wound, and Branwen feels a desperation flooding her veins, to get away... far, far away... Aerie casts Stoneskin. Skie hits the female Vampire for 8. Garrick continues to sing. Xzar fires his Magic Missile, hitting the vampire Keldorn is fighting for 7. Irina strikes out wildly, but even as she hits, her ordinary weapon does no damage.
Round 3, Vampires win initative again, darn it. Kivan gets smacked down hard for 20 and 2 lost levels (40 total... oops...). The female vampire laughs triumphantly as he folds like a cheap suit. It is not a particularly sane-sounding laugh. Keldorn is hit again and takes another 7 (plus 26 from lost levels, so 33 total.). The other male vampire turns and hits Cernd for 8 (plus 16 in lost levels, for 24 total.)
New levels and hit points- Keldorn, Level 5, 38 hit points, Kivan, Level 4, dead, Valygar, Level 6, 36 hit points, Cernd Level 7, 41 hp, Ajantis Level 7, 76 hit points, Branwen, Level 5 29 hp, Aerie, Level 8/8 40 hit points, Skie Level 9, 47 hit points, Garrick, Level 7, 42 hit points, Xzar Level 6, 24 hit points
This is not going well. Two less people hitting on them and more level drains on top of that. I doubt my current spells will help much either. I keep singing for one more round.
Our hero was saddened, and swallowed his beverage, then went to the barkeep to order a new. But waiting for service he spotted a fair one so instead of another he did order two.
"A woman of beauty should not be so lonely. Please drink with me lady and brighten my day." Without looking up, she emptied the tankard "I reckon' it's bright now, so be on your way."
Keldorn: A noble warrior has lost his valor, Abandoning companions to their dooms. A fallen angel has lost his path, Running away like a confused duckling.
Garrick does NOT say. "I hope you take note, Ajantis. This is how you get to become an old paladin."
Seeing the paladin flee he un-sings his verses for this round and instead tries his wand on the female. I hope none of you mind the breach of roleplaying as I change my mind, but there are simply put not that many left to sing for.
On that note, we need a reload button. Or maybe Buffy.
run, run, run away! Branwen does a merry jig to Garricks far away and as fast as she can, and preferably there's a doorway somewhere in her attempted escape path. "Tempus has ABANDONED us, there is no honour, we must flee!"
OOC: A very merry Christmas/Hannukah/holiday season to all. Eat, drink and be merry. Enjoy eachothers company.
...and someone whittle up some wooden stakes to kill these buggers!
Distressed by his companions fleeing, mainly his mentor's loss of faith, Ajantis offers a quick prayer to Helm and feels his faith strengthening. Imbued with holy vengeance he attacks.
ooc As the resident bard I guess I'm in charge of bringing the season spirit. Here is a song that I learned from a troll chef.
Deck the plate with human bowels falalalala falalala Season them by wrenching towels falalalala falalala Add a fist of rabbit droppings falala falala falala Don't forget the mashed snake topping falalalala falalala
@Lockmund Ack! Sorry, everyone! Somehow, I missed that post when I was reading back through the thread earlier. I got no presents today. I have to buy my own... and I have to wait until next month for the money to do so. :P (Need a new winter coat- the zipper on mine broke, need a new DVD/VCR combo- mine died, and I am planning on updating my Mac OS and getting BG:EE as well...)
Then just let me interject- those that turn and flee are subject to an attack. Is this really what you want to do, @Evinfuilt and @Rufus_Hobart?
heh, when you post said "feels the urge to flee" i assumed that their fear effect had got the better of me. If she has a choice, Branwen will....hmmm.... slowly try to retreat and get enough space to use the oil of slipperiness. tossing it on the floor and at their feet to try and make the vamps a whole big slip-sliding ball of fangs and fury...and hopefully someone can then find some sort of fire to burn the suckers...
Okay. Keldorn runs like the wind. It doesn't prevent the vampires tearing at him with their claws. The two males strike him for 9 hit points each and a total of 4 lost levels. Keldorn feels the coldness engulf him, pulling him into blackness. Branwen intends to back away, but when Keldorn falls, she yells and turns tail and runs. Luckily, intent on the body of the fallen Paladin, they miss her- one just barely, with their strikes. She can feel the claws slipping through her hair, impelling her to run faster, flat out. She slams bodily into a pew in her terror, but somehow manages to keep going.
Valygar, his eyes full of... something, fires his bow, missing the first shot and hitting one of the male vampires with the second. Replete with Keldorn's life force, the vampire doesn't seem to be much hurt by the blow. Cernd barks out an order to his war dog and shifts into his werewolf form. All of a sudden the world seems clearer, with the scent of old dust and fresh blood in his nostrils. The scene shifts to black and white with hints of red as his beast takes over. It seems ever so much stronger than normal in this place, his lusts and passions so much closer to the surface. He's... hungry. The beast howls madly, echoed by the baying of the hound Cernd loosed last round. The dog darts at the nearest vampire, sinking its teeth into the leg of the male. Werewolf-Cernd howls his approval as his form continues to fill out, looking to slake its hunger on fresh, red blood.
Ajantis attacks the arrow-struck male vampire and strikes it savagely, his face transformed into a mask of rage over his mentor's death. Aerie casts Holy Smite, and the more wounded male vampire screams and turns into ash, while the other male and the female survive the spell, they are much wounded. Skie misses with her flaming sword. Garrick points his wand and barks the command word. a stream of tiny gems fly out of it, half of them hitting the female vampire. Xzar fires off a magic missile at the remaining male vampire and kills it.
Only the female vampire is left, and she loses initiative.
New levels and hit points- Keldorn, Level 1, dead, Kivan, Level 4, dead, Valygar, Level 6, 36 hit points, Cernd Level 7, 41 hp, Ajantis Level 7, 76 hit points, Branwen, Level 5 29 hp, Aerie, Level 8/8 40 hit points, Skie Level 9, 47 hit points, Garrick, Level 7, 42 hit points, Xzar Level 6, 24 hit points
Skie will try to take advantage of her increased mobility with the boots of speed to go to the nearest spot out of the vampire's line of sight and attempt to hide in shadows. If successful, she will move around behind the vampire and attempt to backstab.
Round 3, Vampires win initative again, darn it. Kivan gets smacked down hard for 20 and 2 lost levels (40 total... oops...). The female vampire laughs triumphantly as he folds like a cheap suit. It is not a particularly sane-sounding laugh. Keldorn is hit again and takes another 7 (plus 26 from lost levels, so 33 total.). The other male vampire turns and hits Cernd for 8 (plus 16 in lost levels, for 24 total.)
New levels and hit points- Keldorn, Level 5, 38 hit points, Kivan, Level 4, dead, Valygar, Level 6, 36 hit points, Cernd Level 7, 41 hp, Ajantis Level 7, 76 hit points, Branwen, Level 5 29 hp, Aerie, Level 8/8 40 hit points, Skie Level 9, 47 hit points, Garrick, Level 7, 42 hit points, Xzar Level 6, 24 hit points
Okay, your turn again.
Our hero was saddened, and swallowed his beverage,
then went to the barkeep to order a new.
But waiting for service he spotted a fair one
so instead of another he did order two.
"A woman of beauty should not be so lonely.
Please drink with me lady and brighten my day."
Without looking up, she emptied the tankard
"I reckon' it's bright now, so be on your way."
Skie will continue doing the same.
*noticing Cernd become a werewolf* Fiends everywhere, this group is here to doom me! I will not fall here, not now!
*Keldorn will push his way through and try to flee the chapel and make his way to the stairs up.*
I will not fail here, not now.
Another magic missile to the one who looks the most damaged.
A noble warrior has lost his valor,
Abandoning companions to their dooms.
A fallen angel has lost his path,
Running away like a confused duckling.
Ruining vampires' day
Lost levels suck eggs
Seeing the paladin flee he un-sings his verses for this round and instead tries his wand on the female. I hope none of you mind the breach of roleplaying as I change my mind, but there are simply put not that many left to sing for.
On that note, we need a reload button. Or maybe Buffy.
OOC: A very merry Christmas/Hannukah/holiday season to all. Eat, drink and be merry. Enjoy eachothers company.
...and someone whittle up some wooden stakes to kill these buggers!
Distressed by his companions fleeing, mainly his mentor's loss of faith, Ajantis offers a quick prayer to Helm and feels his faith strengthening. Imbued with holy vengeance he attacks.
Deck the plate with human bowels falalalala falalala
Season them by wrenching towels falalalala falalala
Add a fist of rabbit droppings falala falala falala
Don't forget the mashed snake topping falalalala falalala
Merry X-mas all.
Then just let me interject- those that turn and flee are subject to an attack. Is this really what you want to do, @Evinfuilt and @Rufus_Hobart?
heh, when you post said "feels the urge to flee" i assumed that their fear effect had got the better of me. If she has a choice, Branwen will....hmmm.... slowly try to retreat and get enough space to use the oil of slipperiness. tossing it on the floor and at their feet to try and make the vamps a whole big slip-sliding ball of fangs and fury...and hopefully someone can then find some sort of fire to burn the suckers...
Valygar, his eyes full of... something, fires his bow, missing the first shot and hitting one of the male vampires with the second. Replete with Keldorn's life force, the vampire doesn't seem to be much hurt by the blow. Cernd barks out an order to his war dog and shifts into his werewolf form. All of a sudden the world seems clearer, with the scent of old dust and fresh blood in his nostrils. The scene shifts to black and white with hints of red as his beast takes over. It seems ever so much stronger than normal in this place, his lusts and passions so much closer to the surface. He's... hungry. The beast howls madly, echoed by the baying of the hound Cernd loosed last round. The dog darts at the nearest vampire, sinking its teeth into the leg of the male. Werewolf-Cernd howls his approval as his form continues to fill out, looking to slake its hunger on fresh, red blood.
Ajantis attacks the arrow-struck male vampire and strikes it savagely, his face transformed into a mask of rage over his mentor's death. Aerie casts Holy Smite, and the more wounded male vampire screams and turns into ash, while the other male and the female survive the spell, they are much wounded. Skie misses with her flaming sword. Garrick points his wand and barks the command word. a stream of tiny gems fly out of it, half of them hitting the female vampire. Xzar fires off a magic missile at the remaining male vampire and kills it.
Only the female vampire is left, and she loses initiative.
New levels and hit points- Keldorn, Level 1, dead, Kivan, Level 4, dead, Valygar, Level 6, 36 hit points, Cernd Level 7, 41 hp, Ajantis Level 7, 76 hit points, Branwen, Level 5 29 hp, Aerie, Level 8/8 40 hit points, Skie Level 9, 47 hit points, Garrick, Level 7, 42 hit points, Xzar Level 6, 24 hit points
Ajantis looks around trying to remember he should kill to protect not as an act of revenge or hate. If he can he'll attack the last vampire.
Garrick re-sings his un-sung verses.
Valygar will attempt to impale the last vampire in a dramatic fashion.