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Roleplaying Challenge: Ravenloft



  • CommunardCommunard Member Posts: 556
    Delvarian said:

    I vote that we murder the character and bring back Edwin Mwahaha!

    Oh god, Edwin and Xzar
    Megalomania vs. Psychopathy...whoever wins, we lose.
  • LadyRhianLadyRhian Member Posts: 14,694
    @Communard That's very Xan-like of you... :) I just found Xan's life as an animal... image
  • Awong124Awong124 Member Posts: 2,642
    I love grumpy cat!
  • toshirotoshiro Member Posts: 113
    Possible, kinda tired of killing monsters on secret world and doing solo, though it would have be the weekends
  • LadyRhianLadyRhian Member Posts: 14,694
    @Toshiro This game goes on all week. But hey, you can still read it! :)
  • mlnevesemlnevese Member, Moderator Posts: 10,214
    OOC I vote Aerie is suddenly possessed by Edwin's ghost... Then we´ll need an exorcist in the group ;)
  • LadyRhianLadyRhian Member Posts: 14,694
    Aerie is possessed by the DM! She has cast Restoration on the two Paladins. (Sorry, Valygar... you're gonna have to wait a bit.) Vampires win initiative. Aerie casts "Bless" on the party. Ajantis and Branwen are hit by the Vampires, and feel the sting of coldness, even worse than that of the Wraiths (each hit steals 2 levels, instead of 1). Ajantis is clawed for 8, while Branwen takes 7. (plus hit point loss from level loss, 24 in the case of Ajantis and 18 from Branwen, for 32 and 25, respectively.)

    Keldorn misses, while Branwen fumbles and takes a tumble in the cluttered room. Ajantis hits one of the Vampires (a male) for 9. Valygar drinks the potion and flies at the enemy, only to be nimbly evaded by his target. Kivan steps in and hurts the female badly, who hisses at him, exposing her fangs. image

    Skie hits with both arrows for 7. Cernd casts Insect Plague. Insects gather and swarm over the vampires, who seem largely unaffected by both the fear and suffocation. Xzar casts Ghost Armor.

    New levels and hit points- Keldorn, Level 9, 117 hit points, Kivan, Level 8, 75 hp, Valygar, Level 6, 36 hit points, Cernd Level 9, 65 hp, Ajantis Level 7, 76 hit points, Branwen, Level 7 57 hp, Aerie, Level 8/8 40 hit points, Skie Level 9, 47 hit points, Garrick, Level 7, 42 hit points, Xzar Level 6, 24 hit points.

    Round 2 Vampires win initiative again... Kivan is hit by a Vampire for 18 (+2 lost levels), so 38 total. Branwen takes another hit for 10 (plus 2 lost levels) for 28 total. Last hit is Keldorn, for 20, for 46 total once the two lost levels are added in.

    DM sez: This is why vampires are so feared, and level loss sucks like a sucking chest wound.

    New levels and hit points- Keldorn, Level 7, 71 hit points, Kivan, Level 6, 37 hp, Valygar, Level 6, 36 hit points, Cernd Level 9, 65 hp, Ajantis Level 7, 76 hit points, Branwen, Level 5 29 hp, Aerie, Level 8/8 40 hit points, Skie Level 9, 47 hit points, Garrick, Level 7, 42 hit points, Xzar Level 6, 24 hit points.
  • mlnevesemlnevese Member, Moderator Posts: 10,214
    I won't lose my time trying to turn them. I'll keep attacking the male unless it puts the female in my back.

    OOC A good time for a protection from evil 10' :)
  • lockmundlockmund Member Posts: 354
    edited December 2012
    Garrick keeps singing. I'm composing this as we go along, so bare with me.

    In Phannaskul's summer he entered a tavern
    to settle his dry throat and try out his luck.
    He ordered a tankard and looked at the tables
    and alone sat a sweet chick that he'd like to pluck.

    "Hello there you sweet thing, may I join your table?
    I'm drawn to thy beautiful glittering eyes."
    "If that is the case, then why stare at my bottom?
    Just leave now, depart with your cache of lies."
  • Fighting_FerretFighting_Ferret Member Posts: 229
    "My what big teeth you have..."

    Presses on with his attack on the female vampire. (same)
  • toshirotoshiro Member Posts: 113
    Damn looks like the character from Secret World, or the woman that a guy picks up at bar when he's had one to many.
  • EvinfuiltEvinfuilt Member Posts: 505
    For a moment there I felt a lightness infuse me, but it's gone again. The darkness wants me, and I shall give them my blade *attack with sword till they all die again, or well, you know*
  • mlnevesemlnevese Member, Moderator Posts: 10,214
    OOC The problem in this adventure doesn't seem to be killing the enemies but keeping them dead :)
  • bbearbbear Member Posts: 1,180
    @Kivan and Skie, can I borrow some magical arrows? Valygar can probably hit better with a bow since he is shooting downward. Plus Valygar gets the racial enemy bonus against vampires so it should be super easy to hit them.
  • Awong124Awong124 Member Posts: 2,642
    edited December 2012

    *sigh* "If you must..."

    "My feet hurt..."
  • lockmundlockmund Member Posts: 354
    edited December 2012
    @bbear Garrick has 12 +1 arrows. He's more likely to sing, use spells or try his kamikaze wand anyway. Why don't you fly by and pick them up.

    @communard Xzar, you have two cloaks of protection, +1 (and also +2 from Edwin). Could I have the +1 please? I promise you may poke me when you take it back from my corpse later on.

    @LadyRhian Wake up Irina, we need your help. ;)
  • Fighting_FerretFighting_Ferret Member Posts: 229
    edited December 2012
    @lockmund Garrick also has a +1 bow... might as well give that to him (Valygar) as well, since it will actually be used... I was thinking about asking for it before I went into melee, but with 3 vampires someone needed to melee besides the paladins and one of 2 clerics who could have restored our lost levels... again, now if Aerie gets attacked we are so scewed.
  • lockmundlockmund Member Posts: 354
    True, I just figured that everyone who wanted magic bows had them.
  • Fighting_FerretFighting_Ferret Member Posts: 229
    You have the only one, although Valygar has as a magical crossbow he would more than likely trade for the bow.
  • jhart1018jhart1018 Member Posts: 909
    Ack! Sorry! Finals at three different places. I grade papers and give tests and get home and fall into a coma. Everything will finally be done tomorrow.

    Aerie is going to stoneskin herself this round and then cast holy smite next round.

    Her revised spell list:
    Bless, Cure light wounds x 4
    Chant x 2, Slow Poison x 2, Aid
    Cure Medium Wounds x 2, Holy Smite x 2
    Lesser Restoration x 2

    Identify, Magic Missile x 3
    Melf's Acid Arrow x 3
    Flame Arrow x 3
    Stoneskin, Improved Invisibility
  • CommunardCommunard Member Posts: 556
    lockmund said:

    @communard Xzar, you have two cloaks of protection, +1 (and also +2 from Edwin). Could I have the +1 please? I promise you may poke me when you take it back from my corpse later on.

    *Passes Garrick the cloak* "It's the least I could do for such a fine assistant...friend, I mean friend. I'll not even hold you in debt, though your conscience knows otherwise..."
  • MyvalMyval Member Posts: 127
    "By all of the.." Cernd mutters, and then activates the onyx dog figurine, figuring that some extra muscle would be handy right now, and if things get much worse, then he would have to shift.
  • lockmundlockmund Member Posts: 354
    Garrick tries to make a LadyRhian impersonation.
    "Still waiting to hear from @rufus_hobart and @Communard" (but thanks for the cloak, Xzar).
  • CommunardCommunard Member Posts: 556
    Xzar will try firing a Magic Missile at the nearest Vamp, since he suspects they'll be immune to his Horror spells.
  • LadyRhianLadyRhian Member Posts: 14,694
    @Lockmund How dare you! ;) Seriously, though... good impression! And I'll make a note of it, Garrick!
  • mlnevesemlnevese Member, Moderator Posts: 10,214
    OOC @Lockmund should receive bonus XP for interpretation... or be struck by lightning twice... inside the castle. Impersonating Omnipresent Authority figures always have random results ;)
  • LadyRhianLadyRhian Member Posts: 14,694
    @Minevese He got a "Like". So, sorted. ;)
  • Fenris308Fenris308 Member Posts: 118
    OOC- Wow things are grinding down to a halt around here. People must be busy. Anyways keep up the good work I really enjoy the atmosphere. Since things will probably get even slower during the holidays i'll just chime in and say "Happy holidays everyone". Maybe those vampires will give you the Christmas "Gift" of vampirism!
  • LadyRhianLadyRhian Member Posts: 14,694
    And to you, too, @Fenris308!
  • rufus_hobartrufus_hobart Member Posts: 490
    OOC: sorry guys, work has been kicking my arse this week...

    IC: if she can back away from the vampire branwen will try to heal whoever needs it most...if not, then thwack thwack thwack with the hammer...
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