I love Holy Smite more every time I use it here. I will cast Melf's Acid arrow at the last vampire. Also, I do have a scroll of raise dead. If I used it on Keldorn, would he get his levels restored too, or would I also have to restore him after raising him? (Theoretically. I know there are other people in the queue.)
Werewolf-Cernd acts first, leaping over to the female vampire and digging in his claws to her midsection. Using his strength, he pulls her apart, messily, splattering everyone near him with blood. Howling in victory, the werewolf proceeds to begin eating the body parts, gorging on the flesh and blood.
Garrick force himself to prod Kivan's face with his finger. "I'm sorry Xzar, I just can't see the appeal. Anyway, we need to protect both us and our fallen friends from their fate. As a necromantic, I find you the one best suited for the task. I believe lady Skie has the garlic."
Garrick turns to Aerie. "I tried to figure out what the statue and the pendant does, but alas to no result. Didn't I hear you memorize an identify spell earlier?"
Unsure whether his previous armor spell still function, Garrick recast it. He then turns to Skie as she comes out from the shadows. "Stand still will you, I've got something that might help you if you want to stab people". He cast Strength on her. "And now something for those pretty eyes of yours." He continues with Infravision.
Next he dons his new +1 cloak and ask Valygar to fly down. He hands over the +1 bow and the 12 +1 arrows. "I believe you have a crossbow of some sort. Do you have some bolts as well?"
He then proceed to collect the gems muttering. "Garnet, garnet, peridot, iolite, citrine, garnet, moonstone, zircon, some sort of feldspar, rock crystal, peridot, topaz, low quality emerald, spinel, sphene... Sorry everyone, we're not as rich as I first thought."
I'll stand by the side of Kheldorn'ss corpse and offer a prayer to Helm for a fallen paladin.
Aerie, Branwen is there any chances our fallen friends will rise as abominations? Ajantis readies his sword to decapapitate the corpses, just waiting for the cleric's answer.
"Thanks for the bow and arrows, Garrick. As for the light crossbow of speed, you can find it by the fallen paladin. I say we cremate our dead friends. May their souls find eternal rest in this holy fire."
"I do not think your... friend will be letting us do that," Irina murmurs. Cernd seems to be done with his eating the female vampire, and jumps to land next to Keldorn, growling and snarling...
"What happens to all that ingested flesh when Cernd changes back into Cernd? His regular stomach can't be that big. Wouldn't he explode if he eats too much?"
Keldorn shall return! As the most righteous belch in history. Aerie, you should try and recover Gertrude's doll, the only thing that Keldorn liked in this world.
This is going to get really interesting as you guys lose more front liners... 2 losses in this battle and both stepped up to protect the weaker members. Imagine those vampires getting at the casters...
@Delvarian Edwin lacks a head right now.
Garrick turns to Aerie. "I tried to figure out what the statue and the pendant does, but alas to no result. Didn't I hear you memorize an identify spell earlier?"
Unsure whether his previous armor spell still function, Garrick recast it. He then turns to Skie as she comes out from the shadows. "Stand still will you, I've got something that might help you if you want to stab people". He cast Strength on her. "And now something for those pretty eyes of yours." He continues with Infravision.
Next he dons his new +1 cloak and ask Valygar to fly down. He hands over the +1 bow and the 12 +1 arrows. "I believe you have a crossbow of some sort. Do you have some bolts as well?"
He then proceed to collect the gems muttering. "Garnet, garnet, peridot, iolite, citrine, garnet, moonstone, zircon, some sort of feldspar, rock crystal, peridot, topaz, low quality emerald, spinel, sphene... Sorry everyone, we're not as rich as I first thought."
OOC Happy new year.
Aerie, Branwen is there any chances our fallen friends will rise as abominations? Ajantis readies his sword to decapapitate the corpses, just waiting for the cleric's answer.
Listening to the growl Ajantis look around considering how to better position himself between the werewolf and the rest of the party.
OOC This Garrick seems to be rather greedy.
ooc @Fighting_Ferret I think @Katastrophe and Shar-Teel was next in line, so we'll at least get some muscle back.
ooc Why don't we all agree to post the gear we have as we perish. it would be simpler for our dear GM since we trade things back and forth.