The poll states wizard, which is a bit odd. I think ranger (outdoorsy, sword combaty)/ bard (jack of all trades, best suited for service management) would fit best.
if this was 3.5 I'd be a Commoner NPC Class, level 1 in 2e I think I'm just an NPC with a statline and one or two highlighted skills relevant for the DM to know tucked away a few pages into an adventure
I'd have gone for a Monk, but I am not spiritual and don't agree with your description. (I was annoyed because I think Monks don't need to be only "eastern-Asia-style combatants". Then I remembered I did kungfu for 10 years and...well...)
Lawful Evil to True Neutral Rogue mixed with a Fighter/Barbarian. Mechanically and physically very able and agile. Honors strength. Despises weakness and complaints. No problem getting physical.
I will have to assume "Commoner" is a valid class. I don't believe anybody but an olympian could fully bear the implications of a D&D class, "realistically".
Or maybe I'm a "Xan", but without the spells. That would explain everything.
I'm a wizard. I can see that wizard is a big majority in this poll. That doesn't surprise me. To me Baldur's Gate and these sorts of games require a... specific intelligence to truly appreciate and grasp.
@thedamages the OP's linked test says I'm a Wizard but I seriously feel more like a non-violent Blackguard or non-gifted Sorcerer than a Wizard, and certainly more like a commoner than any of those options...but there is an "Other" option so I took advantage of it lol
Maybe I can compromise and say I'm a multi-class commoner/Wizard, like a commoner apprentice who got a level in Wizard and then leveled up in commoner thereafter (it's not like I can cast spells above 1st level with my Int anyway lmao)
I don't think all the people who say commoner are being very fair to themselves.
To be honest, I am pretty sure most people aren't a 100% honest. True self-awareness is rare and often personal tastes play into it as well. I mean, for the first attempt at this poll, a lot of people just went with their favourite class instead, for example. And it was shown that not everyone is on the same page when it comes to knowing all the classes.
I also made the irl experience that a lot of players see themselves as bards, even though they often lack the artistic talent and know-how to pull it off. Or the charisma Which is why for the longest time I myself didn't want to see myself as a bard, because I felt that one has to truly earn calling themselves a bard. (Hint: That is also an analogy for me refusing to call myself an artist for the longest time. Which I still don't like doing.)
I didn't need the test (although the test confirmed it).
I am a cleric.
I am part of my society's warrior class, bit not at it's leading edge. By specialty is mental health and crisis intervention. I am studying for my next career--er, multiclass. I'm a good academic, but I'm studying toward healing arts, not tech wizardry.
I'm a writer and I've actually sung professionally, but never as a profession. I may have had the INT score for magic, but my passions lay in the humanities and making situations better for people. And I'm a theist.
I'm 3rd Edition, though. I'm multiclassed between fighter and cleric, but my fighter career is drawing to a close, and I'm tired of it. I'm now levelling exclusively as cleric, with domains in healing and persuasion. I can still use the staff propped up in the corner if I have to, but I'd prefer that it just remain my walking stick whole I bind wounds in body and spirit.
I never really saw commoner as a class. And I feel this thread works just as well to determine what class your gifts lean you towards, not necessarily just what you are trained in.
When I answered, I wasn't thinking of what I could do in a fantasy world, I was thinking about the things I do in the real world and giving them fantasy labels. I practice the arcane arts of system administration and scripting, so I'm a wizard. I was a soldier, and before that an avid outdoorsman, so I have a level of fighter and ranger.
I never really saw commoner as a class. And I feel this thread works just as well to determine what class your gifts lean you towards, not necessarily just what you are trained in.
Ah, but it isa class! Which led to this, which might be my favourite Class Handbook thread on the entire Giant in the Playground forums.
Since I went to infantry school amohib asst sch sniper schl ranger schl and was before and after schooled the marines schooled in martail arts and weapon toting schools I am like a barbarian ranger fighter since I like hunting and of course take pictures of wasted tracks of war lands. I also had training in using the grill and ham slicerachine sp maybe I am dual classed. Now though I just take the odd contract gov job so I am kinda like Jason Bourne except dumber fatter richer and more dangerous. All of you who said wizard should just ne jonesy and say you are chubby scribes who never would get taken into a dungeon... whereas I even fought sea monsters.... well I was attacked by tamatoe clown fish... i also have training with toilet and shower viehcle cleaning but I dony know wut class that is maybe paladin
Since I went to infantry school amohib asst sch sniper schl ranger schl and was before and after schooled the marines schooled in martail arts and weapon toting schools I am like a barbarian ranger fighter since I like hunting and of course take pictures of wasted tracks of war lands. I also had training in using the grill and ham slicerachine sp maybe I am dual classed. Now though I just take the odd contract gov job so I am kinda like Jason Bourne except dumber fatter richer and more dangerous. All of you who said wizard should just ne jonesy and say you are chubby scribes who never would get taken into a dungeon... whereas I even fought sea monsters.... well I was attacked by tamatoe clown fish... i also have training with toilet and shower viehcle cleaning but I dony know wut class that is maybe paladin
I'm just impressed that someone could be a marine sniper and an army ranger, while finding time to use the grill/ham slice machine and clean toilets/showers. Truly, a modern renaissance man.
I began my adventures thinking I was mostly a fighter type and thus played mostly fighter type characters. I then moved into more rogueish characters and/or blends of the two. This is somewhat reflected of who I was as a person as a teenager. Then I spliced in some magic (started studying IRL) and usually played magic wielding dual/multiclasses intil I finally ended up with the bard. The jack of all trades, as it is so often called. I used to draw alot as a young man, to fairly good success according to my teachers, but
As I've grown older I've come to realize my love for nature. Both as it's protector, I've turned (almost) vegetarian, eating only organic foods, trying to coerce my friends and colleages doing the same by gentle nudging (my bardic skills, hehe) but also hiking. So, this may sound more druidic, but I see myself more as a ranger and specifically a stalker.
The test above game me wizard but I chose ranger since I identify more with that. If I would perfectly portrait myself FR-wise it would have to be through multiclassing. I would be a fairly charismatic wizard/ranger, but probably not charismatic enough for bard levels. I wouldn't have high enough INT to cast the highest spells, but prolly somewhere in the middle. My spells would be only boons, I don't think I would feel comfortable with shooting lightning in someone's face etc. If I needed to defend myself I would cast a lot of defensive spells and rely on my melee skills, or sneak of and snipe them from afar with a bow. I would avoid confrontation as much as possible, hiding in the shadows when needed or make as many friends as possible to gather a party strong enough to deter any aggressors.
A Shapeshifter. I am a grumpy old bear in the morning, eat like a pig, laugh like a horse, swim like a fish and sleep like a log - Well you get logs in nature and Shapeshifters are Druids....
Yeah if ur a supa locked on Marine theyvput you in all the cool schools. I never bought a "Ranger" black t-shirt this Marine recon guy did and would wear it at the big base gym. Then some Msrines would come ask him if he was army and he then get to boast about how he was so cool his command sent him there. But even lame marine arti guys go to that huge army arti school.
Anyway I am mor a ranger now as I hardly eva wear heavy batte armor but still go hunt and shoot things on my acres so maybe I am more like a supa high level ranger of the groove. I guess I still have my racial enemy as human and improved racial enemy as humans like Artemis Entrie but maybe with my higher level my new racial enemy is bovine.
Witches weigh as much as ducks.
Viconia is drow.
Therefore...Viconia weighs as much as a duck.
Yes, I will join you at your court in Camelot.
Lawful Evil to True Neutral Rogue mixed with a Fighter/Barbarian. Mechanically and physically very able and agile. Honors strength. Despises weakness and complaints. No problem getting physical.
Or maybe I'm a "Xan", but without the spells. That would explain everything.
Maybe I can compromise and say I'm a multi-class commoner/Wizard, like a commoner apprentice who got a level in Wizard and then leveled up in commoner thereafter (it's not like I can cast spells above 1st level with my Int anyway lmao)
I also made the irl experience that a lot of players see themselves as bards, even though they often lack the artistic talent and know-how to pull it off. Or the charisma
I am a cleric.
I am part of my society's warrior class, bit not at it's leading edge. By specialty is mental health and crisis intervention. I am studying for my next career--er, multiclass. I'm a good academic, but I'm studying toward healing arts, not tech wizardry.
I'm a writer and I've actually sung professionally, but never as a profession. I may have had the INT score for magic, but my passions lay in the humanities and making situations better for people. And I'm a theist.
I'm 3rd Edition, though. I'm multiclassed between fighter and cleric, but my fighter career is drawing to a close, and I'm tired of it. I'm now levelling exclusively as cleric, with domains in healing and persuasion. I can still use the staff propped up in the corner if I have to, but I'd prefer that it just remain my walking stick whole I bind wounds in body and spirit.
I refuse to comment on the underrepresentation of squirrels
One can be a mushroom fighter. Probably ...
As I've grown older I've come to realize my love for nature. Both as it's protector, I've turned (almost) vegetarian, eating only organic foods, trying to coerce my friends and colleages doing the same by gentle nudging (my bardic skills, hehe) but also hiking. So, this may sound more druidic, but I see myself more as a ranger and specifically a stalker.
The test above game me wizard but I chose ranger since I identify more with that. If I would perfectly portrait myself FR-wise it would have to be through multiclassing. I would be a fairly charismatic wizard/ranger, but probably not charismatic enough for bard levels. I wouldn't have high enough INT to cast the highest spells, but prolly somewhere in the middle. My spells would be only boons, I don't think I would feel comfortable with shooting lightning in someone's face etc. If I needed to defend myself I would cast a lot of defensive spells and rely on my melee skills, or sneak of and snipe them from afar with a bow. I would avoid confrontation as much as possible, hiding in the shadows when needed or make as many friends as possible to gather a party strong enough to deter any aggressors.
Anyway I am mor a ranger now as I hardly eva wear heavy batte armor but still go hunt and shoot things on my acres so maybe I am more like a supa high level ranger of the groove. I guess I still have my racial enemy as human and improved racial enemy as humans like Artemis Entrie but maybe with my higher level my new racial enemy is bovine.