I'm a lawyer, and, as @Grum has explained, deal with a lot of paperwork somewhat reminds studying books in Candlekeep. But to be able to speak convincingly to my clients I need charisma (thus going closer to a bard). There's no simple Friends spell in the legal field. It requires a lot of cunning as well, which brings it closer to a rogue. But as a person, I like and do many other things, not only legal work. For example, moderating the forum is somewhat closer to a paladin. I like nature, like animals (a druid?). I prefer countryside to towns and cities (a ranger?)
The quiz tells I'm a wizard but I would go with a multiclass.
Test results say I'm a wizard, although I'd rather pick sorcerer from the pool. Which actually corresponds nicely with the multi Wiz/Sorc result I have from the famous DnD character test.
Yeah if ur a supa locked on Marine theyvput you in all the cool schools. I never bought a "Ranger" black t-shirt this Marine recon guy did and would wear it at the big base gym. Then some Msrines would come ask him if he was army and he then get to boast about how he was so cool his command sent him there. But even lame marine arti guys go to that huge army arti school.
Anyway I am mor a ranger now as I hardly eva wear heavy batte armor but still go hunt and shoot things on my acres so maybe I am more like a supa high level ranger of the groove. I guess I still have my racial enemy as human and improved racial enemy as humans like Artemis Entrie but maybe with my higher level my new racial enemy is bovine.
Y'know, as a lame artillery guy myself, I'll say that Ft Sill trains all army and marine red legs. That is something everyone does. Going to Ranger school as a marine is a huge deal. Only marines in recon even have the chance to go. And even if in recon, the vast majority will never get to go. Being sent to Ranger school means that you are as high speed as they come. So while not in good taste to brag about it, it is an accomplishment and he has the right to proud of it.
And, Mr. Marine Recon Sniper with Ranger training...a bullet may have someone's name on it. Artillery is 'to whom it may concern.' We are called the king of the battlefield for a reason.
I'm a lawyer, and, as @Grum has explained, deal with a lot of paperwork somewhat reminds studying books in Candlekeep. But to be able to speak convincingly to my clients I need charisma (thus going closer to a bard). There's no simple Friends spell in the legal field. It requires a lot of cunning as well, which brings it closer to a rogue. But as a person, I like and do many other things, not only legal work. For example, moderating the forum is somewhat closer to a paladin. I like nature, like animals (a druid?). I prefer countryside to towns and cities (a ranger?)
The quiz tells I'm a wizard but I would go with a multiclass.
I give you Bard, if I might be so bold. It's got the spells, the charisma, the wanderlust tiger out of the library, the need to tell stories...and a bit more muscle for keeping the forums clean.
Y'know, as a lame artillery guy myself, .... Artillery is 'to whom it may concern.' We are called the king of the battlefield for a reason.
At least in BG2 is so true... CC 3xADHW on enemy seen
BG2 as a field artillery battery:
The 13F (forward observer) is a ranger. He sneaks up and finds the enemy. He reports the enemy location, size and description to the party leader.
That is the 13D (who work in the fire direction center) tells the guns the information and what rounds (spells) to use. This is the bard. The Lt and Chief need intelligence to make the decisions and as the FDC communicates with battalion and the battery, Cha is needed. Thus it is the party face...useful to have around but useless without everyone else.
Finally the 13B (the guns) fire at the enemy. As my FDC has 3 Paladins, I'd say for BG2 terms these 13Bs are evocation mages.
When they work well, you bring so much boom that everything dies. But lose your ranger and you fire blind, greatly increasing the chances of killing an innocent or just wasting your rounds. And of course, when the rounds/spells run out, you might as well just go rest because there is nothing else you can do.
This will be my last year as a Navy officer. I'm trying to become a firefighter starting next year. Lots of studies, lots of physical preparation. Let's see how things go.
The quiz tells I'm a wizard but I would go with a multiclass.
And, Mr. Marine Recon Sniper with Ranger training...a bullet may have someone's name on it. Artillery is 'to whom it may concern.' We are called the king of the battlefield for a reason. I give you Bard, if I might be so bold. It's got the spells, the charisma, the wanderlust tiger out of the library, the need to tell stories...and a bit more muscle for keeping the forums clean.
CC 3xADHW on enemy seen
The 13F (forward observer) is a ranger. He sneaks up and finds the enemy. He reports the enemy location, size and description to the party leader.
That is the 13D (who work in the fire direction center) tells the guns the information and what rounds (spells) to use. This is the bard. The Lt and Chief need intelligence to make the decisions and as the FDC communicates with battalion and the battery, Cha is needed. Thus it is the party face...useful to have around but useless without everyone else.
Finally the 13B (the guns) fire at the enemy. As my FDC has 3 Paladins, I'd say for BG2 terms these 13Bs are evocation mages.
When they work well, you bring so much boom that everything dies. But lose your ranger and you fire blind, greatly increasing the chances of killing an innocent or just wasting your rounds. And of course, when the rounds/spells run out, you might as well just go rest because there is nothing else you can do.