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[NPC MOD] Sheena - The Half Dragon Tale



  • 01Hydrogen01Hydrogen Member Posts: 6
    So it means that I'm supposed to install this mod before other mods? I'm wondering if I can fix this on my own by using DLTCEP or EEKeeper?

  • LavaDelVortelLavaDelVortel Member Posts: 2,886
    New animation list was added in 2.0 so if the the mod now used the proper animation slot + BAM animation files from SoD, then it will work fine only on versions 2.0+.
  • MasterteoMasterteo Member Posts: 111
    Wow, i can't believe it. Sheena was one of my favourite NPC, along with Amber, Tashia and Yasraena. Especially Amber, that never got to ToB...

    Anyway, I can't believe that finally someone updated this mod. Sheena deserved it. Thank you very much!

    P.S. Are you still working on this mod or this version 2.3 is the last one you will release?

  • EdvinEdvin Member, Translator (NDA) Posts: 3,244
    This is not a final version. :)
    In the future, you can finally expect content for ToB.
    (And very soon I will do something with the annoying Mazzy.)

    I also loved this mode.
    Although are my modding abilities limited (I'm just a little advanced beginner), I will try to revive also other legendary mods.
  • MasterteoMasterteo Member Posts: 111
    Glad to know that you are working on this mod, can't wait to see the next releases of the mod.

    I don't know how to do mods on BG, but i'm always full of ideas.

    If you ever need some help, just ask. I would gladly help you improve this awesome mod.
  • MasterteoMasterteo Member Posts: 111
    Mod is unplayable.

    BG crashes always during the very first cutscene, when Sheena morph in her half-dragon form.

    I hope that the problem is not the fact that my BG2 is the old version and not the EE.

    Because if that's the case...and only IF that's the case (if it's not the case ignore the following comment!) :

    Sorry, but a BG2 mod that loose compatibilty with old BG2 and becomes a BG2:EE-only mod, is a failure.

    Especially because a lot of old mod are made compatible for EE.

    Like Yasraena, that worked for old BG2 and later was updated to work also for EE. To work ALSO for EE, not ONLY for EE.
  • gorgonzolagorgonzola Member Posts: 3,864
    Masterteo said:

    Sorry, but a BG2 mod that loose compatibilty with old BG2 and becomes a BG2:EE-only mod, is a failure.

    I agree, I am using both EE and original, as I want to play the new content and enjoy the new features, but I like also old mod that are not compatible with EE and I dislike some nerfing that has been made in EE, that closes some possible research on exploits and not conventional tactics.

    But original is the past, even if is still 100% playable and enjoyable, and EE is the present and probably will be also the future. And modding and testing takes time. So I doubt that many modders will care about the compatibility with the original, when they create new mods and when they create new versions of an existing mod. I can not ask to who devotes his time and effort for free in creating mods to dedicate extra time for who is still using original, I appreciate who do it, but I really can not blame who doesn't.

    About this mod if you scroll back the topic you will find that I already asked and the answer was that is not compatible with the original game.

  •  TheArtisan TheArtisan Member Posts: 3,277
    You know you can still find the version that works with BG2... it's more logical to consider this as a port from pre-EE to post-EE rather than a true update.
  • MasterteoMasterteo Member Posts: 111
    edited November 2016

    You know you can still find the version that works with BG2... it's more logical to consider this as a port from pre-EE to post-EE rather than a true update.

    No, it's not logical at all, because a lot of old mod has been updated by modder to gain EE compatibility.

    I repeat, updated. Not changed so that in order to gain EE compatibility they loose old BG2 compatibility.

    I could even write you an entire list.

    But that's fine. I keep considering a mod that loose its already existing compatibility to previous version of BG2 a failure, but i can understand it.

    What annoy me just a little bit is that compatibility issues are not just a minor detail.

    If the mod creator would have stated from the beginning (in the mod description! ) that he was doing a port for EE, we all would have saved a lot of time.

    So...sorry, but it's not logical at all to consider from the beginning this mod simply a port.
    Post edited by Masterteo on
  • MateoFrozenMateoFrozen Member Posts: 83
    @Masterteo what the problem go to and make it compatibile with BG2. Don't like @Edwin work, ok make your's mod better than his and don't forget to share with comunity of course for free.
  • MasterteoMasterteo Member Posts: 111

    @Masterteo what the problem go to and make it compatibile with BG2. Don't like @Edwin work, ok make your's mod better than his and don't forget to share with comunity of course for free.

    That's the difference between me and your common flame / hater.

    I'm not doing only constructive criticism, i'm also willing to learn and help him.

    If Edwin can't or won't add BG2 compatibility, i will do it.

    The only problem is that i have never done a mod before.

    This tutorial is helpful, i hope i will be able to understand how to do it.

    Any help will be warmly accepted.
  • MateoFrozenMateoFrozen Member Posts: 83
    Masterteo said:

    That's the difference between me and your common flame / hater.

    Well if you see me this way thats ok for me. Firstly it is EE forum for EE games, as you write ealier this is port for EE still not completed, Secondly i can't find in your first post any form of help offer. Constructive criticism?? where?? , many moders gived up moding becouse of those constructive criticism like yours. Thirdly free moding is slowly dying and i think that comunity should care for those few great people who sacrificing their free time to make mods.
  • MasterteoMasterteo Member Posts: 111
    edited November 2016


    Masterteo said:

    That's the difference between me and your common flame / hater.

    Well if you see me this way thats ok for me. Firstly it is EE forum for EE games, as you write ealier this is port for EE still not completed, Secondly i can't find in your first post any form of help offer. Constructive criticism?? where?? , many moders gived up moding becouse of those constructive criticism like yours. Thirdly free moding is slowly dying and i think that comunity should care for those few great people who sacrificing their free time to make mods.
    Interesting. Sorry, first of all when did i say that i view you as a flame / hater ?

    I sayd " difference between me and YOUR common hater. Not YOU common hater.

    Second point, this is EE forum for EE games? Really? Problem is that there are many topics even related to BG2 because, as you should have noticed, there is not a section of the forum for old BG2 mods.

    This forum is for both BG2 and EE.

    And finally, as i sayd before, if this mod is only for EE it should be written in the mod's description because it's a compatibility issue.
  • gorgonzolagorgonzola Member Posts: 3,864
    From the forum rules topic:" You'll find an assortment of variously useful (or not useful) areas on this site--places to discuss the game and its predecessor".
    To talk here of original game and of compatibility of mods with it seems inside the forums goals.
    But a modder is free to assure or not compatibility, you can suggest to a modder to add in the mod description an advice if is not compatible with original, if he forget to do it. In this case the modder was ready to answer when I did ask about compatibility.
  • ViomViom Member Posts: 1
    So, how is it going?)
  • HooAmEyeHooAmEye Member Posts: 21
    But could she be bisexual?
  • EdvinEdvin Member, Translator (NDA) Posts: 3,244
    edited December 2016
    HooAmEye said:

    But could she be bisexual?

    Hmm, interesting idea... :p
    Viom said:

    So, how is it going?)

    Working together with high school do not provide too much free time, but I will try to release the next version as soon as possible.
  • AcheronTheOddAcheronTheOdd Member Posts: 14
    I'm sorry if im reviving a possibly dead thread(I hope its not anyhow!) but i noticed a few bugs; Firstly the item description for Sheena's armor needs some fixing, to better match the grammar in the rest of the game. Secondly i've noticed a rather mod breaking issue where Sheena's half dragon form is instead replaced with a Myconid, I did some digging and it seems at some point during the making of the EE version of BG the model itself was removed, i am however unsure if it reappears in later versions.
    If that is the case i'd like to know which version this mod requires and or if there is a potential fix for this in the works?
    Its a possibility the model for the half dragon may have been re-added in a later patch.. But i am uncertain, seems as of my current version her model is not there and thus replaced with a Myconid.
    A shame too as Sheena was always my favorite companion back in the day, She was unique and you could export her to use as a main character which was a blast to say the least.
    (Currently using a stand-alone version which i cannot update till later this week, long story)
  • EdvinEdvin Member, Translator (NDA) Posts: 3,244
    edited December 2016

    Firstly the item description for Sheena's armor needs some fixing, to better match the grammar in the rest of the game.

    That was expected, I'm not a native speaker.
    Final version will include proofreading for spelling.

    Secondly i've noticed a rather mod breaking issue where Sheena's half dragon form is instead replaced with a Myconid, I did some digging and it seems at some point during the making of the EE version of BG the model itself was removed, i am however unsure if it reappears in later versions.

    You're not the first who complains about it and I've got quite a lot of private messages. Only newer patches for EE includes half dragon model, which is used in my mod. Although I did not plan to create a version that would be compatible with vanilla BG or earlier versions of EE, I guess I'll do it. Right now it is not too complicated, but I can not guarantee that it will hold true for future versions of my mod (I plan many changes).

    Compatible version will be ready in the first half of next month.
  • AcheronTheOddAcheronTheOdd Member Posts: 14
    Edvin said:

    Firstly the item description for Sheena's armor needs some fixing, to better match the grammar in the rest of the game.

    That was expected, I'm not a native speaker.
    Final version will include proofreading for spelling.

    Secondly i've noticed a rather mod breaking issue where Sheena's half dragon form is instead replaced with a Myconid, I did some digging and it seems at some point during the making of the EE version of BG the model itself was removed, i am however unsure if it reappears in later versions.

    You're not the first who complains about it and I've got quite a lot of private messages. Only newer patches for EE includes half dragon model, which is used in my mod. Although I did not plan to create a version that would be compatible with vanilla BG or earlier versions of EE, I guess I'll do it. Right now it is not too complicated, but I can not guarantee that it will hold true for future versions of my mod (I plan many changes).

    Compatible version will be ready in the first half of next month.
    I do appreciate this, Though you need'nt do so on my behalf, as i said i should have an updated version running by the end of the week(Provided steam keeps their client up to date) And im just overjoyed that you are taking the time to keep Sheena alive and even add on to her.
    I look forward to any future additions you make in the future and thank you for answering my questions.
    I'm content knowing what the issue is, and how it might be rectified.
  • AcheronTheOddAcheronTheOdd Member Posts: 14
    Actually, I had an idea for Sheena's armor (Feel free to dismiss if you like), I thought perhaps it might become more useful if it added to ones spell slots or decreased casting time much like the Robe of Vecna or the ring of wizardry, By itself without any kind of other bonuses it is useful sure, but it could become more so. Just a thought.
  • Verdi14Verdi14 Member Posts: 3
    Hello, I tried installing the mod, but whenever I try to enter Firkraag's domain (specifically into the dungeon where you are greeted by the orc ambush) it cuts to a scene where there is a listing of code "Invalid: 104594" is where it starts, I think. I am using the WeiDU 240 version but only recently got it, so I am not sure whether all is working as intended. However, when installing there are no errors, only once I enter the game. The game version is GOG and updated to the latest version. I hope somebody can help, would love to try this mod out but that's hard when it cuts to an endless cutscene that is basically one big 'error' that you cannot switch off or get out of.
  • GrimLefourbeGrimLefourbe Member Posts: 637
    Have you used modmerge?
  • Verdi14Verdi14 Member Posts: 3
    edited January 2017
    Nope, may I ask how to install that? And/or where to get it, if I need it? btw. what exactly is it needed for? I presume the information will be elsewhere, but please bear with me for this.

    EDIT: I have used modmerge now, but the same error still occurs. When I enter the dungeon and get into the orc ambush it automatically switches to the endless cutscene with the broken dialogue that has the "Invalid 104594" message, each time it pops up having the number rise by one (e. g. 104595). I did however notice that the Sheena installation window identifies my WeiDU as the 23900 version, rather than the version I have, which is 24000, when I open WeiDU itself.

    EDIT 2: So, turns out re-installing it and just installing things in a different order did the trick! Runs just fine now! Cheers!
    Post edited by Verdi14 on
  • GrimLefourbeGrimLefourbe Member Posts: 637
    Wait I'm stupid wow, modmerge is only for sod and eet... I'm sorry I don't know what I was thinking.

    Anyway the invalid xxx sounds like a problem with the dialog.tlk which is the index of strings.

    The endless cutscene sounds to me like it's waiting on an event that doesn't happen. Did you maybe kill someone you didn't need?

    I haven't played this mod so pure shot in the dark but did you kill the orc chef when you met him in the first room of the dungeon?

    Sorry again for the modmerge thing, it's the cause of like 90% of string issues for SoD.
  • EdvinEdvin Member, Translator (NDA) Posts: 3,244

    I haven't played this mod so pure shot in the dark but did you kill the orc chef when you met him in the first room of the dungeon?

    This is a very good point.
    Once I start to feel a little better, I'll have to do some tests.

    Please excuse if the new version will have a little delay.
    Right now I'm really awful sick (and I do not mean it in a good way).
    I hate flu season...
  • GrammarsaladGrammarsalad Member Posts: 2,582
    Bleh, feel better soon!
  • AcheronTheOddAcheronTheOdd Member Posts: 14

    Bleh, feel better soon!

    Yeah this! Can't wait to see what you add next. Feel better soon!
  • egbertegbert Member Posts: 99

    Please update the version number in the upcoming new version... :)
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