How do you position your hands when playing?

I'm right handed, so I just rest my right hand on the mouse the whole time. No big surprises here.
I'm more interested in what you do with the keyboard hand. I use a standard position 99% of the time:
So what's your style? A super gamer mouse that frees your left hand to fondle your chick while you play? You optimize so much the hotkeys that you barely need to touch the mouse? You're still trying to figure out what part of the computer is the keyboard? Let us know!
I'm more interested in what you do with the keyboard hand. I use a standard position 99% of the time:
- The first four fingers (pinky to index) rest on the numbers 1-4. The idea is that I can select any of my four first characters without even moving a finger.
- From that position, my index has quick access to the other two characters (5 and 6) and to the F5 key (disarm traps, open locks, etc.)
- My pinky has quick access to the Tab key (highlighting), Q (Quickload) and Esc.
- My thumb falls conveniently on the spacebar.
So what's your style? A super gamer mouse that frees your left hand to fondle your chick while you play? You optimize so much the hotkeys that you barely need to touch the mouse? You're still trying to figure out what part of the computer is the keyboard? Let us know!
Thumb on the spacebar
Ring finger between Q, W, and 2
Middle finger between W, E, and 3
This lets me select the first several characters, quicksave, and pause the game without moving any hands. Also lets me use Tab or Alt to highlight containers.
left thumb on space
left ring finger on tab
rest takes care of Q and F#
My computer is hooked into my 82" TV screen, and I sit in a big recliner in front of the TV.
I guess I shouldn't even bother asking about hotkey reassigning...
Once you swallow the whole keyboard it becomes pretty easy to use. Just make sure it's either waterproof, or you have an electricity resistance of at least 40.
Also my fingers are close to R and Tab.
But generally, it's the classic left hand on keyboard, right hand on the mouse most of the times.
So my left hand is on WSAD most of the time, usually hit TAB with my ring finger, Q, I and J with the index finger. The space bar with the thumb. Hardly use any other keys, so I do everything else with the mouse, right hand.
so for me, right hand on the mouse, and left hand on the arrow keys, and I use all the numpad buttons for dialogue selection and it takes me no time at all to use the space bar to pause, unpause and go through dialogue boxes, in fact, when using the space bar to go through dialogue boxes, and use 4 of my fingers on one hand to get through it as quick as possible
if you were to watch my play the bg series, you would almost think a robot was playing it ( except for the spasticness that I will usually play with) I just love playing the game quick, that's why I can beat the entire series and do every quest, in one weekend
But if you play in a lower difficulty setting the mouse and the arrow keys will be fine for almost everything, certainly.
I think that having the hotkeys completely remapped to allow the management of the party using the keyboard can be really useful for multiplayer games and for styles different from the one I use.
It need intensive maintenance but is very useful.