Greetings, fellow adventurers!
Hi, I just joined up and I wanted to introduce myself.
My name is Peter, and I have been playing DnD since 1982.
Once I started playing Baldur's Gate, I was hooked. I played BG1, BG2, and Icewind Dale 1 and 2.
DnD has had a major influence in my life.
My name is Peter, and I have been playing DnD since 1982.
Once I started playing Baldur's Gate, I was hooked. I played BG1, BG2, and Icewind Dale 1 and 2.
DnD has had a major influence in my life.
i also fell in love with the bg series soon after beginning to play bg.
i started to play icewindale. the game screen froze up on me very early on and i never went back to play it again. maybe i should give that series another try.
I also come from a D&D background. I started playing about the same time as you in my primary school aged about 9.
1982 must have been a portentous year in the realms!
I started playing D&D just a little before you in 1981, working a high school job at a hobby store in the mall when we got our first delivery of merchandise from a little known (at the time) company named TSR. Me and my coworker buddy pored through the 1st ed. AD&D books and rolled up dwarven fighter brothers, with the very creative names of Sméagol and Utol. His older brother in college then ran us through a self-created world, which was awesome. Our group grew to include our best high school friends and we kept the role playing going through college with modules and even after we went our separate ways via email in the 90s. I played all the SSI games back in the 90s and quite a bit of FRUA, too. Then came family and kids just when original BG and IWD came out, so I had to catch up only recently the past couple of years. I just finished the full original Bhaalspawn saga last week, finally, and now am turning to IWD:EE on the iPad, and playing multiplayer with my son, too. Like you, D&D has been a major influence in my life and some of my fondest memories come from those Friday evening sessions dropping the dragon dice on the hardwood dining room table and waiting with bated breath for the DM to knock over the lead figurine of whatever monster we were fighting with his pencil before wailing out "cleeeerrriiiiccc!".
Sorry for the length - somebody please throw a silence 15' radius on me, and I promise I won't save.