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Has BG:EE lost something?



  • ThacoBellThacoBell Member Posts: 12,235
    edited September 2016
    Neera nearly solos that encounter when I run into her, my biggest problem is that its a rush to stop her from kill stealing. Granted, I don't play any higher dificulty than core rules.
    *EDIT* What patch do you play on? I do remember Neera being a lot dumber and the encounter being more difficult as a consequence on older patches.
  • OrlonKronsteenOrlonKronsteen Member Posts: 905
    @BelgarathMTH I know what you mean about the EE NPCs forcing themselves down your throat. I'm thinking of avoiding the Neera area/encounter entirely and just EE Keepering a gem bag into my inventory. It would save the trouble of installing a mod. Of course, there's still Rasaad sticking his nose into your business in Nashkel when you fight Nimbul. Darn right I don't have time for his proverbs!!! I wonder if you can run him through with a sword without turning the whole area hostile....
  • BelgarathMTHBelgarathMTH Member Posts: 5,653
    edited September 2016
    Core difficulty, no mods. Neera has two color sprays, then rushes the guards with her staff. Enemy wizard has color spray, mirror image, grease, *flame arrow*, and magic missiles.

    If the wizard targets Neera with the flame arrow she's a goner. If she rushes into melee before you get the guards dead she's a goner. If that flame arrow gets targeted at Charname it's a game over if he or she is level one. It's often a game over if Neera knocks the whole party unconscious.

    I've had her die multiple times during her recruitment encounter. I find it very hard to keep her alive long enough to recruit her when I want to.

    The encounter was changed in one of the more recent patches. I know it was much easier and less likely to kill Neera in the older versions.

    Btw, this is with SoD installed. That makes a difference in many encounters, in ways that were not intended.
  • GallengerGallenger Member Posts: 400
    edited September 2016
    I've never had any problem with recruiting Neera, maybe sometimes I'll have a party member get caught in a poorly aimed color spray, but on the whole it's a fairly simple matter to use ranged weapons to take out the mage and by then Neera has smoked all of her color sprays and it's safe to move in on the guards. I've also seen her drop the wizard with her color spray (or my own casting of sleep) several times which basically makes the encounter a walk over lol. The guards also regularly fail to the sleep spell and other debuffs (blindness). Blinding the mage is another pretty funny tactic since it makes it impossible for him to cast anything other than mirror image :D
  • OrlonKronsteenOrlonKronsteen Member Posts: 905
    I make a point of never trying to get her until I have a cleric with the command spell. Then I just drop the mage with it and pelt him with arrows, keeping my archers well back so as to avoid Neera's colour spray. If I happen to already have a mage, I complement the command spell with sleep, usually taking out the two guards. Then I welcome Neera to the party, take the gem back and dismiss her (since I can't stand wild mages), which, if I'm playing good, makes me feel lousy from a role playing perspective - hence my plan to use EE Keeper for the bag from now on.
  • alceryesalceryes Member Posts: 380

    Core difficulty, no mods. Neera has two color sprays, then rushes the guards with her staff. Enemy wizard has color spray, mirror image, grease, *flame arrow*, and magic missiles.

    If the wizard targets Neera with the flame arrow she's a goner. If she rushes into melee before you get the guards dead she's a goner. If that flame arrow gets targeted at Charname it's a game over if he or she is level one. It's often a game over if Neera knocks the whole party unconscious.

    I've had her die multiple times during her recruitment encounter. I find it very hard to keep her alive long enough to recruit her when I want to.

    The encounter was changed in one of the more recent patches. I know it was much easier and less likely to kill Neera in the older versions.

    Btw, this is with SoD installed. That makes a difference in many encounters, in ways that were not intended.

    I'm now playing on 'hard' difficulty and have SoD installed. All party members (and Neera) have survived the last few times at least. Do you have any good missile users? I always pelt the red wizard right out of the gate so he NEVER gets a spell off. Neera sometimes gets a color spray off but even when she takes out one of my companions it's no big deal.
    Have you tried reorganizing your party formation so that your tank gets transported right next to the henchmen and red wizard?
  • ThacoBellThacoBell Member Posts: 12,235
    I've never had that wizard get a spell off, and the guards almost never make the color spray save for me.
  • BelgarathMTHBelgarathMTH Member Posts: 5,653
    edited September 2016
    The problem I've had is likely that I usually don't want to recruit Neera. The few times I have wanted her, things have just gone really wrong, especially with that Flame Arrow. There's probably an issue in that I like to scatter my party instead of getting caught in Neera's Color Sprays, rather than immediately attacking the red wizard.

    I think my trouble with the encounter is partly due to my play style and my reactions to the encounter being something that the devs didn't anticipate. If there's a way to mess up dev intentions, certain subgroups of players will find it.

    I just decided on today's play session that "If you can't beat them, join them", and I recruited Neera. But I was playing a half-orc berserker with 19-18-19 and rage activated, which pretty much amounts to an "I win" button in BG1. :)

    Since I decided that I didn't need Minsc with me as a berserker, and therefore didn't need Dynaheir, I recruited both Neera and Rasaad. I actually like Rasaad, just not his class. He manages to convert me to Selune worship every time I start talking to him.

    I had tried a shapeshifter/werewolf character earlier today and yesterday, and I've found that the min-maxed half-orc berserker makes a better werewolf than the actual werewolf. I just pretend my berserk button is a "wolf-out" button. Which also gives me a great roleplaying feel with Rasaad in my party as my spiritual advisor, especially since Selune is the goddess of good lycanthropes, in addition to being the goddess of the moon, Shar's chief rival, and a one-third inheritor of Amaunator's power. :)
  • elminsterelminster Member, Developer Posts: 16,317
    edited September 2016
    SoD by itself doesnt change BGEE (well apart from the UI and you immediately jumping to the start of SoD). Also I think the Neera fight was changed way back 1.3 (or maybe even 1.2). I'm not aware of it getting touched in 2.0.
  • ThacoBellThacoBell Member Posts: 12,235
    It was definitely changed by 1.3
  • RaduzielRaduziel Member Posts: 4,714
    Early this year I've tried a run in vanilla. Two hours later I was wondering myself how I could be so addicted in this game in the past.

    Rest in peace, vanilla. And a long and prosperous future to EE.
  • lunarlunar Member Posts: 3,460
    edited September 2016
    I still have my old, big, and I mean BIG, bgt installation in an external drive. It is about 10+ gb in size and has so many mods, quest, npc and difficulty etc. installed, and further editted to suit my tastes by me at those years, all before ee.

    I recently tried playing it on my new laptop, and well there was this graphical imcompatibility that running it in 3d has its screen very small and bordered with blackness. My graphic card was not easy to set up as 'stretch to full screen' and after trying some solutions online and failing, I went back to 2d mode and it looked horrible. I tried playing again starting in bg2, but I was waaay overboard with mods, and that bgt installation really required a pc that played out a modded to brim bg1 (dark side, northern side, greyclan, many other mods) to begin in bg2, so a newly created bg2 character had no luck in Irenicus Dungeon. So started in bg1 and immediately I saw glaring unbalance issues thanks to zillion mods, which is a thing for me in the past, but I never let it happen in my current ee games and I edit any sort of overpoweredness by dltcep and NI.

    Sooo it did not work out, I returned to my ee installations, modded a bit and editted a bit to perfect it, and back to playing ee. I look at my bgt installation as my 'Old project' it was fun and great for me back then, not so much today.

    Today I play ees on my Ipad, so 1.3 is still the way I roll. It is my project, that is ever developing, I edit everything with NI and dltcep even take assets, sound files and bams from my other IE games like iwd1, iwd2, etc. to make a perfect gaming experience for me. Modding and editting is half the fun. I took some item bam files from my iwd2 game and they look slick on my bg:ee on Ipad.

    To me 2.0 loses a lot of charm thanks to UI changes, and I don't think to upgrade to it for a long time. I will need to install all my mods again and tweak and edit all over again, I just don't think it is worth it, for now. Maybe a few years later I will look back at my 1.3 installation and say 'what was I thinking?' who knows.
  • ThacoBellThacoBell Member Posts: 12,235
    I take back part of my initial judegement. BGEE has lost something, those awesome art works that showed whenever you loaded a new area.
  • BillyYankBillyYank Member Posts: 2,768
    I just avoid the Neera encounter on my first trip through Beregost. The fight plays out differently when you lead with a 3rd level Inquisitor.
  • DanacmDanacm Member Posts: 951

    The problem I've had is likely that I usually don't want to recruit Neera. The few times I have wanted her, things have just gone really wrong, especially with that Flame Arrow. There's probably an issue in that I like to scatter my party instead of getting caught in Neera's Color Sprays, rather than immediately attacking the red wizard.

    I think my trouble with the encounter is partly due to my play style and my reactions to the encounter being something that the devs didn't anticipate. If there's a way to mess up dev intentions, certain subgroups of players will find it.

    I just decided on today's play session that "If you can't beat them, join them", and I recruited Neera. But I was playing a half-orc berserker with 19-18-19 and rage activated, which pretty much amounts to an "I win" button in BG1. :)

    Since I decided that I didn't need Minsc with me as a berserker, and therefore didn't need Dynaheir, I recruited both Neera and Rasaad. I actually like Rasaad, just not his class. He manages to convert me to Selune worship every time I start talking to him.

    I had tried a shapeshifter/werewolf character earlier today and yesterday, and I've found that the min-maxed half-orc berserker makes a better werewolf than the actual werewolf. I just pretend my berserk button is a "wolf-out" button. Which also gives me a great roleplaying feel with Rasaad in my party as my spiritual advisor, especially since Selune is the goddess of good lycanthropes, in addition to being the goddess of the moon, Shar's chief rival, and a one-third inheritor of Amaunator's power. :)

    I feel berserker as the strongest warrior class is a funmode one time to try. Its so close as barbarian pc i enjoyed the game with my avanger party as branwen, kivan, xan, yeslick and imoen. My next stop will be wizard slayer if i get enough energy to play :)
  • jesterdesujesterdesu Member Posts: 373
    A lot of the new content sucks, but I mostly play bgee these days cos better resolution and Wilson the bear
  • JumboWheat01JumboWheat01 Member Posts: 1,028
    Bears do make everything better. Not as well as owlbears, but close.
  • CARV3RCARV3R Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 23
    I got into the series when the original BG2 was releasedand I much prefer the polish of the EE versions over the original. It's really to each his own.
  • BelgarathMTHBelgarathMTH Member Posts: 5,653
    @James_M , Hi, nice to meet another person who appreciates the quirkiness and quaintness of the original game.

    @Milo explained the wand thing earlier in the thread. If you play a multi-class, Imoen doesn't get a wand, but Khalid gets enough xp to be level two when you meet him. If you play a true class, Imoen gets her wand, but Khalid only has 42 xp. I confirmed this information by starting a true class after I had played with my original multi-class awhile. I'm not sure what the original devs' thinking was in programming it that way.

    Some other differences between original and BG2/EE:

    -Minsc doesn't have any dual wielding. In fact, dual wielding and other weapon styles don't exist. Minsc also doesn't have bow proficiency. He starts with two pips each in blunt weapons and large swords.

    -There are no damage flags on enemies such as "injured, badly wounded, near death". There's no way at all to tell how badly hurt they are. I think this has the effect of increasing suspense and tension during combat, because if it's going badly, you don't know if you almost have dangerous enemies down, or if they can keep going all day and you need to retreat.

    -Wands have no number of charges indicator on the icons. You have no idea how many wand charges you have left. This has the effect of discouraging wand cheese.
  • AlexisisinneedAlexisisinneed Member Posts: 470
    I was hit by a case of Nostaglia a month or so ago. I booted up mc gog cd copy and created a party. But....I stopped at Unclaster school. (I butchered the spelling I know) Because I've been spoilled by the ee's for so long that I can now only play those.
  • RawgrimRawgrim Member Posts: 621

    I would say that the EEs are not meant to substitute the original games. To me, the main idea of the EEs is to revive the broader interest to IE games, to make it easier to run them on modern devices, to let play them on tablets. The original games are still there, for people who already have them and for those who manage to buy them nowadays (they are a part of the offer for the EEs, though).

    If they aren't meant to be substitutes for the original games, how come people can't buy the original games anymore? If people want to buy the classics now they can only get them IF they buy the EE versions.
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,772
    As I said in the quoted part, the original games are still there, for people who already have them and for those who manage to buy them nowadays.

    Whether to sell the original games or not, and in what ways, only the rightholder can define. Hasbro is the rightholder here. The decision has been made in terms of making the original games a part of the EEs for selling through
  • ThacoBellThacoBell Member Posts: 12,235
    The original sprites are really blocky and jagged though, They look much worse to my eyes. I also love and miss the blue stone UI. Graphics are probably the single most subjective aspect of games.
  • batoorbatoor Member Posts: 676
    I'm not that fuzzy about graphics, but sprite outlining was the first thing I disabled. It just looks awkward to me, so I'm glad it's optional^^
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