Appreciation for (often) unused spells

After making extensive use of the Wand of Fire on my shadowdancer I have come to greatly appreciate Agonizers Scorcher, cast it on an enemy then run circles around them with boots of the cheetah or haste, a Mage or bard can put it in sequencers for 2/3x damage, bards can use it for extra damage on top of weapon hits seeing as it persists for some time or you can just use it as another form of caster disruption.
What other spells and uses do people have for those that are pretty much unused?
What other spells and uses do people have for those that are pretty much unused?
Bigby's Clenched Fist (8th level) is probably better than Bigby's Crushing Hand (9th level). While Crushing Hand has a higher damage potential, Clenched Fist is a better disruptor because it offers no save for its initial hold. Almost guaranteed hold makes it a very good spell in my book.
While inflicting stun is typically better than inflicting fear, Symbol: Fear may actually be better because, unlike Symbol: Stun, it can easily be made party friendly with a simple resist fear spell. Symbol stun almost requires an Enhanced Bard Song to be party friendly.
Abi Dalzim's Horrid Wilting is unquestionably very good, but Incendiary Cloud can do more damage over time and becomes more useful if you are immune to fire or can summon things immune to fire.
As @CrevsDaak likes to remind me constantly, Spell Shield does more than just protect against buff stripper spells... It also will block most psionic and dragon breath attacks.
Shocking Grasp can pack quite a punch at higher levels and can even do more than Magic Missile some of the time. It is often better for bards than mages due to the Thac0 difference.
Creeping Doom may not last as long as Insect Plague, but it can hit liches. Nuff said.
Resurrection is not only usable on dead people. It fully restores HP and has an infinite range so you can cast it on your hurt people too. Small delay before the healing hits though, so watch out for that.
Magic Resistance cannot be resisted. Cast it on creatures with very high MR to set their MR to whatever the spell gives. Follow it up with Lower Resistance if you need to.
That is about all I can think of at the moment...
Ray of Enfeeblement turns encounters with formidable mêlée combatants into walkovers. It's indispensable when using meatshields with poor AC, such as low level Monks and Kensai. Contagion is another, even more powerful nerfing spell that can potentially kill the target if stacked. On the flip side, some low level defensive spells that set AC to a given value may be used to nerf the enemy's defense if it's already very high.
Shocking Grasp was already mentioned, but I'll add that you might want to try backstabbing something with it on a multiclass Thief for some added fun. Stunned targets in particular love to be grasped like that
Likewise, Ghoul and later Lich Touch can be very handy. If you don't want to expose your frail magi, have your slightly tougher bards and multiclass casters use them. Tenser's Transformation synergizes nicely to make that grope land right where it should.
Other than that and what @Tresset and @sarevok57 mentioned, I also recommend you take a look at this old thread. Quite a few insightful observations there.
bdspl01.SPL (Wing Buffet) (from SoD)
bdwyrmb.SPL (Breath Weapon) (from SoD)
SPIN665.SPL (No such index) <- just a vfx thing from Beholders or unused
ABZAWAY.SPL (No such index) <- Abazigal's push away (I think it's the one from when he transforms)
DGWHIRL.SPL (No such index) <- looks like another wing buffet
JWWHIRL.SPL (No such index) <- wing buffet that also slays gender.ids 12 (extra4) creatures
OHBDRAG1.SPL (Topaz Dragon Breath)
ohsummon.SPL (No such index) <- not sure what this is, but it has "Disable Creature" opcode
ohwakeup.SPL (No such index) <- a script only spell that removes minhp1 and Sleep effects (casted on npc)
SPIN530.SPL (Lower Poison Resistance)
SPIN532.SPL (Lower Electrical Resistance)
SPIN535.SPL (Green Dragon Breath)
SPIN547.SPL (Project Force)
SPIN550.SPL (Anti-Magic Ray)
SPIN595.SPL (Yellow Dragon Scorching Sand)
SPIN596.SPL (Brown Dragon Acid Breath)
SPIN643.SPL (No such index)
SPIN682.SPL (Lower Fire Resistance)
SPIN691.SPL (Black Dragon Breath)
SPIN778.SPL (Wild Magic Zone)
SPIN779.SPL (Anti-Magic)
SPIN825.SPL (Drow Transformation)
SPIN832.SPL (Silver Dragon Paralyzation)
SPIN833.SPL (Silver Dragon Cone of Cold)
SPIN893.SPL (Shadow Dragon Breath)
SPIN894.SPL (Red Dragon Breath)
SPIN909.SPL (Ego Whip)
SPIN910.SPL (Domination)
SPIN911.SPL (Ballistic Attack)
SPIN992.SPL (Anti-Magic Ray)
SPWI051.SPL (Dispel Magic)
SPWI321.SPL (Spell Thrust)
SPWI419.SPL (Secret Word)
SPWI513.SPL (Breach)
SPWI514.SPL (Lower Resistance)
SPWI608.SPL (Pierce Magic)
SPWI704.SPL (Ruby Ray of Reversal)
SPWI705.SPL (Khelben's Warding Whip)
SPWI805.SPL (Pierce Shield)
SPWI903.SPL (Spellstrike)
SPWISH26.SPL (Breach)
SPWISH27.SPL (Knockback)
SPWISH38.SPL (Breach)
SPYANC01.SPL (Whirlwind)
Also it's bugged and it blocks everything (and by everything I mean it doesn't go away... Sometimes, it's really buggy). I don't know why the EE devs haven't included Ardanis' fix for this (it's in SCS already).
Grease is very good as I always mention, specially if you are solo'ing the game and all of your level 2 spell slots are being used with defensive weapons and you have enough level 1 spell slots for this an MMs/Chromatic Orbs. It's great for F/M(/T) using bows in BG1, since Evenmemory allows you to have enough level 1 spells to do this.
Spook is great against very heavy melee hitters with low saves (Ogres, etc), and thieves in SoA (specially when you have SCS since they backstab you and drink a Potion of Invisibility afterwards, and given the spells short casting time and high saving throw it almost always gets them).
Silence 15' Radius is great against Clerics, no matter their level, since they have no way to dispel it and they don't have access to Vocalise. Greater Malisson followed by a 3x Silence 15' Radius is my favourite way to deal with high level Clerics (bad thing is, that it's not party friendly).
Goodberries can be used to summon squirrels if dropped on certain places in BG1 wilderness (forgot where). This might help you get the Ring of Luck.
For all the Cloud/Area Stationary spells: you can use the Ring of the Ram to send enemies back in (SCS enemies move out of clouds), or to precast the clouds away from your opponent to avoid turning him hostile.
The rest of my knowledge on spells is useless on EE since it's BG2 cheespellotation and most are (or appear to be) fixed.
<blockquote class="UserQuote">
* Get a Fighter with more than 100 Fire Resistance (easy to do in BG2).
* Send the Fighter into the fray with Minor Spell Turning
* Cast Agnazar's onto the Fighter with a Mage with Spell Turning
* Move both Fighter and Mage to maximise damage done to enemies.
* Be sure you don't misplay and fray your Mage (it's really easy to do this).
Edit: quoting God seems to cause problems (html displaying itself instead of behaving properly)... Not philosophical ones, but some with the forums...
As for the reflecting Agonizers Sorcher that sounds really good with a shadow mage, cast Spell turning and simulcram or mislead HiS then run like that.....
Thanks for all the useful info on spells have always over looked.
Also, calling @semiticgod to explain your Scorcher Loop.
For those who aren't aware, the scorcher loop is when you use spell turning effects to bounce Agannazar's Scorcher spells (or Wand of Fire charges) against each other, duplicating the effects. It also works with Lightning Bolts (at least in the vanilla games) and the Lance of Disruption in IWD:EE. It's one of the strongest ways of dealing damage in the Infinity Engine games, and can quickly roast enemies even in Heart of Fury or Legacy of Bhaal mode. But it's also extremely dangerous, because it will destroy the mages who create it if they are not immune to the damage.
Combining the scorcher with the Wand of Lightning trick and either a scroll of Spell Turning or the Book of Daily Spell's Spell Turning page can create the Death Ray Zorcher, which is by far the most powerful weapon in any of the games, capable of dealing tens of thousands of damage before it burns out (testing found that it can strike 10,000 times when done correctly, for 3d6 damage per hit). I've seen it slay SCS+Legacy of Bhaal mode Adalon in a single round.
My new challenge was to play a frost mage-using cold damage primarily, (and I had some mod and custom made ice spells added for levels that lack them) fire spells are banned, so I was weak against the undead, Halt Undead evened the odds a bit. I allowed chromatic orb (doing acid damage at high levels, and acid is kinda like water) to deal with trolls.
I'm also quite fond of Deafness (also wizard Lv2) especially in BG1 where you probably don't have enough slots for a bunch of Silence 15' Radius on your cleric. It gives 50% spell failure, which is enough to neuter most spellcasters, even SCS Davaeorn. In BG2, at higher levels, Holy Word (cleric Lv7) does the same to powerful opponents and doesn't even allow a save (Holy Word is short duration however).
All in all, a great group of spells that I feel are often ignored.
Most of the low levels spells get interesting at high levels if stacked, spammed.
A single MM, Web, AoE crowd control spell in end game is no effective, spam them and they become battle winners.
Melf minute meteors always gets a few spell slots for me from the start to the end of bg2
Its a great spell for focus firing important targets at the start of large battles
Also, if you havent used death spell to instantly kill a horde of umberhulks, you haven't truly lived
Phantom Blade is especially good if you use SCS "Party's items are taken from them in Spellhold" component.
I usually use it to kill undead group(Lich and his friends) and Vampire in Spellhold.
Black Blade of Disaster is really strong and fun.
FMT can get 10 APR and 200-300 damage per hit by using Black Blade of Disaster, Mislead and Critical Strike.
You don't need that much damage for usual game, but it's great for Legacy of Bhaal game.
I love finding creative ways to use spells in ways they were obviously not meant to be used. Like using a "protection from magic" scroll on an enemy spellcaster (specifically Szass Tam in my case)