Berserker7/Druid is clearly too strong for BG1 as Gaia crushed through any opposition without problems. With only Sarevok left i was thinking about restarting on the Chosen One difficulty when big bad @Grond0 came to my mind again. Here is the result:
Pets of Grond0
This challenge is inspired by the master of disaster @Grond0:
- No antidots - No-Reload only - No XP loops or farming - No maximum Hit Points at levelup - No healing potions or healing items except for regeneration
No Durlags Goblet will make things much trickier in SoD so before going for the Chosen One i might give this one a try. I like to suffer...
Vent finished off all the basilisks with the help of Korax and also picked up Lindin before the others ganged up to chop down the ghoul. I had previously thrown away the gem bag and scroll case thinking those were not allowed, but after clarification that miscellaneous items were permitted to all classes I went back to pick them up .
A series of running and shooting episodes helped raise Vent's reputation to 19 before he went to the Lake area with the idea of doing Bjornin's quest. I activated the Drizzt fight there without thinking about it, before deciding it would be better to keep his XP to help the mage level up - so Vent ran away to another area to reset the fight. After killing the half-ogres he did a bit of shopping (though with Vent's charisma of 3 still at a higher price than I'm used to).
He got some easy XP by shooting the golems at High Hedge before buying the potion case there. Moving on to the coast he spent a while exposing himself to the fire of sirines to make them use their poison arrows before shooting them up. Killing all the sirines and one of the golems got him to level 7 and he put away his rage for a while by dualling to mage. His first act as a mage was to summon a trusty companion to help him in his journeys.
I restarted as Grond0´s pet rolling a Dwarven Fighter/Thief:
The start was great. Shot down Shoal with only 32 arrows this time (four crits), visited Beregost and got Drizzt´s equipment for another push. The ambush´s proved to be no big deal as the skeleton archers missed all shots on him - nice. He then finished off the basiliks with a charmed lesser one and Korax. Too bad i reacted too slow and our new friend got petrified from Mutamins guards even though the gnome himself was turned into another statue before. Lindin and friends proved to be impossible as Korax missed his attacks and went down in seconds forcing Thorgrim to retreat and stealth again. Maybe he will come back later...
With level 5/5 reached his HP jumped up to 57 (65 max). Not bad. Next stops will be Dushai and Buckleys Buckler for some regeneration. As he saved the PfP scroll the basiliks on Durlags Tower can hope for some good beating too soon.
I am a good pet - no?
EDIT: Durlags basilisks were stabbed and shot down thanks to PfP reaching level 5/6 and getting 5 more HP. Funny: While Thorgrim rolled 7 critical misses against the first one he critted five times against the second. The Battle Horrors will have to wait until he got Greywolfs Longsword+2.
EDIT2: Poor Greywolf could not run fast enough to catch Thorgrim and his charmed guards who were constantly shooting arrows at him until he dropped like a sack of potatoes. With his new weapon the backstabs will now hurt even more. Time for Dushai...
Okay @Grond0 - here is another idea to continue the chaos. What do you think?
Grondo´s and Harpa´s Aslum of Arcane Madness
This is our personal Sphere of Chaos for all misleaded adventurers out there - do you think you are strong enough?
- No antidots - No-Reload only - No XP loops or farming - No maximum Hit Points at levelup - No healing potions or healing items except for regeneration
- No Arrows of Detonation/Dispelling buying in BG1 - No Algernons Cloak or Nymph Cloak in BG1/SoD - No Staff of the Magi in SoA & ToB - No Speed Weapons in SoA - No Wish spells for ToB
Put in some ideas from @semiticgod to push the limits a bit more. Can you agree with this madness?
Golems are easy to hit even for a level 1 character, so 2 more of those soon got Vent his first mage level. A bit of blinding and slinging later and another level gave access to invisibility. That was used to make the familiar an invisible blocker while a bunch of ghasts at Durlag's Tower got him to level 4. The familiar then nibbled the basilisks on the roof to get him to level 5 - allowing him to use MSD to grab the wisdom tome. A few little tasks on the way to get the charisma tome were then enough for level 6.
In case anyone wondered, Kangaxx can be hit by the SCS Improved Earth Elemental token, idk if it counts higher as +4 but that is more than I expected already.
On another note: Has anyone noticed anything strange about v 2.3 and Greater Malison? I've seen enemies cast it on me several times since I have my tookens but it never suceeded or at least didn't show the usual red visual on my portrait.
edit:nvm the Shadow Dragon just sucessfully hit me with malison, maybe it can fail if the caster is too lowlevel?
Haha! My wife wanted to play Thorgrim for just one battle but - you know it - she ruined everything after kiting Meilum. Oh no, the kiting was no problem but - for whatever reason - she moved to the south running into some kobold commanders who managed to get some lucky rolls bringing Thorgrim down to 12 HP. "Use invisibility!" was my last cry but - nope - she tried to reach the map border when another arrow hit for - sure - 12 HP a nanosecond before she could get away. Why is she doing this to me?
Well - as she did not like F/T at all (!) she "convinced" me to play a Totemic Druid again using the Grondo & Harpa rules:
As long as i keep her away from another suicide mission eveything should be fine - hopefully!
A hot start for Gaia after Shoal went down thanks to a spirit lion and some throwing daggers. On her returntrip to High Hedge two skeletons appeared out of nowhere and started throwing. One, two, three hits landed bringing her down to 8 HP. As she was still not out of reach she gulped Imoens oil of speed so she could outrun the next throwing dagger reaching the map border just in time before the hit landed.
In Beregost she charmed Tiax and with another spirit lion they took down Silke and four spiders. Drizzts Scimitars were added before Gaia managed to escape two more ambushes (Xvarts and Ogrillons) and reaching Nashkel where she grabbed the Ankheg Plate.
She did some more travel to get invisbility potions for potential emergency exits charming and taking out Jaheira as well in the FAI. Returning his stuff to Landrin put Gaia to level 5 for max HP this time pushing them up to a total of 40 - thats pretty good so far.
The basiliks should give Gaia another push before she will hunt down sirens and increase reputation. With two more invisbility potions incoming soon (Strength of One to open the doors) from Beregost and Nahskel she should be pretty safe until Pixie Dust and the Sandthief Ring will be available. Lets hope for the best!
EDIT: Strength 18/75 is not enough to break the chest in the Beregost residence so no inv. potion from there...
Vent tried dealing with ankhegs using stinking cloud instead of web, i.e. showing himself, going invisible to strand the ankheg above ground, waiting until it was unconscious and then blinding it. That worked, but the bonus to the stinking cloud saving throw makes it rather less efficient than web for that purpose and Vent only killed the 3 ankhegs on the line to their treasure hoard.
After buying up all the potions and scrolls he wanted for now (annoyingly failing to learn the only scroll of improved invisibility available in the process), Vent returned to the Lake area and waited for the gnolls to cut Drizzt down to size. He and the familiar killed all but one that had broken a weapon to get the easy 12k XP on offer when Drizzt was rendered unconscious. That almost got Vent up to level 6 and returning some goods to Landrin at FAI (rendering Tarnesh impotent there with resist fear and shield) did the job.
Now with an extra L2 spell and greater malison, ankhegs were pretty easy and their area was fully cleared reasonably quickly. Vent also picked up some decent XP by taking out the battle horror on the wall at Durlag's Tower - drawing it to the end of the wall and blinding it to allow him to attack without any retaliation. The rest of the XP needed to get to level 8 will have to wait for tomorrow though.
I started my day off with lots of running and shooting of the ogre clan in Shoal's area - using the Strength spell to boost sling damage there and ghoul touch to finish off the final ogre berserker. The sirines in the area are more difficult than at the Lighthouse due to the problem of finding somewhere free of enemies to run them round and Vent nearly died there when hit by lightning after already being poisoned.
Melicamp died, but Vent wasn't that far off level 8 now and Sendai, Meilum and Neira added to the total. The latter was a first successful victim of a nice combination of hold person + ghoul touch dual wielding the poison dagger (benefiting from the automatic hits while held). The ghasts at the Valley of the Tombs got him closer and using charms, blindness and ghoul touch to kill the ogre clan for Sarhedra finally got his inner rage back.
Vent sneaked through the Nashkel Mines - just killing the kobolds outside Mulahey's cave. Inside, he tried a few stinking clouds, but Mulahey always saved so he just showed himself to prompt dialogue and then used invisibility to get the troops to gather round the cleric. Malisoned skull traps made short work of the fodder before magic missiles and melee attacks finished Mulahey off without even any need to area hop. Vent successfully learnt web there.
Nimbul was left alone before Vent sought out Tranzig. I got the sight lines wrong there and Vent had to use a magic blocking potion to defend against chromatic orb. However, he then used MSD for protection while rage attacking - with the familiar invisibly blocking Tranzig into his room.
Raiken introduced Vent to the Bandit Camp. He buffed with ghost armor, shield, PfC, PfE, blur, MSD and MI before opening the chest. In the event nothing hit him as he grabbed the potion of magic blocking and cast invisibility to disappear again.
I decided not to bother with Spider's Bane, so Vent progressed invisibly through the Cloakwood - waving to the 2 SCS ambushes on the way. As he can't use boots Vent just ignored Drasus & co as well and sneaked down to Davaeorn. I was initially hoping to use the guard against Davaeorn, but he broke his weapon against a battle horror and I decided to try something different. That proved a problem when I didn't use potion defenses when activating Davaeorn. Vent had used all his own buffs, but was still caught in Davaeorn's sequencer and the mage then immediately dimension doored to Vent, dispelled his invisibility and cut him down.
I thought I might try a berserker to druid dual in order to have a go at the 'Chosen One' challenge. However, half an hour or so of rolling produced nothing exciting and I decided to give Vent another go - this time though taking it easier by using the 'Asylum' rules.
He shot Shoal and killed the fishermen to get up to level 4. Despite not having Algernon's Cloak he also killed Dushai for her ring (making sure no hostile villagers would run into the inn, so that he can still buy things there later using invisibility).
An unconscious Drizzt was finished off and Vent took a further reputation hit when beating up Meilum. With reputation down at 3 there was a danger of attracting unwanted bounty hunters, so Vent went to help Ardrouine and then get a lift with Brage to Nashkel - where he made some temple donations to ensure he got CLW as a first Bhaal power.
He got up to level 6 while doing reputation quests and the final 2 reputation gains were got while clearing the ankheg nest and following Korax round while he paralyzed Mutamin and the northern basilisks. With reputation at 20 Vent finally bought some full plate armor - just in time to put it into storage as he dualled to mage. He's at 86 HPs at level 7 (still at constitution 18), so doing pretty well so far.
While tackling the guarded compund which was way too easy for Droolem the Juggernaut shapeshifter, I wanted to test whether chaotic commands protects from Imprisonment on the trap there, but since magic resistance procced I'm pretty sure it was a maze trap anyway. Fights like the guarded compound (and I'm pretty sure most fights will be like that now) show how unconcerned this class really is with most enemies and just stands there and tanks like a boss.
@Victor_Creed_SFV: Chaotic Commands will not block Imprisonment unless perhaps you have Spell Revisions. These are the only ways of blocking Imprisonment:
Spell Immunity: Abjuration Spell Deflection Spell Turning Spell Trap Shield of the Archons Protection from Magic scroll Berserker rage (Barbarian rage won't do it without mods) Focus (from the Ascension mod, only available at the final battle)
There are no Imprisonment traps in the game; only Maze traps. However, SCS mages are not supposed to cast Imprisonment on the main character unless you specifically use the console to enable that behavior. Even SCS Kangaxx won't try to imprison Charname.
These are all the ways of blocking Maze:
Spell Immunity: Conjuration Spell Deflection Spell Turning Spell Trap Shield of the Archons Protection from Magic scroll Berserker rage Barbarian rage Chaotic Commands
Normal Maze spells can be blocked with magic resistance, while Psionic Maze can be blocked with a successful save vs. spell at -4.
Vent's familiar nibbled the southern basilisks in Mutamin's area and then, with invisibility available, did the same at Durlag's Tower. Wands killed the battle horrors and gave Vent the XP to get to level 6 - but he chose not to do that in order to save the proficiency point to get grand mastery in flails in SoD.
After killing the ghasts in the Tower Vent went to the Nashkel Mine - I tend to wait to do that until the character is at their maximum level and, as Vent isn't levelling up any more in BG1, that's now the case. He sneaked down to Mulahey and laboriously whittled away his army while resting in the cave. He failed to learn web again, so decided to resort to using the area effect of a hold person - which caught the cleric at the 3rd attempt.
Nimbul was left to the Nashkel guards before Tranzig failed to find a target moving up and down the stairs. At the Bandit Camp Vent resorted to an invisibility potion to escape this time - he was poisoned immediately after showing himself which made trying to use his own spell too risky.
@Victor_Creed_SFV: Chaotic Commands will not block Imprisonment unless perhaps you have Spell Revisions. These are the only ways of blocking Imprisonment:
Spell Immunity: Abjuration Spell Deflection Spell Turning Spell Trap Shield of the Archons Protection from Magic scroll Berserker rage (Barbarian rage won't do it without mods) Focus (from the Ascension mod, only available at the final battle)
There are no Imprisonment traps in the game; only Maze traps. However, SCS mages are not supposed to cast Imprisonment on the main character unless you specifically use the console to enable that behavior. Even SCS Kangaxx won't try to imprison Charname.
These are all the ways of blocking Maze:
Spell Immunity: Conjuration Spell Deflection Spell Turning Spell Trap Shield of the Archons Protection from Magic scroll Berserker rage Barbarian rage Chaotic Commands
Normal Maze spells can be blocked with magic resistance, while Psionic Maze can be blocked with a successful save vs. spell at -4.
Really amazing knowledge, thanks a lot. I really wondered what is up with Kangaxx for quite a few times, since years ago on my first SCS solo with a blade it was a death sentence to not have Immunity Abjuration.
So do Hive mothers not cast it anymore either? I remember a 100% MR monk of mine getting imprisoned in Abazigal's lair beholder dungeon and am pretty sure I had SCS but that also was years ago. (shortly after EE release) Also I never knew you can save at -4 against Psionic maze.
I got a bit bored/careless at the end there and threw that run away. After killing the battle horrors and activating Davaeorn I went upstairs to rest before going down to take on all the guards, but didn't take the time to pick safe spots to rest and got hemmed in by guards appearing on either side. Vent produced some monsters to try and distract them, but was cut down before he could follow up with an invisibility potion.
What a shame @Grond0 I always rest next to an area transition outside so I can travel safely away if enemies spawn.
That makes sense if you don't have stealth or invisibility, but shouldn't really be needed if you do .
Right. It's a new day and I've re-rolled Vent. The main change is effectively swapping wisdom for charisma. The main reason for that is that a fighter/mage is a very expensive type of character and, even solo, money is potentially an issue. The original character had high wisdom with the potential aim of using wish, but the Asylum rules don't allow that anyway.
It's definitely time I got out of BG1, so will try and avoid risks (as @semiticgod might say I'm filled with determination - though that does have a habit of draining away over time ).
OK - stage 1 (reduction of reputation) is complete. Shoal, belt ogre, fishermen, Dushai, Drizzt and Meilum all done. Some temple donations ensured Vent picked up CLW as a first Bhaal power.
Stage 2 was more typical - getting charmed by a sirine just before he reached level 7 . I was concentrating too much on the radio and not enough on the game and Vent proved to be just too close to the sirine when his rage ran out to be able to run out of range.
The twisted rune is out of the way and was probably one of the biggest challenges with SCS/LoB. Now we are gonna move to the Underdark and maybe siege Ust Natha.
@Victor_Creed_SFV: I love the video! It's slow enough to follow but not too slow to be interesting (most IE videos last a really long time and full of filler).
I'm surprised the Greater Werewolf Token was unable to hit the Fallen Planetar. The token is supposed to strike as a +3 weapon; planetars are vulnerable to +3 weapons and above.
I'm not sure the Potion of Invulnerability is able to block a planetar's vorpal strike; the Dispel Magic effect of a planetar's sword comes before the vorpal strike and ostensibly would dispel the save bonuses before they could protect you from the vorpal strike.
@semiticgod For all my playthrough I've had the feeling the werewolf token doesn't hit above +2, maybe I should change it in NI. There was a lot of enemies it should have been able to hit and it didn't, the more I was surprised about the elemental one hitting Kangaxx.
About the invulnerability potion, I did not realise at first that planetars dispel on hit, but I realised it a little later and adressed it, my audio might have been to low, my mic is really cheap and sometimes makes audio inaudible.
The black Helmet is the helmet from 2nd level of Watchers keep, Helm of the Rock. The Gem is from Rasaad's quest, called Gem of Seeing and gives you True Sight once per day.
Pets of Grond0
This challenge is inspired by the master of disaster @Grond0:- No antidots
- No-Reload only
- No XP loops or farming
- No maximum Hit Points at levelup
- No healing potions or healing items except for regeneration
No Durlags Goblet will make things much trickier in SoD so before going for the Chosen One i might give this one a try. I like to suffer...
A series of running and shooting episodes helped raise Vent's reputation to 19 before he went to the Lake area with the idea of doing Bjornin's quest. I activated the Drizzt fight there without thinking about it, before deciding it would be better to keep his XP to help the mage level up - so Vent ran away to another area to reset the fight. After killing the half-ogres he did a bit of shopping (though with Vent's charisma of 3 still at a higher price than I'm used to).
He got some easy XP by shooting the golems at High Hedge before buying the potion case there. Moving on to the coast he spent a while exposing himself to the fire of sirines to make them use their poison arrows before shooting them up. Killing all the sirines and one of the golems got him to level 7 and he put away his rage for a while by dualling to mage. His first act as a mage was to summon a trusty companion to help him in his journeys.
The start was great. Shot down Shoal with only 32 arrows this time (four crits), visited Beregost and got Drizzt´s equipment for another push. The ambush´s proved to be no big deal as the skeleton archers missed all shots on him - nice. He then finished off the basiliks with a charmed lesser one and Korax. Too bad i reacted too slow and our new friend got petrified from Mutamins guards even though the gnome himself was turned into another statue before. Lindin and friends proved to be impossible as Korax missed his attacks and went down in seconds forcing Thorgrim to retreat and stealth again. Maybe he will come back later...
With level 5/5 reached his HP jumped up to 57 (65 max). Not bad. Next stops will be Dushai and Buckleys Buckler for some regeneration. As he saved the PfP scroll the basiliks on Durlags Tower can hope for some good beating too soon.
I am a good pet - no?
EDIT: Durlags basilisks were stabbed and shot down thanks to PfP reaching level 5/6 and getting 5 more HP. Funny: While Thorgrim rolled 7 critical misses against the first one he critted five times against the second. The Battle Horrors will have to wait until he got Greywolfs Longsword+2.
EDIT2: Poor Greywolf could not run fast enough to catch Thorgrim and his charmed guards who were constantly shooting arrows at him until he dropped like a sack of potatoes. With his new weapon the backstabs will now hurt even more. Time for Dushai...
This is our personal Sphere of Chaos for all misleaded adventurers out there - do you think you are strong enough?Grondo´s and Harpa´s Aslum of Arcane Madness
- No antidots
- No-Reload only
- No XP loops or farming
- No maximum Hit Points at levelup
- No healing potions or healing items except for regeneration
- No Arrows of Detonation/Dispelling buying in BG1
- No Algernons Cloak or Nymph Cloak in BG1/SoD
- No Staff of the Magi in SoA & ToB
- No Speed Weapons in SoA
- No Wish spells for ToB
Put in some ideas from @semiticgod to push the limits a bit more. Can you agree with this madness?
On another note:
Has anyone noticed anything strange about v 2.3 and Greater Malison?
I've seen enemies cast it on me several times since I have my tookens but it never suceeded or at least didn't show the usual red visual on my portrait.
edit:nvm the Shadow Dragon just sucessfully hit me with malison, maybe it can fail if the caster is too lowlevel?
Well - as she did not like F/T at all (!) she "convinced" me to play a Totemic Druid again using the Grondo & Harpa rules:
As long as i keep her away from another suicide mission eveything should be fine - hopefully!
In Beregost she charmed Tiax and with another spirit lion they took down Silke and four spiders. Drizzts Scimitars were added before Gaia managed to escape two more ambushes (Xvarts and Ogrillons) and reaching Nashkel where she grabbed the Ankheg Plate.
She did some more travel to get invisbility potions for potential emergency exits charming and taking out Jaheira as well in the FAI. Returning his stuff to Landrin put Gaia to level 5 for max HP this time pushing them up to a total of 40 - thats pretty good so far.
The basiliks should give Gaia another push before she will hunt down sirens and increase reputation. With two more invisbility potions incoming soon (Strength of One to open the doors) from Beregost and Nahskel she should be pretty safe until Pixie Dust and the Sandthief Ring will be available. Lets hope for the best!
EDIT: Strength 18/75 is not enough to break the chest in the Beregost residence so no inv. potion from there...
After buying up all the potions and scrolls he wanted for now (annoyingly failing to learn the only scroll of improved invisibility available in the process), Vent returned to the Lake area and waited for the gnolls to cut Drizzt down to size. He and the familiar killed all but one that had broken a weapon to get the easy 12k XP on offer when Drizzt was rendered unconscious. That almost got Vent up to level 6 and returning some goods to Landrin at FAI (rendering Tarnesh impotent there with resist fear and shield) did the job.
Now with an extra L2 spell and greater malison, ankhegs were pretty easy and their area was fully cleared reasonably quickly. Vent also picked up some decent XP by taking out the battle horror on the wall at Durlag's Tower - drawing it to the end of the wall and blinding it to allow him to attack without any retaliation. The rest of the XP needed to get to level 8 will have to wait for tomorrow though.
Melicamp died, but Vent wasn't that far off level 8 now and Sendai, Meilum and Neira added to the total. The latter was a first successful victim of a nice combination of hold person + ghoul touch dual wielding the poison dagger (benefiting from the automatic hits while held). The ghasts at the Valley of the Tombs got him closer and using charms, blindness and ghoul touch to kill the ogre clan for Sarhedra finally got his inner rage back.
Nimbul was left alone before Vent sought out Tranzig. I got the sight lines wrong there and Vent had to use a magic blocking potion to defend against chromatic orb. However, he then used MSD for protection while rage attacking - with the familiar invisibly blocking Tranzig into his room.
Raiken introduced Vent to the Bandit Camp. He buffed with ghost armor, shield, PfC, PfE, blur, MSD and MI before opening the chest. In the event nothing hit him as he grabbed the potion of magic blocking and cast invisibility to disappear again.
I decided not to bother with Spider's Bane, so Vent progressed invisibly through the Cloakwood - waving to the 2 SCS ambushes on the way. As he can't use boots Vent just ignored Drasus & co as well and sneaked down to Davaeorn. I was initially hoping to use the guard against Davaeorn, but he broke his weapon against a battle horror and I decided to try something different. That proved a problem when I didn't use potion defenses when activating Davaeorn. Vent had used all his own buffs, but was still caught in Davaeorn's sequencer and the mage then immediately dimension doored to Vent, dispelled his invisibility and cut him down.
He shot Shoal and killed the fishermen to get up to level 4. Despite not having Algernon's Cloak he also killed Dushai for her ring (making sure no hostile villagers would run into the inn, so that he can still buy things there later using invisibility).
An unconscious Drizzt was finished off and Vent took a further reputation hit when beating up Meilum. With reputation down at 3 there was a danger of attracting unwanted bounty hunters, so Vent went to help Ardrouine and then get a lift with Brage to Nashkel - where he made some temple donations to ensure he got CLW as a first Bhaal power.
He got up to level 6 while doing reputation quests and the final 2 reputation gains were got while clearing the ankheg nest and following Korax round while he paralyzed Mutamin and the northern basilisks. With reputation at 20 Vent finally bought some full plate armor - just in time to put it into storage as he dualled to mage. He's at 86 HPs at level 7 (still at constitution 18), so doing pretty well so far.
Fights like the guarded compound (and I'm pretty sure most fights will be like that now) show how unconcerned this class really is with most enemies and just stands there and tanks like a boss.
Spell Immunity: Abjuration
Spell Deflection
Spell Turning
Spell Trap
Shield of the Archons
Protection from Magic scroll
Berserker rage (Barbarian rage won't do it without mods)
Focus (from the Ascension mod, only available at the final battle)
There are no Imprisonment traps in the game; only Maze traps. However, SCS mages are not supposed to cast Imprisonment on the main character unless you specifically use the console to enable that behavior. Even SCS Kangaxx won't try to imprison Charname.
These are all the ways of blocking Maze:
Spell Immunity: Conjuration
Spell Deflection
Spell Turning
Spell Trap
Shield of the Archons
Protection from Magic scroll
Berserker rage
Barbarian rage
Chaotic Commands
Normal Maze spells can be blocked with magic resistance, while Psionic Maze can be blocked with a successful save vs. spell at -4.
After killing the ghasts in the Tower Vent went to the Nashkel Mine - I tend to wait to do that until the character is at their maximum level and, as Vent isn't levelling up any more in BG1, that's now the case. He sneaked down to Mulahey and laboriously whittled away his army while resting in the cave. He failed to learn web again, so decided to resort to using the area effect of a hold person - which caught the cleric at the 3rd attempt.
Nimbul was left to the Nashkel guards before Tranzig failed to find a target moving up and down the stairs. At the Bandit Camp Vent resorted to an invisibility potion to escape this time - he was poisoned immediately after showing himself which made trying to use his own spell too risky.
I really wondered what is up with Kangaxx for quite a few times, since years ago on my first SCS solo with a blade it was a death sentence to not have Immunity Abjuration.
So do Hive mothers not cast it anymore either?
I remember a 100% MR monk of mine getting imprisoned in Abazigal's lair beholder dungeon and am pretty sure I had SCS but that also was years ago. (shortly after EE release)
Also I never knew you can save at -4 against Psionic maze.
I always rest next to an area transition outside so I can travel safely away if enemies spawn.
Right. It's a new day and I've re-rolled Vent. The main change is effectively swapping wisdom for charisma. The main reason for that is that a fighter/mage is a very expensive type of character and, even solo, money is potentially an issue. The original character had high wisdom with the potential aim of using wish, but the Asylum rules don't allow that anyway.
It's definitely time I got out of BG1, so will try and avoid risks (as @semiticgod might say I'm filled with determination - though that does have a habit of draining away over time
Now we are gonna move to the Underdark and maybe siege Ust Natha.
I'm surprised the Greater Werewolf Token was unable to hit the Fallen Planetar. The token is supposed to strike as a +3 weapon; planetars are vulnerable to +3 weapons and above.
I'm not sure the Potion of Invulnerability is able to block a planetar's vorpal strike; the Dispel Magic effect of a planetar's sword comes before the vorpal strike and ostensibly would dispel the save bonuses before they could protect you from the vorpal strike.
What's the black helmet and the green gem?
There was a lot of enemies it should have been able to hit and it didn't, the more I was surprised about the elemental one hitting Kangaxx.
About the invulnerability potion, I did not realise at first that planetars dispel on hit, but I realised it a little later and adressed it, my audio might have been to low, my mic is really cheap and sometimes makes audio inaudible.
The black Helmet is the helmet from 2nd level of Watchers keep, Helm of the Rock.
The Gem is from Rasaad's quest, called Gem of Seeing and gives you True Sight once per day.