@Harpagornis Isn't Chaos Blade unusable now with even UAI? Also if I can't kill Yaga before Melissan spawns, skulls wont work anymore. Btw is RoR considered as a Wand in Blade challenge? I'm thinking doing with 3 or 4 selections after I finish Trabb.
Bless and Aid also work with Harm, so my max Thac0 would be -7 with Tensers, Helm and Gauntlets, Bless and Aid.
@Grond0 Tensers and Champion Strength disable spell casting for the duration of the spell. Does Chant stack with Bless and Aid?
Holy Power doesn't disable spell casting and with that I would get to -5 Thac0. These at least work with Harm.
Tenser Transformations -1 base Thac0 (spell casting disabled) Holy Power 1 base Thac0 Potion of Power 80% base Thac0 Champion Strength -6 (spell casting disabled) Helmet of Balduran -1 Gauntlets -1 Aid -1 Bless -1 Harm -2
With Harm + Tenser's Transformation + Champion Strength contingency I can get to -11 Thac0 which gives 19/20 chance to wipe Yaga out before Melissan spawns. Weirdly Bless and Aid doesn't stack with that anymore. I can then cast 3x Lower Resistance trigger for Melissan because it's special ability, and kill her with Skull Traps.
Got Trabb rolling again. Sim PfU's, Turn Undead and hasted Planetar, Deva, 3x Skelis in Bodhi's lair is like detonating atom bomb in a shack. Bodhi herself is funny also, because you don't even have to fight her, just wait with PfU like one turn and she leaves. After getting the Mace of Distruption improved did all the liches in Athkatla. 3x PfU is enough with Sim so that you don't have to waste any of them, one for you and Sim so that lich doesn't see either of you, and then the third on the lich so it doesn't even use its SCS scripts. Although with City Gates lich and Kangaxx you probably need to waste one PfU because how the fight is constructed. Kangaxx demilich was slayed with second hit from the mace.
I thought Planetar, Deva, 3x Skelis would be nice combo, but omg, Improved Haste Planetar alone is something else. It soloed Maevar's Guild hall like nothing.
@StummvonBordwehr Personally I think UAI should allow use of "personal" items too, although Chaos Balde might me somewhat op. Thiefs rely heavily on UAI, because I think traps are pretty crap in LoB mode because of the 7 trap limit. 7 Spikes are good against couple Balor's I think, but that's pretty much it.
Trabb buffed up and landed on Planar Prison, and after feeding about 10 Cloudkills all in the landing were dead. With couple rests, Planetar, Deva and Skeli mob was able to clear the place. Firkraag dungeon, the same mob pretty much cleared the whole place, Trabb only detonated couple of undeads. Got the sewer key, and immediatelly went there. 2x Mind Focusing, 4x Int, Absorption etc. and with my gang I quickly pwned the place. So much so that it was time for Alhoon the Bastard, SI:Abjuration and continued on, PfM on him and he wasn't all that after all. So falls the last of them. Got the Hammer of Thunderbolts, and my precious. With 65k gold in the pockets, it was time to leave to Brynnlaw.
Brynnlaw and Irenicus Dungeon were small fries for Trabb and gang, Irenicus pwned with Farsight.
City of Caverns and hasted Planetar, Deva, Skelis mob had another straightforward march of destruction. Underdark Balor had nothing on them either. Lich and Mages done with PfM, got Time Stop.
Beholder Dungeon, Planetar soloed couple first ones, then I watched Mindflayers destroy everything. Lured Hive Mother outside, again no match for Planetar and Deva combo.
Watched Mind Flayer charm Elder Orb, which became my friend when the charm ended. I then petrified it. Looted the place and left.
Did all the guests for Ust Natha, nothing really tough, lich killed with 3x Sim PfU trick. Stole the eggs and left the place. Mind Flayer dungeon, buffed up accordingly and my with my trusty mob I wasted everybody. Master Brain was Cloudkilled. Sacrificed -3 reputation to get 4x Control Circlets and Staff of Command. Demon Knights were also quite tame and no match for my gang.
Got the eggs for Adalon and she helped me to escape Underdark. Back in Athkatla and after selling my loot I had a cool 170k gold, for like a minute, because after buying everything interesting, I was left a measly 6k.
Temple Ruins destroyed with, PfU, Turn Undead, WoW and the gang. Btw isn't Shadow Altar the best xp-loop in the game? Using Improved Haste on it spits out a Shadow every 2 seconds. Then you just stand still, invisible, Turn Undead, and watch them explode with 420 xp a pop. Shadows are level 4+12 LoB I think, so they should start exploding at level 16 Turn Undead? Without Improved Haste it spawns Shadows every 4 seconds, which turns to 105 xp per second, or 2,6 hours per 1M xp. Not really fast, but you don't have to do anything.
Planar Sphere was destroyed with ease, my gang wiped everything, my Sim used couple PfM's on the mages. Got finally all the components for Crom Fayer, although I'm beginning to think there's not much need of melee combat in SoA or ToB. Got also the Ring of Wizardy and Slashing belt from the Mage stronghold. Bodhi's Lair redux, Sim PfU everything, Turn Undead didn't really work this time.
Twisted Rune, SiM PfU, PfM on Shangalar who was then double slinged. Tried Control Circlet on Layene but she resisted it. No matter, after waiting her spells to end she couldn't resist anymore my charm and got hacked by his own cult members. Who didn't know it at the time, but they practically signed their own death warrants because I got the Staff of Magi. Then Staff of Command did the rest, Vaxhall imprisoned Shyressa and skeli hacked Vaxhall.
Before leaving for Suldanesselar, I visited the bank aka the Guarded Compound, and after withdrawals with SotM and SoC I have again 100k gold. I'm thinking I don't probably even have to do the Watchers Keep, because I can't use the Ravager or apr gloves anyway.
Suldanesselar skipped with invisibility, Nizi petrified, summoned Rillifane to kill all and looted the place. Irenicus at the Tree of Life, Sim first used PfM on him and then hacked him with couple Time Stops.
From the Hell trials I chose Protection from +1 Weapons, -2 AC, +2 saves, +20 resistances, +1 Wis and Cha, and turned into a Lawful Evil. Summoned 5 Skelis and activated the final battle in SoA. Quickly escaped, waited Planetar to unsummon, and started feeding Simulacrums who with Time Stop killed all but the Slayer. The last Sim used PfM on the Slayer and then hacked away with 3 Time Stops, which in addition of my own 2 Time Stops was enough to slay the Slayer. Starting to really feel the power of Time Stop.
First challenge in Pocket Plane, summon door trick, and Cloudkilled the first 3 waves of enemies. Planetar, Deva, 3x skelis, haste and wasted Linvail and co.
Did all the mundane stuff in Saradush, blew 150k on scrolls and finally got Spell Trigger. Then Trabb had some fun with Gromnir and co. It's easy battle because only Gromnir can see through invisibility, almost everyone can be charmed with SoC and they don't really have any Magic Resistance. Only Gromnir and Eler Had need some special attention. First charmed the Battlemage, then Ramaliz, Karun, Laskar and Berena. Enough of that, summoned my gang and wasted the rest of them.
Now that I finally got Spell Trigger I think I'll go and test Harm against Firkraag. Plan is to hit him with 3x Lower Resistance trigger, which will immediatelly trigger my Harm, Tenser's Transformation, Champion Strength contingency, and then I should be able to Harm him by matching his -11 AC with -11 Thac0.
Which didn't work, had to hack him old school. Harm is also stopped by Spell Deflection and such? It should still work against Yaga though because he doesn't have anything like that.
I decided still to take on Watcher's Keep to get the Staff of Ram, Poison Flail Head, and some other stuff. First level cleared with my gang, and then grinded the first four statues. Rested and activated the eight statues, which of my gang were able to kill 4 until I had to make my escape, because the mages were starting to cast Time Stops and Planetars. Waited summons to end, Farsight and Sims then grinded the last statues during Time Stops. My trusty gang then easily cleared the second level, and Chromatic Demon was stoned back to hell.
Third level, Succubus was kind enough to take me to Aesgareth, who I gambled couple times to get a Wish scroll. Trabb was then too tired to bother with this party, so she commissioned Simulacrum on the job. Sim charmed all Tieflings one by one with the Control Circlet, and wasted them with Time Stops. Sim then petrified Aesgareth two pets, cast PfM on him and wasted him during the Time Stop. Made pact with Tahazzar, which I broke immediatelly, and Sim hacked him to pieces during Time Stops. Ka'rashur, retreat trick, Farsight and Sim then hacked him down with Time Stops. Good work Sim!
Fourth level cleared with my gang. Githyanki area skipped with Invisibility and Saladrex pertrified to get the Staff of Ram. Buffed up and took on Mindflayer area, after hacking the first two mobs, rested and cleared the rest of them. Vampiric Ulitharids skipped with cutscene escape trick. Rock and Garock were no match to my gang etiher, not even close.
Skipped the Forest with invisibility to reach the temple, PfU and hacked all including the Master Wraith.
Continued invisible all the way to Yaga-Shura Stronghold level 2. Used Sim Control Circlet to waste most of the Fire Giants, Brenn was then hacked down by Deva and Planetar. Brimm-stoned. Imix charmed, and with Farsight watched a great brawl to the death. Nyalee Sim PfM and hacked down, which was somehow closer fight than anything before, Trabb was at 36 hp before Planetar healed her. Don't know how that happened, getting careless perhaps.
Draconis was pretty tough this time, because he did double Mislead through PfM which wasted my Planetar and Deva. Why does True Seeing not work against Mislead, when the spell description says it does? When he changed form my skelis died on the spot, so I cast 4 Mordekainen Swords, and Sim who was able to hack him down using 5 Time Stops. Adamantaris was hacked with the help of Deva and Planetar.
Quadruble Dragon ambush, first three petrified, which was awfully close because I was left with 3 charges in WoW. Rested, buffed, Skelis, Planetar and Deva and with Time Stop mopped the floor with Carnifex.
Eyeball area skipped with Invisibility, freed the Guardian dragon. Buffed up for the 4 Drakes, Imprisoned the first two, then cast Planetar and Deva, which was a bad idea, because Abazigal activated and couple Salamanders joined the fun. After killing the Drakes and Salamanders I was able to escape and leave Aba with my gang. Pocket Plane, rest and back. Hunted rest of the Salamanders, hit Tamah with 2x Lower Resistance, Greater Malison trigger and Feeblemind, and hacked her down. Another rest in Pocket Plane, back, 5 hasted skelis, who were able to easily beat Abazigals human form. After he turned I hit him too with 2x Lower Resistance, Greater Malison trigger and Feeblemind. After which it was just simple thing to hack him down, and then cast Remove Magic to kill him.
@histamiini: Have you not collected the components for the Big Metal Unit? The Scorcher Ammunition is great for Sendai, and even a cleric/mage should be able to equip the Big Metal Rod if not a better crossbow.
@semiticgod I've BMU, but doesn't Scorcher need like Whirlwind to be useful? Previously I used Cloudkills to kill all the Drow and Sim Time Stops all the Sendai's. Which worked beautifully too, because they don't see through Insibility, and I can cast Simulacrums and Time Stops in front of them. Staff of Magi allows spawning Simulacrum invisible, so they don't ever even know what is killing them. Only danger is the Cleric Sendai and her Deva which sees through invisibility, so she should be number one priority.
Btw tested Harm against Firkraag again, which didn't work previously because of the Spell Deflection. But now I reversed the trigger and contingency to 3x Pierce Shield contingency and Harm + Tenser's Transformation + Champion Strength trigger. One hit on him, his protections trigger, and untrigger because of my contingency, and then after using trigger onto my self, he was down in a couple seconds.
Time to optimize Sendai Enclave. Sim killed the Drow Captain with Time Stops, which didn't even alert his friends. With invisibility reached the barracks, Sim then hacked Thelynn with Time Stops. Again with invisiblity passed the spider cave, Time Stop and passed the Glabrezu to the Lich lair. 3x PfU trick and hacked down Odamaron without activating his scripts.
Farsight, Time Stop and Sim charmed Ogremoch with the Control Circlet, who then smashed the two Greater Earth Elementals. Sim then cast Imprisonment on Ogremoch. Alerted Diaytha mob, outside inside trick, and listened Nabassu kill all. Egeissag, Time Stop Imprisonment. With Time Stop skipped the Mind Flayer area.
Casually casted Simulacrum in front of the Cleric Sendai, who Sim then hacked down with Time Stop. Used all my Sims to hack most of the Sendai's and the Drow Mage. Then it was time for the gas chamber, 49 Cloudkills and the Drow were no more. Rest in pocket plane, Sim Timestop hacked the last couple Sendais, and when real Sendai appeared I hacked him with Time Stops.
That's should be pretty optimized, nobody threw even single punch at me.
@histamiini: The Scorcher Ammunition, Frag Grenades, and Pulse Ammunition all set your APR to 5 when equipped. Casting Improved Haste will give you 10 APR with any of them. They also have +10 THAC0.
As a cleric/mage, I think the only way you can deal physical damage with them is to cast Aid for the +1 damage, which will allow you to cut through Stoneskins as an area effect with 20 effective APR with the Scorcher Ammunition. Without proficiency bonuses or a good crossbow, though, most of the damage from the Scorcher Ammunition will only be fire damage for your character. With Aid and Improved Haste active, you should be able to deal 150 area-effect damage with the Scorcher Ammunition, 130 of which will be fire damage.
@semiticgod That's good to know, I only pressumed they gave double apr, because they have awful descriptions. Have to try them out.
2nd challenge done with SoC charms and some summons. 3rd and 4th challenge enemies all Time Stop hacked. Convinced Balty to join me. The Ravager, 3x Pierce Shield contingency, Harm + Tenser's + Champion Strength trigger, done in few seconds. That's pretty ridiculous combo tbh, add Breach contingency to that and not even PfMW buffs will protect enemies from Harm. Is there even a enemy that can deal against that? Only way I see that failing is with critical miss...
Didn't even have to use the Rift device, hmm I could hit Melissan with it, which would reduce the need of Skull Traps greatly.
Throne of Bhaal prelude. I thought long how could I deal with the Fallen Solars, because C/M can't use the Ravager to kill them, nor could Sim probably do enough damage with even 6 consecutive Time Stops, 611 hp and 50 DR. Only thing I could think was the Harm play. So I activated the battle, Balty attacked Bodhi and I retreated slightly. Time Stop, Improved Alacrity and 3x Lower Resistance on both Solars. Then I timed my next Time Stop just so that their resistances got wiped out. Harm + Tenser's + Champion Strength trigger, and wasted the first one. With spell casting disabled I had to cast another Harm from Chain Contingency scroll, which worked beautifully and the second Solar got Harmed and killed. Phew, that maybe was the hardest part in Throne of Bhaal for Trabb.
Then I waited a long time for the Champion Strength to end so that I could cast spells again. Sim, Time Stop and attacked Bodhi, but my Sim went all wonky with the attack, stop bug. So I retreated for another try, except when Time Stop ended, Bodhi suddenly smelled me from the other side of the room and started coming at me. Had to waste 2 Time Stop scrolls to show my lazy bum Sim how it was done. Sim, Time Stop and attacked Irenicus, and again Sim went all wonky, this time with the lose control bug. Which is quite funny because, even though I lost the control of her, it also became neutral, and continued to smack Irenicus and none of the enemies agroed at her.
Continued casting Sim's, and this time they did their job and killed Succubus and Alu-Fiends during Time Stops. Then it was time for the WoW show, used all my Lower Resistance scrolls against the Mariliths and after 40 rounds or so, three of the four were stoned. Summoned couple skelis and Planetar, who was able to Vorpal last of the enemies.
Tomorrow is the trapping day.
EDIT: Figured out something, I didn't even have to sacrifice my spell casting with Tenser's and Champion Strength, because aren't all attacks during Time Stops automatic hits? So this might be the best tactic against single opponent,
3x Pierce Shield Chain Contingency Breach Contingency Time Stop Harm
@histamiini: All attacks during Time Stop are automatic hits unless you're dealing with somebody like Abazigal or Demogorgon or Melissan who are immune to Time Stop.
Is it possible for a normal level 6 Contingency to target another critter with Breach? I thought the only valid target for Contingency was the caster; only Chain Contingency could target something else.
Is this a no-reload run? Because we could put this in the Hall of Heroes in the no-reload thread if Trabb takes down Melissan without dying.
@semiticgod And the Ravager, that's about it for the whole Baldur's Gate I think. Yeah, apparently Contingency can't target the enemy which is a bummer, enemies still have some hope left. Trabb is doing no-reload yes, and can already smell the victory, because I don't know how I can fail this time when I can follow and improve my last run. Famous last words.
Btw do you know if there's any work done on patching Simulacrum in 2.5? Because there's at least 3 bugs that I know of, couple attacks and stop, lose control, and a sudden disappearance bug, which all are awfully annoying.
@histamiini: No idea. All I know about v2.5 is that Oils of Speed double APR like in the original BG1. You may be able to find some patch notes somewhere, but personally, I just install the new patches without thinking about what they actually contain. I just assume they're better for me.
Trabb did some trabbing and the pools were quite trivial. For the first pool I had 5 Simulacrum scrolls, 3 scrolls and 4 spells of Project Image, all of which were enough for all enemies except one Marilith, who I WoW'd. For the second pool I got Pocket Plane back, so I could cast as many Skulls as I wanted. One Nabassu and Gambion survived, I hacked Nabassu and Sim hacked the Gambion during Time Stop. Third pool only the 3 Gambions survived, which were easy pray for my Simulacrums. Interestingly Project Image didn't want to hack them with Farsight and Time Stop, maybe yet another bug?
Preparations are coming along nicely, I've set 250 Skull Traps for Sendai, Sarevok and another 250 Skull Traps for Abazigal, Illasera and Gromnir. Still 150 Skull Traps for Melissan to go, which will make the grand total of 650 Skull Traps, which is about 800 less than last time. I can cast 6 Project Images, who all can cast 6 Skull Traps, so overall I can cast 42 Skull Traps for a single rest. This will make the total preparation time about 1,5 hours, although I also need to rest every time Trabb rests because it's so boring.
In my testing I also found that Tenser's Transformation will disable casting all spells, even abilities as Spell Trigger and Focus, which I certainly need. So I've changed my tactic yet again. I've replaced Tenser's for Holy Power and this will still give me -9 Thac0 which is fine because Yaga has -9 AC, and I can still cast abilities. So my current plan is:
1. Harm, Holy Power, Champion Strength trigger at the start, Harm Yaga with 95% chance 2. Focus 3. 3x Pierce Shield chain contingency at hit for Melissan, which should also remove her Spell Trap 4. Harm contingency at hit for Trabb
This will give me 85% shot (-9 Thac0, -14 AC) at harming Melissan. But if that doesn't work, I still have Skull Traps as a backup. Also I've 2x Chain Contingency, 1x Spell Trigger and 3x Time Stop scrolls if something unexpected happens.
Finally did it, Trabb did it and beat Melissan without reloads. It took a while, I think it was almost half a year ago when I first took on this challenge and it was Sir Vanderley, Cavalier who paved the way and beat Melissan, with reloads. Then there was the whole Android saga where I learned the quirks of no-reload.
One, F/M/T, caught naked by Grey Oozes in the mines. Two, F/M/T, forgot to put protections for the palace ambush. Three, F/I, got cocky and corneded by Krystin's skeleton warriors in the Undercellar. Four, F/I, was the first one to reach SoD and Belhifet himself, but she didn't know that without 100 FR Belhifet teleports away and tanking became her tomb. Five, F/M, was a defective model and committed a suicide. Six, F/M/C, she was something else, beat SoD and SoA with ease, actually she's still out there somewhere. Seven, Dwarven Defender, tough bastard, tanked everybody all way the way to Melissan, except then he saw the most beautiful Succubus ever, and that was the last thing he saw at all. Needed one reload to smack Melissan silly.
Natural Redux, F/M, bane challenge and she grinded Bel without potion buffing and most of her gear. Talented, but troubled too, because she was never seen again.
Kayla, Blade, could solve any problem, had key to all locks. Except how killing one of the Big 6 gave Melissan 100 MDR, which is why she needed one reload to detonate Throne of Bhaal and Melissan to smithereens.
Which brings us to Trabb, C/M, vs Melissan. Activated the battle, and 500 Skull Traps went off beautifully killing all but Yaga, and this time without slowing the game. Harm, Holy Power, Champions Strength trigger, and killed Yaga from the get go. Focus, and Melissan made her grand entry. After she stopped time, I ran onto her, which wasn't something that I had planned, but had a kind of aha moment in real time. Because she will not teleport when she sees you, you can wait her Time Stop out because she's trapped by her own summons. Just before the Time Stop ended I ran away from the summons, Melissan teleported on to me, both of my 3x Pierce Shield and Harm contingencies went off as she hit me. Trabb wasn't taking any of that and then slapped Melissan so hard, that she passed out and even lost all of her Bhaal powers, and the fight was over. That was some slap, probably the slap of the century.
Bless and Aid also work with Harm, so my max Thac0 would be -7 with Tensers, Helm and Gauntlets, Bless and Aid.
Why are you restricted to using Harm only every 2 turns - I didn't think it had a cooldown period?
Holy Power doesn't disable spell casting and with that I would get to -5 Thac0. These at least work with Harm.
Tenser Transformations -1 base Thac0 (spell casting disabled)
Holy Power 1 base Thac0
Potion of Power 80% base Thac0
Champion Strength -6 (spell casting disabled)
Helmet of Balduran -1
Gauntlets -1
Aid -1
Bless -1
Harm -2
I thought Planetar, Deva, 3x Skelis would be nice combo, but omg, Improved Haste Planetar alone is something else. It soloed Maevar's Guild hall like nothing.
Why isnt Chaos Blade no more working with UAI? I hate this new patch...
The blade is Haer’Dalis only.. but I reckon the improved Chaos blade isnt:
The stuff from the mod is a bit OP. But as I recall the mod was created to work in tandem with ascension. So I would say its fair game
Trabb buffed up and landed on Planar Prison, and after feeding about 10 Cloudkills all in the landing were dead. With couple rests, Planetar, Deva and Skeli mob was able to clear the place. Firkraag dungeon, the same mob pretty much cleared the whole place, Trabb only detonated couple of undeads. Got the sewer key, and immediatelly went there. 2x Mind Focusing, 4x Int, Absorption etc. and with my gang I quickly pwned the place. So much so that it was time for Alhoon the Bastard, SI:Abjuration and continued on, PfM on him and he wasn't all that after all. So falls the last of them. Got the Hammer of Thunderbolts, and my precious. With 65k gold in the pockets, it was time to leave to Brynnlaw.
City of Caverns and hasted Planetar, Deva, Skelis mob had another straightforward march of destruction. Underdark Balor had nothing on them either. Lich and Mages done with PfM, got Time Stop.
Beholder Dungeon, Planetar soloed couple first ones, then I watched Mindflayers destroy everything. Lured Hive Mother outside, again no match for Planetar and Deva combo.
Watched Mind Flayer charm Elder Orb, which became my friend when the charm ended. I then petrified it. Looted the place and left.
Did all the guests for Ust Natha, nothing really tough, lich killed with 3x Sim PfU trick. Stole the eggs and left the place. Mind Flayer dungeon, buffed up accordingly and my with my trusty mob I wasted everybody. Master Brain was Cloudkilled. Sacrificed -3 reputation to get 4x Control Circlets and Staff of Command. Demon Knights were also quite tame and no match for my gang.
Got the eggs for Adalon and she helped me to escape Underdark. Back in Athkatla and after selling my loot I had a cool 170k gold, for like a minute, because after buying everything interesting, I was left a measly 6k.
Planar Sphere was destroyed with ease, my gang wiped everything, my Sim used couple PfM's on the mages. Got finally all the components for Crom Fayer, although I'm beginning to think there's not much need of melee combat in SoA or ToB. Got also the Ring of Wizardy and Slashing belt from the Mage stronghold. Bodhi's Lair redux, Sim PfU everything, Turn Undead didn't really work this time.
Twisted Rune, SiM PfU, PfM on Shangalar who was then double slinged. Tried Control Circlet on Layene but she resisted it. No matter, after waiting her spells to end she couldn't resist anymore my charm and got hacked by his own cult members. Who didn't know it at the time, but they practically signed their own death warrants because I got the Staff of Magi.
Before leaving for Suldanesselar, I visited the bank aka the Guarded Compound, and after withdrawals with SotM and SoC I have again 100k gold. I'm thinking I don't probably even have to do the Watchers Keep, because I can't use the Ravager or apr gloves anyway.
From the Hell trials I chose Protection from +1 Weapons, -2 AC, +2 saves, +20 resistances, +1 Wis and Cha, and turned into a Lawful Evil. Summoned 5 Skelis and activated the final battle in SoA. Quickly escaped, waited Planetar to unsummon, and started feeding Simulacrums who with Time Stop killed all but the Slayer. The last Sim used PfM on the Slayer and then hacked away with 3 Time Stops, which in addition of my own 2 Time Stops was enough to slay the Slayer. Starting to really feel the power of Time Stop.
Did all the mundane stuff in Saradush, blew 150k on scrolls and finally got Spell Trigger. Then Trabb had some fun with Gromnir and co. It's easy battle because only Gromnir can see through invisibility, almost everyone can be charmed with SoC and they don't really have any Magic Resistance. Only Gromnir and Eler Had need some special attention. First charmed the Battlemage, then Ramaliz, Karun, Laskar and Berena. Enough of that, summoned my gang and wasted the rest of them.
Now that I finally got Spell Trigger I think I'll go and test Harm against Firkraag. Plan is to hit him with 3x Lower Resistance trigger, which will immediatelly trigger my Harm, Tenser's Transformation, Champion Strength contingency, and then I should be able to Harm him by matching his -11 AC with -11 Thac0.
Third level, Succubus was kind enough to take me to Aesgareth, who I gambled couple times to get a Wish scroll. Trabb was then too tired to bother with this party, so she commissioned Simulacrum on the job. Sim charmed all Tieflings one by one with the Control Circlet, and wasted them with Time Stops. Sim then petrified Aesgareth two pets, cast PfM on him and wasted him during the Time Stop. Made pact with Tahazzar, which I broke immediatelly, and Sim hacked him to pieces during Time Stops. Ka'rashur, retreat trick, Farsight and Sim then hacked him down with Time Stops. Good work Sim!
Fourth level cleared with my gang. Githyanki area skipped with Invisibility and Saladrex pertrified to get the Staff of Ram. Buffed up and took on Mindflayer area, after hacking the first two mobs, rested and cleared the rest of them. Vampiric Ulitharids skipped with cutscene escape trick. Rock and Garock were no match to my gang etiher, not even close.
Used Deck of Many things in the graveyard.
1st Draw, SI:Abjuration, SI:Evocation
2nd Draw, SI:Alteration, SI:Enchantment
3rd Draw, SI:Conjuration
Which was a complete waste of time. Also, after perma buffing with the machine Trabb found her final form.
Continued invisible all the way to Yaga-Shura Stronghold level 2. Used Sim Control Circlet to waste most of the Fire Giants, Brenn was then hacked down by Deva and Planetar. Brimm-stoned. Imix charmed, and with Farsight watched a great brawl to the death. Nyalee Sim PfM and hacked down, which was somehow closer fight than anything before, Trabb was at 36 hp before Planetar healed her. Don't know how that happened, getting careless perhaps.
Meh-Yaga was charmed and killed by his own army.
Next I think Abazigals lair.
Quadruble Dragon ambush, first three petrified, which was awfully close because I was left with 3 charges in WoW. Rested, buffed, Skelis, Planetar and Deva and with Time Stop mopped the floor with Carnifex.
Eyeball area skipped with Invisibility, freed the Guardian dragon. Buffed up for the 4 Drakes, Imprisoned the first two, then cast Planetar and Deva, which was a bad idea, because Abazigal activated and couple Salamanders joined the fun. After killing the Drakes and Salamanders I was able to escape and leave Aba with my gang. Pocket Plane, rest and back. Hunted rest of the Salamanders, hit Tamah with 2x Lower Resistance, Greater Malison trigger and Feeblemind, and hacked her down. Another rest in Pocket Plane, back, 5 hasted skelis, who were able to easily beat Abazigals human form. After he turned I hit him too with 2x Lower Resistance, Greater Malison trigger and Feeblemind. After which it was just simple thing to hack him down, and then cast Remove Magic to kill him.
Tomorrow should be Sendai's turn.
Btw tested Harm against Firkraag again, which didn't work previously because of the Spell Deflection. But now I reversed the trigger and contingency to 3x Pierce Shield contingency and Harm + Tenser's Transformation + Champion Strength trigger. One hit on him, his protections trigger, and untrigger because of my contingency, and then after using trigger onto my self, he was down in a couple seconds.
Farsight, Time Stop and Sim charmed Ogremoch with the Control Circlet, who then smashed the two Greater Earth Elementals. Sim then cast Imprisonment on Ogremoch. Alerted Diaytha mob, outside inside trick, and listened Nabassu kill all. Egeissag, Time Stop Imprisonment. With Time Stop skipped the Mind Flayer area.
Casually casted Simulacrum in front of the Cleric Sendai, who Sim then hacked down with Time Stop. Used all my Sims to hack most of the Sendai's and the Drow Mage. Then it was time for the gas chamber, 49 Cloudkills and the Drow were no more. Rest in pocket plane, Sim Timestop hacked the last couple Sendais, and when real Sendai appeared I hacked him with Time Stops.
That's should be pretty optimized, nobody threw even single punch at me.
As a cleric/mage, I think the only way you can deal physical damage with them is to cast Aid for the +1 damage, which will allow you to cut through Stoneskins as an area effect with 20 effective APR with the Scorcher Ammunition. Without proficiency bonuses or a good crossbow, though, most of the damage from the Scorcher Ammunition will only be fire damage for your character. With Aid and Improved Haste active, you should be able to deal 150 area-effect damage with the Scorcher Ammunition, 130 of which will be fire damage.
2nd challenge done with SoC charms and some summons. 3rd and 4th challenge enemies all Time Stop hacked. Convinced Balty to join me. The Ravager, 3x Pierce Shield contingency, Harm + Tenser's + Champion Strength trigger, done in few seconds. That's pretty ridiculous combo tbh, add Breach contingency to that and not even PfMW buffs will protect enemies from Harm. Is there even a enemy that can deal against that? Only way I see that failing is with critical miss...
Didn't even have to use the Rift device, hmm I could hit Melissan with it, which would reduce the need of Skull Traps greatly.
Then I waited a long time for the Champion Strength to end so that I could cast spells again. Sim, Time Stop and attacked Bodhi, but my Sim went all wonky with the attack, stop bug. So I retreated for another try, except when Time Stop ended, Bodhi suddenly smelled me from the other side of the room and started coming at me. Had to waste 2 Time Stop scrolls to show my lazy bum Sim how it was done. Sim, Time Stop and attacked Irenicus, and again Sim went all wonky, this time with the lose control bug. Which is quite funny because, even though I lost the control of her, it also became neutral, and continued to smack Irenicus and none of the enemies agroed at her.
Continued casting Sim's, and this time they did their job and killed Succubus and Alu-Fiends during Time Stops. Then it was time for the WoW show, used all my Lower Resistance scrolls against the Mariliths and after 40 rounds or so, three of the four were stoned. Summoned couple skelis and Planetar, who was able to Vorpal last of the enemies.
Tomorrow is the trapping day.
EDIT: Figured out something, I didn't even have to sacrifice my spell casting with Tenser's and Champion Strength, because aren't all attacks during Time Stops automatic hits? So this might be the best tactic against single opponent,
3x Pierce Shield Chain Contingency
Breach Contingency
Time Stop
Is it possible for a normal level 6 Contingency to target another critter with Breach? I thought the only valid target for Contingency was the caster; only Chain Contingency could target something else.
Is this a no-reload run? Because we could put this in the Hall of Heroes in the no-reload thread if Trabb takes down Melissan without dying.
Btw do you know if there's any work done on patching Simulacrum in 2.5? Because there's at least 3 bugs that I know of, couple attacks and stop, lose control, and a sudden disappearance bug, which all are awfully annoying.
The big 6 and Melissan only left.
In my testing I also found that Tenser's Transformation will disable casting all spells, even abilities as Spell Trigger and Focus, which I certainly need. So I've changed my tactic yet again. I've replaced Tenser's for Holy Power and this will still give me -9 Thac0 which is fine because Yaga has -9 AC, and I can still cast abilities. So my current plan is:
1. Harm, Holy Power, Champion Strength trigger at the start, Harm Yaga with 95% chance
2. Focus
3. 3x Pierce Shield chain contingency at hit for Melissan, which should also remove her Spell Trap
4. Harm contingency at hit for Trabb
This will give me 85% shot (-9 Thac0, -14 AC) at harming Melissan. But if that doesn't work, I still have Skull Traps as a backup. Also I've 2x Chain Contingency, 1x Spell Trigger and 3x Time Stop scrolls if something unexpected happens.
One, F/M/T, caught naked by Grey Oozes in the mines.
Two, F/M/T, forgot to put protections for the palace ambush.
Three, F/I, got cocky and corneded by Krystin's skeleton warriors in the Undercellar.
Four, F/I, was the first one to reach SoD and Belhifet himself, but she didn't know that without 100 FR Belhifet teleports away and tanking became her tomb.
Five, F/M, was a defective model and committed a suicide.
Six, F/M/C, she was something else, beat SoD and SoA with ease, actually she's still out there somewhere.
Seven, Dwarven Defender, tough bastard, tanked everybody all way the way to Melissan, except then he saw the most beautiful Succubus ever, and that was the last thing he saw at all. Needed one reload to smack Melissan silly.
Natural Redux, F/M, bane challenge and she grinded Bel without potion buffing and most of her gear. Talented, but troubled too, because she was never seen again.
Kayla, Blade, could solve any problem, had key to all locks. Except how killing one of the Big 6 gave Melissan 100 MDR, which is why she needed one reload to detonate Throne of Bhaal and Melissan to smithereens.
Which brings us to Trabb, C/M, vs Melissan. Activated the battle, and 500 Skull Traps went off beautifully killing all but Yaga, and this time without slowing the game. Harm, Holy Power, Champions Strength trigger, and killed Yaga from the get go. Focus, and Melissan made her grand entry. After she stopped time, I ran onto her, which wasn't something that I had planned, but had a kind of aha moment in real time. Because she will not teleport when she sees you, you can wait her Time Stop out because she's trapped by her own summons. Just before the Time Stop ended I ran away from the summons, Melissan teleported on to me, both of my 3x Pierce Shield and Harm contingencies went off as she hit me. Trabb wasn't taking any of that and then slapped Melissan so hard, that she passed out and even lost all of her Bhaal powers, and the fight was over. That was some slap, probably the slap of the century.
Epic. Truly epic.