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The LoB + SCS Solo Challenge vs Bhaal´s Cataclysm



  • HarpagornisHarpagornis Member Posts: 1,658
    edited January 2021
    Yeah, i think we could handle it that way: If you enrage someone via talking so he starts attacking you then fighting back should be okay. Regarding Pick Pocketing i am not sure. What do you think @Grond0 and @Blackraven?
  • Grond0Grond0 Member Posts: 7,461
    Like I said before, I'll accept anything. However, the nature of this challenge is to create additional difficulties within the game - and then find a way around them. I don't see anything in principle wrong with allowing thieves to use their special abilities to circumvent a restriction that other classes have to abide by (and as pickpocketing is generally the least used of the thief skills, it's quite nice to have an application for that). Of course, you may still wish to ban this particular use from the point of view of maintaining a more appropriate balance between classes ...
  • HarpagornisHarpagornis Member Posts: 1,658
    Thanks a lot @jmerry - good to have someone using Near Infinity! :D

    Regarding Tyr i can live with Thieves and Bards having a way around this restriction - what about @Blackraven?
  • BlackravenBlackraven Member Posts: 3,486
    @Harpagornis, what about Karla? She's in Baldur's Gate no? Or did she break one of the rules? In any case, I'm looking forward to meeting your new character. Sorry about the Berserker. As I've said before I think that with really strong defenses against status effects, Ironskins, crowd control, grandmastery, and good summons, Berserker/Druid should be one of the better-suited combos for this challenge, a very "complete" build.

    I could live with thieves with say 10 points in pickpockets botching a pickpocket attempt with Algernon just to kill him. It's not pretty but I'd choose it over outright banning pickpocketing. The farthest I would go is to deny thieves and bards the opportunity to make lousy pickpocketing attempts just to kill a neutral/friendly creature. To that end Tyr's curse would have to provide that failed pickpocket targets who go hostile may not be attacked. It would make pickpockets a skill worth investing in.

    I think complete bans on any class-specific abilities should be avoided BTW. Although I can live without it I personally feel my Beastmaster should be allowed to use his innate Charm Animal ability without having to lift Sune's curse because otherwise it's a completely useless skill. It's not the same as not being allowed to use a certain item (Algernon's Cloak) as that affects all classes. Nor is it the same as prohibiting charm spells from a spellbook, because the caster has other spells to cast instead while Rangers do not get another innate instead.
    Grond0 wrote: »
    What's the criteria for determining if you can attack someone that starts off neutral then? In some cases any interaction will result in them turning hostile, but in others you have to choose a particular conversation response to do that - are you entitled to try and make someone hostile in that way?

    I'd say yes, unless we want to further rephrase Tyr's curse. A creature that has gone hostile through certain dialogue choices was not attacked while neutral/friendly (well maybe verbally attacked, but that'd be overstretching the terms of the curse imo).

    As for the level to dual-class my Beastmaster, I have no idea. I think that in order to really reap the benefits of the class (beyond the familiar), I should dual in BG2, level 9, 12 or 13. What do you guys think?
  • HarpagornisHarpagornis Member Posts: 1,658
    edited January 2021
    @Blackraven: Here is the fix for Beast Masters!

    Sune: Creatures cannot be charmed or dominated unless using an innate ability

    Regarding Tyr and Pick Pocketing we could define a minimum stat and/or a minimum level. As Tyr is living in the Seven Heavens with could use this number. What about a minimum Pick Pocket skill of 77 and or Char Level 7? Or maybe even crazier: The charlevel has to be a multiple of 7!!! I think this would please Tyr a lot...
  • HarpagornisHarpagornis Member Posts: 1,658
    edited January 2021
    What about this one...

    Tyr: Friendly or neutral creatures cannot be attacked. Thieves and Bards can attack creatures after a failed pick pocket attempt only if they are level 7

    Would be a fine connection to the seven heavens. If this is too crazy, please cry!
  • BlackravenBlackraven Member Posts: 3,486
    Haha, it's all fine by me @Harpagornis! But "only if they are level 7" means no attacking after failing a pick pockets check in SoD, SoA, ToB. Wouldn't it be more elegant to stick to your previous suggestion of using multiples of 7?

    Thanks BTW for correcting Sune's curse.
  • semiticgoddesssemiticgoddess Member Posts: 14,903
    @alice_ashpool: Welcome to the challenge! It's always nice to see new players trying their hand at the run.

    Looking at the Expanded Classes kits, the Kensai kit for monks and paladins would be solid, since they can use Champion's Strength scrolls against Belhifet and get normal Kensai bonuses (note that Kensai monks can get GM, but not until BG2), but I don't like the idea of trying to tackle the Coalition Camp invasion without Arrows of Detonation or Web or Skull Trap spells. The Vampyre kit for thieves would be very interesting in BG2, since it can drain levels and Constitution on melee hits (which offer a save vs. death, but the Vampyre kit also drains enemies' saves vs. death), and it even gets extra attacks per round, but it won't get 2 base APR until level 13, in BG2, so it will spend BG1 and SoD as basically an unkitted thief with low skills and a weak backstab multiplier.

    The Sword Dancer paladin or a fighter Sword Dancer dual-classed to mage look promising. The paladin can use Champion's Strength scrolls and hit Belhifet with the Voidsword and the acid longsword in the off hand for about 45 damage per round with only 5 scrolls (more than enough to take down Belhifet), while the Sword Dancer->Mage (who can't use those scrolls and will have crummy THAC0 by LoB standards) can just cast Enchanted Weapon on itself and whomp Belhifet with the Martyr's Morningstar and wait for a critical hit; it will have 6 effective attacks per round when hasted (!) and should kill Belhifet in 10 rounds on average with a pip in Single Weapon Style. Plus, the Sword Dancer->Mage will have 9 APR with Arrows of Detonation, which will be especially safe for the Coalition Camp invasion.

    I might try the Sword Dancer->Mage, since it fits my playstyle and I enjoy the crazy-high APR. Its lousy damage output will hurt it in many cases, but the extra APR is extremely useful for some high-impact items: bows, the Answerer, Blackrazor, Soul Reaver, the Scorcher Ammunition, and the Voidsword (also MoD, FoA, Gnasher, Jhor the Bleeder, and the Ravager if we go that far).

    The Alchemist could also be good, and there are some interesting possibilities from dual-classing an Alchemist to a thief or a fighter (or even a cleric; Righteous Magic would amplify grenade damage). But I'm not sure I'd like running an Alchemist; it would take extra inventory management and gold maximizing to keep it in top condition.
  • alice_ashpoolalice_ashpool Member Posts: 261
    edited January 2021
    Ok, I killed Mulahey for the first time. I'm going to reload since I think there are better ways to do this and i'm just getting familiar with LoB: but try to stab from stealth with icingdeath, disrupt his hold, or whatever enchantment he tries to cast with a fireball dropped on your head (90%FR) and get the skellies and kobolds to cluster around him in his little room, stealth from out of LoS, wait for protections to expire, 8 more fireballs, 8 magic missiles and some hit and run stealth rubbish and he died. I wasted my potions on pre-buffing before i realised i should sit aside and wait for the their buffs to expire, so buffed toe-to-toe with wand of missile to disrupt casting might be feasible after killing minions idk... 9 fireballs was not enough to kill them all unfortunately.

    I'm sure there are better ways.
  • Grond0Grond0 Member Posts: 7,461
    Blackraven wrote: »
    Haha, it's all fine by me @Harpagornis! But "only if they are level 7" means no attacking after failing a pick pockets check in SoD, SoA, ToB. Wouldn't it be more elegant to stick to your previous suggestion of using multiples of 7?

    Wisp has already punished a couple of targets that didn't like his nimble fingers, so I'll retire him. I might see if I can roll up a berserker druid, though the required stats for that make it really difficult to get a top line character.
  • HarpagornisHarpagornis Member Posts: 1,658
    edited January 2021
    After some sleep another idea

    Tyr: No killing of civilians

    This still allows us to kill Drizzt while Thieves/Bards are forced to push Pick Pocket with Potions. Plain and simple. No?
  • HarpagornisHarpagornis Member Posts: 1,658
    Yeah, i got the point - looks fine @Blackraven!

    Tyr: No killing of innocents unless they can be provoked through dialogue

    Will update the rules and hopefully start with a new character today!
  • HarpagornisHarpagornis Member Posts: 1,658
    edited January 2021
    You can Feeblemind and kill targets all day long if they are not marked as innocents @AvidGamerFan!

    I finally rolled up a new character after taking a closer look at all curses so say hello to Caleth the Enchanter who - hopefully - will get dualed to Fighter once reaching Level 3. As you all know i dont like Mages but this combo has its own charm.

    Caleth will be a follower of Waukeen allowing recharging of items in shops. Using the Enchanter enemies will save vs wand at -6 penalty against the Wand of Paralyzation while the Wand of Fireballs can still be used. Not to forget that things like Durlags Goblet or Sandthief Ring can be used to their maximum potential.

    Lets see how this works...

    There are still lots of options for more curses, so if anyone got an idea: Feel free to post them!

    One really devilish curse would be the ban our beloved pause button but i think that pushes the limits too far!
    Post edited by Harpagornis on
  • AvidGamerFanAvidGamerFan Member Posts: 157
    edited January 2021
    jmerry wrote: »
    So basically, if your hypothetical beastmaster wants that imp to go out and do things, they're stuck wearing the cursed helm permanently. If they ever take the helm off and pick up the familiar, it becomes a quasit in the inventory and then vanishes the next time they let it out.

    You can change it permanently by combining the helm of opposite alignment and the girdle of sex change, then casting Remove Curse. This will remove both items, but your alignment will remain changed. I presume the familiar will be okay then?

    That does scupper my original intention, which was to use the imp's Polymorph Self to kill Mulahey (like Angelo did, except using Entangle rather than Web) in a wizard slayer run. Since the girdle of sex change can't be used in the wizard slayer challenge and I don't fancy being lumbered with the helm for all of BG1, that plan is out. Since beastmasters can't wield Martyr's Morningstar for the level 1 trick (even when dualled to a cleric), I wasn't sure how to pass Belhifet anyway, but that makes the idea even more dead before arrival.
  • HarpagornisHarpagornis Member Posts: 1,658
    edited January 2021
    @AvidGamerFan: Whoever uses the Level-1-Immortal-Glitch in this challenge will immediately get killed. Nah... i would not be so harsh, but i would never ever allow such a character to get into the Hall of Fame here! B)

    Hey @histamiini would you like to join the fun? Or have you ideas for another curse? ;)

    What about adding Chauntea the goddes of farming and agriculture?

    Chauntea: No XP farming

    I know that we already killed lots of farming options so if you have another idea feel free to post it!
  • histamiinihistamiini Member Posts: 1,473
    Oh wow, it has been busy in here. @AvidGamerFan seems advancing nicely, some new tries by @Blackraven and @alice_ashpool, and @Harpagornis and @Grond0 trying to introduce more pain as usual. I've been lurking here and there, but not getting the sting to play yet. Until I read the stuff about Beast Master, Beast Master21/Cleric26 could be fun.

    And @semiticgoddess nicely reminds me I still have a Blade sleeping outside Melissan hidey-hole. But need to try something else first.

    @Harpagornis No farming sound truly evil, although Firkraag will surely be happy. :D I need to familiarize a lot of stuff to bring myself up to speed.
  • HarpagornisHarpagornis Member Posts: 1,658
    edited January 2021
    Welcome back @histamiini - good to see you around again. Keep it slow and safe, like always! Our new pain train is still in some motion!

    Yeah... i was pointing the no XP farming directly at Firkraag and maybe even at myself cause once the Beholder Lair is clear the rest farming would be within the rules again. It would kill the Basilisk-Loop even if someone gets his hands on Algernons Cloak. Personally i like this. @Grond0 like always will say that he eats everything, so what about @Blackraven?
  • histamiinihistamiini Member Posts: 1,473
    @Harpagornis I don't think Gauth/Firkraag loop is necessary with normal runs anyway, but it does practically prevent high level duals which isn't nice. Maybe allow it in high level dualing?
  • HarpagornisHarpagornis Member Posts: 1,658
    Okay, maybe we should change Chauntea so that farming is only allowed once the character has gained 3.000.000 XP and HLA´s jump in @histamiini?
  • histamiinihistamiini Member Posts: 1,473
    Okay, maybe we should change Chauntea so that farming is only allowed once the character has gained 3.000.000 XP and HLA´s jump in @histamiini?
    I like that.

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