Great to see Caleth @Harpagornis. I'm very fond of low level Mage -> any class. I have a LoB Invoker(3) -> Fighter in SoA in a party, and she's actually very powerful. She relied on Webs a lot, but I can see the appeal of the Enchantment specialization.
I never farm XP anyway, but I was considering it for my Beastmaster in the unimaginable event that the stars were to align for him to reach SoA. I had your gauths in kind for that. But if XP farming is out, then maybe single-class is better. I'll go with whatever you guys prefer.
@AvidGamerFan, interesting thoughts on playing around with the helmet of opposite alignment. My beastmaster wasn't patient enough to experiment with it haha. He immediately summoned his familiar in Candlekeep.
Considering the mortality rate of my contenders in this challenge, the bit of progress my Beastmaster has made for far seems deserving of a first report. So here goes.
Murdo, LG, human Beastmaster (1)
When Malar's curse was generously lifted by @Harpagornis for Beastmasters, I decided to roll one, with the vague idea of dualling at some point to create the ultimate summoner.
Here's Murdo:
Murdo started out specialized in Staff and Crossbow. He cleared Candlekeep (except for Shank and Carbos), got "ambushed" on his first area transition: non-hostile wild dogs. He let them be. He made a brief stop in Beregost and beelined toward Drizzt, suffering yet another ambush, gnolls this time. His pseudo-dragon, named Star, hit one of the gnolls for Murdo. With a reputation of 13 he could mercifully end Drizzt's suffering without falling. Mind you this was before Tyr started meddling with the affairs of us mortal Bhaalspawns. Murdo gained three levels and a whopping 40 HPs out of a maximum of 42. So he was now a level 4 Beastmaster with 76 HPs (including 22 from Star). His level 3 pip he invested in Two-Handed Weapon Style for 0 weapon speed with Aule's Staff and the increased crit chance.
Taking @Grond0's advice, Murdo repeatedly rested to get a Bhaal drain as his first innate, useful for dealing quick and certain damage in ambushes, such as in this hobgoblin ambush that he only survived thanks to his impressive HP pool, with 33 HPs (including 7 from his drain ability).
This happened during one of the many easy quests for XP and reputation points, like the ones @alice_ashpool mentions in their post above but also Brun, Tenya, Noober, Drienne, Ulcaster's tome, etc. In sum, Murdo did all of the easy quests. There isn't much to say about them except for Kirinhale. Apparently saying you're going to walk away inevitably leads to combat. The XP missed was a shame but at that point I was just happy he made it out alive.
During these quests Murdo reached level 5, adding another generous amount of 11 HPs to his pool. He had around 35k GP and bought Aule's Staff, the Cloak of Displacement, and the Sandthief's Ring in Ulgoth's Beard, and the Army Scythe in Beregost. (This was made possible by Lord Foreshadow's charisma ring, from the BG1 NPC Project, which for me is tantamount to vanilla, but I realize it may not be so for some players. If I should get rid of the ring or some of the gear, I'm willing to do so.)
Edit: posted too early.
Murdo traveled to the High Hedge, where he slew two flesh golems to make for Kirinhale. There's a bit more I'll add later but have to get back to work now.
While beastmasters are up against it in standard runs, familiars are far more beneficial in LoB - and not just for your bonus HPs. Their 44 HPs (except for imps) gives them a decent chance of surviving hits - particularly as they don't take the double damage you do. However, they do get the AC benefits, so are normally only hit by criticals by weaker enemies. Something like a pseudo dragon, with regeneration, has a good chance of tanking things like hobgoblins (which makes early progress significantly easier than for most fighter types).
@Grond0, I agree about the pseudo dragon. Murdo has traveled a fair bit with his familiar outside his pack.
The last part that I was going to post, and that I'll post here now, was about Shoal the Nereid.
Murdo, LG human Beastmaster (2)
First of all, Beastmasters may well be the only single-class warriors that can steal a kiss from Shoal and survive the consequences. Failing his save, he would have fallen if it wasn't for Star distracting (and even hitting) Shoal.
Do you see that Wolf on the right? Well it went hostile when Murdo, with a single HP, and Star retreated. This was a very unpleasant surprise for me. I was pretty sure that one of my mods prevented wolves (but not dread wolves and the like) and black/brown bears from going hostile near Rangers and Druids, but once more I was reminded that I shouldn't assume so much.
In any case, Murdo managed to activate his Sandthief's ring, albeit after seeing the attacking wolf miss first.
Murdo healed up, and charmed the Wolf using his innate Charm Animal (officially allowed by DM @Harpagornis since this morning). They attacked Shoal, prompting her to call Droth. Murdo again made it his priority to retreat as fast and as far as he could. He had to absorb an Icelance with the Belt of Antipode, and save vs a stun, but Droth was much to busy with the wolf, and spent all his spells on it, except Sleep (which would be powerless against Murdo).
What followed were an estimated 12 in-game hours in which Murdo fired all his ammo at the ogre mage, circa 360 bolts, and struck out countless times with Aule's Staff, hitting only on 19s and 20s (crits), to overcome his foe. Star was not tough enough to tank Droth for hours, but was of some use for baiting purposes. However Droth would often prioritize Murdo over his familiar. As Droth was slow to attack, sneak attacks weren't strictly necessary, although the following screenshot shows an injured Murdo, who had run out of healing potions, finally striking down the ogre mage.
Much but not all of the damage incurred was due to Droth eagerly taking advantage of Murdo and Star getting stuck together. Shoal (blue-circled but not an innocent) was much easier to dispatch, and her XP brought Murdo to level 6. He took a first pip in shortbows (thinking they bows could come in handy in SoD) and enjoyed another a very good HP roll: +12 HPs.
A successful basilisk hunting trip (25k XP in Mutamin's Garden + 22,4k XP from Durlag's Tower) should carry Murdo to level 7. I think that would be the most obvious course of action at this point.
1. Visited Mutamin's basilisks. Finally a use for those Daggers:
Killed 7 lesser and 2 greater basilisks + Mutamin with good luck, luring Korax as close as possible to the lower basilisks before talking and when basilisks were stunned out of line of sight of others using fists with icingdeath in offhand throwing daggers if not.
Since weapons auto-hit stunned opponents I am leaning towards taking proficiency in darts rather than daggers at the beginning for the extra 2 Thac0 with darts of stunning, maybe darts of wounding. Not planning to use them as an overall strategy, but since it seems combat is out of the question at the moment perhaps it would be marginally more useful.
2. Travel to Nashkel Circus - Bought Shield Amulet, Necklace of Missiles, protection from petrification, Violet Potion, Red potion (any use for this...?)
A quick nip in, correct dialogue (2nd one) and the quickloot bar will allow you to loot bentha's corpse without aggroing the wizard for another potion of Heroism, and antidote, minor healing pot and some sellables.
Also picked up and sold the Ankheg Plate in Nashkel proper.
3. Worn Whispers strategy: kite the Hobgoblins into a big group then drop around 5 fireballs on yourself with 90%FR (could be >100 with scroll of FR) - loot whispers and leave.That gives 60 base Stealth at Level 5 (18 dex)
4. Neera and the Red Wizards bug: I tried this a 3 times and it worked every time. Agree to help Neera, cast fireball on the red wizards and yourself, run towards Neera and her post-fight dialogue triggers. Take her gem bag and run away. Contend with red wizard guards running all over town every time you go to Beregost.
5. Return to Nashkel, recharge Necklace of Missiles, use potion of stone Giant strength to open Joseph's Wife's house to get quest and to open Manor to get 1 potion of invisibility from Samantha's room upstairs.
6. Go to mine, grab wand of frost and stealth through the mine (Return Kylee's Dagger, 200XP; Pick up Joseph's Ring). Go all the way to Mulahey - there's an arrow trap in the middle of level 3 which I think is unavoidable unfortunately but otherwise its zero damage. The one at the end of lvl3 can be run through with monks superior speed. At this point I realized that a full wand of missiles would have been very useful. Purchase when buying Claw of kazagoth probably.
7. Revised Mulahey strategy: Buff with potion of perception (6 hours) and Shield Amulet (1 hour), try and stab Mulahey from stealth, reply that you are here from tazok and run away to stealth, try and stab him again, aggroing him, immediately run away into Xan's room, this splits the enemies so the skellie group clusters around him while the kobold group chases you around. Once the skellie group are around Mulahey, lose the group chasing you by running into the top left room, rounding the corner and stealthing. Hopefully the other group will now cluster around Mulahey, if not, repeat. Wait for Mulahey to cast buffs and then for them to expire.
Nuke with necklace from out of LoS, I found it takes about 12-15 fireballs. With experimentation and a few deaths its just too risky to go anywhere near him since his enchantments are instant game over and disrupting them requires excellent timing all for saving 2-3 fireballs.
That gives me Talos Gift for 50 lightning resist, some minor health pots, another potion of absorption, his valuable ring and some scrolls to sell. Stealth out of there.
8. Valley of the Tombs:
Grabed the potion of Frost Giant Strength as well as Heart of the Golem + 2, Chainmail + 1 and Wand of Monster summoning to sell
Return to Nashkel for 900GP and 1000XP for clearing out the mine, and Josephs Ring (800XP)
GP: 23488
9. Beregost to rest and gain second cure minor wounds, talk to Elminster, recharge necklace of missiles and kill denak's squad in spider forest offscreen without aggroing them. They seem to cluster up rather than searching, just like Mulahey. This took 20 fireballs but netted me another potion of invisibility, ring of energy, scrolls and robes to sell
ID and sell loot at High Hedge, charge necklace of missiles (again!) and ring of energy (50 charges, wow) - head to Pelvale and blag way into bandit camp. Rested 'til nightfall, drank potion of insulation and put on talos's gift, stealthed and looted bandit camp chest and then popped an invisibility potion - chapter done
My first run of Catalysm with Ganja the Beast Master21/Cleric ended pretty quickly. I looted Beregost for reputation loss, and almost got killed when one of the chests there were trapped.
Among the loot were Invisibility potion, Potion of Agility, The Stupifier +1 and Wand of Lightning which all netted about 2k gold. But I only got -2 reputation and needed one more. In Nashkel I found that getting caught stealing doesn't net reputation loss from Amnian Soldiers. Tried traveling back to Friendly Arm, but got the Bandit waylay with 0 chance of survival.
I faced a similar problem with the 'no innocents' rule and used a thieving potion to be able to get caught more times. You could indulge in a strength potion if you can't find enough chests in sight of others that you can bash open (though if you have 18(00) strength I have a feeling there are 3 possibilities).
You could also start chaotic good, but I dare say you don't want that familiar.
Yeah interesting problem to have from the get go. Apparently only Flaming Fist territory leads reputation loss from getting caught stealing. Which before Baldur's Gate means only Beregost and Ulgoth's Beard? Is there really difference of getting Pseudo or Fairy Dragon? I'm using auto-roller, so 1800 could be possible.
You could also start chaotic good, but I dare say you don't want that familiar.
If this is just about the familiar, doesn't neutral good also give the pseudo dragon? LG and NG are the same in that regard, but only LG starts out with 12 rep.
Yeah interesting problem to have from the get go. Apparently only Flaming Fist territory leads reputation loss from getting caught stealing. Which before Baldur's Gate means only Beregost and Ulgoth's Beard? Is there really difference of getting Pseudo or Fairy Dragon? I'm using auto-roller, so 1800 isn't really problem.
I think you can also steal and lose rep in Candlekeep if you try to bribe the guard. Funny enough even Shank gets to call the guards if you try open the chest on the left in his presence. Just be sure to get out immediately after, because if he follows you on the way out the entire citadel will probably turn hostile.
If that doesn't work maybe Gullykin? Have never tested this though.
Finally if you're rude to Mr Coquetle when returning with his amulet you can lose a rep point to.
@histamiini, what is the rationale behind the 21 -> Cleric dual, why so late?
Is there really difference of getting Pseudo or Fairy Dragon?
There's a huge difference if you want them to do fighting. The pseudo gets regeneration and AC -11 + blur, the fairy gets no regeneration and AC -5 + mirror image. The big advantage of the fairy in vanilla was it got invisibility 10', but in the EE that is now only awarded in BG2.
@Blackraven You can't bribe the watchers in Candlekeep. That negative asnwer for Coquetle's amulet is nice find.
Lv21 dual gives 0 base Thac0 and some fighter HLA's, and you still get 5 Cleric HLA's for useful ones.
I think there are other ways to lose reputation, though it's not something I normally need to think about:
- killing the merchants for Silke I think costs a couple.
- I have an idea that the EE did something to Caldo & Krumm and helping them cut down the tree might possibly cost you now.
- you have the option to be evil at the minesite, which may also cost reputation.
- of course you can cause carnage when you flood the mine, but that won't help you in the early stages .
So it shouldn't be that hard, relatively easy negative answers for Colguette and Tamah should give 9 rep from Neutral Good, which still gives Pseudo Dragon.
Btw did some testing and dualed ranger doesn't fall in the Hell even going the evil paths, as would happen with single classed ranger.
@AvidGamerFan: Whoever uses the Level-1-Immortal-Glitch in this challenge will immediately get killed. Nah... i would not be so harsh, but i would never ever allow such a character to get into the Hall of Fame here!
I totally understand this reaction, but the trick genuinely isn't as gamebreaking as it appears. @histamiini has already shown that even with stacked Champion's Strength scrolls and other buffs, single-classed clerics cannot deal damage fast enough to outpace Belhifet's regeneration. Other classes that might use it in a normal playthrough would also be unable to kill quickly (e.g. cleric/thieves) or else have other options (e.g. potions, wand of polymorphing) to the extent where you don't need the trick.
Its main use, in my opinion, is offer a few select classes an opportunity at passing Belhifet in the wizard slayer challenge. Even then, you have to complete the crusader attacks, Ashatiel and Avernus as a level 1 character, which isn't easy. I've done it with my C/M wizard slayer, which is one reason why I'm reluctant to give it up (or provide exact details and spoil my upcoming playthrough). If people insist it's a violation of the rules, I'll try without the trick... reserving the right to reinstate it if I fail, of course!
I wouldn't just tolerate, but positively encourage no XP farming . I think that also fits nicely within the wider spirit of the challenge, e.g. the requirement not to miss out many of the tougher optional encounters.
Personally, I'd agree with @Grond0: Chauntea should prevent all XP farming, period. Part of the appeal of low level duals is that there isn't much downtime, an advantage lost if we allow XP farming. Also (and I'm genuinely not trying to be salty here), it appears we're allowing XP farming to enable some classes (high level duals) to realistically attempt the Cataclysm challenge, but banning the Level 1 trick from enabling other classes to realistically attempt the Wizard Slayer challenge.
@alice_ashpool the idea of using darts of stunning is great in a normal run. However, in LoB just hitting tougher enemies is difficult, so you are likely to run into resource constraints if that's a regular tactic. Normal monks can potentially make good use of them by following up a successful stunning blow by switching to darts, but that doesn't require proficiency and is not an option for a Dark Moon Monk (I assume that is what you are and not Dark Soul).
There is a scroll of Champion's Strength in Durlag's Tower that you can use to increase your ThAC0 significantly here. It's the only one in BG1, so you might fancy saving it, but they're easily available in SoD. I was playing around with an archer WS run and I decided that it was the best way to give a reasonable chance of taking out Mulahey, given that you have to fight him so early in the game.
I think there are other ways to lose reputation, though it's not something I normally need to think about:
- killing the merchants for Silke I think costs a couple.
- I have an idea that the EE did something to Caldo & Krumm and helping them cut down the tree might possibly cost you now.
- you have the option to be evil at the minesite, which may also cost reputation.
- of course you can cause carnage when you flood the mine, but that won't help you in the early stages .
Also, for what it's worth, if you have the NPC Project mod installed, there'll be bards in taverns that you can pay to decrease your reputation. May not be a kosher install if this obsoletes the relevant curse, but worth a mention.
Personally, I'd agree with @Grond0: Chauntea should prevent all XP farming, period.
Honestly, I'm with you. I find it counterintuitive to ban XP farming and then make an exception for the biggest offenders. A complete ban just makes more sense to me and forces us players to come up with new solutions, in the spirit of this challenge as @Grond0 said. At the same time, I'm glad to see @histamiini back in action, and I don't want to spoil anyone's plans. So I won't insist.
4 attempts to work out what I was doing, a potion of invulnerability and a mere 34 shots from the Victor and I have made it to level 2 of watchers keep. I love the monk more and more the more I play.
Honestly, I'm with you. I find it counterintuitive to ban XP farming and then make an exception for the biggest offenders. A complete ban just makes more sense to me and forces us players to come up with new solutions, in the spirit of this challenge as @Grond0 said. At the same time, I'm glad to see @histamiini back in action, and I don't want to spoil anyone's plans. So I won't insist.
I agree with this. I'm also happy to see @histamiini back and I don't want their plans ruined by input from someone who likely won't attempt the challenge for quite a while. Ultimately, I'd prefer to see people attempt quirky runs - be that a cataclysmic beastmaster/cleric or a wizard slaying cleric/mage - than be annulled straight out the gates.
Level 1 characters are also very narrow in terms of what they can do, and their defenses are not unbreakable. Only a few select character builds (single-classed mages, Seducers, and folks who play level 1 all the way to the Coalition Camp before they get immunity to damage) can do it at all, and they can still be killed by a handful of things. They can also be stuck in a stalemate (how long would you wait for a character to make X number of saves in a row against a Carrion Crawler?), fail to meet other conditions for victory (harder to protect the Grand Dukes or fend off the invasion at the Coalition Camp), and there are many more threats than damage by the time you enter BG2. The level 1 invincibility is really good, but it comes at a cost.
Plus, I think it's hilarious and it's cool that it's even possible. Besides, this challenge has always required using almost every dirty trick at our disposal. It's cool to try new challenges but the runs that use certain exploits are no less valid.
Ha, ha, funny thing this Level-1-Glitch-Talk, maybe i should have marked my words with a big irony shield. Everyone should feel free to use whatever mods and exploits they like when playing any of the challenges. That i dont like some exploits is just my personal flavour.
The XP farming is a tricky thing but for the moment i think that its okay to leave the gates open for some high level dual class options. Its still some work reaching 3.000.000 i do not want to spoil some interesting class options.
There is another idea for a new curse that should be full in @Grond0 style and will please Llotlh.
Looking at Bhaal's curse, there are currently more BGEE foes and more SoD foes than SoA foes on the list. Shouldn't we add for example the Planar Prison Warden and/or the Unseeing Eye? And weren't we going to somewhat loosen the restriction of one exception per part of the game?
Finally, what's the law on mod items? Any restrictions on that? In the context of Bhaal's curse, I was wondering if I could install the Silver Staff of Aule mod, so that my Beastmaster (or any cleric I might run) could at least hit Karoug.
Edit: @Harpagornis, Lolth's curse looks good to me! Are green scrolls of PfPoison and elixirs of health still allowed?
Maybe we could say that Charname can skip one per part plus another one that can be chosen freely among the rest? That would be 10 kills needed out of 15.
Installing the Silver Staff of Aule Mod is fine for me - maybe i should try that one too!
Okay, i will add Lolth to the curses for now - and yes - PfP scrolls are still okay while i would ban the exlixiers!
Unfortunately Anastasia v2 is no longer no-reload, even if my experimentation with Mulahey didn't count as I died countless times in Durlag's Tower. I'm still playing since I need "practice" on the late game
Current thought: stealth is an absolute blessing in BG1 with LoB, especially since its infinite use. I have been very impressed with the monk, contrary to "popular opinion" on the low level monk, whatever that is. The improved movement speed, stealth and immunity to slow are almost made for kiting and avoiding everything solo.
1. Friendly arm inn to Cloakwood 1, south to cloakwood 2, trigger 1st web trap and run back out of LoS of the spiders. Wait to expire. Stealth past first spiders, avoid ettercaps by going west, triggering 2nd web trap out of LoS and leave to Cloakwood 3. Exit cloakwood 3 to east, cross bridge in cloakwood 4 then exit to south, avoiding all enemies.
2. Stealth into mine - I'll think of a way to deal with Drasus after I unlock Baldurs Gate.
Stealth down to Mine lvl 2 - take the long route, give rill his gold, bash open door, stealth and down to level 3 then level 4.
3. Davaeorn Strategy: Reveal hidden door but don't open from stealth, lose LoS, Buff with potion of perception (6h) and Potion of absorption (2h). Charge in like a moron, proc the dialogue, run and hide, wait for the mercs to conveniently gather and protections to expire then unload 24 fireballs. Follow up with stealth, ring of energy, stealth. Wait for contingencies to expire then keep using the ring of energy. Only took 8 charges, very powerful, thanks grond0.
Had an interesting bug where the plug key could be picked up from Dave's feet even when he was alive using quickloot bar. I reloaded later to test and it could be picked up and the mine flooded without killing Dave, but chapter 5 didn't proc so it seemed to softlock the game.
Drank a potion of cloud giant strength and looted everything - mosty things to sell + potions and protection scrolls (Another PfM - starting to wonder what I am saving these for at this point), and leveled up to 7 - the clustered mercs really provide a nice XP boost. Overall Davaeorn was much easier and safer than Mulahey and I got it on the first attempt despite flying sort of blind.
4. Left the mine and traveled back to Beregost to recharge necklace of missiles then cloakwood 1 again for the talosi cloak of non-detection (same strat as for worn whispers)
Without a ring of free action a potion of freedom would be real useful for leaving here because of spider ambushes - leaving cloakwood to get to Beregost seems to proc 2 ambushes with a high chance of Web throwing spiders and/or ettercap ambush so that's a serious challenge for anyone doing Cataclysm Tempus.
5. Get to Baldur's Gate - Recharge Necklace of Missiles, cash in robe of the evil archmagi
Sorcerous Sundries: for now bought Wand of the heavens, Potions of invisibility (3), potion of regeneration (3), Potion of Insulation (1), potion of agility (1), Cloud Giant Strength (2) PfU, PfM
Elfsong tavern: PfPetrification, 2nd Necklace of missiles
Thieves guild: dex tome, buy potion of power (1), potion of heroism (2).
North BG: Ramazith's Tower (drank potion of cloud giant strength for table, no other str potions once I got up there): Int tome, PfM, wand of paralysation to sell; 3 old kegs for 208 Ziose gems, skull
NW BG: Degrodel's House, get quest
Central BG: smash open balduran quest door, have a chat (500XP), Get cloak and helm (sold helm kept cloak). Start Necklace of Missiles 3 quest
South BG -> West BG: Skull quest (1000XP)
SE BG -> central BG: finish Necklace of Missiles 3 quest
6. Investigated the Iron Throne, entered the seven suns, talked to merchant and visited scar
had to find an inn to rest in then met Scar outside, met eltar, share investigation, teleported to candlekeep
7. Immediately drank invisibility potion to avoid ogre mages ambush -> entered candlekeep, looted fully and grabed koveras ring, arrested on top floor.
8. Teleport to secret library. Of note - resting here is required to gain DuHM to open the Str Tome tomb. I had hardly rested so I had a large backlog of dreams unseen - which I should have cleared anyway. If you are playing no resting outside of inns, it then requires the violet potion (and for safety a potion off fortitude)
With: Shield Amulet, icingdeath, RoFP, Potion of insulation + situational talos's gift giving 90% fire res, 100% lightning res and magic missile immunity the traps were neutered.
Trigger web trap then run out of LoS, wait for it to expire. Stealthed in, drink violet potion, loot, stealthed out and used minor healing pots to deal with the arrow traps (no potion of fortitude)
9. Stealthed all the way to using the protection from petrification scroll to punch the greater basilisks to death using ungodly 25 Str from the violet potion - stealth out and past the ogre mages.
10. Mopped up: ring of energy on belt-ogre for Elves Bane. Rest a bunch in Beregost to get DuHM
11. Return to Cloakwood (not recommended with Tempus - super dangerous ambushes) Kill Drasus by kiting round the mine entrance, hitting stealth and plinking away with ring of energy. I did get pinched between him and a guard but a pot of invisibility saved me. Equip those amazing boots of speed.
12. Faff around on level 1 of Durlags tower, die a bunch to traps, spiders, skeleton warriors, fear, avarice the whole works. Finally kill Love with Ring of Energy + Invulnerability potion after dumping companions all over the level - fear in wine press, pride upstairs and avarice in the top corner of the main hall, then carefully kiting Love back a forth without a hoard of spiders, greater dopplegangers and skeleton warriors noticing. The chance of getting chunked by avarice seems high as manipulation of an invisible enemy was... tricky. Much greater caution required for nR - would be worth boosting AC significantly to reduce risk.
13. Get Durlags goblet on level 2, die a whole bunch getting to level 3. Realise there is no point even trying to pass the challenge rooms for level 4. A lot of my deaths on level 2 were from a strange bug(?) where Ghasts and dopplegangers would follow me while stealthed (not invisible) - they wouldn't attack but they would chase you then mob around you. There are enough ghasts to completely surround you leaving you trapped even if you use an invisi pot.
14. Kill Durlag basilisks with 2nd PfPetrification scroll and another potion of cloud giant strength and finally attain Level 8. In hindsight, should do this first on return to Durlags - not sure if it would have gotten me level 8 before the Love etc fight. Return to Baldur's Gate.
15. Grab duke Eltan and take to Harbourmaster.
That leaves krysten and slythe, the dukes battle and the final battle. I am going to experiment to see what the best way for each is, if I can get past them at all that is. I found krysten and slythe difficult with SCS-Insane without LoB due to Slythe's invisibility and backstabbing so I expect a lot of deaths here
The lv1 immunity isn't that good, practically it's just means to pass certain class objects, like for Sorcerer it's way to pass Belhifet. It would be absolutely insane to continue lv1 immunity in SoA when Sorcerer is a monster without it. The drained lv1 immunity is even worse, as it's naked lv1 immunity meaning your items don't affect saves, so your saves are awful and needs a lot of buffing to cover it. For single classed Clerics the drained lv1 immunity is a mean to pass coalition battle, that's it, and they need levels back if they were to have a chance against Belhifet with Durlag's Goblet and Champion's Strength scrolls. And drained lv1 immunity doesn't work in SoA anyway because there's no items that reduce health.
Btw I like the Bhaal curse. It been so long playing game certain way, that I didn't even remember that Aec'Letec was the battle after Demon Knight.
@alice_ashpool Yeah Monk run was one of the most fun I've had in the game, because it's so different from the rest. And Dark Moon Monk is the best Monk with Detect Illusions and long casting Blur and Mirror Image. Slythe and Krystin will be handful without Algernon's/Nymph's Cloak charming Larze. You can have 80% Detect Illusion at that point as Dark Moon Monk I think, so you could try to reveal him that way.
Btw @Harpagornis HoF is missing Jin the Dark Moon Monk, who eventually beat Melissan after few tries.
Murdo has made some more progress. Upon his return to Beregost from the northern coast he defeated Mirianne's ogrillons and Zhurlong's hobgoblin with the help of the Flaming Fist.
He then went to the Firewine Ruins to duel Meilum, but did poorly on his first attempt, relying on hit and retreat tactics. This was in part to misclicks when retreating. He left to buy healing potions and returned at night time. Surprisingly, Meilum was found near the bridge, with some kobolds near him. Murdo accepted that he might not be able to fight Meilum again but managed to lure his foe without the kobolds to the bridge, where he could deal with his foe using sneak attacks.
Brage's stone giant strength potion helped with Thac0 (+1) and damage (+3). Meilum can be dispatched relatively quickly as he only wears studded leather and he has no crit protection. I'm much more reluctant to take on the battle horrors at Durlag's Tower for example.
Having faced several more ambushes (bandits, hobgoblins, and skeletons/ghouls), Murdo realized he would benefit from regeneration. He entered Black Alaric's cave, where he used a first greenstone amulet charge to protect himself against the hold and charm traps. He repeatedly hid behind the stalactite to destroy the three flesh golems with sneak attacks.
(He'd been able to get spotted by the flesh golem in the eastern area without triggering the glyph of warding trap.) The manual of bodily health and buckley's buckler now help Murdo regenerate when resting or traveling.
At Durlag's Tower Murdo took his chances with the repeating Chromatic Orb trap in the corridor toward the basilisks, knowing that if he'd get affected it would not be in sight of the nearby ghast. He made his save anyway. The green PfPetrification scroll protected Murdo more than long enough against the four basilisks' gazes as he attacked the creatures from the shadows.
As you can see he didn't need extraordinary to hit rolls. The job took him about three hours I estimate. After it, he took Rashad's Talon and some acid arrows with him, equipping Batalista's Passport to further mitigate fire damage from the trap. (He already had the Gift of Peace on, but still took 32 damage with 60% fire resistance.)
On his way out, he inched forward, very carefully, getting hit by the Chromatic Orb trap at the exact trap location and not a few steps forward which would have been in the ghast's line of sight. He got stunned indeed, but could safely wait out the effect in the comforting knowledge that he'd saved himself a greenstone amulet charge.
During a nightly visit of Mutamin's garden, Korax helped Murdo reach level 7, with yet another outstanding HP roll: 14 HPs out of a maximum of 15. With Murdo attacking paralyzed basilisks using the Army Scythe if other basilisks were nearby and with his staff if there weren't, it looked like the pair might just clear Mutamin and all the basilisks in time, but Korax went hostile while attacking the last basilisk (the one to the east, near the paralyzed bear). This was probably due to Korax having to kill one of the lesser basilisks, which saved every time vs paralysis, and Mutamin, whose PfNM prevented Murdo from harming him, all on his own.
Still there's no reason to complain. Murdo is now a level 7 Beastmaster with 119 HPs, 22 from familiar. He has only 25 kills to his name, but he's made them count. He's also pretty well-equipped, though he'd love to have a potion case.
The elixir of health shall be sold @Harpagornis, no worries
@Blackraven So Flaming Fists do actually fight Ogrillons? Last time Ogrillons were on my tow, FF just interrogated me and then just left not caring about any actual monsters.
reporting back - no charm makes it brutal. The furthest I have got is parking slythe then taking down krysten from out of LoS. If only she had the invitations... The tactics don't work for slythe though - he stealths and moves as soon as he is out of LoS and his backstabs will take off 1/2 my health pool. I can land the odd fireball on him but never below barely injured. Really missing the wand of monster summoning about now.
Added Jin the Dark Moon Monk to the Hall of Fame @histamiini. And - yes - the Flaming Fists helped me a lot not only to kill the Ogrillons but also to get easy access to the Boots of Stealth if you avoid the talking.
Tymora got an upgrade that we already had discussed earlier:
- Tymora: Random number of Hit Points on level up and no INT-buffing for scroll scribing.
Okay, then here is another curse:
Chauntea: Faming is only available for characters with more than 3.000.000 XP
Will add this soon to the list, unless someone has another idea!
I never farm XP anyway, but I was considering it for my Beastmaster in the unimaginable event that the stars were to align for him to reach SoA. I had your gauths in kind for that. But if XP farming is out, then maybe single-class is better. I'll go with whatever you guys prefer.
@AvidGamerFan, interesting thoughts on playing around with the helmet of opposite alignment. My beastmaster wasn't patient enough to experiment with it haha. He immediately summoned his familiar in Candlekeep.
Considering the mortality rate of my contenders in this challenge, the bit of progress my Beastmaster has made for far seems deserving of a first report. So here goes.
Murdo, LG, human Beastmaster (1)
When Malar's curse was generously lifted by @Harpagornis for Beastmasters, I decided to roll one, with the vague idea of dualling at some point to create the ultimate summoner.
Here's Murdo:
Murdo started out specialized in Staff and Crossbow. He cleared Candlekeep (except for Shank and Carbos), got "ambushed" on his first area transition: non-hostile wild dogs. He let them be. He made a brief stop in Beregost and beelined toward Drizzt, suffering yet another ambush, gnolls this time. His pseudo-dragon, named Star, hit one of the gnolls for Murdo. With a reputation of 13 he could mercifully end Drizzt's suffering without falling. Mind you this was before Tyr started meddling with the affairs of us mortal Bhaalspawns. Murdo gained three levels and a whopping 40 HPs out of a maximum of 42. So he was now a level 4 Beastmaster with 76 HPs (including 22 from Star). His level 3 pip he invested in Two-Handed Weapon Style for 0 weapon speed with Aule's Staff and the increased crit chance.
Taking @Grond0's advice, Murdo repeatedly rested to get a Bhaal drain as his first innate, useful for dealing quick and certain damage in ambushes, such as in this hobgoblin ambush that he only survived thanks to his impressive HP pool, with 33 HPs (including 7 from his drain ability).
During these quests Murdo reached level 5, adding another generous amount of 11 HPs to his pool. He had around 35k GP and bought Aule's Staff, the Cloak of Displacement, and the Sandthief's Ring in Ulgoth's Beard, and the Army Scythe in Beregost. (This was made possible by Lord Foreshadow's charisma ring, from the BG1 NPC Project, which for me is tantamount to vanilla, but I realize it may not be so for some players. If I should get rid of the ring or some of the gear, I'm willing to do so.)
Edit: posted too early.
Murdo traveled to the High Hedge, where he slew two flesh golems to make for Kirinhale. There's a bit more I'll add later but have to get back to work now.
The last part that I was going to post, and that I'll post here now, was about Shoal the Nereid.
Murdo, LG human Beastmaster (2)
First of all, Beastmasters may well be the only single-class warriors that can steal a kiss from Shoal and survive the consequences. Failing his save, he would have fallen if it wasn't for Star distracting (and even hitting) Shoal.
In any case, Murdo managed to activate his Sandthief's ring, albeit after seeing the attacking wolf miss first.
What followed were an estimated 12 in-game hours in which Murdo fired all his ammo at the ogre mage, circa 360 bolts, and struck out countless times with Aule's Staff, hitting only on 19s and 20s (crits), to overcome his foe. Star was not tough enough to tank Droth for hours, but was of some use for baiting purposes. However Droth would often prioritize Murdo over his familiar. As Droth was slow to attack, sneak attacks weren't strictly necessary, although the following screenshot shows an injured Murdo, who had run out of healing potions, finally striking down the ogre mage.
A successful basilisk hunting trip (25k XP in Mutamin's Garden + 22,4k XP from Durlag's Tower) should carry Murdo to level 7. I think that would be the most obvious course of action at this point.
1. Visited Mutamin's basilisks. Finally a use for those Daggers:
Killed 7 lesser and 2 greater basilisks + Mutamin with good luck, luring Korax as close as possible to the lower basilisks before talking and when basilisks were stunned out of line of sight of others using fists with icingdeath in offhand throwing daggers if not.
Since weapons auto-hit stunned opponents I am leaning towards taking proficiency in darts rather than daggers at the beginning for the extra 2 Thac0 with darts of stunning, maybe darts of wounding. Not planning to use them as an overall strategy, but since it seems combat is out of the question at the moment perhaps it would be marginally more useful.
2. Travel to Nashkel Circus - Bought Shield Amulet, Necklace of Missiles, protection from petrification, Violet Potion, Red potion (any use for this...?)
A quick nip in, correct dialogue (2nd one) and the quickloot bar will allow you to loot bentha's corpse without aggroing the wizard for another potion of Heroism, and antidote, minor healing pot and some sellables.
Also picked up and sold the Ankheg Plate in Nashkel proper.
3. Worn Whispers strategy: kite the Hobgoblins into a big group then drop around 5 fireballs on yourself with 90%FR (could be >100 with scroll of FR) - loot whispers and leave.That gives 60 base Stealth at Level 5 (18 dex)
4. Neera and the Red Wizards bug: I tried this a 3 times and it worked every time. Agree to help Neera, cast fireball on the red wizards and yourself, run towards Neera and her post-fight dialogue triggers. Take her gem bag and run away. Contend with red wizard guards running all over town every time you go to Beregost.
5. Return to Nashkel, recharge Necklace of Missiles, use potion of stone Giant strength to open Joseph's Wife's house to get quest and to open Manor to get 1 potion of invisibility from Samantha's room upstairs.
6. Go to mine, grab wand of frost and stealth through the mine (Return Kylee's Dagger, 200XP; Pick up Joseph's Ring). Go all the way to Mulahey - there's an arrow trap in the middle of level 3 which I think is unavoidable unfortunately but otherwise its zero damage. The one at the end of lvl3 can be run through with monks superior speed. At this point I realized that a full wand of missiles would have been very useful. Purchase when buying Claw of kazagoth probably.
7. Revised Mulahey strategy: Buff with potion of perception (6 hours) and Shield Amulet (1 hour), try and stab Mulahey from stealth, reply that you are here from tazok and run away to stealth, try and stab him again, aggroing him, immediately run away into Xan's room, this splits the enemies so the skellie group clusters around him while the kobold group chases you around. Once the skellie group are around Mulahey, lose the group chasing you by running into the top left room, rounding the corner and stealthing. Hopefully the other group will now cluster around Mulahey, if not, repeat. Wait for Mulahey to cast buffs and then for them to expire.
Nuke with necklace from out of LoS, I found it takes about 12-15 fireballs. With experimentation and a few deaths its just too risky to go anywhere near him since his enchantments are instant game over and disrupting them requires excellent timing all for saving 2-3 fireballs.
That gives me Talos Gift for 50 lightning resist, some minor health pots, another potion of absorption, his valuable ring and some scrolls to sell. Stealth out of there.
8. Valley of the Tombs:
Grabed the potion of Frost Giant Strength as well as Heart of the Golem + 2, Chainmail + 1 and Wand of Monster summoning to sell
Return to Nashkel for 900GP and 1000XP for clearing out the mine, and Josephs Ring (800XP)
GP: 23488
9. Beregost to rest and gain second cure minor wounds, talk to Elminster, recharge necklace of missiles and kill denak's squad in spider forest offscreen without aggroing them. They seem to cluster up rather than searching, just like Mulahey. This took 20 fireballs but netted me another potion of invisibility, ring of energy, scrolls and robes to sell
ID and sell loot at High Hedge, charge necklace of missiles (again!) and ring of energy (50 charges, wow) - head to Pelvale and blag way into bandit camp. Rested 'til nightfall, drank potion of insulation and put on talos's gift, stealthed and looted bandit camp chest and then popped an invisibility potion - chapter done
XP: 43687
GP: 18866
Among the loot were Invisibility potion, Potion of Agility, The Stupifier +1 and Wand of Lightning which all netted about 2k gold. But I only got -2 reputation and needed one more. In Nashkel I found that getting caught stealing doesn't net reputation loss from Amnian Soldiers. Tried traveling back to Friendly Arm, but got the Bandit waylay with 0 chance of survival.
Ganja reloads Catalysm with the favor of Waukeen.
I faced a similar problem with the 'no innocents' rule and used a thieving potion to be able to get caught more times. You could indulge in a strength potion if you can't find enough chests in sight of others that you can bash open (though if you have 18(00) strength I have a feeling there are 3 possibilities).
You could also start chaotic good, but I dare say you don't want that familiar.
If this is just about the familiar, doesn't neutral good also give the pseudo dragon? LG and NG are the same in that regard, but only LG starts out with 12 rep.
I think you can also steal and lose rep in Candlekeep if you try to bribe the guard. Funny enough even Shank gets to call the guards if you try open the chest on the left in his presence. Just be sure to get out immediately after, because if he follows you on the way out the entire citadel will probably turn hostile.
If that doesn't work maybe Gullykin? Have never tested this though.
Finally if you're rude to Mr Coquetle when returning with his amulet you can lose a rep point to.
@histamiini, what is the rationale behind the 21 -> Cleric dual, why so late?
Edited for better formatting
Lv21 dual gives 0 base Thac0 and some fighter HLA's, and you still get 5 Cleric HLA's for useful ones.
There's a huge difference if you want them to do fighting. The pseudo gets regeneration and AC -11 + blur, the fairy gets no regeneration and AC -5 + mirror image. The big advantage of the fairy in vanilla was it got invisibility 10', but in the EE that is now only awarded in BG2.
I think there are other ways to lose reputation, though it's not something I normally need to think about:
- killing the merchants for Silke I think costs a couple.
- I have an idea that the EE did something to Caldo & Krumm and helping them cut down the tree might possibly cost you now.
- you have the option to be evil at the minesite, which may also cost reputation.
- of course you can cause carnage when you flood the mine, but that won't help you in the early stages
Btw did some testing and dualed ranger doesn't fall in the Hell even going the evil paths, as would happen with single classed ranger.
I totally understand this reaction, but the trick genuinely isn't as gamebreaking as it appears. @histamiini has already shown that even with stacked Champion's Strength scrolls and other buffs, single-classed clerics cannot deal damage fast enough to outpace Belhifet's regeneration. Other classes that might use it in a normal playthrough would also be unable to kill quickly (e.g. cleric/thieves) or else have other options (e.g. potions, wand of polymorphing) to the extent where you don't need the trick.
Its main use, in my opinion, is offer a few select classes an opportunity at passing Belhifet in the wizard slayer challenge. Even then, you have to complete the crusader attacks, Ashatiel and Avernus as a level 1 character, which isn't easy. I've done it with my C/M wizard slayer, which is one reason why I'm reluctant to give it up (or provide exact details and spoil my upcoming playthrough). If people insist it's a violation of the rules, I'll try without the trick... reserving the right to reinstate it if I fail, of course!
Personally, I'd agree with @Grond0: Chauntea should prevent all XP farming, period. Part of the appeal of low level duals is that there isn't much downtime, an advantage lost if we allow XP farming. Also (and I'm genuinely not trying to be salty here), it appears we're allowing XP farming to enable some classes (high level duals) to realistically attempt the Cataclysm challenge, but banning the Level 1 trick from enabling other classes to realistically attempt the Wizard Slayer challenge.
There is a scroll of Champion's Strength in Durlag's Tower that you can use to increase your ThAC0 significantly here. It's the only one in BG1, so you might fancy saving it, but they're easily available in SoD. I was playing around with an archer WS run and I decided that it was the best way to give a reasonable chance of taking out Mulahey, given that you have to fight him so early in the game.
Also, for what it's worth, if you have the NPC Project mod installed, there'll be bards in taverns that you can pay to decrease your reputation. May not be a kosher install if this obsoletes the relevant curse, but worth a mention.
Honestly, I'm with you. I find it counterintuitive to ban XP farming and then make an exception for the biggest offenders. A complete ban just makes more sense to me and forces us players to come up with new solutions, in the spirit of this challenge as @Grond0 said. At the same time, I'm glad to see @histamiini back in action, and I don't want to spoil anyone's plans. So I won't insist.
I agree with this. I'm also happy to see @histamiini back and I don't want their plans ruined by input from someone who likely won't attempt the challenge for quite a while. Ultimately, I'd prefer to see people attempt quirky runs - be that a cataclysmic beastmaster/cleric or a wizard slaying cleric/mage - than be annulled straight out the gates.
Plus, I think it's hilarious and it's cool that it's even possible. Besides, this challenge has always required using almost every dirty trick at our disposal. It's cool to try new challenges but the runs that use certain exploits are no less valid.
The XP farming is a tricky thing but for the moment i think that its okay to leave the gates open for some high level dual class options. Its still some work reaching 3.000.000 i do not want to spoil some interesting class options.
There is another idea for a new curse that should be full in @Grond0 style and will please Llotlh.
Lolth: No Antidots
Short and simple. Any opinions on that one?
Finally, what's the law on mod items? Any restrictions on that? In the context of Bhaal's curse, I was wondering if I could install the Silver Staff of Aule mod, so that my Beastmaster (or any cleric I might run) could at least hit Karoug.
Edit: @Harpagornis, Lolth's curse looks good to me! Are green scrolls of PfPoison and elixirs of health still allowed?
- Kahrk (BGEE)
- Karoug (BGEE)
- Demon Knight (BGEE)
- Aec´Letec (BGEE)
- Coldhearth (SoD)
- Morentherene (SoD)
- Neothelid (SoD)
- Shadow Aspect (SoD)
- Firkraag (SoA)
- Kangaxx (SoA)
- Layene (SoA)
- Saladrex (ToB)
- Demogorgon (ToB)
Maybe we could say that Charname can skip one per part plus another one that can be chosen freely among the rest? That would be 10 kills needed out of 15.
Installing the Silver Staff of Aule Mod is fine for me - maybe i should try that one too!
Okay, i will add Lolth to the curses for now - and yes - PfP scrolls are still okay while i would ban the exlixiers!
Lolth: No antidots or elixirs of health
Unfortunately Anastasia v2 is no longer no-reload, even if my experimentation with Mulahey didn't count as I died countless times in Durlag's Tower. I'm still playing since I need "practice" on the late game
Current thought: stealth is an absolute blessing in BG1 with LoB, especially since its infinite use. I have been very impressed with the monk, contrary to "popular opinion" on the low level monk, whatever that is. The improved movement speed, stealth and immunity to slow are almost made for kiting and avoiding everything solo.
1. Friendly arm inn to Cloakwood 1, south to cloakwood 2, trigger 1st web trap and run back out of LoS of the spiders. Wait to expire. Stealth past first spiders, avoid ettercaps by going west, triggering 2nd web trap out of LoS and leave to Cloakwood 3. Exit cloakwood 3 to east, cross bridge in cloakwood 4 then exit to south, avoiding all enemies.
2. Stealth into mine - I'll think of a way to deal with Drasus after I unlock Baldurs Gate.
Stealth down to Mine lvl 2 - take the long route, give rill his gold, bash open door, stealth and down to level 3 then level 4.
3. Davaeorn Strategy: Reveal hidden door but don't open from stealth, lose LoS, Buff with potion of perception (6h) and Potion of absorption (2h). Charge in like a moron, proc the dialogue, run and hide, wait for the mercs to conveniently gather and protections to expire then unload 24 fireballs. Follow up with stealth, ring of energy, stealth. Wait for contingencies to expire then keep using the ring of energy. Only took 8 charges, very powerful, thanks grond0.
Had an interesting bug where the plug key could be picked up from Dave's feet even when he was alive using quickloot bar. I reloaded later to test and it could be picked up and the mine flooded without killing Dave, but chapter 5 didn't proc so it seemed to softlock the game.
Drank a potion of cloud giant strength and looted everything - mosty things to sell + potions and protection scrolls (Another PfM - starting to wonder what I am saving these for at this point), and leveled up to 7 - the clustered mercs really provide a nice XP boost. Overall Davaeorn was much easier and safer than Mulahey and I got it on the first attempt despite flying sort of blind.
4. Left the mine and traveled back to Beregost to recharge necklace of missiles then cloakwood 1 again for the talosi cloak of non-detection (same strat as for worn whispers)
Without a ring of free action a potion of freedom would be real useful for leaving here because of spider ambushes - leaving cloakwood to get to Beregost seems to proc 2 ambushes with a high chance of Web throwing spiders and/or ettercap ambush so that's a serious challenge for anyone doing Cataclysm Tempus.
5. Get to Baldur's Gate - Recharge Necklace of Missiles, cash in robe of the evil archmagi
Sorcerous Sundries: for now bought Wand of the heavens, Potions of invisibility (3), potion of regeneration (3), Potion of Insulation (1), potion of agility (1), Cloud Giant Strength (2) PfU, PfM
Elfsong tavern: PfPetrification, 2nd Necklace of missiles
Thieves guild: dex tome, buy potion of power (1), potion of heroism (2).
North BG: Ramazith's Tower (drank potion of cloud giant strength for table, no other str potions once I got up there): Int tome, PfM, wand of paralysation to sell; 3 old kegs for 208 Ziose gems, skull
NW BG: Degrodel's House, get quest
Central BG: smash open balduran quest door, have a chat (500XP), Get cloak and helm (sold helm kept cloak). Start Necklace of Missiles 3 quest
South BG -> West BG: Skull quest (1000XP)
SE BG -> central BG: finish Necklace of Missiles 3 quest
6. Investigated the Iron Throne, entered the seven suns, talked to merchant and visited scar
had to find an inn to rest in then met Scar outside, met eltar, share investigation, teleported to candlekeep
7. Immediately drank invisibility potion to avoid ogre mages ambush -> entered candlekeep, looted fully and grabed koveras ring, arrested on top floor.
8. Teleport to secret library. Of note - resting here is required to gain DuHM to open the Str Tome tomb. I had hardly rested so I had a large backlog of dreams unseen - which I should have cleared anyway. If you are playing no resting outside of inns, it then requires the violet potion (and for safety a potion off fortitude)
With: Shield Amulet, icingdeath, RoFP, Potion of insulation + situational talos's gift giving 90% fire res, 100% lightning res and magic missile immunity the traps were neutered.
Trigger web trap then run out of LoS, wait for it to expire. Stealthed in, drink violet potion, loot, stealthed out and used minor healing pots to deal with the arrow traps (no potion of fortitude)
9. Stealthed all the way to using the protection from petrification scroll to punch the greater basilisks to death using ungodly 25 Str from the violet potion - stealth out and past the ogre mages.
10. Mopped up: ring of energy on belt-ogre for Elves Bane. Rest a bunch in Beregost to get DuHM
11. Return to Cloakwood (not recommended with Tempus - super dangerous ambushes) Kill Drasus by kiting round the mine entrance, hitting stealth and plinking away with ring of energy. I did get pinched between him and a guard but a pot of invisibility saved me. Equip those amazing boots of speed.
12. Faff around on level 1 of Durlags tower, die a bunch to traps, spiders, skeleton warriors, fear, avarice the whole works. Finally kill Love with Ring of Energy + Invulnerability potion after dumping companions all over the level - fear in wine press, pride upstairs and avarice in the top corner of the main hall, then carefully kiting Love back a forth without a hoard of spiders, greater dopplegangers and skeleton warriors noticing. The chance of getting chunked by avarice seems high as manipulation of an invisible enemy was... tricky. Much greater caution required for nR - would be worth boosting AC significantly to reduce risk.
13. Get Durlags goblet on level 2, die a whole bunch getting to level 3. Realise there is no point even trying to pass the challenge rooms for level 4. A lot of my deaths on level 2 were from a strange bug(?) where Ghasts and dopplegangers would follow me while stealthed (not invisible) - they wouldn't attack but they would chase you then mob around you. There are enough ghasts to completely surround you leaving you trapped even if you use an invisi pot.
14. Kill Durlag basilisks with 2nd PfPetrification scroll and another potion of cloud giant strength and finally attain Level 8. In hindsight, should do this first on return to Durlags - not sure if it would have gotten me level 8 before the Love etc fight. Return to Baldur's Gate.
15. Grab duke Eltan and take to Harbourmaster.
That leaves krysten and slythe, the dukes battle and the final battle. I am going to experiment to see what the best way for each is, if I can get past them at all that is. I found krysten and slythe difficult with SCS-Insane without LoB due to Slythe's invisibility and backstabbing so I expect a lot of deaths here
Btw I like the Bhaal curse. It been so long playing game certain way, that I didn't even remember that Aec'Letec was the battle after Demon Knight.
Btw @Harpagornis HoF is missing Jin the Dark Moon Monk, who eventually beat Melissan after few tries.
Murdo has made some more progress. Upon his return to Beregost from the northern coast he defeated Mirianne's ogrillons and Zhurlong's hobgoblin with the help of the Flaming Fist.
He then went to the Firewine Ruins to duel Meilum, but did poorly on his first attempt, relying on hit and retreat tactics. This was in part to misclicks when retreating. He left to buy healing potions and returned at night time. Surprisingly, Meilum was found near the bridge, with some kobolds near him. Murdo accepted that he might not be able to fight Meilum again but managed to lure his foe without the kobolds to the bridge, where he could deal with his foe using sneak attacks.
Having faced several more ambushes (bandits, hobgoblins, and skeletons/ghouls), Murdo realized he would benefit from regeneration. He entered Black Alaric's cave, where he used a first greenstone amulet charge to protect himself against the hold and charm traps. He repeatedly hid behind the stalactite to destroy the three flesh golems with sneak attacks.
At Durlag's Tower Murdo took his chances with the repeating Chromatic Orb trap in the corridor toward the basilisks, knowing that if he'd get affected it would not be in sight of the nearby ghast. He made his save anyway. The green PfPetrification scroll protected Murdo more than long enough against the four basilisks' gazes as he attacked the creatures from the shadows.
On his way out, he inched forward, very carefully, getting hit by the Chromatic Orb trap at the exact trap location and not a few steps forward which would have been in the ghast's line of sight. He got stunned indeed, but could safely wait out the effect in the comforting knowledge that he'd saved himself a greenstone amulet charge.
During a nightly visit of Mutamin's garden, Korax helped Murdo reach level 7, with yet another outstanding HP roll: 14 HPs out of a maximum of 15. With Murdo attacking paralyzed basilisks using the Army Scythe if other basilisks were nearby and with his staff if there weren't, it looked like the pair might just clear Mutamin and all the basilisks in time, but Korax went hostile while attacking the last basilisk (the one to the east, near the paralyzed bear). This was probably due to Korax having to kill one of the lesser basilisks, which saved every time vs paralysis, and Mutamin, whose PfNM prevented Murdo from harming him, all on his own.
Still there's no reason to complain. Murdo is now a level 7 Beastmaster with 119 HPs, 22 from familiar. He has only 25 kills to his name, but he's made them count. He's also pretty well-equipped, though he'd love to have a potion case.
reporting back - no charm makes it brutal. The furthest I have got is parking slythe then taking down krysten from out of LoS. If only she had the invitations... The tactics don't work for slythe though - he stealths and moves as soon as he is out of LoS and his backstabs will take off 1/2 my health pool. I can land the odd fireball on him but never below barely injured. Really missing the wand of monster summoning about now.
Tymora got an upgrade that we already had discussed earlier:
- Tymora: Random number of Hit Points on level up and no INT-buffing for scroll scribing.
I hope thats okay for everyone!