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The LoB + SCS Solo Challenge vs Bhaal´s Cataclysm



  • histamiinihistamiini Member Posts: 1,473
    edited December 2017

    Important: Disarmed the deadly trap in the Bugbear Cave!

    Is there any tips to protect yourself against these, other than knowing where they are?

    Post edited by histamiini on
  • HarpagornisHarpagornis Member Posts: 1,658
    edited December 2017
    When not playing a Thief-like-character i normally try to remember where the traps are and what type of damage or CC they deliver so i can buff up and negate them. Against raw damage traps like the Bugbear one i only see two options: Eat the damage or combine Boots of Speed + Oil of Speed so the trap will - maybe - not trigger at all. If you run over it in a straight line you have a ~50% chance of avoiding it. Tested it with the Bugbear trap some minutes ago. Its damage vary significantly from 4x - 1XX damage. Really crazy! :D

    As a Mage you always can use Stoneskin to absorb raw damage traps. Or Ironskin as Druid. Works wonders! ;)

    P.S. I think there are some maps around where other players marked the traps. Maybe someone can give you a link! ;)
  • Grond0Grond0 Member Posts: 7,461

    P.S. I think there are some maps around where other players marked the traps. Maybe someone can give you a link! ;)

    It seems too cheesy for me to use, but if you want to you can use ctrl-4 to display all the triggers on the map, e.g. exits, notices - and traps.
  • histamiinihistamiini Member Posts: 1,473
    edited December 2017
    Nah, I think I'm just going to Stoneskin it, death is the best way to learn anyway. I'm starting to create the character, and I've couple questions already. Is wisdom a complete dump stat for F/M/T, and is there best alignment? It affects familiar and starting reputation I think, but UAI will make it pointless for items.
  • histamiinihistamiini Member Posts: 1,473
    @Harpagornis That's pretty hardcore to stop there, I wouldn't. :#
  • histamiinihistamiini Member Posts: 1,473
    edited December 2017
    @Harpagornis Damn those were some good points. The only trap I currently remember is the maze trap in Heprenaan quarters, but it's a chest which should be a red flag always I think. I was planning using Drizzt Scimitars, I always do, because they are lv 1 weapons all the way through SoD, so I'm taking the risk with Unholy Blight.
  • Grond0Grond0 Member Posts: 7,461

    It was definetly some kind of bug. I did this fight dozens of times now and something like this never happened.

    Wisdom is more or less a dumb stat and the only handicap i could remember would be the Wish spell. But Potions should fix this?!

    Re Yestimell is there any possibility that you did things out of sequence this time, e.g. attacked him before he turns hostile on examination?

    Re wish a F/M/T could only cast this from scroll. Given the scarcity of those scrolls, use of the spell therefore only becomes an issue if you're using either images or scroll duplication - and if you're doing that you could just use potion duplication to ensure you're never short of those.
  • HarpagornisHarpagornis Member Posts: 1,658
    edited December 2017
    "@Grond0 avoiding risks" - that made my day! B)
  • histamiinihistamiini Member Posts: 1,473
    @Grond0 But doesn't helmet protect you from critical hits, or is that from the extra damage?
  • HarpagornisHarpagornis Member Posts: 1,658
    edited December 2017
    Damn, i would like to play on with Xaghul but a really bad headache keeps me away. Better taking no risks - no? :D

    However: Xaghul finished his business in Baldurs Gate and is ready for another March to Dragonspear. Lets hope he will not get death-trapped, charmed, petrified, overrun or bugged down. It has been some time since i have met Big B. Time to get another invitation... :D

    Good luck to our "new" starters @histamiini and @Victor_Creed_SFV! And a cool head for @Grond0! You will need it! B)

    P.S. Helms protect you only from taking double damage via crits - not from the hit itself. ;)
  • Victor_Creed_SFVVictor_Creed_SFV Member Posts: 609

    P.S. Helms protect you only from taking double damage via crits - not from the hit itself. ;)

    Imagine they would, LoB wouldn't be that bad. :P
  • histamiinihistamiini Member Posts: 1,473
    edited December 2017
    One got rolling. Albert and Rufie got me to first lv up, and now I could pick pocket Algernon's cloak. Next I did some more xp hunts with deserter Samuel, Drienne's cat, killed Vitiare with bow, gave Hentold's dagger to the Reaver. Then I charmed guard in Friendly Arm Inn, and made it attack the Hobgoblins so I could get Joias ring. But apparently the guard was too weak and got destroyed. So I retreated to the fort, and the Hobbos came after me. Then I just kited them around when guards killed them, this was good tactic. So I lured the other Hobbo mob to the fort and guards killed them for me. This took a while.

    Got another lv up and massive 4 hp boost to 17. Gave the bowl to Tenya, another level to 23 hp. Now I could tank a skeleton, got its skull and restored Melicamp. Then I decided I've suffered enough and went to petrify some Basilisks, armed with PfP and StF, I first protected myself, then charmed a lesser Basilisk and protected it. Made it attack a greater Basilisk which it pertrified, and which I turned back to flesh. This went a while and pretty smoothly until my Basilisk started meleeing the opponent and I couldn't make it attack with it's gaze anymore, and it got killed. So I decided to stop xp farming there, got to level 5/4/5 and 47 hp. Is there a way to force it to gaze?

    Next I visited the lake and admired the scenery about 10 minutes after which I noticed some nice loot on the ground. Drizzt armor netted 5k gold, so it was time to buy some spells. Invisibility, MM, Mirror Image. Went to the Ghast cave being invisible and looted the Wand of Monster Summoning, and then drank invisibility potion and guickly made my escape. Armed with invisibility and WoMS I was starting to feel more secure. Neera died and she didn't need her gem bag anymore so I picked it up. Killed Silke with WoMS, she hit me with some yellow ball once, but it got saved. With the help of invisibility visited Meilum, who succumber with WoMS, got his gauntlets. Feeling pretty powerful it was time to take Bassilus down. WoMS was doing good job, until again I got shot by the yellow ball, this time it wasn't saved and I got charmed, or confused. Luckily the WoMS did it's job.

    This another close call was clearly a sign that it was time to pick up the Greenstone Amulet. With the same visit I could pick pocket Dushai for his Ring of Free Action. Got third last level of 5/5/6 in Baldur's Gate, which got me lv 3 spells. But damn there's only two "hp" level ups to go and I'm still sitting at 53 hp and 3rd spell level. Suddenly not feeling that great...

  • Victor_Creed_SFVVictor_Creed_SFV Member Posts: 609
    Charm instantly kills you, so greenstone is advised when facing mages who can charm.
  • histamiinihistamiini Member Posts: 1,473
    Yeah I don't know why I didn't pick it up earlier, it's not even that expensive.
  • histamiinihistamiini Member Posts: 1,473
    edited December 2017
    Time to force Tarnesh out of my way. My plan was, Free Action, Shield for MM and Greenstone Amulet for status effects, and WoMS. And yet still something unexpected happened, as Tarnesh cast Horror against me. I was of course unaffected but my summons weren't. Only one summon remained, but he could tank Tarnesh spells out, then I joined and we killed him.

    Tried snares first time ever against the fetish Ogre, why did two snares give three missile hits? Anyway it did 47 damage and WoMS finished the Ogre off. Then I tried snares again against the two Ogrillons. I put two down, then lured them in, but accidentally clicked the edge of the map and map appeared. I quickly cancelled but apparently my snares cancelled too, and I had to kite them out with a bow. I needed more umph so I bought a skull trap to give company to my snares, and replenished WoMS with 10k, ouch. Does it really cancel the snares if you click on the edge of the map?
  • Grond0Grond0 Member Posts: 7,461

    Is there a way to force it to gaze?

    Retreat it out of sight of enemies and wait for a round before going back again.

    Does it really cancel the snares if you click on the edge of the map?

    Shouldn't do, no.
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