Favourite Movie/TV Series music
I was just thinking about some music I'd like to add to the favourite videogame, classical, folk musics thead and noticed that they would be off topic as they were actually movies or TV series music..

The original Battlestar Galactica was also amazing... I could never understand why the new version didn't even make anything resembling it...
And of course I couldn't forget Stargate...
And before someone says I'm only mentioning science fiction...
TV Series
Enterprise theme was amazing.. I always thought it resumed the spirit of Star Trek even if some people complained it was not in Star Trek style

The original Battlestar Galactica was also amazing... I could never understand why the new version didn't even make anything resembling it...

And of course I couldn't forget Stargate...

Well... no explanations needed...
And before someone says I'm only mentioning science fiction...

Post edited by mlnevese on
Twin Peaks main theme, Angelo Badalamenti:
A lot of the Twin Peaks special featurs on the DVD collection are cringeworthy, but Badalamenti feature was super touching. (sorry for ten hours, but it was the first decent sound balancing I found) I was and am always rallied at the intro titles thanks to music and cinematograhphy coming together so perfectly.
Inspector Morse main theme, Barrington Pheloung:
I just love the char of Inspector Morse on TV to distraction - and this theme spelling out "M.O.R.S.E." in the morse code at the very start is so intellectually and emotinally cutting, that this will probably be my favorite theme unto all times.
Not to mention the rhytmic change at about 2:00 - when was I ever fan of that? ;-)
The Badalamenti exposé allowed me to see why creative artits could tolerate the Lynch finger wobble affectation - the way the two of them mapped out Laura's journey to darkness, redemption and beyond was just so... just, and somehow deeply touching.
As to Pheloung, the cleverness, the charming flippant quality of Morse was fully understood in that amazing morse code introduction, I think - with that never fulfilled romantic nature followed up on that haunting score that followed, and that rhytmic change - what a two minute man, Pheloung, eh! ;-)
I am so thankful I saw this first at 70 mm in a Paris retro cinema - I truly and deeply regret seeing Lion King opening sequence at DVD, only, but this I think I'd regret more.
Lion King was a master piece thou - if you have not seen it yet, try to see it in cinema proper, if you can!
The original Galactica theme had that epic feel to it that actually matches the spirit of the story. The last survivors of a species looking for a place to call home.
Skyfall theme was a stroke of genius. The lyrics take on a completely new meaning after you watch the movie..
It is just that I as a fan I am curious, and love to know. Such as Morse spelled out in Morse code - once you know it is there, it is so epic. I'd not have noticed, even if I was a major Morse fan and loved the theme music. Before I read an exposé by the composer Pheloung. I so appreciated it.