fighter/mage. Dual or multi, i tried both for about 5-6 mins, but i always feels bad about using them. I used to play with cleric/ranger, but nowdays i only use single classes. My new plan is an undead hunter play, because i never finished paladin, and an enchanter or some custom mage class.
I never use rings of free action, or the free action spell.
I thought that was common behaviour because of haste spam.
Which reminds me:
I very rarely use haste or boots of speed. Haste maybe only for boss battles (like dragons, get back into battle quickly after a wing buffet) , but that maybe it. I loke taking the long scenic route I guess.
I hardly ever use kensais or sorcerers. Compared to most people I use very little arcane magic and practically no divine magic.
Although I dual wield sometimes I use two handed swords way more.
I'm also allergic to the rest button.
On the flip side, I reckon I use berserkers, thieves, scrolls and potions way more than most people. It's not unknown for me to buy every single useful scroll or potion it is possible to get your hands on. And they get consumed like they're going out of fashion. I'm quite happy to consume tens of thousands of gps worth of items to get through even relatively mundane fights
That also reminds me: I hate 1 use per day items. Just too much micro to remember whether you've used those items yet and swap over rings or weapons to cast that effect. They usually get sold at the earliest convenience.
I much prefer passive effect items or items with fixed charges - no micro needed, just use them when you need them and you're not wasting anything if you happen not to use them.
I've run through most of the options in the game at one point or another, but it is rare for me to dual-class. It feels very cheesy, and plus I usually don't have the patience for it. Just to see if I could do it, I once imported a Berserker 7 / Thief 8 from the Black Pits into BG:EE and did a minimal-reload minimal-time run to see if I could beat the game solo, and if so, how quickly (I succeeded, and I did it in one sitting). That was fun, but I think it is honestly my one and only dual-class character (maybe once I dualed Shar-Teel over to thief?).
I seldom, maybe never, use the cleric spell list to its full potential. Oh, sure, I might cast a Bless here, a Command there, Protection from Evil 10' Radius when it matters, and I use Defensive Harmony like an emergency button (casting time 1 for a group +2 AC bonus? Yes please). Clerics have so many interesting and powerful self-buffs, and additional group buffs I could be abusing... and I basically almost never do, even if they are memorized. I seldom use their offensive spells either, other than Command and Greater Command. I can't say never, but it's once in a blue moon. I don't have this problem with druids, I feel like I am constantly optimizing my druid caster spell lists, but not my clerics.
Dual-wielding is demonstrably effective, and I just about never use it. Now that you can keep a shield or weapon in your off hand while using a bow or other two-handed weapon, though, that could change in the future. Old habits die hard though, I am a sucker for shields and various two-handed weapons.
It is rare for me to use limited-use items. I drink potions when I must (or if I have an overwhelming abundance of them, such as when I had a stack of 20 Potions of Heroism on Minsc), and if I have trouble with a fight I might consider using a wand. I basically never cast scrolls, and I tend to forget that charged items (either limited use or # per day) exist, so they sit equipped without ever getting used. The Greenstone Amulet and The One Gift Given definitely count as examples here, I might have used each of those... once. Ever. Daily use items aren't much better, but I occasionally see them and remember to use them... very rarely.
I hardly ever use Simulacrum with mages. I find it way inferior to Project Image, which I can abuse heavily. Simulacrum is though wonderful for melee or ranged fighters, with item randomiser I can't find Vhailor's Helm easily, so that counts too. I found it once with an archer and it was fun, he could rain down destruction with his simulacrum. Double the damage and massacree. Still, I don't ever memorise this spell with a mage, even with Jan.
I never dual class because I think there's too much game content that goes by during downtime of the first class that renders the character unable to fill their party role effectively.
I never dual wield because I watched Lindy Beige on YouTube demonstrating why it's a total fantasy that would never work in real life. Now dual wielding totally breaks my immersion because I can see it as ridiculous (I like a pretty high amount of realism in my games or I can't maintain my suspension of disbelief).
I never dual class because I think there's too much game content that goes by during downtime of the first class that renders the character unable to fill their party role effectively.
I never dual wield because I watched Lindy Beige on YouTube demonstrating why it's a total fantasy that would never work in real life. Now dual wielding totally breaks my immersion because I can see it as ridiculous (I like a pretty high amount of realism in my games or I can't maintain my suspension of disbelief).
To be fair, I think that even 18/percentile strength is also a fantasy, let alone anything stronger than that. Wearing a girdle of giant strength might make it more plausible that you could pull that off.
Well sure, nobody did dual wielding, but charname isn't a nobody! It wasn't practical but there are plenty of things that could make it legit in D&D such as magical weapons with reduced weight and superhuman strength. I can also imagine that my charname is one of those movie heroes who flips around with his two weapons and fights very energically.
I believe Ser Dayne uses 2 weapons in GoT and his fight scene makes for a situational situation where dual wielding would seem like a legit choice.(link S6 spoiler)
It obviously isn't realistic because he fights like his weapons have no weight and is able to strike with strength even with a single hand. Turns out it's exactly what my charname does whenever he is a dual wielding character!
Plausible or not, it's true that two-weapon fighting in BG should probably have been toned down a little bit. The benefits of this particular proficiency make it viable (even preferable) from level 1 if you're a warrior-type, to the point where not dual wielding is actually a conscious choice of not optimizing your character.
Maybe if the penalties were more severe and/or harder to mitigate, two-weapon fighting would be more of a thing only high level characters (such as Drizzt) would do, when your THAC0 is ridiculously low anyway.
Edit: or maybe it could be restricted to light weapons (nothing larger than a short sword) on the shield slot.
I remember making a build in NWN2 involving Monkey Grip in order to dual wield scythes. Suboptimal as far as powergaming goes but it felt really cool for some reason.
More on topic I never use Belm nor Kundane. I do give the Scarlet Ninja-To to thieves and mage/thieves sometimes but the first two stay in my backpack, forever alone and unloved.
I remember making a build in NWN2 involving Monkey Grip in order to dual wield scythes. Suboptimal as far as powergaming goes but it felt really cool for some reason.
Literally the first thing I thought of when I read this:
Duel-wielding for the same reasons as above... I accept the point about realism in a magical world, but for me the biomechanics just seem silly. The video's comparison to a tennis player sums my feelings up nicely.
I will use speed weapons, but only as main hands to help low-apr characters mop up trash mobs (where other weapon effects are less necessary).
Yeah, realism need to be thrown out of the window, otherwise no one would ever wear anything other than shield and mace/warhammer or polearms. Swords vs armor was not really used that much either (edit: I mean onehanded swords).
If you like lindybeige I can also recommend Schola Gladiatoria. Matt Easten (I think is his name) does a great job of showing his viewers what was actually used and how, if anyone is interrested. Some prefer Skallagrim and even though I watch his uploads from time to time I think Schola G is better.
Dual-wielding has a few legitimate uses in eastern martial arts... but they're not actually all that practical and are more for showing off, although I believe some were used in actual warfare for morale. I'm not sure about anywhere else but Chinese media loves the hell out of the style.
Swords vs armor was not really used that much either.
It should be noted that sword technology improved as armor technology improved. There is a two-handed weapon known as an estoc that is a thrusting two-handed sword. The blade is unsharpened and narrow but thick, with a diamond-shaped column that comes tapering to a very narrow and powerful thrusting point. The estoc wielder would target weak points of the armor such as joints around the armpit and shoulder, etc., places where the narrow tip would find purchase with a powerful thrust behind it. Big slashing attacks don't really work against full plate armor (sorry claymores), as you end up just causing a little concussive damage to the guy in the armor. Swords can be effective against heavy armor, it just has to be the right kind of sword. Also, I believe some guy with 17 Strength wielding a Germanic zweihander could break your limbs (including your neck) without breaking your armor. Even then, thrusting attacks were preferred against heavy armor.
Whoops, I didn't mean to derail the thread. @JuliusBorisov , Feel free to split out the dual-wielding discussion if it keeps going and you think my unintentional derail is bad for the topic.
I only recently used Celestial Fury, although I think that was partially because I don't like using katanas (not a fan of weaboosim over here) and partly because I find that encounter with Sion and buddies to be bothersome. That said, I think my run with it showed me pretty well why it's considered an OP weapon.
Which reminds me:
I very rarely use haste or boots of speed. Haste maybe only for boss battles (like dragons, get back into battle quickly after a wing buffet) , but that maybe it. I loke taking the long scenic route I guess.
Although I dual wield sometimes I use two handed swords way more.
I'm also allergic to the rest button.
On the flip side, I reckon I use berserkers, thieves, scrolls and potions way more than most people. It's not unknown for me to buy every single useful scroll or potion it is possible to get your hands on. And they get consumed like they're going out of fashion. I'm quite happy to consume tens of thousands of gps worth of items to get through even relatively mundane fights
I much prefer passive effect items or items with fixed charges - no micro needed, just use them when you need them and you're not wasting anything if you happen not to use them.
Really ought to try it but of the thief classes, Swashbuckler is my go to.
However I'm playing SCS and people drop invisibility potions like litter so perhaps in a future run...
I seldom, maybe never, use the cleric spell list to its full potential. Oh, sure, I might cast a Bless here, a Command there, Protection from Evil 10' Radius when it matters, and I use Defensive Harmony like an emergency button (casting time 1 for a group +2 AC bonus? Yes please). Clerics have so many interesting and powerful self-buffs, and additional group buffs I could be abusing... and I basically almost never do, even if they are memorized. I seldom use their offensive spells either, other than Command and Greater Command. I can't say never, but it's once in a blue moon. I don't have this problem with druids, I feel like I am constantly optimizing my druid caster spell lists, but not my clerics.
Dual-wielding is demonstrably effective, and I just about never use it. Now that you can keep a shield or weapon in your off hand while using a bow or other two-handed weapon, though, that could change in the future. Old habits die hard though, I am a sucker for shields and various two-handed weapons.
It is rare for me to use limited-use items. I drink potions when I must (or if I have an overwhelming abundance of them, such as when I had a stack of 20 Potions of Heroism on Minsc), and if I have trouble with a fight I might consider using a wand. I basically never cast scrolls, and I tend to forget that charged items (either limited use or # per day) exist, so they sit equipped without ever getting used. The Greenstone Amulet and The One Gift Given definitely count as examples here, I might have used each of those... once. Ever. Daily use items aren't much better, but I occasionally see them and remember to use them... very rarely.
I never dual wield because I watched Lindy Beige on YouTube demonstrating why it's a total fantasy that would never work in real life. Now dual wielding totally breaks my immersion because I can see it as ridiculous (I like a pretty high amount of realism in my games or I can't maintain my suspension of disbelief).
I believe Ser Dayne uses 2 weapons in GoT and his fight scene makes for a situational situation where dual wielding would seem like a legit choice.(link S6 spoiler)
It obviously isn't realistic because he fights like his weapons have no weight and is able to strike with strength even with a single hand. Turns out it's exactly what my charname does whenever he is a dual wielding character!
So you don't use magic?
Compared to waving a couple of swords around, ADHW or skeleton warriors, for instance, would really make me raise an eyebrow or two.
"How'd you do that then, seems a bit impossible" says random NPC.
"Yeah but look, no dual wielding, totally realistic" answers Charname.
Maybe if the penalties were more severe and/or harder to mitigate, two-weapon fighting would be more of a thing only high level characters (such as Drizzt) would do, when your THAC0 is ridiculously low anyway.
Edit: or maybe it could be restricted to light weapons (nothing larger than a short sword) on the shield slot.
More on topic I never use Belm nor Kundane. I do give the Scarlet Ninja-To to thieves and mage/thieves sometimes but the first two stay in my backpack, forever alone and unloved.
So ridiculously stupid yet awesome.
I will use speed weapons, but only as main hands to help low-apr characters mop up trash mobs (where other weapon effects are less necessary).
If you like lindybeige I can also recommend Schola Gladiatoria. Matt Easten (I think is his name) does a great job of showing his viewers what was actually used and how, if anyone is interrested. Some prefer Skallagrim and even though I watch his uploads from time to time I think Schola G is better.