Staples You Never Use

So, basically the idea here is to discuss the inverse of underrated gems. What options does everybody seem to rave about using and say are the best, that you never seem to use yourself? This doesn't mean that you think these options are bad or even overrated, necessarily, you just never have time for them.
Speaking for myself, it's been ages since I've actually bothered with a fighter-mage at all, and I've never bothered with the dreaded Kensage, although I have done Berserker-mage a couple times in the past. It's not that I think it's a bad way to go; I do, in fact, think they're quite powerful, but it just doesn't capture my imagination much, I guess. I also don't use blades, well, ever, really, primarily because I don't find them very bard-like, so I tend to use Skalds more, or just the vanilla bard when I play Icewind Dale.
So, what are your thoughts, guys?
Speaking for myself, it's been ages since I've actually bothered with a fighter-mage at all, and I've never bothered with the dreaded Kensage, although I have done Berserker-mage a couple times in the past. It's not that I think it's a bad way to go; I do, in fact, think they're quite powerful, but it just doesn't capture my imagination much, I guess. I also don't use blades, well, ever, really, primarily because I don't find them very bard-like, so I tend to use Skalds more, or just the vanilla bard when I play Icewind Dale.
So, what are your thoughts, guys?
Minsc dual wields axes if I have him.
My Paladins always sword and board and Keldorn is usually dropped back at home before I get Carsomyr.
If I am two-handing, I usually go halberd using Dragon Bane & Breath and Wave.
For example, Time Stop. I get the impression that many players use it constantly once they get to the point where their Mage(s) can do so, whereas in a complete run I'll typically cast Time Stop just a couple of times, and I think I may once have finished without ever using it at all. Not because I've ever consciously refrained from using Time Stop, but simply because I rarely find myself in a situation where I feel it's the most urgent spell to cast next ... and then the battle is usually over before I get around to using Time Stop.
There are things which I never do, but I'm not sure whether they qualify as staples because I'm not sure that others use them much either.
For example, Disintegrate. (Do other people use it much?) In all my runs over all these years, I don't think I've yet cast it even once. Why not? Because it destroys the loot as well as the enemy, so there's always something else I prefer to have my Mage(s) memorise. For the same reason, I don't think I've ever petrified an enemy with Flesh to Stone, nor exiled an enemy with Imprisonment. (Yes, I know you can release the enemy after either of the latter and get the xp twice, but that's too cheesy for my taste.)
Some other things I tend not to do:
I've said as much in the unpopular opinion thread, but I also agree with deltago about two-handed weapons. There are very few circumstances where you want to use two-handed weapons, and most of them don't involve being an APR progressing class until you have the Whirlwind Attack HLA. Not to mention the fact that, with all the buffing items available in the game you can easily get 10 APR without a mage in the party supplying Improved Haste. Therefore it might be pertinent to mention that I tend to not take Improved Haste on my party Mages.
I also never understood why people raved about Warhammers on Clerics. They have the best Str buffs in the game. They don't need, and can't make as good a use of, a powerful main-hand item like Crom Faeyr when compared to Fighter classes.
I also use a party Mage as the tank--or Cleric if he/she is running low on spells. Never a fighter.
I've also never made a Conjurer. My mages so far have been Illusionists, Enchanters and a Diviner. Still haven't made a Transmuter yet, despite my love of the specialization.
The fighter/druid dual is the only dual I'd argue to be straight up better than its multi-class equivalent, and even then it gives up the rather powerful fighter HLAs for not being crippled in casting.
Erm, anyways... can't say I care much for berserkers. I just find barbarians to be more useful overall.
As for casters as tanks, I do that when the fighter can't handle the bad guys in front of me, but otherwise, I'm kind of hyperconservative with spells, which is why I've actually been transitioning away from casters entirely and more towards fighters and thieves, whose resources aren't as limited by rests.
@JumboWheat01 I never use Conjurers either. Actually, people who follow my posts will know that I've been making the case for Diviners as the best mage kit if you want to lose as few good spells as possible (while also not risking wild magic).
@Artemius_I Interesting. I just finished a cleric/mage run (with Aerie also in tow, for that matter), so I don't think I'll do it again for a bit, but it occured to me that Priest of Helm/Mage would be better, since their Sword power counters the APR problem that non-fighters have. Lathander has the boon, but that's only 2 APR instead of 3 for the sword, so what else do you think that offers?
Every multiclass' parts compliment the sum of its whole beautifully. I think people just get it stuck in their heads that they have to play as one of the two (or three) classes they've chosen, or switch between styles, all the while they've forgotten that they have their own style by virtue of blending the classes together. This is why I highly recommend people try solo playthroughs. It really forces you to discover what a class (or class combination) has to offer. Agreed. That, coupled with the fact that Clerics can't use speed weapons, is what I was referring to when I wrote, "and can't make as good a use of." I find most encounters can be resolved by one or two spells that completely shut down the opposition. In these instances no one is tanking because there is no need for them to. When you really need to tank (especially on higher difficulties) it's too important to be taking no damage at all (particularly in no-reload runs) which is something Fighters can't do.
I also got over the idea that I couldn't rest when I wanted to a long time ago, which really freed up casters for me.
To add another "staple I never use" to the list: healing spells. With all the rings, rods, potions, swords, etc. in the game that provide recovery, there's really no need to memorize any healing spells at all. I also consider it a failure on my part if anyone suffers significant damage during a fight. It means I wasn't doing something right. I even champion this idea in PnP.
For vanilla: spell immunity, spell shield, pfmw, mantle spells, hlas and hla spells. Simulacra, clerics, paladins. All the best advocated duals and multis. I think I am kind of boring in vanilla games.
I always have a mage or two, but I definitely underuse them in favor of ranged attackers and divine magic. I usually reserve them for area damage spells, like fireball or cloudkill, or dispelling, like the absolutely necessary breach, but I get along fine with cleric buffing/debuffing and straight up combat.
2. I avoid using consumables, particularly wands, scrolls, and the more powerful potions. I try to stick just to healing potions with maybe some antidotes and potions of invisibility on hand for emergencies. Particularly in BG2 if you have to rely on these crutches to win a battle you probably should reevaluate your strategy or come back later with more experience.
3. Dual-classing is too annoying for me to bother with most of the time.
4. Mislead and Project Image are not allowed in my runs and I'm careful not to overly abuse Simulacrum or Vhailor's Helm.
5. Time Stop and Improved Alacrity are tools I only utilize if I have to (and I almost never combine the 2). I have way more fun with Summon Planetar, Energy Blades, and Dragon's Breath anyway.
Based on the last ~7 posts it sounds like there's a lot of hate for using duplication spells. Why? It's not like these spells matter in a game where you can rest almost whenever you want. Can't think of a fight where using a project image to cast another set of my spells or quickslot items first would have actually mattered. Even with mods like Ascension and SCS turned all the way up. Simulacrum? Maybe if it was a fighter or thief duo/triple. Even then, not necessary. Bottom line: the spells and abilities you're duplicating are what's strong, not the unnecessary ability to cast them the Nth time.
The one conventionally powerful build I like is a Shadowdancer/Mage, simply because it's the perfect choice for a no-reload Charname. It's not as strong as other builds, but it has the best escape options at every stage of the game.
weapons like one handed axes and staves and morningstars are way more unusual and interesting! spice it up further by using single weapon style (dat crit bonus)