What is your reputation around the time of the return to Candlekeep?
Member Posts: 1,163
I want to write a simple reputation mod, but in order to guess how big an adjustment would work best I need to know the Reputation of people's parties around the time they are accused of murdering the leaders of the Iron Throne.
As for me, I've generally played good-aligned parties, but not always doing every laudable quest, and sometimes I had to donate to make up for a few wrongs, so my Reputation at that point was 15-16 or so. Those who push the heroic theme can probably have it under 20 by then, but I realize that evil-aligned parties will want to keep it low. But how low? After all, a little under average already brings bounty hunters and the Flaming Fist on the characters' heads, and that's just inconvenient. So when playing with an evil party I preferred to keep my reputation in the neutral zone, around 12, even though it always made me dream of discounts. What about you? Let's talk about your current party, or if you prefer, your favorite one. You can also share your thoughts on the inconvenience of low Reputation, if notice that.
Return to Candlekeep is Chapter Six.
As for me, I've generally played good-aligned parties, but not always doing every laudable quest, and sometimes I had to donate to make up for a few wrongs, so my Reputation at that point was 15-16 or so. Those who push the heroic theme can probably have it under 20 by then, but I realize that evil-aligned parties will want to keep it low. But how low? After all, a little under average already brings bounty hunters and the Flaming Fist on the characters' heads, and that's just inconvenient. So when playing with an evil party I preferred to keep my reputation in the neutral zone, around 12, even though it always made me dream of discounts. What about you? Let's talk about your current party, or if you prefer, your favorite one. You can also share your thoughts on the inconvenience of low Reputation, if notice that.
Return to Candlekeep is Chapter Six.
- What is your reputation around the time of the return to Candlekeep?57 votes
- 3 and under, actively villainous  3.51%
- 3-5, hunted  1.75%
- 6-9, generally disliked  5.26%
- 10-12, neutral  7.02%
- 13-15, on the handsome side  8.77%
- 16-18, near paragons  5.26%
- 19-20, oh my61.40%
- Special (please explain)  7.02%
when I am rolling evil, it hovers from 3-5.
when I am rolling neutral, it hovers 13-18.
Currently @ 11 on our way back to Candlekeep!
even if your rep is crap the time you hit chapter 5, there are quite a few quests in bg the city that will increase your rep as well
and even with an evil team I usually hover around 16-17 rep ( since in reality if people are complimenting on good rep and complaining on bad rep, it really doesn't make a difference either way so lulz to the evil chums)
also, the reason why I like keeping the rep a bit high is the bhaal spawn abilities you get,
and even back in the days when I killed drizzt and took a reputation hit, I could easily hit back up to 20 before the bandit camp without having to donate money to any temple, plus 20 rep is quite useful as well, 25% discount on things you buy ( even though there is so much money in the game, but at early points in the game it can be nice) and it gives a +4 reaction bonus to NPC checks ( again if you have 19 cha it almost doesn't matter, but still nice to have)
It's not like reputation system allows you to be despised hero or loved villain... If there is something that definitely needs an overhaul is the repuation system. It sucks, makes little sense and is limiting.
The only characters that aren't paragons of virtue are my evil characters. And because of how difficult it is to play the game with a party reputation below 6, even they don't have THAT low of a reputation (usually between 7 and 9).
On a side note, the reputation system (especially in BG1) is REALLY bad. With the game being rife with opportunities to increase your reputation while simultaneously having hardly any means of lowering it (short of offing some poor sod), most characters are very limited in how they play. Either they are saints, helping everyone and everything with nary a thought about a reward, or they're murderous psychopaths, willing to partake in any base activity, simply because they can. Any attempt at a middle ground eventually pushes you toward the good side of the spectrum unless you partake in some serious metagaming (for me, it's repeatedly getting caught stealing while in Flaming fist territory and evading arrest).
My number one gripe with low Reputation, though, is not that getting there is difficult, but that everyone tries to kill me like a dog. What I should like to see instead is bounty hunters and the Flaming Fist descend on the party if they've committed some specific offenses in a certain number - like killed several children and more than several innocents, which should be tallied in a global variable. No amount of stealing should count towards this. When that variable gets above a threshold, then you become wanted until the end of the game, and nothing or only some special-case redemption can change that. Ruining Sarevok's plans and saving the Dukes of Baldur's Gate may be such a case - clearing your record, so to speak. But otherwise that reaction should be fixed, and Reputation should be separate and float up or down as the game develops.
Some of this is easy to implement, but only the experts around this place can judge the rest.
but mostly I play good so 20 well before the return to Candlekeep vast majority of the time tbh
EDIT: Comments like these are frustrating because I spent a lot of time and thought into keeping rep increases low. But there you go.
EDIT2: Oh, and for the slime quest, the family quest and the babysitting quest there are evil solutions that also lead to a rep decrease. So, for these three you have the choice: rep increase, no rep change, rep decrase, depending on the PC's actions and choices.
That isn't to say you should not try - rep as a reward is a nice ego boost for the goodly types, even without XP, and that may be an interesting trade-off. Some resolutions boost xp, but role-play the goodly line, and you give up the XP for a satisfying conclusion with a rep boost instead?
And I forgot to give XP in the first version of the mod (and also because I didn't want to off-balance XP increase), and no, it wasn't recieved well.