Name the Community Magazine!

Thank you all for your suggestions to name the new community magazine here on the Beamdog Forums. After consulting with some drunken monkey's we have narrowed the list of names down to a small handful.
Please select the name that you wish to name the community magazine. The winner will be revealed in the next issue. (well it will be revealed by showing the show results or voting, but ya!)
*If you vote for The Wizard's Scroll, please note we actually need to find an alternative name for it as that name has been taken. Moving the punctuation won't help (@God). So if you can think of something similar, mention it in the comments below.
Thanks again for all the feedback from the magazine. We all look forward to releasing the next issue to you all in March.
Please select the name that you wish to name the community magazine. The winner will be revealed in the next issue. (well it will be revealed by showing the show results or voting, but ya!)
*If you vote for The Wizard's Scroll, please note we actually need to find an alternative name for it as that name has been taken. Moving the punctuation won't help (@God). So if you can think of something similar, mention it in the comments below.
Thanks again for all the feedback from the magazine. We all look forward to releasing the next issue to you all in March.
- Name the Community Magazine!42 votes
- The Monthly Turnip28.57%
- d Infinity/ d∞11.90%
- The Conjurer  0.00%
- The IMP  7.14%
- Wild Surge38.10%
- The Wizard's Scroll*14.29%
This discussion has been closed.
Oh and doo, is that the friend of boo and goo?
edit: and if there is no clear winner, I'll make an either or poll with the top two or three names.
Consequently I voted for The Monthly Turnip, mostly for it's whimsy but also on the assumption that, in much the same way as "So long and thanks for all the fish" was subtitled 'The fourth book in the Hitchhiker's Guide trilogy', "Monthly" will also be wildly inaccurate.
None of the choices really pop for me. What is the exact premise of the journal? Infinity engine things? Dnd in general? Beamdog specific? Based on that I would tailor the name a bit.
- d Infinity/ d∞ (this isn't a legally registered trademark, so you should be fine; just one of those things where "they were there first.")
- The IMP (careful with acronyms). Also, other non-capitalised uses (again, just be careful with trademarks; Bethesda sued over the use of "Scroll" in the name of a game, that's your absolute worst case scenario. This isn't a legally registered trademark, though, so you should be fine)
- Wild Surge (trademark application pending; this is probably the only one where you might actually run into legal problems, though it's probably not very likely that you will)
Not to spoil the fun or anything, just... be careful. Remember to do your homework. :-)As I said, the only name we may run into trouble with is the Wizard's Scroll Magazine. I was compelled to keep it in, because it received more votes from the drunken monkey's than any other suggestion. If this name won, I'd do another poll (please don't ban me) with 2 or 3 alternative names that's work and not cause confusion with the fanzine.
About two years ago we started a zine, that was just a reactionary thing at first - nothing's going on in this city when it comes to sf&f, let's change it! We didn't have a solid idea, and we just went along with a name that played with Cosmopolitan title in a way that's everything but serious.
Two years, eight issues and one Eurocon later, we're stuck with a brand that's really popular, has positive reviews, high quality, and ended up in a few European libraries, but its name is still ridiculous. And we can't really change it. We didn't change it on time. Most of us hate it, but it's not something anyone really admits openly. All in all, it sucks. Don't do it.
I ultimately decided on The Monthly Turnip. It's extremely unique, and I think it's a good shout out to a fan favourite character in the series.
Or, if not a fan favourite, at least an extremely memorable character, one way or another.
what have I gotten myself into...
And I forgot to answer earlier, yes we are planning on making it a monthly thing.