Well, tweaks mod offer higher stacks for arrows and potions and the like. Though ee's stacks are higher than the original by default, it can help.
Ditto for the mods that add various bags to the game. Makes everything easier.
There was even a mule mod, that gives you a mule that can store and carry your items through your adventures, dunno if it is compatible with ee, though.
If it isn't blue, needed right away or fits into one of the 3 containers it gets left on the ground, with Full Plate Armour being the only exception.
There are only a handful of items (Shadow Armour, Full Plate Mail, Robes of the Arch magi, Large Shield +1, Necklace of Missiles, Claw and Horn of Kazgaroth, Dagger of Venom, and the light crossbow of speed + assorted wands, potions and scrolls depending on playing style) that you may end up buying for your party. Everything else can be picked off of dead corpses or locked (and sometimes unlocked!) containers.
Inventory management is sustainable if you can control yourself and know what you need.
Oozemaster naturist run: - Because armor just won't fit on shapeless slimey bodies. Not to mention wearing a backpack is downright impossible without disintergrating it in acid.
One-armed Warrior run: - The squirrel in Easthaven bit off one of your arms, making it impossible to use two-handed weapons, bows, crossbows, shields and off-hand weapons. So picking up items like that is just a waste of time.
CHARNAME with weak bladder run: - For some reason or another you're unable to hold your liquor. This also has barren you from drinking even moderate amounts of potions per day.
Thief with metal hypersensitivity run: - Holding or wearing items made of metal gives you the rash. Forcing you to abandon gold coins, jewelery, most weapons and girdles on your shady adventures.
You may also want to consider simply adding reasonable amounts of gold via the console/EEKeeper after your various expeditions, roughly correlating to what you would get if you sold every last piece of junk there is. I find carrying bags full of random plate armors one of the least interesting parts of the game, so I just did away with it.
I use the Tweaks component that adds extra bags to the game, and I've finally come to get a feel for what I actually need, so after a certain point (when I'm admittedly richer than Croesus) I stop picking up treasure (except for very special pieces). I'm finally learning to liberally use potions and wands, though this has taken me a long time. And, unless I'm using Kivan, I completely minimize the amount of arrows/bolts I collect. For instance, I've learned that with an average character I'll only need 160 bolts of lightning and 160 bolts of biting to get through the game, which in total is only 4 stacks.
I pretty much always cheat in containers nowadays. Since most of my playthroughs are just trying out new chars, the item management part is not really what I am after. Also, in maybe half of the playthroughs I add a hefty amount of gold so that I never have to pick up items I won't need just to sell. I leave Varscona on the ground etc.
I'm a natural packrat so I have to force myself to not pick everything up. The above helps me fight the urges.
I leave stuff I think I may need later in the chest right by the entrance of the Friendly Arms Inn. It's a convenient location close to most places of interest. The only time it's really annoying to go back there is Cloakwood.
In BG1 I find I can relieve my arrow management issues by not letting any of my party members use long or short bows at all (tenuous role-playing justification: Are all the feathers used for the flights ethically sourced?).
In BG1 I find I can relieve my arrow management issues by not letting any of my party members use long or short bows at all (tenuous role-playing justification: Are all the feathers used for the flights ethically sourced?).
And are the bows made from gluten-free vegan free-range fair trade indigenous yew trees?
This problem vexes me to no end as well! I have never met a gem, potion, magic item, winter wolf skin, ankheg shell, two-handed sword, crossbow of any type, bow of any type, or armor of plate mail or higher that does not end up snagged, inventoried, and then sold. I just cannot shake the apparently OCD feeling of leaving even semi-valuable goods behind. I am it seems a victim of my char-name's early life of poverty, forever fated to count every gold piece!
I have added the containers mod mentioned above and this of course helps with arrows, gems, potions, and other items (placed in the bag of holding of course).
The other thing I do is try and keep my inventory slots as clear as I can except for containers and maybe one extra weapon. This usually means I only have 4-5 slots maximum filled at any one time. Everything else is stored away in an appropriate container or left in my storage locker container at some inn. Think of this like clearing your e-mail inbox and striving to keep it clean as you go through your work day/play the game.
Of course this also means regular merchant visits to off-load equipment. I usually go topside in Durlag's to sell gear right after clearing out the top levels and then taking out the 4 sentries. I can then gather everything else before leaving for good.
Lastly, I am with the expendable-using crowd as well. You don't need the gold, so use those potions and wands, if for no other reason it clears inventory!
I only buy unique items from stores. While they are expensive, I make more than enough by only picking up items that can go in containers or magical weapons. It really helps cut down clutter. I also rely on scavenging for ammunition.
actually depends on where you sell it, sometimes you can get 40 GP for it
for me, inventory management is one of my favourites, I've played this game for so long, it has just become 2nd nature when it comes to inventory management, and now adays when I play bg1 I play gold piece runs, where the time I get to sarevok I see how much gold I have,
and somehow this has really stopped my restartitis a lot, and has given me more motivation to finish runs
so far I think my record for GP the time I hit sarevok is around 630 000 GP, and that's without rest spawning in baddies or farming ankhegs or the like
One of the reasons I sometimes add a bag of holding & ammo belt to any of the series games and always have gem bag, scroll cases, & potion cases as soon as possible. Depends on my mood, but as I have now played and beat Baldur's Gate a few times, and not quite ready to invest figuring out SCS or a no reload type game.....I am mainly playing for fun(sometimes above normal mode, sometimes not) and trying out different party sizes and NPC combos. I just do not enjoy the hassle of limit inventory management in most scenarios.
Plus it does not help that I have some weird thing where I must keep at least one of everything. At least I must as far as miscellaneous items like human skulls, the tainted ore (or whatever it is called) in the mines, the weakening potions in the same mines, at least 1 of each type of jewelry or gem, every bounty, quest item, note, ect, ect that I find. Feldpost Inn would be far better off just reopening as a storage facility that charges by the month by the time I reach Baldur's gate if I don't have the containers. I get that they may eliminate some of the challenge by having them. However, what ever challenge I am missing is far more acceptable than the irritation of limit inventory.
I do not, however, use them to abuse weight limits- like I don't stuff 20 Anhkeg shells in the Bag of holding, or pick up every suit of mail I come across, or anything like that. Its just a convenience thing that does little to break immersion for me in the current game styles I usually play.
I use the console to add in BAG31, the bottomless (or near-bottomless) version of the Bag of Holding. If I don't sell it and don't plan on using it in the next fight, it goes in the bag. Peridan, the longsword from Firkraag's dungeon that grants fear immunity, is a typical example.
Then I quickly forget it's even there.
Three chapters later, I spend 15 minutes wondering if I want to sell Peridan for some quick cash, or if I just want to keep it, in case Remove Fear gets dispelled and a fear effect is on the way in a tough battle.
Eventually, and invariably, I decide not to sell it.
Three chapters after that, right before the last battle, I look inside the Bag of Holding in search of any item that might be useful in the coming fight.
And I scroll right past Peridan, because it's just not that important anymore.
I think you can alter the container maximum amounts with EE keeper, if you set their stack to 65535 then those containers should be able to hold that many items ( that is the highest stack number that the BG games can handle, if you go over that amount it will start back at 1)
Regardless of party size and composition I invariably end up with enough items to open my own store. I forget 3/4 of them even exist but still feel the need to loot more. If I play solo, because I don't like cheating in bags of holding I claim a container somewhere (Beregost or Athkatla) and put my stuff inside until I have them legitimately.
If I am playing a dwarf - which is my go-to race - I often justify item hoarding and gold hoarding because of dwarven gold lust/greed. If I am playing a thiefly character and worship someone like Vergadain - known for being a merchant, for sly negotiations, wealth and also the deity of neutral dwarven thieves- this ties in great together for character motivations.
My item hoarding, itemizing, auditing, inventorying and steady wealth hoarding now becomes role-play!
so he can pick every look remove every trap and loot all items, gems, useless scrolls and fringe potions go in the containers , items are instantly identified (i use whole level 1 school just for identify) then moved to the people who have the strength to lug them around or the ones who wear it right away.
since i always run a 5-6 Party i don't have problems cleaning out a dungeon/map on one swoop. once a map is done i cast Clairvoyance that removes the black smudge of unreachable parts of the map and marks the map as cleared. (totally not OCD)
One of the challenges I used to do in BG1 (prior to BGEE and without cheating in containers) was to fully clear all maps and never leave any equipment lying on the ground - everything either had to be carried, sold or stored in a single container at the Carnival. I used to dread those encounters with a bunch of hobgoblins who carry so much junk ...
Yea I like to discover maps fully, it's a mini game to beat the darkness. Luv it. Well, bag of holding helps a lot later on. New game I always loot and sell to NPC, to get 1,000 gold, then later find another NPC offering weapons for 70-80k t_t But later it's okay.
Play a minimalist Monk?
Monks are the best, because only humans might be monks.
Ditto for the mods that add various bags to the game. Makes everything easier.
There was even a mule mod, that gives you a mule that can store and carry your items through your adventures, dunno if it is compatible with ee, though.
There are only a handful of items (Shadow Armour, Full Plate Mail, Robes of the Arch magi, Large Shield +1, Necklace of Missiles, Claw and Horn of Kazgaroth, Dagger of Venom, and the light crossbow of speed + assorted wands, potions and scrolls depending on playing style) that you may end up buying for your party. Everything else can be picked off of dead corpses or locked (and sometimes unlocked!) containers.
Inventory management is sustainable if you can control yourself and know what you need.
- Because armor just won't fit on shapeless slimey bodies. Not to mention wearing a backpack is downright impossible without disintergrating it in acid.
One-armed Warrior run:
- The squirrel in Easthaven bit off one of your arms, making it impossible to use two-handed weapons, bows, crossbows, shields and off-hand weapons. So picking up items like that is just a waste of time.
CHARNAME with weak bladder run:
- For some reason or another you're unable to hold your liquor. This also has barren you from drinking even moderate amounts of potions per day.
Thief with metal hypersensitivity run:
- Holding or wearing items made of metal gives you the rash. Forcing you to abandon gold coins, jewelery, most weapons and girdles on your shady adventures.
I'm a natural packrat so I have to force myself to not pick everything up. The above helps me fight the urges.
I even loot all those Silver Amulets and Splint Mails (at least in BG1).
I have added the containers mod mentioned above and this of course helps with arrows, gems, potions, and other items (placed in the bag of holding of course).
The other thing I do is try and keep my inventory slots as clear as I can except for containers and maybe one extra weapon. This usually means I only have 4-5 slots maximum filled at any one time. Everything else is stored away in an appropriate container or left in my storage locker container at some inn. Think of this like clearing your e-mail inbox and striving to keep it clean as you go through your work day/play the game.
Of course this also means regular merchant visits to off-load equipment. I usually go topside in Durlag's to sell gear right after clearing out the top levels and then taking out the 4 sentries. I can then gather everything else before leaving for good.
Lastly, I am with the expendable-using crowd as well. You don't need the gold, so use those potions and wands, if for no other reason it clears inventory!
for me, inventory management is one of my favourites, I've played this game for so long, it has just become 2nd nature when it comes to inventory management, and now adays when I play bg1 I play gold piece runs, where the time I get to sarevok I see how much gold I have,
and somehow this has really stopped my restartitis a lot, and has given me more motivation to finish runs
so far I think my record for GP the time I hit sarevok is around 630 000 GP, and that's without rest spawning in baddies or farming ankhegs or the like
Plus it does not help that I have some weird thing where I must keep at least one of everything. At least I must as far as miscellaneous items like human skulls, the tainted ore (or whatever it is called) in the mines, the weakening potions in the same mines, at least 1 of each type of jewelry or gem, every bounty, quest item, note, ect, ect that I find. Feldpost Inn would be far better off just reopening as a storage facility that charges by the month by the time I reach Baldur's gate if I don't have the containers. I get that they may eliminate some of the challenge by having them. However, what ever challenge I am missing is far more acceptable than the irritation of limit inventory.
I do not, however, use them to abuse weight limits- like I don't stuff 20 Anhkeg shells in the Bag of holding, or pick up every suit of mail I come across, or anything like that. Its just a convenience thing that does little to break immersion for me in the current game styles I usually play.
Then I quickly forget it's even there.
Three chapters later, I spend 15 minutes wondering if I want to sell Peridan for some quick cash, or if I just want to keep it, in case Remove Fear gets dispelled and a fear effect is on the way in a tough battle.
Eventually, and invariably, I decide not to sell it.
Three chapters after that, right before the last battle, I look inside the Bag of Holding in search of any item that might be useful in the coming fight.
And I scroll right past Peridan, because it's just not that important anymore.
My item hoarding, itemizing, auditing, inventorying and steady wealth hoarding now becomes role-play!
so he can pick every look remove every trap and loot all items, gems, useless scrolls and fringe potions go in the containers , items are instantly identified (i use whole level 1 school just for identify) then moved to the people who have the strength to lug them around or the ones who wear it right away.
since i always run a 5-6 Party i don't have problems cleaning out a dungeon/map on one swoop.
once a map is done i cast Clairvoyance that removes the black smudge of unreachable parts of the map and marks the map as cleared. (totally not OCD)
Well, bag of holding helps a lot later on.
New game I always loot and sell to NPC, to get 1,000 gold, then later find another NPC offering weapons for 70-80k t_t But later it's okay. Monks are the best, because only humans might be monks.