I suddenly thought that the countdown might be leading to april the 1st and that this has been an elaborate (and really cruel) prank. Thankfully that isn't the case.
PC Gamer seems to think this is all but a certainty. I'm fully in support simply so I don't have to install 5 mods to run the GOG version. HOWEVER....I don't think it's a good idea for Beamdog to write any characters or extra content into this game. There is simply no way people will accept it in a game this well-written. Implement the Unfinished Business mod and update the graphics and UI and let it stand on it's own.
PC Gamer seems to think this is all but a certainty. I'm fully in support simply so I don't have to install 5 mods to run the GOG version. HOWEVER....I don't think it's a good idea for Beamdog to write any characters or extra content into this game. There is simply no way people will accept it in a game this well-written. Implement the Unfinished Business mod and update the graphics and UI and let it stand on it's own.
Without new content I can't see myself bothering with this. I loved it when it came out, but I played it so much that it is burned indelibly on my memory, so playing it again would be pointless. Unlike BG and IWD there is not a huge range of main character builds and companions to encourage replayability. "50 hours" seems exaggerated too. It's more like half that (unless you are a slow reader).
"50 hours" seems exaggerated too. It's more like half that (unless you are a slow reader).
I think it all comes down to how fast you nail the Modron Maze, how many Glabrezu you farm in Undersigil and how much time you spend exploring around, staring at the screen impressed.
Of course, that's just the first time. Ps:T may be the greatest cRPG out there, but replaying it feels like a chore.
I'm not sure yet. I've never played the original, because I'm very, very rarely in the mood for what I call "talky, talky" games. I've had little to no interest in the new "Tides of Numenara" game, or whatever that's called, for the same reason.
But if anything could get me to finally play PST, it would be the EE version. I'll probably wait a while after release, and if everybody's raving about it here on the forum, I'll likely get it and play at least part way through it just to see what all the fuss is about.
I replay Torment at least once a year - you'd be surprised how many new things you find each time, or manage to forget, in a years time lol. Especially as you make characters with different build/class types.
Trent has been learning methinks...
Hmm maybe it's that Hogans Heroes inspired RPG we've been hearing so much about.
Travel agency is named "The Pain Lady."
check the source code from the page planescape.com (Brackets changed to parentheses to be able to paste code here):
....html code....
(center)(h2 style="font-size: 26pt;")(/h2)(/center)
(div class="centered")
(div class="clock" style="width: 620px;" secret="0x50 0x53 0x54 0x45 0x45")(/div)
0x50 0x53 0x54 0x45 0x45 translates to PSTEE, translate the 'secret' for yourself here:
Guardians of the Galaxy crpg confirmed!! I am Woot!!!
So it's official: they are working on Icewind Dale 3!
Sigil is alive with the sounds of music...
I hope i not risk a ban... :-(
Well, both: Whether new content was added and whether Unfinished Business has been implemented (the answer to both is "no").
Of course, that's just the first time. Ps:T may be the greatest cRPG out there, but replaying it feels like a chore.
But if anything could get me to finally play PST, it would be the EE version. I'll probably wait a while after release, and if everybody's raving about it here on the forum, I'll likely get it and play at least part way through it just to see what all the fuss is about.