[Fan thoery] The truth about Imoen

Related to the discussion in the Imoen plothole thread, let me try to answer this once and for all.
Imoen is actually a figment of charnames psyche, and is not real at all.
First off, she only appears after periods of great trauma or stress for charname:
First after being badly attacked and watching his foster father die after leaving candlekeep.
Next after being captured and brutally tortured by Irenicus
Finally, after having his very soul removed.
In bg1 charname imagines her as a constant companion because thought of a return home to candlekeep are a constant companion, and she reminds him of this. Note that sarevok or gorion never mention anything about another bhaalspawn
Ch1 of bg2: "Imoen" releases charname from his cell, although she has been badly tortured and traumatised. Irenicus wanted charname to give in to bhaal, and become consumed so he could gain a better understanding of his powers. The frayed state of Imoen represents the frayed state of his humanity. Be she still remains, which means the process is not complete. However, it has already begun, and as the dream sequences later on indicate, charname already feels the temptation of the darker path.
Her role in ch2-4 in bg2 is that of a metaphor for the discovery of charnames bhaal essence, and the loss of his humanity (imoen) as he journeys to find it. The revelation about his heritage is what makes him feel as if his humanity is lost.
Bodhi is supposedly the recipient of her divine soul, but conspicuously never exibits any bhaal-style powers, unlike Irenicus with your soul. She even runs away from you the first time you turn into the slayer.
When Imoen reappears, she is no longer her invulnerable self as before - she now represents charnames dawning realisation of his own mortality. Imoen rejoins the party - representing that he has now found his humanity - however charname is stripped of his soul (the belt keeping her alive)
She appears to him in visions and dreams as a very aspect of bhaal - now this is charname coming to terms that his humanity is no longer what definies him - is was his bhaal essence all along.
I have a few theories about some of the other NPC's as well but they can wait for another day.
Imoen is actually a figment of charnames psyche, and is not real at all.
First off, she only appears after periods of great trauma or stress for charname:
First after being badly attacked and watching his foster father die after leaving candlekeep.
Next after being captured and brutally tortured by Irenicus
Finally, after having his very soul removed.
In bg1 charname imagines her as a constant companion because thought of a return home to candlekeep are a constant companion, and she reminds him of this. Note that sarevok or gorion never mention anything about another bhaalspawn
Ch1 of bg2: "Imoen" releases charname from his cell, although she has been badly tortured and traumatised. Irenicus wanted charname to give in to bhaal, and become consumed so he could gain a better understanding of his powers. The frayed state of Imoen represents the frayed state of his humanity. Be she still remains, which means the process is not complete. However, it has already begun, and as the dream sequences later on indicate, charname already feels the temptation of the darker path.
Her role in ch2-4 in bg2 is that of a metaphor for the discovery of charnames bhaal essence, and the loss of his humanity (imoen) as he journeys to find it. The revelation about his heritage is what makes him feel as if his humanity is lost.
Bodhi is supposedly the recipient of her divine soul, but conspicuously never exibits any bhaal-style powers, unlike Irenicus with your soul. She even runs away from you the first time you turn into the slayer.
When Imoen reappears, she is no longer her invulnerable self as before - she now represents charnames dawning realisation of his own mortality. Imoen rejoins the party - representing that he has now found his humanity - however charname is stripped of his soul (the belt keeping her alive)
She appears to him in visions and dreams as a very aspect of bhaal - now this is charname coming to terms that his humanity is no longer what definies him - is was his bhaal essence all along.
I have a few theories about some of the other NPC's as well but they can wait for another day.
A character like Imoen could represent many important sides of your own nature - a female side, your inner child, your humanity , your vulnerability ...
This is one of the reasons that BG is such an unforgettable game, the characters are realistic and inspiring!
Realistically, this cannot be the case. Others interact with her; Sarevok & Solar both legitimately acknowledge her Bhaal essence to be separate from that of the protagonist; AND (super interestingly) she starts to develop the special ability Bhaal powers that the protagonist has in BG1 if you keep her around for a long time through ToB.
If you have jaheira in your spellhold group, and refuse Imoen into your party, Jaheira will say how she would have rather had you remove her from the group than Imoen.
Her and Saverok have a bit of banter at the start of ToB but that's cause she's become an 'actual' NPC by BG II.
Imoen obviously represents the main character's human, good side, while Sarevok represents your Bhaal essence. Also, that would explain why Imoen hardly interacts with the other party members.
(Okay, not really, but it's a cool idea.)
Spellhold is "the" Shutter Island ... ;-)
If she's not real my whole life is meaningless.
It works great until imaginary girl backstabs some fool that isn't keeping his eyes peeled on the battle field. Short sword of back-stabbing feels pretty dang real to that enemy!
Unless - another possibility. CHARNAME can kill people with his mind.
I enjoyed the cleverness of the post. Kudos @ajwz!
But more seriously:
@ajwz you also meet Imoen in Candlekeep. How you explain that?
This thread was an invitation to do a cool little exercise in improvisational acting and thinking, I do believe. Most of us here just never seem to be able to join the party of improvisational roleplaying. We always seem to want to take it seriously and start debating. Our answer always seems to be "No".
We might be good debate team members, but most of us are lousy improvisors with lousy senses of humor. The only ones of us who show talent as comedians keep getting shot down.
I want to keep working on this issue in myself. They say that the things you are most likely to criticize in others are the things you like the least about yourself.
I mean... YES! You are wrong!