Imoen in SOD

So I have only run through SOD once, gearing up to again now. Running through bgee currently with canon party.
My question is will I be thiefless for the first part of SOD? and will that impact that dungeon?
I could drop Imoen for Safana I suppose even though she would be a bit behind.
My question is will I be thiefless for the first part of SOD? and will that impact that dungeon?
I could drop Imoen for Safana I suppose even though she would be a bit behind.
Dorn may be a weird case
I know it because i didn't use her in BG and i let her to enter in my party for pickpocket purposes; she was totally unuseful during the prelude of SOD
It's after level ~10 that they start to lose very much against the multi/dual class thieves, in my opinion
If you start up Siege of Dragonspear by starting up Siege of Dragonspear, then choose Import Game instead, your containers will be lost.
Not true of Minsc.
If you have Dynaheir in your party but not Minsc. He will join in SoD and while his experience is not as high as Dynaheir, he does carry Kiel's Helmet and full plate armour even if you haven't reached that part of Durlag's Tower.
There may be other differences of which I am unaware.
If you're continuing from BG1, that SoD version will be used if that character was never in the party in BG1. Otherwise, if the character joined even once, the BG1 version will be used - exactly as you left them, but with a new catch-up trigger for their experience.
That's useful to know. In that case I won't enlist them unless I really need them in BG1.