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Divinity Original Sin 2



  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,775
    A component to let you level-up items is now a part of the gift bag, it can be turned on in the game in one click. Using such components, as well as mods, disables achievements, though.
  • SharGuidesMyHandSharGuidesMyHand Member Posts: 2,586
    Playing DOS 2. Am I the only one who feels bored by the story and the depth? I thin a CRPG should have an immersive and engaging story, only excellent. Or be a great dungeon crawler. I really trty hard to like this game, specially since I spent money on it, but the ACT II seems dull, superficial, and I don't find an incentive.
    Playing DOS 2. Am I the only one who feels bored by the story and the depth? I thin a CRPG should have an immersive and engaging story, only excellent. Or be a great dungeon crawler. I really trty hard to like this game, specially since I spent money on it, but the ACT II seems dull, superficial, and I don't find an incentive.

    I strongly agree. Tried hard to like the game, but din't liked. I mean, the game doesn't have an interesting story nor interesting combat(too slow) nor interesting character development.
    hybridial wrote: »
    I've put about 50 hours into the game (most of which was on a co-op campaign), only really getting into act 2, I stopped and started quite a bit. Something about this game just doesn't really work for me, the tone is kind of all over the place and the combat is very samey throughout. I thin superficially its doing a lot of things that people are probably quite new to (like it does have a lot of flexibility for you to do as you want, and it has an "accessable" combat system) but I don't feel it really gave me anything truly substantial to care about.

    I was a big fan of the 1st DOS game and was initially very hyped about what I saw from the sequel, but after a few attempts to play the game, I have to agree with some of the points above.

    There's no question that the game makes a lot of technical improvements over the 1st one - it's more ambitious and larger in scope, it has more character creation and RP options, it has romances, etc. But in expanding upon the 1st game, the devs seem to have forsook a lot of the uniquely fun and quirky aspects (i.e. the rock/paper/scissors mechanic) that made it such a unique and memorable game in the first place. This leaves the new game lacking an identifiable tone IMO - it lacks much of the humor of the 1st game, but still isn't quite serious enough to feel immersive like other RPGs.

    But I think my biggest gripe with the new game is how the devs completely rebooted all the character classes from the 1st, and for the worse IMO. The 1st game was designed to make the classes much more versatile - for example, I used to love playing as a Shadowblade rogue and being able to jump headlong into battle, stunning opponents and using their blood to heal myself. In the 2nd game, it seems the classes' special abilities were nerfed and/or reworked to force them to fit more conventional fighter/mage/rogue roles. Now if you play a rogue, you're forced to adopt a more traditional "sneak-n-backstab" approach from standard RPGs.

    In short, while the 1st DOS was perhaps a more flawed and limited game, I feel it was simply a lot more FUN.
  • WarChiefZekeWarChiefZeke Member Posts: 2,674
    Bought DOS 2 recently. Was entertained by it enough that I decided to start with the first. I am mildly disappointed that the two-main character gimmick didn't stick. It was one of the freshest features to come out of a CRPG in recent years, imho. Having my one main character fight with the other over key decisions with an uncertain outcome was really cool and made the party feel more alive than most any other game with the exception of BG2.

    Other than that, I do feel like DOS2 improved on everything.
  • megamike15megamike15 Member Posts: 2,666
    yeah i played dos 2 while the forum was down and if anything it was the game that felt the most like baldurs gate 2 in terms of tone of this crpg revival. i enjoyed pretty much all the characters and the story was very engaging which is something as i find the original dos kinda boring.

    if anything it made my tune on baldurs gate 3 change.
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