Today, What Kit do you play most?

Hello Everyone,
You are all expert here or long times BG's players. Not in a powergaming thinking, but maybe the class you play more often is the strongest class for you?
So What Class do you play most these days?
And can you tell me why?
I remember in the end of the 90's, i always play a Thief or a fighter/thief without mods of course.. not a very powergaming choice but i loved backstab so much. Today, i love more the F/M style...
And you?
You are all expert here or long times BG's players. Not in a powergaming thinking, but maybe the class you play more often is the strongest class for you?
So What Class do you play most these days?
And can you tell me why?
I remember in the end of the 90's, i always play a Thief or a fighter/thief without mods of course.. not a very powergaming choice but i loved backstab so much. Today, i love more the F/M style...
And you?
Lost Druids, pissed off and raises dead critters
Dirgesingers, sad and sings to dead folks
Palemasters, obsessed with becoming one with dead folks (plus his arm reminds me of my own injury)
Ocassionally gnome or half-orc cleric/thieves, one wants everything dead and the other watches over the dead (Urdlen/Yurtrus).
Oozemaster nice but partially broken in v2 ee. Not dead but changes into an alien mindset (a bit Lovecraftian to me). Mur'Neth subs here fairly well as an NPC
All make for great backstories built in.
Witchlight shamans get a shout out as well for the same reasons but has a good NPC sub.
The Far Realm Seer will surely get a chance as well if @ulb gets it to working, (Another with definite Lovecraftian alien influence).
As to why, uhm, looks like a necromantic/ slight alien bent, but interestingly enough, no necromancers, too plain, plus Xzar usually rides my coat tails.
Hard to say just one, as they all get about equal play. All of these vary back n forth depending on mood or inspiration. Not much thought goes into viability, I make it work with playstyle and NPC's. All get interesting magic items to suit their class and background throughout the game.
It's maybe my most-played character in SoA/ToB just because of the lack of viable thieves.
I don't know all this modded kits! Sounds interesting. Actually I'm so stuck in bgee1 in no reload runs... i play the same part of the game over and over again! I want to play bgee2
Yes I agree for the F/T. I don't remember well if I was very effective... backstab with celestial fury and traps traps traps ... hehe. I remember sleeping next to all dragons again and again to set a lot of traps. I don't play like this anymore
In truth, I strive a lot for variety in my playthroughs, so "most-played" doesn't mean a lot for me. Maybe it means I've played it two or three times in my last 20 playthroughs instead of once like everything else. (Specifically, my three recent F/T run-throughs were a Dwarven F/T multi, a Wizard Slayer dual-classed to Thief at level 7, and a Swashbuckler dual-classed to Fighter at level 10.)
Lately, I've been exploring multiclass characters. Currently running a NE Dwarven Fighter/Thief in BG2, dual wielding short swords, and am backstabbing EVERYTHING. Never realized how fun sneaky sneaky could be. He's probably one of the coolest characters I've ever run, and got an insane stat roll (93 points) in the first 20 rolls. I would have been happy with an 85...anyway, playing smart-evil, so sometimes it's the easy path, sometimes the more advantageous. Recently sided with Bodhi because of the Shadow Thieves trying to off me in the Chateau. Character is smart enough to know Bodhi's gonna be a problem, but one at a time. :-D. Also, getting to hear the evil NPC dialogue is refreshing!
Don't care for and have never bothered to backstab, and I can't stand not being able to open chests/find traps/steal myself.
Recently been trying dual classing and finding SB/fighter fun. But I don't ever really think of the character as not being a SB, I just have to do a lot of undressing/dressing. My perfect charname would be a SB who could keep on putting pips into the same weapon. So a SB with 5 pips in katanas is the dream.
With this build you can actually get your 5 points in katana.
I think I never understand why exactly dual S/F is so good?! You take in consideration RogueRebalancing? Better AC and better thac0? Ok but does it make a very big difference?
You dual at level?
Ok you can Ram everything with Foeban and belm in each hand.
... but it also means if you're dual-classing to Fighter, that Fighter THACO progression is totally pointless. Because you know who else gets Fighter THACO progression? FIghters do. So you actually wind up with lower THACO *and* lower damage on that particular dual.
(Edit to add: RR also takes away the Use Any Item HLA, which negates the biggest niche of the Swashbuckler, which was to load them up with all your best gear and make them a massive AC tank. Without UAI, even with their +7/+8 AC bonus late in the game they're barely going to wind up ahead of a generic Fighter/Thief in total AC. Really, RR isn't kind to Swashbucklers from a powergaming perspective.)
In Vanilla BG2, most Swashbuckler duals happen at level 10, which gives you just enough skill points to max Open Locks, Find Traps, and Detect Illusions, plus it gets you one last Swashbuckler bonus to AC/THACO/Damage.
The Swash>Fighter is amazing because it's basically a pure fighter who trades ~50 HP for 3 AC, +2 damage, +2 THACO, and the ability to disarm any trap / open any lock / dispel any illusion in the game. That's a sweet trade, and it only costs you 160k XP, which is a drop in the bucket in the long run.
Really, the biggest disadvantage of the Swash(10)>Fighter dual is that you're locked in as a human, which means no Shorty Saves. This is a regrettable, because Shorty Saves are life. You also miss out on Thief HLAs, which is a bummer because those are amazing and the only NPCs who can get them otherwise are Jan, Haer'Dalis, and Hexxat.
On the other hand, a shorty Fighter/Swashbuckler multi, (easily doable with mods or editors), is hella broken.
You mean a halfling Multi S/F ?
These days I use some of my own mods to give the ranger lvl 4 spells and I'm thinking of giving them find traps like the monk has too, as they definitely should have that.
You may be confusing me with one of the amazing mod people. I'm more of a theory person.
In my current play I'm using a Marksman.
Charname as a Marksman, Coran as a Sharpshooter and Kivan as an Elven Archer.
Pretty much "I win".
C/T multiclass kitted to shadowdancer + adds werewolf kit abilities + pick and chose the spells I like from the cleric spell list + adds UAI effect (but limit myself to theif and mage armors and scimitars and clubs).
You see, in RL I am actually REALLY good at sneaking, I could have been a ninja in another life, and when I get really angry I turn into a monster. Also, I love dogs and dogs love me.
I also use my RL stats;
Str 14, dex 16*, con 15**, int 16, wis 19 and cha 18**
* I play an elf, so I allow myself one more dex than my true value
** Fine, my RL con and cha isn't that high, but low con sux because of lack of HP and low cha sux for any type of party leader, and who doesn't want to be the leader of their own party?
Then, for good measure, I also throw in 7x chevalier lay on hands, 4x blackguard drain life, and 4x blade offensive spin. I also add 2x totemic druid summon spiritual animal - I wish that there were some kind of shadow summons, like the Warlords Battlecry Illusion summon shadow, because it would fit the kit, but there isn't, so blurry anacondas will have to do.
Now, I cant really do these things in real life, but whatever.