Yet another alignment test

I saw this as clickbait on Facebook. Strangely, it was posted by a former symphony colleague. I don't think she knew it was Dungeons and Dragons.
I mostly play chaotic good characters,
I always wonder how they come up with, and then judge the questions on these things.
Makes a change from true neutral which I usually get.
Absolutely no surprise there...
here is how i see myself in real life:
- i don't step on anyone's toes or get involved in anyone's business, what they do is up to them, and i have no business interfering
- everyone deserves a second chance, everyone deserves a break whether they are good/neutral/ or evil
- rules are rules, and that is just the way they are, whether it's morally right or wrong is kind of subjective to be honest ( usually cognitive bias plays a part here on what a "good" rule is compared to a "bad" one )
- im not really an emotional personal ( although i do love comedy) but other than that, i never use emotion to dictate reasoning and ideas, and sometimes that comes out as cold hearted, but again irrelevant the truth is the truth, just because you don't like it doesn't mean it's not true
- with that being said, would i work with someone that is "evil", well that's a tricky one because again, "evil" can be subjective bias where one person would consider this person as "evil" while another wouldn't, so this is where the "lawful" part would come in and as long as the "evil" person is doing everything lawfully, there is nothing im going to do against that person, notice how i put EVIL in parenthesis every time, reason being; just because people may think someone is evil doesn't necessarily mean they are
- now, if i had to choose the end of the good/evil spectrum no question asked i would choose the good side obviously, infact anyone neutral ( or even true neutral, if that is even possible for an educated and sentient human) would choose good, because then it comes down to the choice of; being in an environment where everyone is good to each other and no one has malice towards each other, or being in an environment where everyone is out to get one another stabbing each other in the back for their own personal gain, so it's pretty obvious what someone would choose if they have any rational reasoning at all
- another reason why i think i have a more neutral look on life is that im very scientifically minded, one thing i like about science is that it takes the emotion out of the equation and strives to gives the facts as best it can ( you can pout all you want, but there is no dragon blocking the moon during an eclipse, just because you "feel" and "want to believe" there is, doesn't mean its ACTUALLY happening )
- and perhaps that's another reason why i would tend toward the more "lawful" end of the spectrum, is again, science wants facts, that's all it cares about, and lets be honest, everything we own in the world, was constructed from some sort of science of one kind or another, in fact if you are reading this it couldn't have been down without science ( to build all the circuitry required to make this keyboard/PC im using/you're using) and when you build something of that complicated calibre its not down with chaos, there are implement plans/blue prints/ procedures to be taken place, so not only will it work when you need it, but not fry you at the same time - in fact the average PC is usually pumping out around 4 amps, it only takes .5 amps to kill someone, so in essence each time you use your PC you are interacting with a death machine, but thanks to scientific discipline you will be okay and shouldn't get fried-
so in short, i think the alignment test needs a bit of an overhaul, although fun to do just for the lulz and curiosity, it still has some tweaks, but then again, i doubt the test was made to be taken seriously so maybe i am the one who needs the overhaul HAW
I know these tests are silly and just a bit if fun.
But on the other hand, I always end up "true neutral", every single one. This is the first that's thrown in "chaotic" as a bit of variety.
Can you even be lawful neutral?
That seems to me to be a contradiction. If you follow laws set down by others surely that affects your neutrality?
Bout par for the course in my case, for many of these.
EDIT: Forgot to add, CN.
Maybe this is the pattern - we don't believe in the law as we see it every day but we have this feeling of *right and wrong* and a desire for justice. Our protest shows we feel that there is something that should be corrected - by a law and justice we may dream of, even if in real life we have lost our illusions that it may exist. Gets me philosophical or such.
It's a contradiction. You don't start from a neutral position.
Sorry bout that @sarevok57 In RL meetin (LN), you didn't have the popo watching the exits did ya?
@PaulaMigrate I could see that. The pattern you mentioned.
@UnderstandMouseMagic I always figured Supreme Court Justices might be LN, although some tend to stray a little when interpreting said laws. But the law is the moral for them, not out to use the law for themselves, or to necessarily help everyone all the time, just following the words on written on the paper. Or something like that I think.
That's a tough one to play out for me.
As @sarevok57 was saying regarding science, and if I take that just a little further, some scientist folks are more interested in just the science, the plain facts, and others con figure out whether it is right or wrong. Seems kinda LN anyway.
A few different questions in this test was refreshing.
The same alignment from almost all my characters.
That said, I am very manipulative and persuasive without others realising, and I do believe that many people deserve the short end of the stick and sometimes plot in such direction of it is for the greater good (mostly me or those I consider among mine). Additionally, I am very aware of my internal struggles that constantly puts mankind beneath flora and fauna kind.
However, death wishes I do not have. And is robbery even evil, and under which context? The beggar that steals a loaf of bread may be of any alignment.
Should I be in prison? I adhere to all the rules, in order to bend the ones I can on the side with approval of those that enforce them.
If you were to define a CE druid-rogue though, then that would be me. TN my ass. CN is a decent approximation though.
Anyway, carry on...
You have an alignment, but you do not have to act upon it.
Just one of those RL vs 'in game' comparisons I reckon.
Still, I enjoy the questions. I will say though, often times, as I KNOW what the test is after, and the types of characters I like to play vs how I might be in RL, it is sometimes difficult to choose with an unbiased opinion, especially if I have just been playing the game. In simpler terms, I find that the result I may want in the end, can sometimes get in the way of what I MIGHT answer.
Anyone notice something similar when taking these?