8pm I think... K. I was early with the 24 hour thing... But we wasted an hour there only a few more to waste until BGEE comes out... Had a look at the movies... They COOL... Not looking at end movie as that sacred... Just the death and rest one... As I could see them by... Well yeah...
If it goes live around 10pm gmt+2, that suits me perfectly since i wont get the chance to sit down before that anyway. Feels like christmas came early this year \o/
Writing my thesis... oh joy. Thats what I am going to do.
Keep up your work and reward yourself with hours and hours of BG:EE gameplay afterwards! :-) Will be my first time I play BG, is there any useful information I should pick up before I start playing? I already took a look at http://forum.baldursgate.com/discussion/1992/basic-game-tips-for-new-players - quite helpful!
Plain simple BA in international relations... But I also teaching informatics for economics at the same university, studying electrical engineering at a second uni (which I will never finish I guess), and practicing for my music teaching diploma. So BGEE means for me that fail is imminent.
Since it's 28th now, not 30th I guess I should update what I will do.
As usual on Wednesday I'll return from university pretty late (about 6 pm), and as usual, *very* hungry, eating only breakfeast in the morning. So, I'll make my favourite dish, turn on my PC and, download missing files I would need to play BG:EE and finally, launch the game. After enjoying new game opening, I'll start creating my character (either "new game" or "tutorial" - haven't decided yet), while enjoing eating the best spaghetti in the world. And then, just play till 1 or 2 am.
Living in Sydney, which means the BGEE will be released in Thursday, 29 Nov (I guess). I will back home from work at 7 pm, boot my PC, check update, then join the FR world! Lucky I am off at Friday, so that I could play game until midnight. Cheers!
@birdinforest Jammie Aussie git! I bet you'll swig a few stubbies, before taking the laptop on the beach to enjoy the summer sunshine and the bikini clad women...
@Kristie83 Darn...now I have a craving for liver and onions... mmmmm.
Yeah, I really wasn't thinking about how healthy it may or may not be, I'll eat my veggies if I want to be healthy, lol! :P Now you made me want liver and onions...Everyone thinks I'm weird because I like it. Even as a kid, I often ordered it in restaurants...
I loved liver and onions as a child too, to the extend that I wanted it every year on my birthday. The problem was that none of my childhood friends would eat it, so my mom had to make homemade burgers and red sausages for the guests, and liver to me...
Did all your friends point and laugh and make gagging sounds when they saw what you were eating? :P
There was a bit of a mix up and Gorion, instead of taking care of a Bhaalspawn, accidently looks after a child of Tymora... A Tymoramite, who grows up happy and content, waiting to make a name in the world by inventing the first ever magically powered toaster. He is a very lucky boy... (Being the child of a god of luck) and accidently manages to get stats that all = 18. Unfortunately, as stated earlier, due to unforeseen events he is accidently mixed up as a bhaalspawn... And by some even worse luck, develops powers just like a Bhaalspawn... Woe is he... Causing all manner of mischief... Luckily, Tymora occasionally ctrl-y's people out of existence for him...
@Kristie83 Darn...now I have a craving for liver and onions... mmmmm.
Yeah, I really wasn't thinking about how healthy it may or may not be, I'll eat my veggies if I want to be healthy, lol! :P Now you made me want liver and onions...Everyone thinks I'm weird because I like it. Even as a kid, I often ordered it in restaurants...
I loved liver and onions as a child too, to the extend that I wanted it every year on my birthday. The problem was that none of my childhood friends would eat it, so my mom had to make homemade burgers and red sausages for the guests, and liver to me...
Did all your friends point and laugh and make gagging sounds when they saw what you were eating? :P
Seeing as i have a god damn law presentation to give by next week, my playtime will be limited. But i don't think my discipline can resist the temptation that is BG:EE. I'll probably finish the game within a week from release hah.
How much sleep do you need to survive? Just throwing the question out there... May find out sooooon...
Sleep? SLEEP IS FOR THE WEEK! Look at Boo! He shakes with righteous fury that you would think of sleep at a time like this! Do you think that EVIL sleeps?! NO! We can not rest until Evil has been vanquished from the land! Come with me if you want to do some BUTT-KICKING FOR GOODNESS!
... Also, I will be playing the * out of the game. Sleeping in until an hour before the release so I can play non-stop. I LOVE being a college student with no Wednesday classes!
Its the 28th over here already... Cairo Egypt... wake up early around 8 in the morning check and see if I can play... mess about for 45 minutes... get ready for work.. start work at 10 am finish at 5 pm... drive safely back home... no rush.. then prepare a very special soda cocktail.... and enjoy the moments of nostalgia
It's 4:16pm on the west coast so I'll be staying up as late as I can to play the game. Hopefully it will unlock when the clock strikes 12:00. Either way, since I'm off work for a few days I'll just stay up until it does unlock
It's 4:16pm on the west coast so I'll be staying up as late as I can to play the game. Hopefully it will unlock when the clock strikes 12:00. Either way, since I'm off work for a few days I'll just stay up until it does unlock
It's 1pm MDT according to Trent - might be better to sleep now so you don't doze off before you've even left Candlekeep!
Other than that I have a few chores and errands to run. It'll be a vaguely restless day, I imagine.
Wife knows I'll be wrapped up in the game for a bit, and she's cool with that. So that's good.
Feels like christmas came early this year \o/
be a nice pre-order bonus
As usual on Wednesday I'll return from university pretty late (about 6 pm), and as usual, *very* hungry, eating only breakfeast in the morning. So, I'll make my favourite dish, turn on my PC and, download missing files I would need to play BG:EE and finally, launch the game. After enjoying new game opening, I'll start creating my character (either "new game" or "tutorial" - haven't decided yet), while enjoing eating the best spaghetti in the world. And then, just play till 1 or 2 am.
I will back home from work at 7 pm, boot my PC, check update, then join the FR world!
Lucky I am off at Friday, so that I could play game until midnight. Cheers!
Bad luck you spoke to a pommie first
He was right all along...
Same as normal person, I suppose. I'll just "sleep it" later.
Aaah I see. At work then...
Actually, I was going to role play it.
There was a bit of a mix up and Gorion, instead of taking care of a Bhaalspawn, accidently looks after a child of Tymora... A Tymoramite, who grows up happy and content, waiting to make a name in the world by inventing the first ever magically powered toaster. He is a very lucky boy... (Being the child of a god of luck) and accidently manages to get stats that all = 18. Unfortunately, as stated earlier, due to unforeseen events he is accidently mixed up as a bhaalspawn... And by some even worse luck, develops powers just like a Bhaalspawn... Woe is he... Causing all manner of mischief... Luckily, Tymora occasionally ctrl-y's people out of existence for him...
Anyways... This makes the prophecy wrong...
Just saying
... Also, I will be playing the * out of the game. Sleeping in until an hour before the release so I can play non-stop.