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3 Days till BG2:EE! What will you do on the day of release? (apart from stare at a download bar...)



  • HeinrichHeinrich Member Posts: 188

    BTW can we lay off the American-bashing (I'm a Brit BTW)? No good will come of this and I can assure you that there are plenty of f*ckwitts this side of the Atlantic too, ignorance of the sort described here is mostly down to education/wealth or rather lack of it. I work and socialise with quite a few (albeit well-educated) Americans and they certainly do not fit the stereotype put forward by some here.

    I agree. Let's not act like YouTube commenters and actually discuss the topic.
  • CyricistCyricist Member Posts: 61
    edited November 2012
    Good god, people. I think at this point, after decades of seeing non-American dicksatchels comment on how stupid the average American is, I'm not even embarrassed to be American. Not embarrassed by the dumb Americans that created the stereotype in the first place, by being loud, obnoxious, and generally ignorant... because obviously those people are going to exist. I'd be embarrassed if I felt they represented the country at large, but how fucking idiotic would I have to be to believe that? No one could possibly represent a group of people that large and diverse.

    I'm more concerned with how arrogant and close-minded someone would have to be to think that you could judge an entire country of people based on your interactions with a miniscule, insignificant portion of said country's people. That kind of sheer ignorance is startling, especially when coupled with this aloof "We're much better educated than they are" bullshit. Some Americans don't know much about the geography of Europe, Asia or Africa? Oh boy! That's kind of similar to many Europeans, Asians and Africans not knowing much about the geography of the continents they don't live on, too, huh? It's almost like public school systems focus primarily on geography that is relevant to where people live. I wonder why!

    Anyway, to point out the painfully obvious, people are people. There are dumb ones and smart ones. The dumb ones often think they know the difference. And here's the kicker: the smart ones do too. This nonsense isn't specific to any country. It's worldwide. People are people.

    Please try to keep that kind of stupidity off these boards. Or any other forum. Or, like... never act like that again. That'd be cool too.

    EDIT: Oh, also, Romania? Don't know too much about Romania itself, but Wallachia is pretty neat. Isn't that where the legend of Dracula originated from? Or Drakulya, to be precise. 'Son of the Dragon'. Vladimir Tepes was a cool guy. But I wouldn't know anything about that, right?
  • MedullaOblongataMedullaOblongata Member Posts: 434
  • QuartzQuartz Member Posts: 3,853
    Pretty sure @Oxford_Guy and @Cyricist just won this thread. Oh wait, that wasn't the original topic? Lolz whoops, okay they won the off-topic debate then. Good job on the fantastic posts, you two, seriously. Thanks.
    Kristie83 said:

    I didn't mean for this to turn ugly. It was my (amusing) story that started us all down this slippery slope.

    Don't be silly! It started before you made that funny post. Don't worry about that at all.


    On topic, I'm trying to make sure I can play BG:EE freely! I'm going to college soon, so I have to finish some paperwork etc. for it. Unfortunately it doesn't just involve me, I need my mother's help ... she's often pretty busy but thank God I set up a time for her to work on all that tomorrow where we will just sit down and do it. I straight up told her "Mom, we are not doing this after the Baldur's Gate release. I am planning for the coming storm, can we seriously just do this?" So yeah, she thought that was stupid but it convinced her.

    Furthermore, I was in Boy Scouts and I got my Eagle and bridged out being 18 and all so I'm planning my Eagle Ceremony at the moment. For some sort of supposedly enjoyable celebration, it sure is a pain in the ass to plan. It's going to be Dec. 8th, but I'm working my butt off to get as much done for it as I can before Nov. 28th. =P

    Ahh, complications.
  • ShinShin Member Posts: 2,344
    9 is starting to look good.. it's definitely less than 10.
  • sepottersepotter Member Posts: 367
    Indeed 9 is less than 10, but it still feels like a while (even though logically it isn't). I'm on vacation right now, so I figured it would get my mind off bgee until much closer to when I return home, but here I am 2,000 miles from home still dying from anticipation.
  • RavelRavel Member Posts: 140
    I have to work, but the next day is my day off.

    So, basically I have an 8-hour rolling period for my character before I dive in. I dunno if it's gonna be enough...
  • DraxAndargDraxAndarg Member Posts: 15

    Mention Romania to an american and they'll say something along the lines of: " that in South America?" or Africa.

    Oh, you big silly. It's either next to the Vatican or its the island that Italy is kicking.
  • moody_magemoody_mage Member Posts: 2,054

    Man I am feeling like more and more of a loser, hearing all of your plans. Here you all are, making plans to play it on the launch date, and I'm just going to sit and study for finals and wait two weeks for school to be over before buying and playing the game, so I don't distract myself.

    Pffft. Don't worry. That just means you won't have to endure the additional days of waiting incurred after the massive game-breaking bug surfaces (there's always one) or the download servers melt down (again, much like when the initial countdown timer first reached zero) or.... What? Okay I'll shut up now....
  • OperativeNLOperativeNL Member Posts: 146
    The game comes out on the 30th so it shouldn't be 9 days, it should be at least 11 days
  • LadyEibhilinRhettLadyEibhilinRhett Member Posts: 1,078
    Yeah but according to recent news they're looking to start downloads on the 28th.
  • JariahxSynnJariahxSynn Member Posts: 67
    ONLINE MP! Hit me up if you wanna go treasure hunting!
  • OperativeNLOperativeNL Member Posts: 146

    Yeah but according to recent news they're looking to start downloads on the 28th.

    I see. So then we won't be able to actually play it until the 30th, even with the download early?

  • allhailsteveallhailsteve Member Posts: 210

    Yeah but according to recent news they're looking to start downloads on the 28th.

    I see. So then we won't be able to actually play it until the 30th, even with the download early?

    You don't need to be online to play so if we can download it on the 28th we can play it from the 28th.
  • GygaxianProseGygaxianProse Member Posts: 201
    The 28th is a wednesday. I will work 9 hours with no stopping point or break, drive home, maybe get in an hour for music, a few hours of part time work, and probably avoid the forums until the App store releases it.
  • elminsterelminster Member, Developer Posts: 16,317

    elminster said:

    Mungri said:

    elminster said:

    Mungri said:

    Oh oh oh, its thanksgiving! We we we, are gonna have a good time. With the turkey, yay! Mashed potatoes yay! .... December was Christmas, January was new year, April was Easter, then the 4th of July, and now its thanksgiving!

    Oh oh oh, its thanksgiving. We we we are gonna have a good time!

    Whats the fourth of July? :p also I watched that song and wow. I wish I could console myself with turkey, but unfortunately it seems I'll have to wait until Christmas for that.
    Independance day I think, I'm not American though.
    Yes it is just ignore me I'm poking fun at Americans here. "Canada Day" (my countries equivalent) is on July 1st, but I hear a lot about independence day leading up to it every year in the news.
    I don't even know what day 'Indepence Day' is for my country. I only know peace with the Spanish (among other peaces) was signed in 1648, but it was not the Holland we know today, but the Republic of the Seven Provinces, while today Holland has 12 provinces. Then there's been a time that we were part of France, after the rise of Napoleon, again getting independent in 1815 when Napoleon was finally defeated. And then there's 1836, when Belgium separated itself and only after peace with them did Holland get it's current borders. But it would be strange to call Belgian Indepence Day also 'Holland Indepence Day'. Hell, we miss the beers :-). Point is, it's far from clearcut, more a history of gradual formation, so "holland indepent" didn't give very convincing results on Google or Wikipedia either. Maybe we aren't indepent at all, but lackeys of the Independent USA? 0v0.

    Sorry I know this has nothing to do with this thread I just felt like responding.

    Well to be fair the july 1st date is pretty much just celebrated historically for the hell of it in Canada. From a historical standpoint "Canada" became more of a domestically self-governing colony of the British empire on July st, 1867 with no power over foreign affairs (aka not really a country). To use a modern comparison, we were like Puerto Rico today. Except cold and with better whiskey.

    But as to what I'll do on the release date. Well, I'll probably be checking out what people have to say about the changes here and making a decision based on that.
  • OperativeNLOperativeNL Member Posts: 146

    Yeah but according to recent news they're looking to start downloads on the 28th.

    I see. So then we won't be able to actually play it until the 30th, even with the download early?

    You don't need to be online to play so if we can download it on the 28th we can play it from the 28th.
    Ahh. That would be nice.

    Well, it doesn't change what I'm gonna do on release day anyway. I'll be in a foreign country with my girl, will come home on december 8th, so I'll have to wait until then to play it :)
  • MedullaOblongataMedullaOblongata Member Posts: 434
    ... Whut
  • AnduinAnduin Member Posts: 5,745
    Please tell me you have watched Walt Disneys Snow White and the Seven naked dwarves...
  • MedullaOblongataMedullaOblongata Member Posts: 434
    Was that the one where Snow White was the burly man, and there was that dungeon, and they... Well, I don't think that's legal to discuss in this country :P

  • QuartzQuartz Member Posts: 3,853

    I'll be in a foreign country with my girl

  • BytebrainBytebrain Member Posts: 602
    edited November 2012

    Yeah but according to recent news they're looking to start downloads on the 28th.

    From what I understand from recent interviews and twitter comments, the actual release day will be Nov. 28.
    Those who have pre-ordered the game will have the opportunity to download the game at least a couple of days prior to that, but won't be able to actually play the game until the 28.

    This is done mainly to take some of the burden off the servers on release day.
  • AnduinAnduin Member Posts: 5,745
    Yeah! That's the one @medullaoblongata . I love it when they make Floppy...hmmm... Your right... Best not to discuss here...
  • xxxsmb1987xxxxxxsmb1987xxx Member Posts: 280
    @MedullaOblongata thanks for the Bacon statement now im having flashbacks to the bacon strips commercials =/
  • xxxsmb1987xxxxxxsmb1987xxx Member Posts: 280
    Some Americans do know geography Romania is in between Hungary, Moldalvia, Serbia, and the Ukraine I believe? Some people paid attention in History/geography class =p
  • Son_of_ImoenSon_of_Imoen Member Posts: 1,806

    Some Americans do know geography Romania is in between Hungary, Moldalvia, Serbia, and the Ukraine I believe? Some people paid attention in History/geography class =p

    And Bulgaria to the south. You score 8 out of 10!

  • Kristie83Kristie83 Member Posts: 259

    Some Americans do know geography Romania is in between Hungary, Moldalvia, Serbia, and the Ukraine I believe? Some people paid attention in History/geography class =p

    Were you looking at a map........

  • sebassebas Member Posts: 57
    edited November 2012

    Just for clarification: the Dracula legend didn't really start in Romania. It actually did in Bram Stoker's and Jules Verne's imaginations. We don't have anything in our mythology or traditions that would resemble Dracula in any way, so the whole Dracula thing is just as foreign to us as it would be to any of you.

    What we do have though are old castles, foggy mountain regions and a long history of medieval rulers, including Vlad Țepeș. We don't monetize Dracula (though maybe we should) and our history books remember Vlad Țepeș for his leadership during the war against the Ottomans and his social reforms. Anything else is cast as legends (though they admit he impaled a few blokes).

    It's quite funny to see the differences between the English and Romanian Wiki pages for him, with the EN one being basically all about impaling and torture.
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