How far have you reached in the entire trilogy on a No Reload Challenge?

- How far have you reached in the entire trilogy on a No Reload Challenge?32 votes
- All the way to the end and survived! Clearly I am a God!12.50%
- Fell to the final challenges in Throne of Bhaal  6.25%
- Died before exacting my revenge on my torturer in BG2  9.38%
- Failed to stop the crusade in SOD  3.13%
- Struck down during my hunt for the Armoured Fiend in BG1  9.38%
- Obliterated by Tarnesh. Oh the humiliation!  6.25%
- Never attempted. I use magic to reverse time to before I die!53.13%
Then it was a vampiric wolf... Then my reload days left with my will to live...
My best noreload run was improved anvil, but it was only SoA+ToB.
I plan to do the pentilogy at some point but I have no time for it now... For trilogy I think I qualify for divinity.
But overall, didn't enjoy it that much. I like messing around and not being careful all the time.
One day, though, one day...
I would learn not just from the noreload but more so from that other party. I would only engage with my noreload if I was confident enough that an approach was solid and low risk
or I would know to retreat and try a different encounter instead.
Nowadays I don't play with a shadow party except for extremely challenging mods.
Seriously, my restartitis is bad enough without no reload challenges.
I am no fan of the mod, but knowing the mod for what it is, having a documented no-reload of Improved Anvil on this forum would be absolutely glorious.
First I will attempt a few lob runs to see how far I can get. Then when I get stuck I will just do a run on core. I am sure many horrible deaths and reloads await me just like always. Watchers Keep scares me the most.
@Arctodus By the way, that list is around 6 people that I know of in the bwl forums. I am sure there are more crazy enough to do it.