New DLC (character portraits)

There is new DLC on Steam for BG:EE:
I'm kind of surprised this is a thing, since we can get thousands of portraits for free. At the same time, I can see Beamdog needing to give their artists something to do while they figure out IWD:II or whatever their next project is.
I'm kind of surprised this is a thing, since we can get thousands of portraits for free. At the same time, I can see Beamdog needing to give their artists something to do while they figure out IWD:II or whatever their next project is.
Ah well, let's see what we have here.
*looks at the steam page*
- human male
- human female
- human male
- human female
- human male
- human female
All of them are no doubtly humans. The only exception may be the lower right female. Since I get a Kara-Turian half-elf fibe from her. Still, that makes her half human all the same. All in all I see no value in this pack for myself. Given that I basically never play humans, or half-elves for that matter.
The original portraits are busts basically. Focusing from the chest and up, centered on the face.
You introduce all sorts of different angles and extra stuff, it becomes unfitting and looking off.
I think that Artrastrophe should be named the official portrait-maker.
or should i wait for beamdog/gog version?
Meanwhile, 5 lucky winners of the forum contest can get the portrait pack for free -
Wait for it to appear at the beamdog client.
@trinit - I got the soundtracks via Steam before they went on sale in the Beamdog store (I had gotten Steam keys for the games from Beamdog). Big mistake. Steam's client required that the base game be downloaded and installed via Steam to download the soundtracks. This makes sense for in-game content DLC like Siege of Dragonspear, but not for something like a soundtrack. I already had the games installed via Beamdog's client, so I really didn't want to download them over again to get the soundtracks.
Also, Steam's client is an overstuffed POS. No game downloader should add itself to my list of startup apps without asking. I shouldn't have to hunt down the option to opt out of such annoying behavior. I will NEVER buy from Steam again.
It really was a lost opportunity that all of the portraits had to be human. For instance, the upper left male portrait would have made for an bonafide dwarf thief... if only his nose were about 25% larger, had about a 40% stouter build and sprouded a beard of some kind.
There's a real shortage on agile, non-heavy armored dwarven portraits out there after all. In fact, I can only recall Grimgnaw's and Dorna Trapspringer's portraits at the moment.
This is a problem I've had with most of the Beamdog portraits, it just seems lazy.
Not to bash the artist at all, please don't misread.
Same character, different styles to match the games.
If a schmuck sitting at home can do, Beamdog can do better.
Still, no dwarf, no halfling (i can understand the absence of gnomes for the obvious sanitary reasons).
No way i'm buying this =c
I want to buy them. :l
I don't know how, why or when, but seems like Beamdog lost the connection with its customers. This forum has thousand of requirements and suggestions and complaints. There is literally an entire section of it devoted to Feature Request.
Apparently, it is not read by Beamdog. Since I got shot in service I spend a lot of time in this forum and I never saw any request for portraits. And I don't remember seeing any request in this direction.
And what Beamdog choose to spend time, money, energy and manpower? In portraits.
Portraits that could be easily achieved for free at the internet. Portraits that have not to do with the game's art - and this with a crowd of purist fans. I will be really surprised if it gives any marginal increase in Beamdog's profit. I would love to track its Balance Sheet and see what it provides.
Please, listen to us once again. This company has potential, but this not the first time I see it taking a step towards failure.
PS: The artists have all my respect. They just do as they're told to do and it is a nice work. But not a BG-style work or a work demanded by Beamdog's public.
Also, be careful when posting something like: I know what you meant, but it really sounds like you're trying to speak for all the community and that will sound really bad most of the times.
While I think that everyone agrees that more portraits emulating the original style would be nice, most people don't really care if new portraits have different styles as long its quality art, (which this is, by the way.)