Worst weather effects ever in a videogame.

Let me preface this first by saying I absolutely love Siege of Dragonspear. It is for this reason that I must bring up my disdain for the overcast/fog effects added to this new campaign. I find myself saving/loading just to reset the clouds that are constantly rolling in.
Seriously, what is the justification for these completely asinine effects? Half the time when I play the game, I feel like I gazing into an old-timey TV set that is projecting white static into my eyeballs, making me squint just to see anything.
This brain-damaged weather implementation is giving me eye-slit syndrome.
How the hell can I permanently remove this garbage from my game? I don't want to wait for a patch.
Look at this trash:

If you look really closely, you'll notice I took a screenshot of a videogame.
Seriously, what is the justification for these completely asinine effects? Half the time when I play the game, I feel like I gazing into an old-timey TV set that is projecting white static into my eyeballs, making me squint just to see anything.
This brain-damaged weather implementation is giving me eye-slit syndrome.
How the hell can I permanently remove this garbage from my game? I don't want to wait for a patch.
Look at this trash:

If you look really closely, you'll notice I took a screenshot of a videogame.
Find SetPrivateProfileString('Game Options','Enable Fog','1') and set it to 0.
If you're on any other system you're probably out of luck.
Seriously, I have been in fogs that limited vision to less than ten feet. One happened while driving in suburban Chicago during as freezing rain coated the Stevens at the start of morning rush hour.
Perhaps now my friends and family will stop accusing me of Clint Eastwood impressions when I play Siege of Dragonspear.
It is certainly the prettiest game in this series - when I've been able to see it.
If Newfoundland fog was prevalent in SoD, the game would be damn near unplayable.
I do agree, though. As much as I like SoD, the fog effect always seemed really lame to me. I'll keep this thread in mind so I can make @Artemius_I's fix when I get off work as well.
Anyway, I thought this fog stuff is a bug. It would also noticeably slow down the game. Back then, I couldn't get rid of it, not unless I reload an earlier save. So, it still hasn't been fixed then?