Stats: Str 16, Dex 12, Con 14, HP 16 Defenses: Final AC 6, vs. Death 15, vs. Wands 16, vs. Polymorph 16, vs. Breath 16, vs. Spell 17 Resists: Cold 25% Immunities: Fear, Polymorph, Sphere of Chaos Attacks: APR 2, Base THAC0 17, Base Damage 1d4 slashing, Fear for 8 seconds with save vs. death at +4 to avoid
Stats: Str 16, Dex 14, Con 14, HP 12 Defenses: Final AC 5, vs. Death 15, vs. Wands 16, vs. Polymorph 16, vs. Breath 16, vs. Spell 17 Resists: Electricity 25% Immunities: Charm, Polymorph, Sphere of Chaos Attacks: APR 2, Base THAC0 16, Base Damage 1d4+1 piercing
Stats: Str 14, Dex 16, Con 14, HP 8 Defenses: Final AC 1, vs. Death 14, vs. Wands 16, vs. Polymorph 16, vs. Breath 16, vs. Spell 17 Resists: Poison 100% Immunities: Has Free Action, Polymorph, Sphere of Chaos, Poison Attacks: APR 1, Base THAC0 16, Base Damage 1d4 piercing, Poison 2 damage/sec for 3 seconds with save vs. death at +3 to avoid, Poison 2 damage/6 secs for 3 seconds with save vs death at +3 to avoid
Stats: Str 13, Dex 15, Con 14, HP 9 Defenses: Final AC 3, vs. Death 14, vs. Wands 16, vs. Polymorph 15, vs. Breath 16, vs. Spell 17 Resists: Cold 100%, Electricity 25%, Poison 25% Immunities: Sleep/Unconsciousness, Polymorph, Sphere of Chaos, Fatigue Attacks: APR 1, Base THAC0 17, Base Damage 1 piercing + 1d3 cold
Stats: Str 17, Dex 13, Con 14, HP 32 Defenses: Final AC 5, vs. Death 14, vs. Wands 16, vs. Polymorph 15, vs. Breath 16, vs. Spell 16 Resists: Cold 50%, Electricity 25%, Poison 25% Immunities: Fear, Polymorph, Sphere of Chaos, Sleep/Unconsciousness, Fatigue Attacks: APR 2, Base THAC0 16, Base Damage 1d6 slashing, Fear for 8 seconds with save vs. death at +4 to avoid
Stats: Str 17, Dex 15, Con 14, HP 23 Defenses: Final AC 3, vs. Death 14, vs. Wands 16, vs. Polymorph 15, vs. Breath 16, vs. Spell 16 Resists: Electricity 50%, Cold 25%, Poison 25% Immunities: Charm, Polymorph, Sphere of Chaos, Fear Attacks: APR 2, Base THAC0 14, Base Damage 1d5+1 piercing
Stats: Str 15, Dex 17, Con 14, HP 15 Defenses: Final AC -1, vs. Death 13, vs. Wands 15, vs. Polymorph 14, vs. Breath 15, vs. Spell 16 Resists: Poison 100%, Cold 25%, Electricity 25% Immunities: Has Free Action, Polymorph, Sphere of Chaos, Poison, Petrification Attacks: APR 1, Base THAC0 14, Base Damage 1d6 piercing, Poison 2 damage/sec for 4 seconds with save vs. death at +2 to avoid, Poison 2 damage/6 secs for 3 seconds with save vs death at +2 to avoid
Stats: Str 14, Dex 16, Con 14, HP 19 Defenses: Final AC 1, vs. Death 13, vs. Wands 15, vs. Polymorph 14, vs. Breath 15, vs. Spell 16 Resists: Cold 100%, Electricity 50%, Poison 50% Immunities: Sleep/Unconsciousness, Polymorph, Sphere of Chaos, Fatigue, Petrification Attacks: APR 2, Base THAC0 15, Base Damage 1d2 piercing + 1d4 cold, Paralyze for 3 seconds with save vs. death at +5 to avoid
Stats: Str 18, Dex 13, Con 14, HP 48 Defenses: Final AC 4, vs. Death 12, vs. Wands 14, vs. Polymorph 13, vs. Breath 14, vs. Spell 15 Resists: Cold 75%, Electricity 50%, Poison 50% Immunities: Fear, Polymorph, Sphere of Chaos, Sleep/Unconsciousness, Fatigue, Has Free Action Attacks: APR 3, Base THAC0 14, Base Damage 1d6 slashing, Fear for 12 seconds with save vs. death at +4 to avoid
Stats: Str 18, Dex 16, Con 14, HP 36 Defenses: Final AC 1, vs. Death 12, vs. Wands 14, vs. Polymorph 13, vs. Breath 14, vs. Spell 15 Resists: Electricity 75%, Cold 50%, Poison 50% Immunities: Charm, Polymorph, Sphere of Chaos, Fear, Has Free Action Attacks: APR 3, Base THAC0 12, Base Damage 1d5+2 piercing
Stats: Str 16, Dex 17, Con 14, HP 23 Defenses: Final AC -2, vs. Death 11, vs. Wands 13, vs. Polymorph 12, vs. Breath 13, vs. Spell 14 Resists: Poison 100%, Cold 50%, Electricity 50% Immunities: Has Free Action, Polymorph, Sphere of Chaos, Poison, Petrification, Confusion, Feeblemind Attacks: APR 2, Base THAC0 13, Base Damage 1d6 piercing, Poison 2 damage/sec for 5 seconds with save vs. death at +1 to avoid, Poison 2 damage/6 secs for 4 seconds with save vs death at +1 to avoid
Stats: Str 15, Dex 17, Con 14, HP 28 Defenses: Final AC -1, vs. Death 11, vs. Wands 13, vs. Polymorph 12, vs. Breath 13, vs. Spell 14 Resists: Cold 100%, Electricity 75%, Poison 75% Immunities: Sleep/Unconsciousness, Polymorph, Sphere of Chaos, Fatigue, Petrification, Charm, Level Drain Attacks: APR 2, Base THAC0 13, Base Damage 1d2 piercing + 1d4 cold, Paralyze for 3 seconds with save vs. death at +4 to avoid
Stats: Str 18/37, Dex 14, Con 14, HP 72 Defenses: Final AC 3, vs. Death 10, vs. Wands 12, vs. Polymorph 11, vs. Breath 12, vs. Spell 13 Resists: Cold 100%, Electricity 75%, Poison 75% Immunities: Fear, Polymorph, Sphere of Chaos, Sleep/Unconsciousness, Fatigue, Has Free Action, Petrification, Confusion, Feeblemind Attacks: APR 3, Base THAC0 12, Base Damage 1d8 crushing or slashing, Fear for 20 seconds with save vs. death at +3 to avoid
Stats: Str 18/68, Dex 17, Con 14, HP 54 Defenses: Final AC -1, vs. Death 10, vs. Wands 12, vs. Polymorph 11, vs. Breath 12, vs. Spell 13 Resists: Electricity 100%, Cold 75%, Poison 75% Immunities: Charm, Polymorph, Sphere of Chaos, Fear, Has Free Action, Confusion, Feeblemind, Death Magic, Nature's Beauty Attacks: APR 3, Base THAC0 10, Base Damage 1d6+2 piercing or slashing
Stats: Str 17, Dex 18, Con 14, HP 34 Defenses: Final AC -4, vs. Death 9, vs. Wands 11, vs. Polymorph 10, vs. Breath 11, vs. Spell 12 Resists: Poison 100%, Cold 75%, Electricity 75% Immunities: Has Free Action, Polymorph, Sphere of Chaos, Poison, Petrification, Confusion, Feeblemind, Sleep/Unconsciousness, Fatigue Attacks: APR 2, Base THAC0 11, Base Damage 1d8 piercing, Poison 2 damage/sec for 5 seconds with save vs. death at +1 to avoid, Poison 2 damage/6 secs for 5 seconds with save vs death at +1 to avoid
Stats: Str 16, Dex 18, Con 14, HP 42 Defenses: Final AC -3, vs. Death 9, vs. Wands 11, vs. Polymorph 10, vs. Breath 11, vs. Spell 12 Resists: Cold 100%, Electricity 100%, Poison 100% Immunities: Sleep/Unconsciousness, Polymorph, Sphere of Chaos, Fatigue, Petrification, Charm, Level Drain, Death Magic, Nature's Beauty, Poison Attacks: APR 2, Base THAC0 11, Base Damage 1d2 piercing + 1d6 cold, Paralyze for 5 seconds with save vs. death at +3 to avoid
Stats: Str 18/83, Dex 14, Con 14, HP 96 Defenses: Final AC 2, vs. Death 8, vs. Wands 10, vs. Polymorph 9, vs. Breath 10, vs. Spell 11 Resists: Cold 100%, Electricity 100%, Poison 100% Immunities: Fear, Polymorph, Sphere of Chaos, Sleep/Unconsciousness, Fatigue, Has Free Action, Petrification, Confusion, Feeblemind, Charm, Poison, Level Drain, Death Magic, Nature's Beauty, Normal Weapons Attacks: APR 3, Base THAC0 10, Base Damage 1d10 crushing or slashing, Fear for 30 seconds with save vs. death at +3 to avoid, counts as +6 magical weapon
Stats: Str 19, Dex 18, Con 14, HP 72 Defenses: Final AC -3, vs. Death 8, vs. Wands 10, vs. Polymorph 9, vs. Breath 10, vs. Spell 11 Resists: Electricity 100%, Cold 100%, Poison 100% Immunities: Charm, Polymorph, Sphere of Chaos, Fear, Has Free Action, Confusion, Feeblemind, Death Magic, Nature's Beauty, Poison, Level Drain, Sleep/Unconsciousness, Fatigue, Petrification, Normal Weapons Attacks: APR 3, Base THAC0 8, Base Damage 1d8+2 piercing or slashing, counts as +6 magical weapon
Stats: Str 18, Dex 18, Con 14, HP 45 Defenses: Final AC -5, vs. Death 7, vs. Wands 9, vs. Polymorph 8, vs. Breath 9, vs. Spell 10 Resists: Poison 100%, Cold 100%, Electricity 100% Immunities: Has Free Action, Polymorph, Sphere of Chaos, Poison, Petrification, Confusion, Feeblemind, Sleep/Unconsciousness, Fatigue, Charm, Fear, Level Drain, Death Magic, Nature's Beauty, Normal Weapons Attacks: APR 2, Base THAC0 9, Base Damage 1d10 piercing, Poison 2 damage/sec for 6 seconds with save vs. death to avoid, Poison 2 damage/6 secs for 6 seconds with save vs death to avoid, counts as +6 magical weapon
Stats: Str 16, Dex 20, Con 14, HP 56 Defenses: Final AC -4, vs. Death 7, vs. Wands 9, vs. Polymorph 8, vs. Breath 9, vs. Spell 10 Resists: Cold 100%, Electricity 100%, Poison 100% Immunities: Sleep/Unconsciousness, Polymorph, Sphere of Chaos, Fatigue, Petrification, Charm, Level Drain, Death Magic, Nature's Beauty, Confusion, Feeblemind, Fear, Poison, Has Free Action, Normal Weapons Attacks: APR 3, Base THAC0 9, Base Damage 1d4 piercing + 1d6 cold, Paralyze for 7 seconds with save vs. death at +1 to avoid, Level Drain 1 level permanently with save vs. death at +5 to avoid, counts as +6 magical weapon
There's also this link if you don't want to wait, but it's not entirely accurate - for example, I can say from experience that the spirit animal's claws don't count as magical weapons until you get to the level 10 version:
@Tresset (snake lvl10) "Attacks: APR 2, Base THAC0 9, Base Damage 1d10 piercing, Poison 2 damage/sec for 6 seconds with save vs. death to avoid, Poison 2 damage/6 secs for 6 seconds with save vs death to avoid, counts as +6 magical weapon"
is this correct? what does it mean, poison checks twice vs death?
@bob_veng No, there are actually two separate poison effects that the snake inflicts (which is why the snake's attack states the target is poisoned twice). There is only one save for both effects though, so it is either succeed at both or fail at both. The second poison effect (which does 2 damage every 6 seconds) actually rarely does anything. See, the level 10 snake's poison lasts for 6 seconds and, since the second poison only damages at the end of every 6 second period the effect often wears off before the poison damage is actually done. Thus the level 10 snake most often does 12 poison damage with its attack. In rare occasions, however, it will do a total of 14 poison damage with its attack. Also keep in mind that haste speeds up the effect of poison and slow retards it. So if someone is hasted they are far more likely to take extra poison damage from the second effect.
Honestly, IMHO the second poison effect should probably just be removed from the snake's attack as it seems to do very little.
@bob_veng I honestly couldn't say... Whoever designed the various leveled versions of these animals would have to answer that. Since the leveled versions were added by Beamdog, I think one of the devs may know, but I am not sure who designed them.
Is there a reason that the Bear seems to be so bad relative tho the rest? Worst: AC (by allot), damage (when you take poisons, cold, special effects, and strength bonus into account), and THAC0. The only superior thing he has is HP, which goes fast given the crappy AC.
Caster Level 1
Stats: Str 16, Dex 12, Con 14, HP 16Defenses: Final AC 6, vs. Death 15, vs. Wands 16, vs. Polymorph 16, vs. Breath 16, vs. Spell 17
Resists: Cold 25%
Immunities: Fear, Polymorph, Sphere of Chaos
Attacks: APR 2, Base THAC0 17, Base Damage 1d4 slashing, Fear for 8 seconds with save vs. death at +4 to avoid
Stats: Str 16, Dex 14, Con 14, HP 12Defenses: Final AC 5, vs. Death 15, vs. Wands 16, vs. Polymorph 16, vs. Breath 16, vs. Spell 17
Resists: Electricity 25%
Immunities: Charm, Polymorph, Sphere of Chaos
Attacks: APR 2, Base THAC0 16, Base Damage 1d4+1 piercing
Stats: Str 14, Dex 16, Con 14, HP 8Defenses: Final AC 1, vs. Death 14, vs. Wands 16, vs. Polymorph 16, vs. Breath 16, vs. Spell 17
Resists: Poison 100%
Immunities: Has Free Action, Polymorph, Sphere of Chaos, Poison
Attacks: APR 1, Base THAC0 16, Base Damage 1d4 piercing, Poison 2 damage/sec for 3 seconds with save vs. death at +3 to avoid, Poison 2 damage/6 secs for 3 seconds with save vs death at +3 to avoid
Stats: Str 13, Dex 15, Con 14, HP 9Defenses: Final AC 3, vs. Death 14, vs. Wands 16, vs. Polymorph 15, vs. Breath 16, vs. Spell 17
Resists: Cold 100%, Electricity 25%, Poison 25%
Immunities: Sleep/Unconsciousness, Polymorph, Sphere of Chaos, Fatigue
Attacks: APR 1, Base THAC0 17, Base Damage 1 piercing + 1d3 cold
Caster Level 3
Stats: Str 17, Dex 13, Con 14, HP 32Defenses: Final AC 5, vs. Death 14, vs. Wands 16, vs. Polymorph 15, vs. Breath 16, vs. Spell 16
Resists: Cold 50%, Electricity 25%, Poison 25%
Immunities: Fear, Polymorph, Sphere of Chaos, Sleep/Unconsciousness, Fatigue
Attacks: APR 2, Base THAC0 16, Base Damage 1d6 slashing, Fear for 8 seconds with save vs. death at +4 to avoid
Stats: Str 17, Dex 15, Con 14, HP 23Defenses: Final AC 3, vs. Death 14, vs. Wands 16, vs. Polymorph 15, vs. Breath 16, vs. Spell 16
Resists: Electricity 50%, Cold 25%, Poison 25%
Immunities: Charm, Polymorph, Sphere of Chaos, Fear
Attacks: APR 2, Base THAC0 14, Base Damage 1d5+1 piercing
Stats: Str 15, Dex 17, Con 14, HP 15Defenses: Final AC -1, vs. Death 13, vs. Wands 15, vs. Polymorph 14, vs. Breath 15, vs. Spell 16
Resists: Poison 100%, Cold 25%, Electricity 25%
Immunities: Has Free Action, Polymorph, Sphere of Chaos, Poison, Petrification
Attacks: APR 1, Base THAC0 14, Base Damage 1d6 piercing, Poison 2 damage/sec for 4 seconds with save vs. death at +2 to avoid, Poison 2 damage/6 secs for 3 seconds with save vs death at +2 to avoid
Stats: Str 14, Dex 16, Con 14, HP 19Defenses: Final AC 1, vs. Death 13, vs. Wands 15, vs. Polymorph 14, vs. Breath 15, vs. Spell 16
Resists: Cold 100%, Electricity 50%, Poison 50%
Immunities: Sleep/Unconsciousness, Polymorph, Sphere of Chaos, Fatigue, Petrification
Attacks: APR 2, Base THAC0 15, Base Damage 1d2 piercing + 1d4 cold, Paralyze for 3 seconds with save vs. death at +5 to avoid
Caster Level 5
Stats: Str 18, Dex 13, Con 14, HP 48Defenses: Final AC 4, vs. Death 12, vs. Wands 14, vs. Polymorph 13, vs. Breath 14, vs. Spell 15
Resists: Cold 75%, Electricity 50%, Poison 50%
Immunities: Fear, Polymorph, Sphere of Chaos, Sleep/Unconsciousness, Fatigue, Has Free Action
Attacks: APR 3, Base THAC0 14, Base Damage 1d6 slashing, Fear for 12 seconds with save vs. death at +4 to avoid
Stats: Str 18, Dex 16, Con 14, HP 36Defenses: Final AC 1, vs. Death 12, vs. Wands 14, vs. Polymorph 13, vs. Breath 14, vs. Spell 15
Resists: Electricity 75%, Cold 50%, Poison 50%
Immunities: Charm, Polymorph, Sphere of Chaos, Fear, Has Free Action
Attacks: APR 3, Base THAC0 12, Base Damage 1d5+2 piercing
Stats: Str 16, Dex 17, Con 14, HP 23Defenses: Final AC -2, vs. Death 11, vs. Wands 13, vs. Polymorph 12, vs. Breath 13, vs. Spell 14
Resists: Poison 100%, Cold 50%, Electricity 50%
Immunities: Has Free Action, Polymorph, Sphere of Chaos, Poison, Petrification, Confusion, Feeblemind
Attacks: APR 2, Base THAC0 13, Base Damage 1d6 piercing, Poison 2 damage/sec for 5 seconds with save vs. death at +1 to avoid, Poison 2 damage/6 secs for 4 seconds with save vs death at +1 to avoid
Stats: Str 15, Dex 17, Con 14, HP 28Defenses: Final AC -1, vs. Death 11, vs. Wands 13, vs. Polymorph 12, vs. Breath 13, vs. Spell 14
Resists: Cold 100%, Electricity 75%, Poison 75%
Immunities: Sleep/Unconsciousness, Polymorph, Sphere of Chaos, Fatigue, Petrification, Charm, Level Drain
Attacks: APR 2, Base THAC0 13, Base Damage 1d2 piercing + 1d4 cold, Paralyze for 3 seconds with save vs. death at +4 to avoid
Caster Level 7
Stats: Str 18/37, Dex 14, Con 14, HP 72Defenses: Final AC 3, vs. Death 10, vs. Wands 12, vs. Polymorph 11, vs. Breath 12, vs. Spell 13
Resists: Cold 100%, Electricity 75%, Poison 75%
Immunities: Fear, Polymorph, Sphere of Chaos, Sleep/Unconsciousness, Fatigue, Has Free Action, Petrification, Confusion, Feeblemind
Attacks: APR 3, Base THAC0 12, Base Damage 1d8 crushing or slashing, Fear for 20 seconds with save vs. death at +3 to avoid
Stats: Str 18/68, Dex 17, Con 14, HP 54Defenses: Final AC -1, vs. Death 10, vs. Wands 12, vs. Polymorph 11, vs. Breath 12, vs. Spell 13
Resists: Electricity 100%, Cold 75%, Poison 75%
Immunities: Charm, Polymorph, Sphere of Chaos, Fear, Has Free Action, Confusion, Feeblemind, Death Magic, Nature's Beauty
Attacks: APR 3, Base THAC0 10, Base Damage 1d6+2 piercing or slashing
Stats: Str 17, Dex 18, Con 14, HP 34Defenses: Final AC -4, vs. Death 9, vs. Wands 11, vs. Polymorph 10, vs. Breath 11, vs. Spell 12
Resists: Poison 100%, Cold 75%, Electricity 75%
Immunities: Has Free Action, Polymorph, Sphere of Chaos, Poison, Petrification, Confusion, Feeblemind, Sleep/Unconsciousness, Fatigue
Attacks: APR 2, Base THAC0 11, Base Damage 1d8 piercing, Poison 2 damage/sec for 5 seconds with save vs. death at +1 to avoid, Poison 2 damage/6 secs for 5 seconds with save vs death at +1 to avoid
Stats: Str 16, Dex 18, Con 14, HP 42Defenses: Final AC -3, vs. Death 9, vs. Wands 11, vs. Polymorph 10, vs. Breath 11, vs. Spell 12
Resists: Cold 100%, Electricity 100%, Poison 100%
Immunities: Sleep/Unconsciousness, Polymorph, Sphere of Chaos, Fatigue, Petrification, Charm, Level Drain, Death Magic, Nature's Beauty, Poison
Attacks: APR 2, Base THAC0 11, Base Damage 1d2 piercing + 1d6 cold, Paralyze for 5 seconds with save vs. death at +3 to avoid
Caster Level 10+
Stats: Str 18/83, Dex 14, Con 14, HP 96Defenses: Final AC 2, vs. Death 8, vs. Wands 10, vs. Polymorph 9, vs. Breath 10, vs. Spell 11
Resists: Cold 100%, Electricity 100%, Poison 100%
Immunities: Fear, Polymorph, Sphere of Chaos, Sleep/Unconsciousness, Fatigue, Has Free Action, Petrification, Confusion, Feeblemind, Charm, Poison, Level Drain, Death Magic, Nature's Beauty, Normal Weapons
Attacks: APR 3, Base THAC0 10, Base Damage 1d10 crushing or slashing, Fear for 30 seconds with save vs. death at +3 to avoid, counts as +6 magical weapon
Stats: Str 19, Dex 18, Con 14, HP 72Defenses: Final AC -3, vs. Death 8, vs. Wands 10, vs. Polymorph 9, vs. Breath 10, vs. Spell 11
Resists: Electricity 100%, Cold 100%, Poison 100%
Immunities: Charm, Polymorph, Sphere of Chaos, Fear, Has Free Action, Confusion, Feeblemind, Death Magic, Nature's Beauty, Poison, Level Drain, Sleep/Unconsciousness, Fatigue, Petrification, Normal Weapons
Attacks: APR 3, Base THAC0 8, Base Damage 1d8+2 piercing or slashing, counts as +6 magical weapon
Stats: Str 18, Dex 18, Con 14, HP 45Defenses: Final AC -5, vs. Death 7, vs. Wands 9, vs. Polymorph 8, vs. Breath 9, vs. Spell 10
Resists: Poison 100%, Cold 100%, Electricity 100%
Immunities: Has Free Action, Polymorph, Sphere of Chaos, Poison, Petrification, Confusion, Feeblemind, Sleep/Unconsciousness, Fatigue, Charm, Fear, Level Drain, Death Magic, Nature's Beauty, Normal Weapons
Attacks: APR 2, Base THAC0 9, Base Damage 1d10 piercing, Poison 2 damage/sec for 6 seconds with save vs. death to avoid, Poison 2 damage/6 secs for 6 seconds with save vs death to avoid, counts as +6 magical weapon
Stats: Str 16, Dex 20, Con 14, HP 56Defenses: Final AC -4, vs. Death 7, vs. Wands 9, vs. Polymorph 8, vs. Breath 9, vs. Spell 10
Resists: Cold 100%, Electricity 100%, Poison 100%
Immunities: Sleep/Unconsciousness, Polymorph, Sphere of Chaos, Fatigue, Petrification, Charm, Level Drain, Death Magic, Nature's Beauty, Confusion, Feeblemind, Fear, Poison, Has Free Action, Normal Weapons
Attacks: APR 3, Base THAC0 9, Base Damage 1d4 piercing + 1d6 cold, Paralyze for 7 seconds with save vs. death at +1 to avoid, Level Drain 1 level permanently with save vs. death at +5 to avoid, counts as +6 magical weapon
Do these stats hold true for IWDEE as well as BGEE?
(snake lvl10) "Attacks: APR 2, Base THAC0 9, Base Damage 1d10 piercing, Poison 2 damage/sec for 6 seconds with save vs. death to avoid, Poison 2 damage/6 secs for 6 seconds with save vs death to avoid, counts as +6 magical weapon"
is this correct? what does it mean, poison checks twice vs death?
Honestly, IMHO the second poison effect should probably just be removed from the snake's attack as it seems to do very little.
Worst: AC (by allot), damage (when you take poisons, cold, special effects, and strength bonus into account), and THAC0.
The only superior thing he has is HP, which goes fast given the crappy AC.