Looting tombs as a paladin

Do you loot tombs when roleplaying as a paladin ? Specifically do you loot the catacombs on candlekeep ?
Do you loot tombs when roleplaying as a paladin ? Specifically do you loot the catacombs on candlekeep ?
I try not to loot unless it is important for the plot. With things like liches and vampires, though, it’s easy to headcanon that they have ill-gotten booty.
Find yourself in a time-forgotten tomb that is overrun with monsters? Loot the heck out of it. Because some hobgoblin warband is going to wander past. Think it is annoying coming across a group of them under the copper cornet, casting hold person on you? That'll be much worse when they have +3 weapons to some innocent with as well.
Also, don't sell obviously evil pieces of equipment. Take it back to the Order's HQ and stash them away. The other paladins will keep them safe.
The same goes for paladin specific gear that you aren't going to use. Don't sell that awesome bastard sword just because you are using a better greatsword. Give it to some young paladin who can put it to good use. You know that if you sell it, it will just end up being sold back to the order for an exorbitant cost.
Since the catacombs are invaded by undeads and others i will loot the tombs even though Tethoril said to not disturb them.
If we're talking Branwen, I won't say you're wrong. Now I need to decide if I want iTunes to play Yank Rachel's "Tappin' That Thing" or maybe Pinetop Perkins' version of "Big Fat Mama".
It's such a videogame trope though. You can't not do it.
Lavok killed the entire party with Dragon's Breath. That's what roleplaying does to a no-reload run.
It is a library after all.
"..but I remove them from the crypt to identify them first!" you say.
You are just checking them out of the library and an teleportation spell returns them after an a lotted time.